Cocktails, Heels & Desperate


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"Every whim?" She couldn't help herself.

Jack coughed, "Eh... Except that. You can take care of that, yourself."

He left her, just for a moment, and it felt like she'd been torn in half. Lost everything, all over again. Leaving her alone with the person she hated most in the entire world.


The blanket became a straitjacket around her, dragging her back to reality. Making her look up into those concerned blue eyes that always seemed to follow her around the room.

She smiled at him, leaning over to kiss his cheek, "I love you, Jack."

"I love you, too, Krys." He hugged her.

He missed it, like he always did. Didn't hear that she was saying it different. She wasn't saying it the way she did back when they were dating. She was too young and stupid to know what love was, then.

She wasn't saying it like he was family, either.

The only place in the world she really felt safe enough to be herself was with him. The rest of the world saw the poppy little thing that snarled and laughed.

He got to see the thing that also knew how to cry.

She hadn't wanted him to hug her. She'd wanted him to stroke her cheek, like he usually did. To feel the raw lightning of his touch, that let her know she was more than she thought she was.

"Jack... I know its weird... But... Tell me I'm pretty?"

He smiled at her, "Hardest in the mornings, huh? You're not just pretty, Krys. Dumb words like that don't describe you well enough. You broke me by putting a little effort into dressing up. You're not just some cute little girl. You are absolutely stunning."

"With bloodshot eyes, scraggly hair, and snot."

Jack shrugged and helped her wipe her nose again, "Absolutely. Fucking. Stunning."

"So... You'd fuck me if I weren't your little sister? Take my virginity and try and keep me all to yourself?" Krystal teased him.

He rolled his eyes, "You're annoying."

"Meow." She purred.

His head went into his hands, "Oh, fuck. I am never going to live it down, am I?"

"The girl was kinda hot, actually. But the guy was way hotter." Krystal said, remembering it. "I mean, don't usually have a thing for older guys, but... I'd fap to that, too. Guess we're a pair of sick kittens, eh?"

She didn't know why she was teasing him the way she was. Partly she was escaping feeling sad, partly her head hurt and the laughter helped her forget that, and partly she was horny, but...

It was just fun.

Fun to watch him get all nervous and embarrassed. To forget for three seconds that he was trying to look out for her.

"You said you were going to serve my every whim?"

"Except that." He repeated.

She shrugged, "I can take care of myself. But, its warm in the blanket. And I feel like torturing you, because you agreed to it. Can you show me the video, again?"

"Krys, are you going to...?"

She flushed, "I was just going to watch! So I know exactly how to tease you."

He paused, and then surprised her by believing her. Pulling his phone out of his pocket and showing her the video from last night.

Krystal shuffled her butt, "Scoot me back on the bed?"

He helped her halfway lie down against the headboard of the bed, and snuggled in beside her, like they were watching a movie together and not a couple of actors banging each other.

She was scared to move, in case he stopped watching. Moved away from her.

It took until the actors were both in the throes of some very fake sounding screams before she got up the courage to sneak her hand into her panties.

She glanced sideways at Jack, and saw he was focused on the video. A hint of something in his eyes she hadn't seen in a very long time... Well, until last night.

The look he'd given her when he'd first seen her all dressed up.

Krystal leaned up, so her breath was hot against his ear, and whispered as sultry as she could, "Meow."

He dropped the phone and fell off the bed, as if he'd practically jumped out of his skin.

She burst out laughing at him, and then made a little pouting face, "Aw. I was just getting in the mood. But now I can't see it."

Jack pulled himself upright, and for a brief moment as he did, she saw it. His erection, bulging against his pants. Still bigger than the last two she'd seen, without a doubt.

Her jaw dropped, "Holy fuck. You put that inside a girl?"

He turned away from her in shame, "It... It isn't that big, you know."

"What are you talking about?" Krystal laughed, "I mean, I know pornstars are hung, and they use cameras to look bigger and stuff. You're not pornstar big. But... Frank wasn't that big."

"I'm... Actually kinda... Perfectly average."

Her eyes widened, "That... Is average-sized? Oh god. I'm showing the virgin, aren't I?"

He sat down, still facing away from her, "Is that what this game was? Chance to perv on me?"

"No... I lied before. I was going to masturbate. Game was if I could do it without you noticing I was." Krystal smiled cheekily, "Didn't expect you could even get hot and heavy around me."

"I get hot and heavy because of you." He muttered.

She blinked, staring, "Jack...?"

He shrugged, "You admitted to masturbating to me on the phone, the other day."

She turtled inside the blanket. "Fuck. You remember that."

"You're not the only one who gets... Horny as shit. That's... Why I hate it when you ask me what-ifs about us." He sighed heavily, "I am not over you, Krystal. Not even a little."

She cocked her head, "Why the newfound honesty? I mean, I already kinda knew. Hoped. If anyone was going to still find me attractive, it was you."

"You're right. That I want to protect you." He said quietly, "But... I think it goes deeper than that. I let other people step into that role. And they failed you. You got hurt, and I wasn't there."

Krystal rolled her eyes, "Okay, white knight. Not like this girl can't take care of herself. I don't want a guy to protect me, Jack. Never have. Never will."

"I... Don't want you to leave." He hung his head, "I... I don't know what I'm thinking. Want to be there for you like your brother. I'm furious, like your boyfriend. My head's messed up."

"Damn it. From flicking my bean and back to serious talk." Krystal sighed heavily, "Jack... I don't know, either. Okay? And I think... I think we get that. Get a chance to not know. Another chance for everything to go sideways. A chance that it won't. But... A chance. You're not my brother. Not my ex. We're not friends, we're not family. We're... More."

"What does that even mean?"

"It means I was about to try and make myself cum, and now you're trying to talk about the crazy shit that is our relationship. Which means, you're being a dick."

He jerked his head around, "Oh. Right. Uh... Want some privacy?"

"No... I wanna see the video." Krystal said with a tiny smile, "It... It is... Kinda really hot, watching it with you? Even if I apparently have no idea how big a dick is supposed to be."

"Frank was really smaller? Guess I can shatter his ego next time I see him."

Krystal rolled her eyes, "Guys and their dicks. Isn't it what you do with it that matters? And what he did with his, is put it in crazy and not me. So... No more talking about my bastard ex. You are awesome at ruining the mood."

Jack awkwardly held the phone out where she could see it, and Krystal glared, "I don't get my snuggle, anymore? What happened to serving my whims?"

"I'm still... You know."

"Not going to see anymore than I just did." Krystal shrugged, "Besides, if you're watching with me, you're doing something wrong if you don't get excited. Right?"

"I don't want to watch with you."

She sighed heavily, "I was kinda surprised you agreed to start with. See ya, I guess. Gimme a few minutes."

"Want the phone?"

"Point was to tease you about the catgirl. I'm fine."

He left, and she settled into the bed. She probably shouldn't have miaowed right in his ear. She wasn't sure how it was going to turn out... But she really hadn't expected him to jump into depressed.

She'd been trying to be sexy.

:.:. ::: :.:. :.: :.:...:.....

That damned catgirl video.

He'd been so embarrassed by it, and then with what Krystal had done, it was... He knew she'd planned on playing with herself. She was still a terrible liar.

He'd let her give the world's flimsiest excuse to have him lie down beside her, as they both got hot and horny.

Problem was, he didn't want that.

What he wanted was to kiss her, hold her, and never let her go, ever again. All the reasons about family being an uncrossable line had evaporated inside his skull when it turned out family hadn't saved her.

He loved her.

She loved him.

The story couldn't get any more complicated. They could never be together, and he couldn't cope with that. His heart was broken, and all he wanted to do was cry for the pain she'd been through.

He couldn't see how to do anything without hurting her even more. If he acted on his feelings, she'd probably hate him. If he didn't, then he needed more space to stop himself, and that would end up hurting her.

He walked to the couch to collapse onto it, stepping on one of her heels by accident. He heard a crack as his feet screamed bloody murder. "Fuck!"

Jack limped to the side and looked down at the broken shoe.

"Are you... Tell me, you didn't!" Krystal's voice went from concerned to furious in an instant.

He crouched and picked both pieces up, "It was an accident. I'll get it fixed, again."


Jack looked over at her, still wrapped in the blanket, and seething in rage. He cringed, "I'm sorry, Krystal. I am. I'll... Fine. I'll go right now. Want me to pick up anything else whilst I'm out?"

"You stupid prick." She shuffled over to him and then grabbed him around the waist and leaned her head into his chest. "I don't... Want... You to go."

"So many signals, here."

Krystal looked up at him, crying again. "Do you know why my kitties mean so much to me?"

"First heels you bought."

She shook her head, "That's only part of it. You really don't remember. Do you remember getting upset with me for buying them?"


She rolled her jaw, "Do you... Remember why it might have been remotely okay for you to get upset?"

"I was your boyfriend?"

She pushed her forehead into him, harder. "Fucking moron. Stupid damn boys... You gave me the money for them. I could afford a pair, but not the ones I wanted. You helped me pay for them."


Krystal looked up at him tiredly, "They're one of the last things you got to give me. Jack. That's why they matter. They might get broken and repaired all the time... Just like us."

"I... Don't get it."


She could have killed him in that moment.

All the emotions of the past few days spilling over into a critical mass guaranteed to set off a nuclear meltdown. A radioactive slagpile of hormones burning a hole where her heart used to be.

Krystal instead chose to do something else. She dropped the blanket, grabbing his head. She leaned all the way up on her tippy toes and pulled him awkwardly down until she could kiss him.

He resisted her, stubborn as ever, and she couldn't keep it up for long. He was too tall for her.

She fell back down onto her flat feet and took a ragged breath, "Do you get it, yet?"


Krystal snapped her head up, and winced as she felt his jaw crack against her skull. She groaned as she felt the vestiges of her hangover headache rearing up again.

Jack stumbled backwards, and then suddenly burst out laughing at her.

She glared, "I was being serious!"

"I know... But... Broken heel. Head crack. I'm just lucky I didn't chip my tooth, right?"

Krystal put a hand to her mouth, trying to keep a straight face. "It isn't funny."

"You're a terrible liar."

She smiled up at him, "If you're so good at telling me when I'm lying... I love you."

"You've never lied, saying that." He put his arms around her shoulders, "And neither have I... And what I was going to say before you headbutted me into next week was... We... Need to be sure, first."

Krystal stared at him, "Y-you weren't rejecting me? You didn't kiss me back!"

"If I kiss you back, I'm going to want more than just that. Which isn't fair on you." He said carefully, "Tell me that I get nothing more than a kiss, first. I... I don't want to cross any lines you're not ready to."

She felt like her heart had stopped.

She heard what he was offering towards her, and she was suddenly utterly petrified. It didn't make sense. She'd been letting strangers feel her up, wanting them to take her first, and now she wasn't sure if she was ready to lose it.

"Just... A kiss." She swallowed nervously, "I... I don't think I'm ready for... That. Yet. I still... Want it."

Jack smiled knowingly at her, and then surprised her by scooping her up. His hands grabbed her legs, lifting her up to wrap herself around his waist. Making it so that their heads touched as he leaned down slightly. "This is easier."

"Really." Krystal said sarcastically, and then she kissed him before he could even think about flirting some more. Think about anything at all, except for her.

He set her on the counter, hands moving up from her thighs to hold her head. Firm and strong hands, touching her with delicate lovingness. Electrifying her, making her feel everything at once.

It hadn't been like this, before.

A tiny whimper escaped from Krystal's throat.

Jack let go of her, pulling back. She tightened her legs and grabbed his shirt to pull him close to her. "I'm not hurt. Not upset."


She looked up at him, smiling broadly, "You... Idiot. Way to embarrass a girl... You just made me... You know."

He blinked.

Watching understanding dawn was like watching a lightbulb flicker into life above a cartoon character, and utterly infuriating. Krystal flushed red and stared down... Which is when she saw the bulge in his pants, that was only a few centimetres from pushing up against her.

She smiled slyly and slipped off the counter.

Krystal hooked her fingers around her black panties and dragged them down, ever so slowly. Dropping the wet and sopping things onto the floor with a splat. "See?"

"Krys... I... You want to take things slow. That's not slow."

She smiled at him, "I... I'm wet, Jack. Wet, and horny as shit. Normally, I'd take care of it. Think about you. But... You're right here. Please. I..."

"Lie down on the couch." He said gently.

:.......::...:..: :.

He knelt down in front of her, pushing the table out of the way. Krystal was half-lying, awkwardly, almost sitting but not quite. Pantyless, expectant, and breathing hard.

He ran his hands along the black net stockings she was still wearing from the night before, "We'll take it slow. You tell me what you like. Okay?"

"Oh... Okay." She breathed nervously.

He kissed gently at the inside of her leg, and she immediately let out another quiet whimper. He saw her muscles briefly stiffening. Knew, this time, that he hadn't hurt her.

He kissed up her leg gently until his head was buried between her thighs. Taking a small hesitation before he kissed at her tangled and wet bush, part from sweat and part from her own juices.

Little blonde circles.

"M-mmm." She shuddered again, legs almost squeezing against him as she fought her instincts. "Please... Jack? Be... My first?"

"Guys have seen you naked and no one has ever gone down on you, before?" He looked up at her in shock.

"Guys throw up at me." She said stiffly.

"Guys are fucking stupid."

Jack angled down and took a small taste of the liquid threatening to drip out of her. She gave a tiny and surprised little moan, making him instinctively flex.

"Holy shit, Krys." He said in surprise, "You taste almost as sweet as the stuff you drink."

She responded by grabbing his hair and pushing him firmly towards her crotch. He stopped talking, and put his tongue to a better use. She moaned at every lick and flick of his tongue.

Her moans weren't loud, they were barely different than her breathing, audible just to him, just for him.

Little tender secrets, floating in the air.

"More." Krystal begged quietly, her voice barely a whisper. He changed his position slightly, one of her legs going over his shoulder, so that he could begin to insert a single finger into her.

She might be wet, but she was incredibly tight. Even his finger barely seemed to have the room to move inside her. One finger pushing inside, as his thumb joined his tongue on playing with her clit.

Another tiny whimper broke free from her lips.

He could feel her gut tightening, hear her breathing becoming more ragged and frantic. He reached up with his spare hand to caress her cheek, grunting in surprise as she bit into the side of it.

Surprise, but not without pleasure. It hurt, but it was only the edge of pain, the edge of joy. A mix of both as she tried to gag herself against crying out.

"It's okay." His tongue took a momentary pause from tasting her, "Cum, Krys. Cum for me."

"Mmmm!" She moaned around his hand, biting down harder.

He intensified his finger movements, doing his best to explore her depths despite the tightness. He couldn't imagine slipping a second finger in at this point, let alone his cock.

"Do it. Do it, Krys. Cum for me. Like you were always meant to." He begged her, his entire heart in it. Demanding that his ex, his sister, cover his hand in her precious sweetness.

"Fuuuck!" She gasped, mouth releasing his hand, "Yes... Yes!"

He could feel her walls moving, desperately reaching out for their peak. Feel it as she began to finally experience the ecstasy he had been leading her towards.

"Villainous! Infamous!" A voice screamed from behind him, causing Jack to have a palpitating heart attack.

Krystal gave her little whimper, and then spoke gasping, "Just... My phone... Keep... Agh! Guh!"

She found her orgasm, cunt clamping down on his hand like a vice, making him afraid she might actually sprain his finger.

Jack kissed gently at her as she dripped and stood up slowly. He leaned towards the girl on his couch, and their lips met. She hesitated at first, before giving him what might have been the slowest and most meaningful french kisses off his life.

The phone continued to play the music, as they danced with each other. He tried to put his arms around her, bending his wrist to not touch her with his very wet hand.

Her hands grabbed at his chest, pulling him in tightly against her. Legs hooking him and pushing him in until his erection pressed at her bared and sensitive pussy.

She let out a whimper into his mouth, but neither of them made any moves for anything else.

Just this.

:.:. ::: :.:. :.: :.:...:.....

All of reality dissolved around her as Krystal kissed him. She hadn't exactly liked the taste of herself in his mouth at first, but it had grown on her.

The sheer fucking sexiness of kissing her brother, as she dripped onto his couch, his hard-on pressed between her legs. As he held her, and told her how much he loved her.

She could have got laid by a dozen different people from a dozen bars, and the combined sexual energy wouldn't have amounted to what she was feeling right now.

No. That was just lust.

This... She felt loved by Jack. She felt like she was the only person in the entire world who mattered to him, that he was the only one in the world that she needed.

Krystal whimpered involuntarily, still feeling her orgasm moving through her. Legs shaking weakly as he continued to hold her, to love her as no one else had.

No one else could.

Silent and happy tears began to sneak their way from between her closed eyelids. All the years of hurt washing away as she was reunited with the only one who loved her unconditionally, as she did, him.

He broke the kiss, wiping a tear from a cheek, "Are you okay?"
