College Love


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She was pulling me in and out of her mouth faster and faster. I loved looking down at her as she worked hard on my cock. Feeling her pull me in and out of her mouth with increasing speed and urgency. It was hard for me to cum standing up like this. Truthfully, it was hard to cum from just a blowjob in general. My hips were beginning to buck involuntarily and I accidentally caught her by surprise with one thrust. She pulled off of me, choking a little bit and coughed. My hand went to my cock as I asked her, "Are you okay? Sorry about that..."

"Don't worry about it. I'm getting better," she smiled up at me. Then she leaned back a little and cupped her tits in her hands, tweaking the nipples slightly. "You weren't going to be able to cum that way anyways right."

"Probably not," I said as I stared at her, mesmerized by the way she was playing with her breasts.

"Do you want to lay down and I can finish you?"

A thought crossed my mind and I shook my head, "I want to cum on you."

"Really? Why?"

"I don't know. It seems hot."

She considered that for a moment, staring at my cock as I stroked it slowly. "You want to cum on my tits?" she asked, pushing them up and out at me.

I nodded, "Oh yeah."

"So you want to cum all over my tits instead of my mouth?" she asked as she tweaked her nipples and stared at me. Something about the way she said that really lit my fire and I could only nod. I started stroking my dick more urgently and less than a minute later I was shooting thick ropes all over her tits. She shuddered when the first ones hit her. A couple of weeks ago, I would have thought it was an orgasm. Now I knew it was just a pleasurable feeling but the fact that it came from my cum touching her chest seemed incredibly erotic to me. I kept stroking my cock, getting as much out of me as I could and planting it on her waiting chest. When I was finished, she seductively swiped a finger through the dripping cum and licked it. "I see you liked that."

"Oh yeah," I said again. I knelt down beside her and whispered, "I love you," as I lowered my tongue to her tits and began licking her off.

She moaned slightly and said, "I love you, too."

We hadn't said it too many times to each other since that first time. It was weird and I think both of us knew it was a little premature. I mean, how could we know something like that fully right? But everything about our relationship seemed so great that it was hard to imagine loving anyone more. I always felt so close to her after we fooled around, it was difficult for me to imagine that two people could be any closer.

She reached for a tissue to finish cleaning her chest off, "Back to studying."


She aced her first test. Of course. When she told me about it she said, "Yeah, I actually forgot to read one of the chapters but there wasn't anything about it on the test." She was kind of lucky that way.

We were sitting in the TV lounge watching something on the University Movie Channel and talking about plans for the weekend. We were sharing a couch and I was trying not to grind too much into her since their were people in the room.

I looked down at her legs as they brushed against mine. She had on a typical jean mini-skirt and t-shirt. Her legs looked nice and smooth and I put my hand on the inside of her leg a couple inches above her knee. She looked at my hand, then smiled at me knowingly and whispered, "I like it when you're forward."

"You do?" I said as I boldly moved my hand up to her mid thigh where the skirt started.

"Uh-huh," we kissed for a minute before remembering their were other people in the room. I was a little embarrassed but if Ashley was she didn't show it. Instead, she hopped up and said, "Let's go to your room."

Not one to turn down that offer, I hopped up then walked with her to my side of the dorm. I put my hand in her back pocket. It seemed like a silly thing but I'd always seen guys do that with their girls in high school and wanted to try it. It was sort of awkward but I got to basically grab her ass the whole walk so I was okay with it. If Ashley noticed, she didn't make any acknowledgement. We got to my room and I started to kiss her. She kissed me back quickly but then pushed me gently away. She had a seriousness in her eyes that had me wary. "What's wrong?" I asked.

"We need to talk,"

Uh-oh. Those words. I knew where this was going. Why were we breaking up? What had I done wrong? Was there somebody else she liked? Why was this happening?

"I'm not breaking up with you," she said.

"Oh... well then why lead off a conversation that way? That's like the international code words for 'we're breaking up'," I said.

"Yeah. I realized. That's why I followed up with 'I'm not breaking up with you'," she replied, mocking my own air quotes with hers.

"Okay... so what are we talking about,"

"So, you know I love you... or I think I do, right. I mean, you feel the same way. I'm in love but also wary because... well... we're 18."

"Yeah. You know I feel the same way. We've talked about this."

"And we're here at college. I'm here to learn," she said as she took my hand. "I want to learn about everything. I really like to learn. So I want you to teach me about sex," she said. It was the weirdest, most matter-of-fact statements I'd ever heard.

"I'm sorry. What?"

"I want you to teach me... all... about... sex," she said, slowing the words out and saying them in a breathy, seductive tone.

"Uhmm... you're ready to have sex?"

"Oh no. Not even close... I mean all about sexy things. All about fooling around. All of the OTHER things we can do."

"But I don't have any experience. Hell, everything I've done past kissing I've done with you."

"I know. But I want you to also teach me what you like. How to make you feel as good as possible."

"But you do make me feel as good as possible," I told her, still confused.

"I know you think that, but I don't think it's true. I think I can make you feel even better. I think I can do all kinds of things to turn you on if you just think about it," she said, then flicked her eyes to the side as she thought of something, "And when I AM ready for actual sex..." she leaned into me, "Actual... fucking," she continued, emphasizing the last word. "I want you to teach me all about that too."

My cock was unbelievably hard right now.

"So what does that mean? Do I need to buy a book or something?"

She grinned and chuckled a bit... Ashley didn't do giggling. "Maybe. I don't know. If you find a good one. Look, one of the great things about college is that I'm in charge of everything. I'm in charge of myself for the first time. But I don't really WANT to be in charge. So in this one area... maybe..." she looked down and, for the first time in awhile, seemed shy and lost for words, "Maybe you could be in charge?" she asked, staring at me. "I want you to be the stereotypical man," her eyes flicked back to mine and she paused with a thought, "No... not a stereotypical man. Be the man that Nick can be. That's what I want."

I gulped. I was confused and turned on and bewildered and confused and really just baffled... did I mention confused? Years of sitcoms and TV had prepared me for this moment and I looked around the room for hidden cameras or friends ready to jump out and yell, "Surprise!" There were none of either. "So what would you like me to do?" she asked with less of her usual seductiveness and more of genuine interest.

"Uhmm... I don't know... "

"Look, I know this is... odd. And I kind of sprung it on you. Let's just ease into it and make sure we talk. I think we're really good at talking, right?" I nodded. "So just talk to me and tell me what you want."

"I want to play with your tits," I told her.

"Of course," she said with a smile as she pulled her shirt off.

"But we haven't had class," I said as her shirt came over her head.

She laughed, "I think we're past that. Besides, I told you you're in charge. So if you want to play with my tits then I want to make that happen." She unhooked her bra that fell to the floor and she stood in front of me looking incredible. I moved into her, giving her an impassioned kiss as our tongues sought out each other. Her mouth tasted wet and pure as she sighed into mine. My left hand grabbed her ass and pulled our hips together, grinding lewdly which caused my moan to join her escalating one. My right hand snaked up to her left breast and grabbed it, massaging it in my hand. I broke our kiss and looked into Ashley's eyes. She gave me a little nod of encouragement and smiled demurely.

I lowered my lip to her breast and sucked the nipple into my mouth. Ashley gasped and her knees buckled a little bit so we dropped onto the bed with a thump. My fingers worked one tit while my mouth worked the other. Then I'd alternate and switch my mouth to the other tit. I'd learned pretty well what she liked and what she didn't. The cues were pretty clear once she started bucking her hips up. At that point, she was up for anything.

I took her left nipple between my fingers and she gasped a little before I even did anything. I liked playing with her anticipation, teasing her. "Do you want me to pinch it?" I asked.

"Please," she breathed. I pinched it lightly and she moaned a deep moan.

"Harder?" I asked. She nodded slightly, lost in the sensation. "Or twist it?" I asked as I gave it a 90 degree twist. I was rewarded with a grunt from her. "Or pull on it?"

"Ugghh... How do you do that?" she grunted. Her left hand had snaked down into her pants and she was clearly playing with herself. I smiled, enjoying this immensely.

"I'm just doing all of the things you've taught me," I told her as I released the nipple and massaged the entire breast. She whimpered slightly but my hand snaked over to her other breast and began circling the nipple, hinting that I was going to repeat the cycle on that one. Her hips bucked and her body shuddered.

"No... You're doing all kinds of things you've learned on your own. It feels soooo much better when you touch me," she said then turned to me and kissed me. I rewarded the kiss with a hard pinch on the other nipple and she fairly screamed in pleasure into my mouth. I enjoyed the feeling of her tongue seeking deep into mine as they wrestled against each other.

"Make yourself cum," I said, staring into her eyes. She bit her lip sexily and nodded and her hand sped up in her pants. I snaked one hand behind her head and ran my fingers through her hair, pulling her into me for a kiss. My other hand continued to work along her nipples going back and forth, pinching and pulling them as she got closer. She moaned in both pleasure and frustration.

"What's wrong?"

"Nothing. I just can't cum when you pinch hard like that,"

"Oh, I'll stop then," I said and started to pull me hand away.

"NO!" she fairly shouted as her free hand shot up and grabbed my wrist. "Don't you dare stop... I love it... Give me more," she said, the last with an almost pleading tone. Her hand released my arm and then wiggled down to grasp my iron hard cock. She started stroking me encouragingly as I resumed work on her tits. I grabbed one nipple between my finger and knuckle and twisted it. The gasp that she let out encouraged me to twist more and I took it from 90 degrees to nearly 180 degrees. Her hips came up off the bed as if she was thrusting against some mystery lover.

"Please... Please... Please..." she chanted.

"Please what?" I asked, unsure of what she needed.

"Just please keep doing that. Keep doing anything. So fucking good!" she said and I could see her hand turn into a blur. I released the nipple and attached my lips to it while my hand went straight for the other one. She started coming as I reached it and I pinched it hard between my fingers. She screamed out loud enough that I'm sure anyone in the hallway would know what we were doing. We didn't care at that moment, however. It was the most powerful orgasm I'd seen from her and her spasming body and free hand was making my already hard cock even harder.

As she came down from her high, she rolled into me and gave me a tender, loving kiss. "Thank you. Thank you. Thank you," she said.

I chuckled. What kind of girl thanks a guy for playing with her tits? "Uh... You're welcome," I said, confused.

"That was soooo good. I've never cum that hard. What you do with your fingers adds so much to everything."

"Well... I'm glad I could help," she said as her hand reached back between her legs. "Can I get myself off again?"

Unintentionally channeling my father, I said, "I don't know, can you?"

"Of course. I can get myself off three or four times easily. Seven is my personal best."

"Really? That's... awesome," I said as my hand reached up for her tit.

"Uhh... no... don't... I get super sensitive after the first, though."

"Oh... well... okay,"

"So MAY I cum again?"

I smiled, "Of course... but if I can't play with your nipples, what can I do?"

"Get yourself off. This thing feels ready to burst at any moment," she said giving my cock a tug. I could feel it swell in her hand.

I started to lay down beside her but then had another thought. "Can I cum on your tits?" I asked.

"Of course," she said with a smile.

I kneeled up next to her and she turned her head to briefly suck on my cock. I thrust my hips slightly before pulling out and grabbing my dick. Ashley's eyes rolled back as she arched her back and started fingering herself in earnest. That was my cue to stroke faster and within 60 seconds, she was cumming. That set me off and I shot a huge load all over her chest, practically covering one breast and the valley between them. I collapsed beside her and kissed her gently. Her tongue snaked out and I deepened my kiss as she strummed at her clit with renewed vigor. She came two more times while we made out. I was acutely aware of my cum that coated her beautiful tits which somehow made the fact that she was fingering herself even hotter. I couldn't stop picturing how she looked with her pants still on, shirt off, cum all over her tits and cumming over and over. After her fourth orgasm, she collapsed and hugged me, pressing her sticky breasts into my chest. She started to pull away and apologize but I gripped her tight and said, "I don't care," as I held her. She started crying but they were obvious tears of joy. I didn't really know what to say so I asked, "Are you okay?"

"I'm perfect. You're perfect. This is everything I ever wanted, Nick. I love you. I really do. I don't doubt it anymore. This is exactly what I want," she said with a contented sigh.

Her words were rapid and earnest and they touched me deeply. "I know, Ash. I know." We held each other and drifted off in each other's arms.


The next week was kind of rough because both of our roommates were home non-stop. We'd sort of monopolized the rooms and decided that we needed to cool it a little bit out of courtesy if nothing else. And so we had very little alone time. What made it bearable was the fact that Ashley's roommate went back to her house to stay with her parents each weekend. So from 3pm Friday to 6pm Sunday, we had Ashley's room completely to ourselves. When our classes ended on Friday, we met up in her room and released nearly a week of pent up energy. 15 minutes later, we collapsed in the bed, naked, sweaty and spent. "Wow you're getting good at that," I said as her finger wiped a little bit of cum from her lips and licked her finger clean. "You know we've been dating for almost a month and I've never taken you on a date."

She thought for a second, "Yeah... You're right... Step up!"

"So I figured we'd go for a date tonight. Dinner and a movie?"

"I dunno, I've been seeing this guy... " she said and I replied with a smack from a pillow. "Hey!" she protested and pushed me back. I grabbed her wrists and we wrestled for a minute before I pinned her arms down. Something clicked in her eyes and I studied her. Her breathing was heavier and her eyes were a little glazed.

"Did that turn you on?" I asked.

She actually blushed and looked away before answering, "Maybe."

"Why?" I asked, still holding her wrists down on the bed. Her hips were starting to move slightly as she squirmed.

"I like feeling how strong you are. How much stronger you are than me," she said as she struggled against me.

I looked at her, brow furrowed. Did this turn me on? Actually, yeah it did. I wouldn't have thought of it but I could feel my erection growing despite having cum only a few minutes earlier. "Why though? Me being strong turns you on? I'm not really that strong, you know."

"You're stronger than me. And I like feeling pinned down and under your control. I feel safe and vulnerable at the same time. I'm soaking wet right now," she said.

"Really? I don't believe you," I said playfully. Her squirms made it very apparent.

"See for yourself," she said huskily. Thus far, I hadn't really done much with her pussy. I really wasn't sure what her boundaries were there and I'd been reluctant to push it. She was biting her lip and looking up at me with a lusty expression I hadn't seen. I wasn't sure what button I was pressing right now but I wasn't definitely pressing SOME button. I slid her hands up above her head until I could grab them with my left hand alone. Then I ran my fingers down her body, careful not to tickle her as I'd learned that would kill the mood quickly. My fingers found her dripping pussy. "Please, Nick. Please," she begged me as she writhed on the bed. My fingers slid across her and my middle finger found its way into her. She was, indeed, soaking wet. I took that as a good sign and slipped it into her. "Ahhh" she moaned out and slammed her hips forward. "My cunt is so sloppy wet right now," she said. I hadn't heard her say that word before but something about it really turned me on.

"I can feel," I said as I continued to move my finger inside her.

"Oh yes... Finger fuck me... yes... " she moaned as she writhed back and forth on the bed. I moved my finger faster inside her and her moan turned into a scream. I latched my mouth onto her lips and her screams intensified as she let loose into my mouth. We continued that way for some time, me exploring ways to stroke her. She seemed to like everything but she clung to me for dear life when I started moving my finger quickly back and forth inside her. Her body was on fire and she started sliding her finger along her clit on one hand while roughly grabbing and pulling on her tit with the other. I concentrated on fingering her without getting in her way while I watched the way she played with her tits. She was alternating between practically groping at her breast and then grabbing her nipples and pulling them from her body until they snapped back.

"I want to cum so badly," she said.

"Well then cum for me," I told her.

"Uh... I'm trying... I'm... " she said and then started cumming out of nowhere. She screamed into my mouth and I started fingering her faster as her body shook and spasmed against me. Her orgasm lasted for a full minute until she stopped screaming and pushed my hand away. "What the hell was that?" she asked once she caught her breath.

"I don't know. I take it you liked it?"

"Uhh... yeah..." she looked at me and smiled, "And you thought you couldn't teach me anything."

I grinned at her, "I guess we can learn some things together."

"I'll say. I've never cum that hard in my life. That was incredible."

We rested in each other's arms. I enjoyed the intimacy of our two naked bodies pressed up against each other. I looked at the clock and it was almost 4:30pm. I got up and walked across the room, I could feel Ashley's eyes on me as I self-consciously walked across the room, my cock swaying in front of me. I grabbed the copy of the student newspaper to check the movie times. Looking at the list, I saw a couple movies I thought might be interesting. "I only see two movies that sound any good."