Close Encounters: Garden Variety Ch. 03


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"Aunt Flo visited earlier this week, so we had to go without for a few days. Explaining menstruation to him was an interesting conversation. Luckily it started at work and not when Irwin and I were doing anything. He said I didn't need to worry because he would shed the vines before any blood reached his stalk and made him sick. I still don't get how that wouldn't be a big deal, but my limbs don't grow back like his. "

"Speaking of work, how is that going?"

"I think... I think I'm going to put an offer in on the greenhouse."

"Cool, is Betty handling it? If not, I have some guys I can put you in contact with. The divorce probably tanked your credit score. I'll co-sign so we can use mine too."

"Whoa, whoa, whoa. I just said I was thinking of it."

"I know, but when you set your mind on something, it's going to happen, Dar," Mary said, pointing at Irwin. "I'm just thinking about how to set things up for when you say 'go'."

"That's fair. I do get a little bullheaded sometimes."


"Shut up," she said, sticking her tongue out at Mary as the blonde laughed. "Work has also gotten interesting lately. Carla took another vacation out to Cali, the second in the last few months. She mentioned her daughter, Sophie, was a little sweet on me a while back."

"The girl working the gift shop when I visited last week?"

"Yeah, her. It was all good as long as she thought I was straight."

Mary couldn't hide the laughter in her eyes, "Oh, nooo...."

"Oh yes. But somebody saw the empty store and decided to say hello by making out with me. Worse yet, something you said gave her the impression we aren't exclusive."


"Anyway, she's been hanging around the shop a lot more and seems to gravitate toward the greenhouse more than Carla would like."

"Doesn't want her little girl hooking up with another woman?"

Darci laughed. "Not really. She's more pissed that Sophie's over flirting with me instead of working the counter like she's paid to do. Carla wants a grandbaby from Sophie, but she has her two out in Cali to dote upon. If Sophie never has kids, Carla won't be too upset."

"So, what's your plan for Sophie? A quick rendevous in the cleaning closet or after work?"

"Aren't you even a little bit jealous?"

"Sweetheart, if I got jealous about that, I would be the world's biggest hypocrite. When we first got together, I was seeing Ty, Rita, and James. Now it's mostly just you and James, but that's beside the point. I told you I wasn't going to be exclusive when we got together, and I didn't expect you to be," she said, glancing at Irwin. "So, what are you going to do about Sophie."

"I don't know. I'm going to have to think more on that." She sat down on the couch, frowning.

"That doesn't look like you are thinking about hooking up with Sophie," said Mary.

"No," Darci replied, shaking her head. "I was thinking about what you just said about how you had three other lovers, and I didn't bat an eye. Even now, I don't feel hurt that you have other lovers. What if Derrik just invited his secretary into our bed? Would I still be married right now?"

Mary crawled onto Darci's lap and kissed her soundly. "Look around you," she said in between kisses, "Would you... have me... and Irwin... if you... were still married... to that... cheating asshole?" Leaning back, she looked down at her lover. "Would you really be in a better place if you were still with him?"

"No, I wouldn't," Darci admitted, then reached around Mary to the drawer in the end table and pulled out her phone. Holding it up, she showed Mary the text from her ex-husband: "I have some things I need to say. Can we meet for lunch sometime?"

"Please tell me you aren't thinking of getting back together with him," Mary growled. "I know I said a few minutes ago I didn't have any right to get jealous, but if you are thinking--"

"No, Mary, I'm not even considering that. Though I was seriously considering a hotel room and a quick fuck just so his secretary knows what it feels like. I think I've been hanging around with you too long."

"Yeah. That sounds like something I would do."

"The text just dredged up some memories, which is where I think that moment of self-pity came from."

"Are you going to meet him?"

"I think so. Something about how he worded that seems genuine, and I'm curious what he has to say. I'm going to suggest that coffee shop downtown. Big windows, lots of light, lots of people during lunch. If he wants to go somewhere else, I'll call it off."

"Smart. And the hotel room?"

"We'll see. We did have a lot of great sex in the first part of our marriage, and I wouldn't mind some dick. No offense Irwin."

"None taken."

"You know what this means, right?" said Mary as she stood up and pulled Darci to her feet. "I have until your lunch date to remind you what you have back home is so much better," she pulled Darci's dress over her head and tossed it into the recliner along with the woman's phone, "than whatever Derrik could offer, and Irwin is going to help me."


"Hello, Derrik," Darci greeted her ex-husband coolly as she sat down and placed her purse on the bistro's windowfront table.

Derrik looked haggard, like life had beaten him down lately. Despite his exhausted expression, he still wore his business suit and had paid his alimony that month, so he was still employed at least.

The waitress came over and took their orders for coffee, leaving an uncomfortable silence behind.

"Dar, why did you seal those records?"

"That wasn't how I expected this to start. Mary and Betty said they did it to protect your job. Fighting to get me alimony wouldn't have done much good if you immediately got fired for sleeping with your secretary."

Derrik regarded her for a moment, then chuckled. "I feel like I drastically underestimated you in that hearing."

"No, I sat behind that table and bawled because my marriage was ending. You underestimated Mary and Betty. Mary paid for the PI and got the dirt on you and your secretary, and Betty took care of the legal brouhaha."

"Then I guess I owe them my thanks then."

Darci cocked her head to the side. "How so?"

"Things cooled quickly between Kelsey and me after the hearing. After a while, she stopped coming over, and then she got transferred to my boss's office."

"Sleeping her way to the top?"

"Apparently. I was pissed and hurt, but just kind of threw my hands up, said 'Oh fucking well,' and moved on."

His teeth and hands clenched in anger. "Then that bitch accused me of sexual harassment and even rape."

"Oh my," said Darci, her eyes widening. She hadn't been expecting that.

"Yeah, the cops came to my house and hauled me off to jail, thank god it didn't happen at work, or I would have lost my job on the spot. Thankfully I had enough for bail in a savings account, and my attorney had me out in a couple of hours. I sent you that text the day after my hearing."

"Well, you're here. So I assume things went well."

"Yeah, they did," he said, finding a spot on the far side of the table to stare at as he continued. "In court, my attorney requested the sealed documents from our divorce hearing. Dar, I never told her about the videos the PI took. Some of the dates and times she claimed I assaulted and raped her were on those videos, sound and all. I've never dodged a bullet like this."

Darci noticed a drop of moisture on the table and looked up to see tears running down his cheeks.

"If I hadn't had those videos, I could be in jail right now. She could have put me away for years," he said, swallowing hard and trying to blink away the tears.

Reaching across the table, she took he ex-husband's hand and gently squeezed it. The waitress chose that moment to deliver their drinks. Darci looked up and smiled to reassure the woman everything was okay.

"I was expecting you to weasel out of paying alimony, not this," she said as the server walked away.

Derrik chuckled, "No. After the divorce was finalized, I did a lot of soul searching and realized that you deserve every penny for putting me through school."

"And the house?"

He let out a single, bitter laugh. "That I didn't go after the house was probably why Kelsey dropped me so fast. But a greenhouse and outside shower? Dar, that house was yours the moment you laid eyes on it," he looked her over, "and what a fool I was for not taking advantage of that more often. You look amazing."

"You're supposed to say that when I first arrive."

"I'll remember that next time."


The next two hours passed quickly as they caught up. Derrik got a slap on the wrist and a 'final stage' warning at work for having sexual relations with his secretary. His boss received the same treatment when it came out that he slept with Kelsey as well. Derrik's new secretary was a gay man who would likely get stolen by one of his bosses because he was stunningly good at his job.

Kelsey lost her job, and the DA filed charges against her for false accusations, or frivolous lawsuits, or something. Derrik's attorney was pushing for him to sue the woman, but, like Darci during their divorce, Derrik just wanted to put the whole thing behind him.

He hardly seemed surprised to discover she rekindled her former relationship with Mary. Derrik genuinely supported her idea to buy Carla's greenhouse. When she talked about the situation with Sophie, he took particular interest in Darci and Mary's lack of exclusiveness.

They spoke briefly about their parents and how their former in-laws were doing. As the conversation wound down, he even asked about Shadow and Beans. Derrik paid for their coffees and stood as Darci gathered her purse. They hugged briefly before he looked down at her.

"Goodbye kiss?" Derrik asked.

"No," she said in a soft voice as she smiled up at him. "I kiss my cats, I kiss my plants, I kiss Mary, and I would be quite happy to let you take me to the bathroom, bend me over, and fucking rail me with that cock of yours. But you lost the privilege to kiss me when that gavel fell. Bye, Derrik."

Derrik stood stunned as Darci slipped out of his arms and out the bistro door.

"Duuude, that was your ex? You fucked up, man," said the guy sitting at the table next to theirs.

Dazed, Derrik slowly took his receipt from the red-faced waitress who also heard Darci's farewell.

"Yeah... yeah, I did."


"You actually said that in the middle of a crowded restaurant?! Fu-king epiiiic!" Mary crowed over the phone.

"Well, it wasn't that crowded by the time we left, but there were people around who must have heard me."

"Still, I can hardly believe you told him he could rail you in the bathroom but not kiss you. That's just... I don't even know. I think this deserves wine and a movie tonight."

"I thought you were with James tonight?" Darci asked.

"I can arrange both if you like," Mary cooed suggestively.

"Not tonight. I'm heading back to work for a couple of hours, then plan on spending some quality time with Irwin. Feeling Derrik getting hard through his pants got my motor running."

"Maybe you could ask Sophie to help you out?"

"Sometimes I feel like I'm at a sex buffet. I have you and James--"

"Or just me."

"Or just you, but I also have Irwin, Sophie, and Derrik, if I really want to open up that can of worms. I don't remember having this many options at the same time in college. But tonight, I think I'm going to stick with Irwin."

"Alright then, have fun!"



"Hello, Ms. Labarre," said James Knight as he entered the house behind Mary.

"Please, call me Darci."

"Darci it is. I see you have a bit of a green thumb," he said, looking around at the large variety of plants in the living room. The plant situated between the couch and recliner caught his eye, mostly because he didn't recognize it. The central stalk was thicker than his arm at the base, and he worked out regularly. It gradually tapered before turning into a bulb at the top. The very top of the bulb split open, reminding him of the crown on the bottom of a blueberry as the tips of light blue petals stuck out from between the protective calyx leaves. Knowing Darci's love of plants, he did some studying in preparation for tonight. Up until a few days ago, he couldn't have told the difference between a pistil and a stamen. Darci kept the plant's vines swirled around the base of its stalk, but a few seemed intent on escaping from the look of it.

"I love my plants, and they love me," the brunette replied.

"The flower on that must be huge," he said as Darci and Mary led him to the couch.

"James, you have two beautiful women who are desperate to jump your bones, and you are paying attention to the plants?" Mary admonished.

The private investigator smiled wide, "You are absolutely right. Where are my manners."

"James, forgive me for being so forward, but I have been waiting for this night for a long time. I trust Mary's judgment with men and couldn't care less about your manners," said Darci as she grabbed a bottled water out of the end table drawer and set it on top. "You're probably going to need that."

James looked at the water, then up at Darci and raised a questioning eyebrow. Behind the brunette divorcee, Mary looked both impressed and on the verge of laughter as she stripped her jumpsuit off.

Grinning, he held his hands out. "Mary told me the deal with you. I'm yours for the night."

Darci stepped into him and quickly undid his belt and the button on his pants before tugging them down. James kicked his dress shoes off and stepped out of the pants as Darci pulled her dress over her head. Mary was right, Darci had a fantastic body and didn't seem remotely hesitant to show it off. Turning him so he faced away from the couch, she shoved him in the chest. James partially caught himself as he landed since he didn't think breaking the woman's couch would make a good impression. He probably didn't need to worry judging by the lustful look on her face. Something poked his elbow, but he hardly paid attention as Darci dropped to her knees in front of him. The brunette had his boxers pulled down a second later and began making love to his cock with her tongue.

James leaned back and groaned as Darci's lips teased the head of his prick before slowly sucking half his length into her mouth. He laid one arm across the back of the couch while his other hand combed through the brunette's hair and gently guided the woman's head up and down.

He looked up again and watched Mary strip off the plain tee and thong panties she wore under her jumpsuit tonight. Once naked, she walked up behind Darci.

"Stop half-assing it, Dar." She put a hand on the back of the brunette's head and Darci sucked in a deep breath around his cock. "You can go deeper," said Mary, pushing her friend's head down.

James's cock slipped easily into the brunette's throat and quickly showed him she was no novice and had little to no gag reflex. More impressive was the lack of hurry. Despite blocking her airway, she kept on sucking at the same speed.

"Hey James," said Mary, getting his attention. The blonde's hand had disappeared behind her friend's bottom. Darci whimpered around his cock as Mary's hand began moving. "Tell James where my finger is, Darci?"

"In my ass," she moaned, stroking his shaft with one hand while licking and sucking on his balls.

"Did you lube it up before we got here?"


"Why, Darci?"

"Because I want the cock I'm sucking deep in my ass tonight," she panted before sucking James's prick all the way to the base again.

"Fucking hell, you two are gonna make me pop right away if you keep that up," said James, clenching his teeth as Darci swallowed him over and over.

Mary put her foot on the couch next to his leg and began playing with herself. "That's the idea, dear. Darci likes nice long fucks. So, like a virgin eighteen-year-old, we're getting the first one out of the way to take our time with the second. Don't hold back, big boy. We're just getting started."

James took a tighter hold of Darci's hair and let her take a deep breath before mercilessly fucking her throat. It only took a few seconds before he held her head to his groin and unloaded straight into her stomach. After the second pulse, Darci fought against his hand to pull her head back and catch the rest of his cum on her tongue. As she nursed his softening cock, Mary walked around the couch and leaned backward, resting her shoulders on the couch's back right next to James's head.

Darci stood up and leaned over Mary, then pushed her hair back behind her ear so James could watch as she let his cum dribble into Mary's mouth.

"Motherfucker," the private investigator whispered. "I never thought I'd see that in real life."

Darci flopped onto her butt, and Mary flipped over as they repeated the process backward. A final switch and swap ended in a passionate and messy kiss worthy of the very best porn actresses. James could already feel his cock coming back to life.

Darci hopped off the couch and held out a hand to him. "Come on, let's continue this in the bedroom."


A couple of hours later, Darci wandered out to the living room and knelt on the couch next to Irwin. "You got it about perfect, Irwin. He lasted about three hours before going totally limp again. Now he's out cold," she said, sounding tired but content. "If you want that sample, now is the best time." A vine wrapped around her backside and touched her sex. "Not there, up higher."

Irwin moved the vine up to her red and slippery pucker. When he didn't immediately press inside, Darci thrust her hips back.

"You seem irritated here. Do you need healing?"

After a moment's thought, she nodded. "I do, but I'd like you to fuck my ass for a while first. James went soft before I was really finished," she said, reaching down to play with her clit. Irwin had only been in her pussy up to this point.

"I would be happy to," he said as his vine slipped inside her bottom and two others rose up to join it. Irwin didn't let Darci know, but he was extremely pleased that she still needed some satisfaction from him after such a vigorous and noisy night with the human male.


"I would almost swear you spiked that water with Viagra last night. I never have that much staying power. Not that I minded," said James at breakfast the next morning.

"Neither did I," said Darci as she enjoyed the soreness from their good morning fuck, "but we didn't spike your water with anything."

"It wouldn't have mattered if you did."

"Why's that?" asked Mary.

James pointed out into the living room at the bottle still sitting on the end table, "I didn't drink out of it."

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skippersdadskippersdadover 1 year ago

Oh so sexy that was good.

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