Coincidence at Forty?


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"I agree. It was wrong. I apologized right away. But Rick would never listen. He only wanted out."

"What makes you believe that the marriage can be saved?"

"Because I'll never do it again. Never."

"Rick, do you believe her?"

"Maybe. I learned you can never be sure."

May turned to Rick. "I won't ever again, Rick. I swear it."

Ms. Moran turned to Rick, "What about you? You strayed as well."

"I did. I'll always regret that. That's a sincere statement. But May doesn't regret her night with Mel. Not deep down."


May hesitated. "I know it was wrong to trick the men."

Ms. Moran asked, "But do you regret the sex?"


Rick said, "And there you have it."

Ms. Moran said, "Do you regret the sex you had with Jane, Rick?"

"Yes, I do. I really do."

"Was it good sex?"

"Yes. But wrong. I was weak. May was not weak. She got what she wanted. She regrets that I found out."

The next session Rick attended was two days later, by himself.

Ms. Moran wanted to know how he reacted to the first one.

Rick said, "It was a waste of time. I cannot go back with her."

"You loved her all these years. One slip. The love is gone?"

"I wouldn't say that. I don't trust her, and I don't believe I ever will. Suppose she wants to go out with the girls one night?"

"You'd be unsure. Maybe she's with some guy."

"That's it."

She switched tactics. "Rick, have you been able to forgive?"

"No. I can't." He had tears.

"Have you forgiven yourself?"

"No. More than May, maybe. I was ambushed. But I betrayed my values. She wanted me to do that."

The sessions continued in that vein. Rick was always civil to May, but disengaged.

No real progress was made. May was at the point of giving up.

On the seventh session, Rick asked, "May, have you seen anyone else since I left?"

May said, "No. If you mean had a date, or sex."

"How about Jane?"

"Yes. She's my friend. I see her."

"At her house?"

May was uncomfortable. She said, "Yes. And Mel is there. But I haven't so much as touched him."

"Why do you go? You know....I'd assume things."

"Nothing's happened. We, when I go, which isn't often, we talk."

Ms. Moran asked, "Do you talk about what happened?"

"Sometimes. Mel's very sad that Rick won't talk to him. Sometimes he's cried. Not lately."

Ms. Moran continued, "And Jane? How does she feel about all this?"

"She knows we messed up. She thinks Rick overreacted."

The last session was much the same as all the others. Rick was simply not showing any flexibility. Ms. Moran wrote a report to the court, saying that May's desire to resume the marriage was not matched by Rick, and likely never would be. The divorce was granted eight months after it was filed.

May couldn't afford to buy Rick out of his share of the house. They sold up and split the money. She moved into a small apartment near her school.


Rick was just completing a long trial, and was to celebrate his fiftieth birthday that Saturday. His daughters and his mother had arranged it. His dad had died two years before. Rick had three grandchildren. Jen had two boys, four and two. Sarah had a girl, five. They had each married local fellows, and lived within a forty minute drive of Rick. He saw a lot of them.

He studiously avoided prolonged contact with May. He didn't hate her, but also didn't love her. He felt that he'd never gotten a decent explanation of why she did what she did. Now, it didn't matter. She lived in Fairfax, close to all of them. But he made sure that he didn't visit his daughters when she would be around. Christmas was an exception. All of them got together then. Rick simply didn't talk much to May.

Neither Rick, nor May had remarried. Rick had a good number of sexual relationships after the divorce. Single women, divorced women. Never a married woman. He was not looking for more than sex and companionship. His law practice had prospered, and he was considering semi-retirement. Big trials were a young man's game. He was fit and athletic. But he wanted to get into something less stressful. At the ten-year mark he was in a semi-live in relationship with a younger D.C. prosecutor. Elle Davis was nice looking, thirty-two and worked long hours. They were tacitly exclusive.

May took quite a while before she dated. She was an attractive woman, and when she did venture out, she had no problem getting sexual partners. Now, ten years later, she hadn't found anyone who was as consistently satisfying in bed as Rick. Nor had she found anyone as entertaining out of bed. She had long ago admitted to herself that she fucked up bad when she and Jane did their thing.

May continued for a while to see Jane and Melvin. She never had sex with Mel, though. She had been offered, by Jane and Mel. She declined. The three gradually drifted apart. She hadn't seen either in two years. Christmas cards were exchanged. Now she was fifty, and depressed. She had moved on from being a principal to school administration. She made good money, and had no financial worries. She spent a lot of time with her grandchildren. That was what her life was like. At the ten-year mark, she had a fuck-buddy relationship with a Fairfax teacher, Ray Drayton. He was a little younger. He could get her off - usually.

Rick never spoke to Jane or Mel after the divorce. Those two were not still together. Jane had an affair with a younger lawyer at her firm. When he found out, Mel beat the living shit out of the guy. He was never prosecuted. Her firm settled his lawsuit for a good chunk of cash. The guy got fired, and Jane had her percentage cut. Their divorce went through without difficulty. Mel's business was strong. He moved out of the house and into a condo in Clarendon. Lots of young people - young women - lived there. He did not lack for companionship. He eventually remarried a woman he met at his gym. Greta Wilson was a great looking woman, who appreciated Mel's width. And his thriving business. When he heard about all this, Rick's thought was that Mel was a glutton for punishment. So be it.


It was the first big family do since the virus had disrupted everything. Jen and Sarah, their families, Rick, May, their mothers, and the girl's in-laws. A big do. Sarah had a big house in Loudon. Enough to seat everyone. There was a dinner on Christmas Eve. Rick brought a bag full of presents, like Santa. The grandkids greeted him raucously. He gave a deep 'Ho, Ho, Ho.'

May was already there, and she laughed along with everyone else. Her laughter was hollow, though, lacking mirth. Seeing Rick, especially amidst family, struck her to her core. He seemed so happy. She knew that he had a young woman who stayed over at his Alexandria house many nights.

Rick greeted everyone, and gave May a hug. Nothing special. Rick was over her. He thought, anyway. But her hug was last, and she whispered to him, "I want a talk tonight. Sometime." He stepped back and nodded. Then he moved on.

The dinner was great. In accordance with previously expressed wishes, Rick was seated at one end of the table, and May at the other. But, Sarah had put May's mother next to Rick, and Rick's next to May. When Rick noticed this, he looked at Sarah. She simply smiled. Rick thought that she was a schemer. Like her mom. But, he had to admit, also like him.

Rick and Clara Mayne, May's mom, had a nice chat. Rick also spoke to Sarah's husband's father, Jake Miller. And there was plenty of table talk. Towards the end, when the pumpkin cake came out, May's mom looked at Rick and said, "I see this. I wish all that had never happened. So sad."

That made Rick feel like crying. He held on, though. He was a guy, after all. He ate a small piece of cake. He knew that May had made it. She always made that for Christmas Eve dessert. It was as good as ever, and he told her so.

After dinner Rick walked outside. Global warming had some advantages. It was fifty degrees. May waited a bit and followed him out. They stood, side by side on the patio, looking out at the night.

May said, "Do you ever think of what it would be know...if it hadn't all happened?"

"Yeah. But do you mean if you never did it, or if I didn't leave you? It'd be different."

"I know. It was the worst mistake of my life. Nothing else is even close."

He said, his voice choking, "I loved you so much, May. So much."

"And I gave it away. But, Rick, you could have stayed. It never would have happened again."

"Probably not, May. But I was devastated, and I couldn't live with it. I had to get away. I'd have died, and maybe taken you with me."

She had tears. That statement stabbed her in the heart. She had never understood the depth of the hurt she'd put on Rick. Not truly understood. She'd blamed him for being rigid. Now she saw that he hadn't any real choice.

She said, "Oh, God."

Rick said, "May, I've healed up mostly. Have you?"

"No, I can't say that. Even now, not a week goes by that I don't miss you."

"Yeah. Everything I valued went up in smoke. Marriage, friendship. Emotional security. Gone. But I got through it."

"I hear you have a young, sexy live-in woman."

"And I hear you have a younger guy."

"He's forty-four. He has to work to get me off."

Rick laughed. "Does he succeed?"

"Sometimes. That's all a fifty-year-old woman can ask for."

"Nah. You could shop around and get something better."

"I tried that. No one has been able like you."

Rick frowned, "Except Mel."

"That was....unique. Everything lined up for him. You, did it all the time. And I bet you keep your girlie satisfied."

"I hope. She's so young. We....I don't know. Sooner or later, she'll want a family."

"Will you give it to her?"

"Dunno. Fifty is old for that. All the young husbands would try for her. I've been burned. If it happened again. Poof...." He raised his hands in the air.

May said, "Let's get back inside. All those people will get ideas."

In fact, there were some sideways glances at them when they rejoined the party. But the kids went to sleep, and the adults opened presents. Rick and May didn't exchange, by previous agreement.

That night Rick slept alone. Elle was at her folks' place in Ohio for the holidays. He thought over the conversation with May. He thought about whether he wanted a new family with Elle. Because, if not, it wasn't fair to her to keep on. He slept badly. Maybe the meal.

Christmas Day was a hoot. The kids opened presents, including a huge - really huge - stuffed bear for each household, from Rick. He took a photo of all three with their bears. Then he pushed May onto one and took her picture. He sent it to her phone later. There was another big meal - turkey and trimmings. There was some football on TV. But that didn't interest Rick. He again sat outside, and May joined him.

She said, "Thanks for the bear picture."

"Hadda send it. You looked so good."

She looked down. "I'll always love you, Rick. No matter what."

He stared at her. He said, "Me., too."

She smiled. "Does that mean you'll always love you, too?"

He chuckled. "You know what it means. Nothing I can do about it."

She perked up. "I want to take you out. Maybe mid-week. Dinner. Oh! And dancing. For old times' sake."

"Okay. It's a date. For old times' sake."

They went out on a Wednesday, the 28th. Rick was nervous. He was unsure of what he wanted, and of what she wanted. If pressed, he would have admitted that he thought she wanted to reunite. And, if that was accurate, what did he think of it?

The date went really well. They ate a nice, light, expensive meal, and then they went dancing at a club that had music for old people. They chatted about what their lives had become. But mostly they reveled in each other's physical presence. They both danced well, and enjoyed it.

They ended up in her bed. She pulled him from the Uber, into her door. Then they kissed. And went directly to the bedroom.

It was awkward, at first - getting undressed. They managed. They stood looking, each of them unsure. How did they compare to their old selves, from ten years ago? The moment did not last long, because Rick picked her up, put her on the bed, and......fucked her as hard as he could, which was quite hard. May was overcome with lust. She had thought the sex might be loving. It was not. It was pure lust, for both. All night. In several positions.

In the morning, they continued. It was as if they were packing ten lost years into a few hours. At noon on Thursday, May said, "I need food. And not from your beautiful cock."

She made eggs and toast, served orange juice. She cooked naked. No use getting dressed when they both knew what lay ahead. They ate their eggs, had some coffee. Then May came and sat on Rick's lap.

She smiled at him in a particularly lewd way, and he got hard again. She stood up, straddled him and lowered herself down onto him as he sat on the kitchen chair. He was hers. She wrapped her legs around him and the chair, and moved slowly up and down on him. She started squeezing his dick, each time she sank down on him. She stuck her tongue into his mouth. In and out it went, in rhythm with her squeezing. She had an orgasm, which Rick felt as an even more intense pressure. Then more squeezing and tongue work. Rick felt himself begin to well up. May felt it as well. She started humping him at speed, and squeezing harder. Rick exploded deep into her, and she squeezed the last drop from him. When they finished their orgasms, May tongue kissed Rick again.

Then she got up, sashayed away. She looked over her shoulder at Rick. She said, "Shower?" Another invitation he couldn't refuse.

They lolled away the afternoon in bed. At one point, May asked, "Do you believe that fantastic sex can be the basis for a good relationship?"

A pointed question. But Rick knew the answer. "Yes."

He got his reward.

After that, they relaxed for a while. Then May got up from the bed, twirled around, rubbed herself, and asked, "Do you like my fifty-year-old body, Ricky?"

He knew the answer to that as well. "Yes."

"Better than her thirty-year-old one."

A tougher question. But he knew the answer. "Yes."

He got a fantastic reward.

And the thing was, he hadn't lied. Even to the last question.

Friday morning Rick went by his place and dressed for work. But casual. No court. He had a date with May for that night. A rowdier dance club. He was looking forward to it.

They had a fantastic time at the club. May was an even better dancer than when she was young. She had learned a lot. On the dance floor. In bed, as well. So had Rick.

They arrived back at her place, sweaty and horny. No hesitation, now. However, they were fifty. They slept some that night. They woke up at eight. After sex, a shower and more sex, they drove out to a Maryland park and hiked around. They had lunch, hiked some more, and then dinner at a diner. And they went back to her place.

They stayed in for New Years. No football. But they did watch a parade. But May interrupted that by taking him on the couch. Another location checked off her list.

They went bowling that Monday, which was the holiday. Elle was due back Monday afternoon, and Rick picked her up at the airport. She gave him a hug, and asked to go to her place. She invited him in. Rick was not looking forward to the conversation. He was going to tell her about May. He noticed, though, that she was uncharacteristically silent on the ride. And when they went inside her place, she sat down on the sofa and said, "We have to talk."

Rick said, "What?"

"When I went home, I met a guy that I went to high school with. And...we hooked up. Sorry."

"Well, we never said we were exclusive, but..."

"The thing is, he's working here, a Senate aide. And he lives on the Hill."

"'re what?"

"I....he's a week older than me. And he wants kids. So, I thought I'd give it a try."

"So, no more us?"

"No. Rick. I am really going to miss you. Dan....he's a nice guy. I believe I can train him up. Stuff you knew when I met you."

Rick laughed. "I don't have those under copyright."

"I'll miss you, too." Rick was deciding whether to be honest. He went with Ben Franklin.

He said, "Elle, over the holiday, I spent time with my ex. All the time, really. Day and night. We meshed. So....I'll miss you. I really will. But, I'm not....bereft."

She looked...surprised. "I thought you were determined not to see her. You know, after what she did."

"I was. But that anger seems to have faded. And it left room for other feelings to surface."

She said, "I'm happy for you."

"Elle, if I was younger, I'd have proposed to you long ago. But I'm not. I hope you have a family, and a great family life. I've had that. Up to a point."

"Thanks. I'm gonna give it a try. You know, I was intending to fuck the shit out of you one more time. I was really looking forward to it. Now..."

Rick said, "You're so tempting. But I don't think I should."

"I know. I shouldn't have had those thoughts." She paused. "Well, I need to start my tutorials."

Rick gave her a kiss and left. He found that he was truly sad. He hoped for the best for Elle. Still, she was a very sexual woman. Rick thought her new guy might not get strict compliance.

May told her FWB that it was over. She and Rick alternated sleeping at each other's places. After a while, that got old, and they moved into his place.

Before Rick agreed to have May move in, he decided to make their situation clear. He said, "May, if we do this, you know, live together, I need to know that we're exclusive. No other guys, or other women. Agreed?"

"Yes. I make you a solemn promise. Unless you leave me, I'll never go with another person. Until I die." She laughed. "Of course, if I come back in another body, all bets are off."

Rick laughed. "I make you the same promise. And that's as formal as it's going to get for us. You understand?"

"I do." May laughed again. As close as she would get, that was.

When Christmas 2023 rolled around, things were going extremely well for them. The family was happy about that.

And Rick was making every effort to answer May's question. "Does fantastic sex make a good basis for a relationship?" So far, so good.

The end.

Note: The reader can see that I've gone past the present here. All the virus's fault. Like a lot of things today.

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NoBullAlNoBullAl12 days ago

Good story except for this writer’s continuing belief that 50 year olds can spend the entire night going at it and be able go to work the next day!! Sure there are those men that can get it up and functional a couple of times and in exceptional cases three or even four times but the well runs dry at some point!! In those cases special cases a blue pill is generally required!!

AstordatairAstordatairabout 1 month ago

Very, very good story!! But seriously, I would have punched Rick in the face. He had fun with Jane, but went bonkers when he learned it was a setup. So instead of being cool and having a good laugh about it, he was a sanctimonious hypocrite and ended up wasting ten years of his life!

I give this story 5 stars. Very well written. Thank you so much!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 month ago

I think the point of trust breaking was that the ladies admitted this to each other, but a part of the reason they liked it was because it was a secret that they thought they’d get away with. But yeah Rick was over the top with just sputtering levels of sanctimony. So what a reasonable response would be is anger with the sneakiness confirming that they’ll never do something without being honest about it, and have a bad fortnight of anger with each other.

deependerdeependerabout 1 month ago

Who forgets that they were wearing underpants?

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

This wasn't too bad, it's worse, close to the worst. Best outcome would of been for him to use that as a stepping off point, getting some closure and looking forward to a better, loyal and trustworthy partner ditching her like the trash she is.

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

Omg, the mental gymnastics of these cheating twats. Sometimes I wonder what goes through the head of small dicked men. Talking to you author!

At least the girls were up front with each other so there wouldn't be friction between them. The men on the other hand just straight up cheated with their best friends wives, like low life scum they try to gaslight it as if they're not the ones at fault. F*******g hilarious.

leofric35leofric355 months ago

Four stars. Liked it mainly for the reconciliation, but Rick was far too sanctimonious with the different rules for him and his wife and that stopped him from being likeable in any way for me. She should have moved on without him.

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

Sanctimonious prick. Rick. That rhymes! As long as he was the one keeping the secret he was all hung ho! Moment he came to know his wife too had done it…ohmymym….we are up in arms! What crap! I would have believed him if he had told Jane No!but he did not do so! Such a stupid story! Shows how rules are different for assholes and for counts!

mathur_nkmathur_nk6 months ago
Separated got together and stayed together got seperated

Clearly, Jane staying together with Mel was a hurried reconciliation without sorting out the basics. Jane thought only other person than Mel in the entire world was Eick and Rick being out of equation her return to religion is final. That was not well thought. She did not go through counseling and so did not explore the cause of urge for cheating. That urge was unaddressed and she did it again. This time Mel did not reconcile because he was not compensated and again not with cheaters wife. So they separated.

On the other hand, Rick and May had explored all angles of the relationships. Even at the cost of Rick's wreath, she never pretended she regrets one time fling with Mel. Rick on other hand felt guilty of doing that, blamed May for pushing, although he repeated morning performance in light of great experience in night. Although that led to divorce, that started decay of hurt and hate for each other. Having tried every one else and finding no one better than each other, That scope of transactional relationship between two ex's could be explored. Great ending

AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

I normally don’t care for reconciliation stories, however this wasn’t too bad.

AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

I gave it a 4 as the story made sense but the ending was like a forced reality to make going back feasible As always there were a few grammar errors but expected so keep writing

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