Cold Revenge on the Office Slut


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The next day nailed the lid on the coffin which was our marriage. Almost as soon as Vonnie got to work, the evidence of her infidelity started to pile up. "Good morning sweetheart," I heard her boss, John Steggles, say. "How did you sleep last night? All rested after our session yesterday? I must say, you are a real hit with everyone here. No one even comes close to your skills at fucking. I certainly go home each night wondering if my dick will ever function again. And I know everyone else feels the same way, except of course Mary and Trishia. Their pussies certainly get a work out each and every day!"

Vonnie giggled and replied in her sultry voice, "You know John, I thank my lucky stars that I came to work here. At first I was a little worried about the 'extra' duties you insisted on with my manager's position, but now, well, now I love every position I get put into! I know I couldn't last forever being restricted to hubby Jim's dick and tongue. He's good, but I always knew I would need more eventually. It was just a matter of time. Luckily for me, he seems happy with the occasional blow job and hand treatment. I don't think my pussy and arse could stand being pounded all afternoon by you guys as well as by Jim at night. I need night-time to be a recovery. Besides, even if Jim boy put his dick in my pussy now, he'd notice that it is stretched crazy by your huge cock. It certainly has left its mark! Now I have to get to work. Until this afternoon lover," she gaily added as she left. She went to what was obviously her office and immediately changed out of the prim and proper clothes she wore to work that morning. The online camera showed glimpses of what she put on for 'work'. A see-through blouse easily showed off her tits and glorious nipples. Followed by a short skirt and loose jacket, she was dressed to be undressed. No wonder her clothes always came home so neat!

The rest of the morning went as would be expected in a normal busy real estate office. The comings and goings proceeded at a frantic pace until lunchtime. One thing my eavesdropping did produce was a very interesting piece of information about the 'Mr Steggles'. Apparently, he was very lax with his passwords and office security. Vonnie made a passing comment about not keeping his security passwords so blatantly obvious in his top desk drawer, but John arrogantly replied that if he didn't keep it there, he would forget them and be in all sorts of shit!

Lunch time came and all of the managers went to the board room as usual. There were quick drinks and snacks available judging by the clinks and sounds coming from Vonnie's phone. The video which accompanied them always showed what was going on behind her as she had a habit of keeping her phone in her back pocket. Imagine my dismay when the video images clearly showed the phone's quick descent to the floor as glimpsing images of others in various stages of undress were registered. The phone rested on a pile of what could only be discarded clothes and remained there for the rest of the afternoon. I was in a daze. I operated as if in robot mode. Part of me would not register what was happening right before my eyes. I think that disconnect is what saved my state of mind. If it truly registered as it should have, I swear I would have gone stark raving mad. It was absolutely true what Will had inadvertently, drunkenly, blurted out. They were all involved, willingly, cold-bloodedly, passionately. Nothing was barred. Every sex act possible with such a group was engaged in. Again, the graphic nature of what I was hearing, truly did not sink in. It was the comments that finally got to me. "Hey John," grunted the office manager, Brad, I think. "Imagine what your wife would say seeing you dick-deep in the manager of corporate rentals!"

"Don't mention that bitch in here Brad. It may spoil my mood. Oh God! Here it comes baby! Loud slurping noises and louder grunts followed. "Hey Vonnie, get over here and clean this dick up!" ordered the bastard.

"With pleasure boss," cooed my soon to be ex-wife. "Just let me finish here first." I then heard the unmistakable sounds of Evonne cumming. "Aah yes! Just like that baby. Suck that clit. More pressure on my tits PLEASE Martin and pinch my nipples HARDER!" The scream she let out was truly epic. Large breaths later and she said, "Now John. What was it that you wanted? Ah yes. Your cum covered dick! Bring it here lover and I will make it all clean again." This continued until about 4:30 when the sounds of sex almost abruptly ended to be replaced by sounds of running water. Obviously showers. After a short time, the video feed changed again. Vonnie's clothes were being put into some basket, for cleaning I suppose.

"Don't forget this Saturday night everyone," John announced. "It is the first anniversary of our little get-togethers and I have something special planned. Be here at 4pm and no spouses! You may not be able to drive home, so arrange for taxis, or lifts or whatever. Ladies, you may need something with soft cushions for seats!" This was met with great enthusiasm, giggling and ribald laughter. Evonne changed back into her morning clothes and headed home.

My heart felt cold and empty. This deception had been going on for too long. Actually, once would have been too long! My patience and calmness luckily kept me from completely losing the plot and beating someone to death, starting with my soon-to-be ex-wife, and finishing with everyone in that board room. Today was Monday. I had until Saturday to hurt the gang of cheaters. How could they? They were all married! They promised love, fidelity and trust to others, yet here they were flouting all those commitments that made love pure, and shitting on their spouses openly and willingly.

I needed a plan. Revenge was the goal, but not at the cost of my freedom.

The relationship between Evonne and me was altered negatively forever, but I could just maintain the farce of normality while we were together. Sex was definitely out! Thank goodness I had not penetrated her for quite some time. I felt safe from any disease which could so easily have spread among that group, as there was no evidence of protection of any sort. Evonne, (I had separated my love name, 'Vonnie', from the cold-hearted cheater that I saw in front of me) almost seemed glad that I did not pester her for 'pressure relief' and nor did she offer any. She was obviously preparing for the big day.

My plan, which I had formulated in between tosses and turns that Monday night, involved my capacity as distribution manager at work. One item which we manufactured was a small hand-held nitrogen gas cannister, similar to those used by skin doctors to 'burn' off topical skin blemishes such as moles, etc. I set up a fake order for one dozen of these to be delivered to John Steggles' office precisely on Friday afternoon at 5pm. The only people working then would be the office secretary and maybe the cleaners. "These cleaners must have some tales to tell about the cleanliness of the board room," I randomly thought. This led me to part B of my plan. I discreetly ordered complete video and sound surveillance to be installed in the board room. This cost a pretty packet. A fair wad of cash from my stash. But, the company doing the installation was under no misconception as to the illegality of it. The instant cash wiped away any qualms they may have had. The only stipulations I had were that it had to be complete coverage of the whole room, video and sound. It had to be controlled by a hand-held remote which enabled the user to shut it down instantly with the press of a button. It had to record all feeds into a computer hard drive which I would have, plus into John Steggles' office computer. Finally, it would need to be completely uninstalled by 10 am that Sunday. All I needed to supply were, the computer for recording, a photo of the cleaner's uniforms and a wad of untraceable cash. Easy!

Saturday came and Evonne was as excited as I had ever seen her. She still hadn't told me about having to go to the office that night yet so I decided to make it easier for her by telling her of my plans. I told her I would be driving to my favourite fishing spot and staying there until quite late. I would be back sometime in the early hours of Sunday morning, hopefully with enough trout for lunch or dinner. She almost sighed with relief as she said, "That's perfect Jim. I have an office meeting with the boss and all of the managers tonight and it could be a late one. I may need to call you for a lift home if the after-meeting drinks get too overwhelming. You know how these meetings go! John is celebrating a special milestone. Something to do with the business." Did I detect a hint of a smile there? Was she now slyly trying to dis-respect me even more than she already was?

With a dry mouth, I replied, "Sure. Just give me a call and if I can, I will pick you up." The game was set and the chess pieces were all lined up.

The office video and sound feed was already feeding directly into my computer. It had already recorded the Wednesday and Thursday orgy sessions in loud graphic detail onto my computer. That spy company was on the ball! Fast cash talks louder than any logical persuasion imaginable! The gas cylinders had been delivered by Will and were now in a box in John Steggles' office. Of course, he wasn't aware of them as they had only been delivered last minute, after he had gone home. When I say unaware of them, it isn't quite true. He just wasn't aware of them yet. He would become aware of at least one of them when he arrived in his office before the big celebration on Saturday. One cannister was placed fairly and squarely in the middle of his office desk along with a bag of heavy duty party balloons, and a note.

The note read, "Fill the balloons with the nitrogen in this cannister and watch them rise to the occasion. I hope your cock rises to the occasion just as quickly, and as often (LOL) Also, the special ingredient for the cocktail mix is ready to put into the drinks. It should be a fun night. I hope we can still remember it by Monday morning!" love Vonnie.

I drove my car to the fishing spot, being sure to make myself obvious to all of the security cameras at the fuel stop on the way, a fishing tackle shop, as I ordered bait, and a café as I bought drinks and snacks for the trip. As soon as I arrived, I made sure to be seen by other fishers spread out along the riverbank. This was normal and the etiquette was that everyone kept to themselves while fishing. Often, a fisher would disappear for a while to sleep, or sleep off too much drink! As soon as possible, I crept back to the car park and, without being spotted, I hoped, started the rental car which I had arranged to be ready for 'John Smith', who paid handsomely in cash... Lots of cash! The drive back took an hour, much less than the usual 90 minutes.

The rental car blended into the car park which was beside the real estate company offices. All I had to do was wait, patiently. I occasionally looked at the loud audacious sign on the building, "Sold Yesterday. We help your dreams of a home come true!"

"Hmmph!" I thought. "It should read, 'Sold out yesterday. We make your dreams of a home shatter before your very eyes.'"

All of the guests, being managers, had arrived without partners, on the dot, at 4pm. The celebration had been in swing since 4:30. My video feed showed that everyone unceremoniously got naked as soon as they entered the board room. This time the clothes were put neatly away so that when they left, no suspicion would be caused by the ruffled clothes. 4:30 had been the time when John had announced the start of the activities and he made a grand show of standing on the board room table brandishing the nitrogen cannister. "This is a great idea. I think I know which of you organised this and let's see if what the note says is true." With that he winked at Evonne, held the cannister and filled one of the party balloons with the gas and tied off the end to a piece of party string. The other end of the string he made a great show of tying to his semi-hard cock.

As the balloon rose, it tugged at his dick, making it also seem to rise up of its own accord. Everyone roared with laughter and made comments about old men needing some sort of help at one point. John then told everyone to drink up the special celebratory punch which he had personally prepared. "Not only will it punch you. It will give each and everyone a kick as well!" The participants stood there naked and saluted their boss with many swallows of the punch. At that point there was no holding back. The sucking, fucking, licking, pounding and caressing started in earnest and continued for at least an hour. Then mysteriously everyone seemed to doze in various states around the room. By 6pm, the next part of my plan began. I activated the cancel button on the video system and entered the building as if it was quite normal. I knew the building's security system would be off. That bastard Steggles would not want any evidence of these little 'gatherings' to be available.

I calmly walked into his office and unpacked the rest of the nitrogen cannisters. There were twelve cannisters. One for each of the dozing gang. I walked around placing one of the cannisters into the hands of each member with my latex covered gloved hands.

"Revenge is best served cold!" I said as I methodically enacted the next part of the plan.

I walked back into Steggles' office and fired up his computer. The passwords were there as promised, as was his wall safe code. I ensured that all of the video feeds were present on his computer and placed in a desktop folder called 'staff details'. I then purchased online, from his computer, two one-way tickets to the Bahamas, as well as a six month rental of a beach-side condo, all in the name of 'Mr and Mrs Smith'. The passport descriptions matched those of John Steggles and Evonne. I also set up an account with the Central Bank of the Bahamas in the name of John Smith. Into it I deposited all of the available funds from the business accounts.

The wall safe was a pleasant surprise. There, I found bundles of cash. Huge amounts of cash. Enough to replace all of my stash which I had used to enact my little revenge plot, plus heaps more. I left almost all of the 'heaps more' and took the rest. I also found his remote control for the building security system. "This may come in useful!" I thought.

Without looking into the room, I exited and went immediately back to my rental. Driving away, I enacted the security system. I knew that the building's cameras would now be operating again. The drive back to the river took an hour exactly again!

At 2am, my phone alarm sounded loudly. So loudly that some of the fishers looked annoyingly in my direction. "Cut the noise down Jim! You'll wake everyone and scare the fish!"

"Oops, sorry guys. It's the wife. Gotta go. At least I caught one trout. Catchya!"

It was Evonne. She mumbled something into the phone about picking her up outside the office building on the way home. "Be there soon," I replied.

I drove straight to the hospital after I had picked up Evonne. The building's security cameras registered my arrival and departure time, as well as the state of my fishing clothes. They also recorded the steady stream of unsteady managers limping and crawling out of the building to vomit and moan all over the sidewalk. I told the emergency staff that I thought my wife had been drugged and raped and that it apparently happened in her office building. I looked and sounded extremely worried and concerned for her safety. This impressed the duty triage nurse enough to trigger an immediate police response. The scene in front of the 'Sold Yesterday' office building made suitably titillating headline news.


An investigation into the whole gang rape/orgy at one of the local businesses revealed that the CEO of the business, a Mr John Steggles, had instigated these group sex orgies with the aid of an illegal date-rape substance. Apparently, he had planned to leave the country permanently, under an assumed name, with one of his managers. He had purchased the tickets and rental accommodation on the last night of these orgies. The missing funds also triggered a tax department investigation, which produced evidence of many anomalies in the company's finances. It was also assumed that in a fit of insanity, probably brought on by the overdose of some unknown drug, he had permanently disfigured all of the participants.

I was interviewed of course, but not found to be suspicious. My fisher friends were very confident that I had been there all night during the apparent crimes! There was quite a number of effected spouses, including me, who had started divorce proceedings, based on the delivery of an anonymous parcel containing very damming video evidence.

As they say, "Revenge is best served cold!"

One unintended scar was the one on my heart. It remained forever.

Old John was lost for words when he found out the news of that night. I have never seen him lost for words. Ever! I think he knew! He always was a wise old bastard! "Those cannisters look like the sort we made," he stated matter-of-factly one day.

I looked at him and grinned. So did he!

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AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

Feminist deformations of English, such as "fishers", gets a 1.

juanviejojuanviejo6 months ago


LechemanLecheman6 months ago

Too many loose ends.

oderflamundoderflamund6 months ago

It lacks a proper ending. IT leaves the reader yearning for more!

AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

What a waste, your MC tosses any moral or honor in the trash to get revenge and not a single lesson learned by anyone. Would have been better just burning the building down with them all inside while on the phone with his wife telling her to enjoy eternity burning like she was about to do.

Chimo1961Chimo19617 months ago

Entire. Hunks of the story are missing. What is with the scars? The canisters? Did you forget a paragraph or two? FTDS

AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

This story had potential, but fizzled out at the end. Too bad, Maybe the author will write another chapter or allow others to finish it.

AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

Too vague at points yielded 4 stars rather than the 5 that we’re headed toward.

Bill S.

KaeyoKaeyo8 months ago

I was half expecting the MC to morph into Baldrick and declare “I have a cunning plan!” and sadly, without Blackadder to stop him.

GamblnluckGamblnluck8 months ago

You had a great story going then blew it. Once the MC knew of the orgy that Saturday night, why not get the spouses together to crash it? Also nitrogen does not rise, you were thinking of helium. You rushed a good story.

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

You've written better stories. This one really deserved a zero but the lowest rating the readers are offered is 1* which seems a tad high for this.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Not enough aftermath. You rushed the ending and ruined the story.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Who cares!!?

Knew what she was like and married her. Go girl!! Hoping she was replaced by another slut.

These stories with stupid MCs really piss me off. What Man marries slut and then gets what he deserves and cries about it

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

5 Stars as Payback is a Bitch and Karma is Her Sister

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