All Comments on 'Coincidence at Forty?'

by demander

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DrgwngDrgwngover 1 year ago

No self respect.

dikupinyadikupinyaover 1 year ago
50 is old??

I just turned 62 and I still make love with my wife at least twice a week. I slowed down for a while, but now I use Testosterone to keep me active.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

I don't understand. Both husband's cheated. Yes wives set them up but the could have said no.

Normal adults can control desires.

So really none of these were nice people

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Ok. The husbands broke their vows too. But they were set up to do it. Let’s reverse things. Say the two guys had been trying to get the wives into swinging. So they set this up, and drug the wives. Do you think, that would’ve past the spouse test?

But usually, there is a leader. I believe it was the wife, who later fucked the young lawyer. So, here is my take on this. If you are a young woman and are walking down the street, and a scummy guy hits on you, your defenses come up. If you meet a friend of the family, not so much. The wives were counting on their husbands long friendship with each other, to allow them to get past the defenses. And the wives, who should have been watching their husbands backs, set them up to break their vows. BECAUSE, they wanted to sample the other husbands cocks.

So the wives wanted to cheat. They figured if they did it this way, the husbands would be guilty too. What Rick accurately surmised, is he would never be able to trust her again. And without trust, there is nothing.... The story was ok, except for the ending. He never should have allowed, her back into his life-

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

A sad story. But at the end of the day, we are all accountable for our choices. I read from a lot of commenters, that the husbands were as guilty as the wives. Let me put that into perspective-

A lot of these cheating stories on Lit, start with the wife getting a new boss at work. She starts dressing more sexy for work. Begins working later, and then going out for girls nights. Somewhere along the way, her husband warns her that the boss is trying to fuck her. In every one of these stories, she rejects the husbands warning. But let’s say she did heed the husbands warning. It’s very possible, it could have been avoided. Jane was obviously the ring leader. She is the one, to coax May into doing this. But what if May said no? What if she did what a good partner should have done, and shut the whole thing down? That, is the real crux of the story. His wife should have had his back, but did not. She put him in a situation, to break his vows to her. That is the real damage that was done. Your partner is supposed to have your back, and look out for your best interests. Knowing that the one you married is ok with setting you up to fail, is the worst possible thing that could happen with someone. Much worse, than just cheating. So, the relationship had to end. As far as Jane, her husband was a beta. I am sure she was cheating on him already, or just used this as a spring board to jump start her infidelity. Marriage is a bond, a legal contract, if you will. Although it’s not held up fairly in court, it’s survived for centuries, because of the bond it creates, between two people. They are supposed, to have each other’s backs. But today, it has become a symbol. It no longer has the meaning it used to. Both sexes now function fine, without this commitment, or each other. I don’t see it surviving in its present form, to the next century.

But back to the present. This was a great story line, that I had not heard before. That is quite an accomplishment, on Lit. Although I didn’t believe in reality, he would have taken his ex-wife back, at the end. I choose to believe, they would have continued on separate paths. In any case, a wonderful effort. I gave it a 5.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

What a hypocritical, self righteous arsehole.

Darkie10Darkie10about 1 year ago

Rick is a real self righteous dick. Would he have ever confessed his affair with Jane?

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

So difficult to get past "great sex when cheating" And the never ending thought of who are they thinking about when we have sex. AM I going to always be compared and be second

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

It's funny how often the "she will always unfavorably compare me to him" comes up. Yet if he were to date someone new it would be dismissed as their past.

I enjoyed the irony that the that stayed together didn't make it and the one that had a moral compass ended up back together

Five stars, I enjoyed it (highest compliment)

AnonymousAnonymous12 months ago

@anon with the comparison

The missing aspect is regret. One regrets what happened the other does not. One looks at it with shame and deep hurt for betraying his values one looks at it like an amazing memory of orgasmic bliss.

As for what happens when they are not together that rolls both ways, it's the past for both.

To that point, it's one thing to compare memories of past relationships it's another to compare current sexual partners.

AnonymousAnonymous12 months ago

Won't be long and she will cheating again

AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

A very sad story about what happens when two people have no concept and truly unselfish giving love.

NitpicNitpic11 months ago

After ten years apart,the ending doesn't work for me.After two or three yes,but not ten.

LanmandragonLanmandragon10 months ago

Somehow the story didn’t say anything to me. Stupid people doing stupid things.

fredbrownfredbrown10 months ago

What the hell, looks like asshole insisted on cutting his nose off just to spite his face.

AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

The ending is very disappointing to me. He was absolutely correct in his original decision for the trickery of the wives.After ten years he takes her back???Unlikely! It was also very convenient of you to have Ricks young live in girl friend decide to leave right when he got home to make it easier for your story for Rick to get back with May. That hurt credibility.. Mel stayed in his marriage and his reward was Jane cheating on him and leaving him a few years later.. still a good tale ...4stars...JZK

AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

I gave it a 4 as the story made sense but the ending was like a forced reality to make going back feasible As always there were a few grammar errors but expected so keep writing

AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

I normally don’t care for reconciliation stories, however this wasn’t too bad.

mathur_nkmathur_nk6 months ago
Separated got together and stayed together got seperated

Clearly, Jane staying together with Mel was a hurried reconciliation without sorting out the basics. Jane thought only other person than Mel in the entire world was Eick and Rick being out of equation her return to religion is final. That was not well thought. She did not go through counseling and so did not explore the cause of urge for cheating. That urge was unaddressed and she did it again. This time Mel did not reconcile because he was not compensated and again not with cheaters wife. So they separated.

On the other hand, Rick and May had explored all angles of the relationships. Even at the cost of Rick's wreath, she never pretended she regrets one time fling with Mel. Rick on other hand felt guilty of doing that, blamed May for pushing, although he repeated morning performance in light of great experience in night. Although that led to divorce, that started decay of hurt and hate for each other. Having tried every one else and finding no one better than each other, That scope of transactional relationship between two ex's could be explored. Great ending

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

Sanctimonious prick. Rick. That rhymes! As long as he was the one keeping the secret he was all hung ho! Moment he came to know his wife too had done it…ohmymym….we are up in arms! What crap! I would have believed him if he had told Jane No!but he did not do so! Such a stupid story! Shows how rules are different for assholes and for counts!

leofric35leofric355 months ago

Four stars. Liked it mainly for the reconciliation, but Rick was far too sanctimonious with the different rules for him and his wife and that stopped him from being likeable in any way for me. She should have moved on without him.

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

Omg, the mental gymnastics of these cheating twats. Sometimes I wonder what goes through the head of small dicked men. Talking to you author!

At least the girls were up front with each other so there wouldn't be friction between them. The men on the other hand just straight up cheated with their best friends wives, like low life scum they try to gaslight it as if they're not the ones at fault. F*******g hilarious.

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

This wasn't too bad, it's worse, close to the worst. Best outcome would of been for him to use that as a stepping off point, getting some closure and looking forward to a better, loyal and trustworthy partner ditching her like the trash she is.

deependerdeependerabout 1 month ago

Who forgets that they were wearing underpants?

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 month ago

I think the point of trust breaking was that the ladies admitted this to each other, but a part of the reason they liked it was because it was a secret that they thought they’d get away with. But yeah Rick was over the top with just sputtering levels of sanctimony. So what a reasonable response would be is anger with the sneakiness confirming that they’ll never do something without being honest about it, and have a bad fortnight of anger with each other.

AstordatairAstordatairabout 1 month ago

Very, very good story!! But seriously, I would have punched Rick in the face. He had fun with Jane, but went bonkers when he learned it was a setup. So instead of being cool and having a good laugh about it, he was a sanctimonious hypocrite and ended up wasting ten years of his life!

I give this story 5 stars. Very well written. Thank you so much!

NoBullAlNoBullAl11 days ago

Good story except for this writer’s continuing belief that 50 year olds can spend the entire night going at it and be able go to work the next day!! Sure there are those men that can get it up and functional a couple of times and in exceptional cases three or even four times but the well runs dry at some point!! In those cases special cases a blue pill is generally required!!

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