Commercial Sales Ch. 05

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Kate's Drive Impresses Her New Boss.
4.2k words

Part 5 of the 9 part series

Updated 06/11/2023
Created 05/12/2022
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The girls climbed out of the pool and grabbed two towels out of the standing cabinet. They dried themselves, taking their towels, clothes and drinks upstairs into the kitchen. Mikki invited Kate to stay as long as she wanted, to which Kate happily agreed. Kate texted Mark, checking in on his status at the sports bar. He replied he's staying to watch the late game and wouldn't be home until after 9 or 10 o'clock.

Still naked, leaving Kate's clothes in the kitchen, Mikki took Kate to the master bedroom. "Here," Mikki said, throwing a pair of shorts and t-shirt at Kate. "Now you don't have to worry about putting your yoga pants and bra on...just wear these until you leave," she offered. Mikki then changed back into the clothes she was wearing when Kate arrived, minus her bra and panties.

Kate put on the clothes Mikki gave her and they went back to the kitchen. Kate grabbed a bottled water from the fridge and sat down at the kitchen table while Mikki disappeared. The notebooks containing information for the project were on the counter next to the table. Kate pulled one of them and started reading the contents.

A few minutes later, Mikki entered the kitchen, approached the table and began to sit down. "SHIT!" Kate yelled, jumping in her seat, looking at Mikki. "Bitch! You just scared the shit out of me! Oh, my God!" Kate exclaimed, catching her breath, then chuckling a bit as Mikki sat down.

"Sorry," Mikki responded with a chuckle. "Didn't mean to scare you," she added.

Kate sighed deeply, staring silently at Mikki for a few seconds. "Wow, I guess I was really into this research material."

Mikki chuckled some more, looking at Kate as she sipped a fresh lemonade. "Find anything interesting?" she asked.

"Not really," Kate replied looking at the material. "Mikki, I'm sure your team has researched this, but have you looked at any possible tax credits for redeveloping the industrial district based on zoning decisions made by the city?" she asked.

"I'm sure we have. Jay has a pretty savvy team assembled," she commented.

"Yeah, probably so," Kate replied, pursing her lips, then looking back at some more material.

"You know it's Sunday, Kate. You don't have to "work" today, right?" Mikki said, kind of impressed with Kate's attentiveness to the materials.

"Yeah, well, successful people do consistently what other people do occasionally...ya know?" Kate replied, still looking at the material, flipping the page in the notebook.

Mikki sat back in her chair, taking in Kate's comment. Mikki again found herself impressed by Kate's attitude and serious approach to Jay's project. Mikki sat there silently; watching Kate study the information, turning pages, flipping back to other pages.

"I need a pen and paper, please," Kate stated, looking at Mikki.

Mikki hopped up from her seat, chuckling to herself that Kate didn't "ask", she just kind of demanded, although her voice did not indicate so. Mikki returned shortly with a pad of paper and a pen and slid them to Kate.

Kate stood and went to the counter where more research documents and notebooks rested. She found the colored, sectioned map that was projected on the wall Thursday night by Mr. Howard. Kate sat down and studied the map.

"Mikki?" Kate asked.

"Kate?" Mikki smiled back.

Kate looked at her. "No, seriously. Look at this," she said as she rotated the map towards Mikki. "Section 5. Isn't that where the school is proposed in the low-income area?" she asked.

Mikki looked at the map. "Yes, looks like it. Why?" she replied.

Kate was silent looking at the map, then thumbing through the research table of contents. "How easy was it to get the city to make a deal for the new school?" she asked.

"I don't know, I wasn't involved in those discussions. I only know it didn't take but a few days for Jay and the city to work something out. Why?" Mikki asked with a touch of concern in her voice, watching Kate going through the information.

Kate remained silent while going over some more pages of information. She then spoke, looking at Mikki. "I hope I'm wrong, but have there been soil samples taken in that section?"

"Soil samples? I don't know, why?"

Kate looked back at the research, then at the map.

"Kate; what's wrong?" Mikki asked with concern, as Kate continued studying the information in front of her.

Mikki watched Kate for several more seconds. "Kate!" Mikki said in an elevated tone, trying to get an answer.

Kate looked at Mikki. "I may be wrong, but back in the 30s and 40s, I'm pretty sure there was a small chemical plant in this section," Kate commented. "Do we have research on this?"

"No, maybe...I don't know what our research team knows, but I can find out. Why? How do you know about that area of town almost a hundred years ago?" Mikki asked.

"My grandfather worked somewhere around this area after the war. During the war, there was a plant that made insecticides for the troops. After the war, they made pesticides up until the early '60s or '70s. The plant shut down and was vacant for a few years, then a paint manufacturing company bought it and used it until the mid-90s." Kate reported.

"How do you know this?" Mikki asked.

"My grandfather worked in the area...not sure it was exactly the same buildings, though. Then my biological father worked somewhere around there, too," Kate replied, then paused. "Look, this may be nothing...maybe everything is legit; you know, safe. I'm just saying that I'm kind of sure this is where my grandfather and my father worked for years. I kind of remember this, even though my parents divorced when I was young," Kate recounted.

"Okay, I get it, we need to make sure there are no chemicals in the ground, but it can't be toxic...right?" Mikki asked with intrepidation.

"I don't know, I'm not a chemist," Kate responded, looking at Mikki. "But...if Jay is helping to build a school and he cares about children like you say he does, the last thing he'll want is to put kids over possibly contaminated soil."

Mikki sat back in her chair, looking at Kate for a few seconds. Mikki then retrieved her laptop and returned to the table. She began looking for any information on chemicals in the old industrial district. She found little information declaring the manufacture of chemicals, but did find the paint company that took over the buildings and had since gone out of business.

"I can't find any mention of this in the research, Mikki. Really, I don't want to sound the alarm just yet...but, I think...I think maybe Jay needs to know this. I think his team needs to dig deeper into this," she cautioned. "I mean, think of it...and I really hope I'm totally off the mark here...but why was it so easy for the city to agree for a school there? I mean, I get it, land is hard to come by in that area of the city. I don't know...maybe this is all just a coincidence; I mean, I hope it is," Kate sighed heavily after making her case to Mikki.

Mikki texted Jay, asking him to call if he's not busy. Her phone sounded within a few seconds. Mikki asked about his flight and how things were going, getting the small talk out of the way. She then told him Kate was sitting in the kitchen and the concerns she had. She put the phone on speaker and Kate began telling Jay everything she had just told Mikki. Jay listened intently.

"Kate, I'm really impressed with your passion, but I'm not so sure we have anything to worry about," he told her.

"Jay..." Kate paused, almost pulling her thoughts back, then continued. "I hope I'm wrong and probably I am, okay? But...can your team dig deeper into that area of the project; just to be safe...for the kids' sake?" Kate pleaded.

Jay breathed deeply on the other end of the phone, then fell silent for a few seconds. "Okay. I'll have the team look further into it tomorrow. I don't think we have anything to worry about, though," he said.

"Yes, I agree...I hope you're right. I mean..." Kate replied.

"Kate" Jay interrupted. "I get it. Thank you for your concerns, really. There's nothing wrong with being cautious. It's not a big deal. I'll have my team look into it...I promise. I agree, we should investigate this before things start moving," he concluded.

"Okay, thanks. Again, it may be nothing," Kate replied.

"Probably so," Jay responded.

Mikki picked-up her phone and took him off speaker before saying their I love you's and hanging up.

"Is he mad at me?" Kate asked.

Mikki laughed, "No. What makes you think that?" she asked.

Kate sighed, "I don't know, he just sounded kind of upset that I would bring this up to him, you know, just to be safe?" she replied.

Mikki laughed some more. "I told you. He's a smart businessman. He takes things seriously. You've brought up a good point. On the outside chance your suspicions are right, Jay was probably already thinking of the financial implications for a toxic clean-up, delays and other issues involving the property that could stall construction of the school," Mikki revealed.

Kate sat there, looking at Mikki, pursing her lips, nodded and shrugged her shoulders, then took a drink from her water.

"Kate, seriously, it's Sunday. I really appreciate your passion, but let's stream something or do anything to get away from work, okay?" Mikki suggested.

Kate looked at Mikki for a few seconds, "Sure."

"But, first, let's eat. Salad?" Mikki asked.

"That'll work," Kate replied.

The two ate and talked in the kitchen, then Mikki took Kate to the theater where they picked something to watch. They sat in the large reclining chairs in front of the big screen. Within twenty minutes, Kate was lightly snoring. Mikki followed suit soon after.

About an hour later, Kate woke and saw Mikki napping in her recliner. Kate put her foot rest down to head to the washroom. Mikki stirred and awakened. "Well, so much for streaming. What time is it?" Mikki asked looking at her phone.

"Be right back," Kate told her.

"Meet me at the pool," Mikki replied.

Kate returned to the pool and found Mikki sitting in the hot tub. "Get naked, girl; climb in," she giggled.

Mikki watched Kate strip, admiring her beautiful body, then watching her bald muff as she climbed over the edge to enter the water. Kate took a seat next to Mikki and relaxed.

"Enjoy your nap?" Mikki giggled.

"Yeah, sorry," Kate replied with a touch of embarrassment.

"No worries, girl," Mikki replied, resting her head against the edge of the tub and sinking into the swirling water.

They enjoyed the soothing jets and heated water. Mikki found Kate's hand and held it, interlocking her fingers. "Thank you for coming over, today," Mikki said with her eyes closed, enjoying the moment.

"I'm so glad I texted you this morning. I enjoyed being here today," Kate replied, her head back and eyes closed, as well.

Mikki and Kate relaxed for a few minutes, the humming of the jets and churning water providing an air of tranquility.

"Kate?" Mikki asked.

"Mmm?" Kate replied.

"What are you going to tell Mark if asks what you did today?"

"I don't know, I guess I was out in town looking for refrigerator," she responded.

Mikki looked at Kate. "No, Kate. You need to be honest with Mark."

Kate looked at Mikki for a few seconds. "What, tell him his wife of eight years is having an affair with a woman? Hell no, Mikki."

"Kate; you're making a mistake if you think you can keep your bisexuality away from Mark forever," Mikki cautioned.

"Mikki, c'mon, please?" Kate politely huffed.

"I'm not going to tell you what to do or when to do it. I think you don't need to lie to your husband," Mikki warned, pausing. "Look, be honest with him. Tell him you were here. He probably won't think anything of it. You're assigned to this project by the agency. You came up here to do some work...even though it's a Sunday. I can't tell you if there will ever be a good time to tell Mark about me, but please, keep your marriage strong. Don't lie about being here," Mikki encouraged.

Kate thought about Mikki's advice. She knew Mikki was right about two things. Mark would eventually either find out by himself or she would tell him about her and Mikki and, two; for now, there's no reason to weave a tangled web of lies about her whereabouts. Kate sat silently, her mind going over Mikki's advice. Mikki and Jay seemed to have a rock-solid marriage. Kate, to this point, had never lied to Mark. She realized then that if she continued seeing Mikki...and she certainly wanted to...she'd eventually have to come clean with Mark.

The thought of telling Mark about her hidden life scared Kate. "Mikki, how do I approach Mark about being bi? Do I tell know...out of the blue? Do I start making hints?" she asked. "It's so confusing," she worried.

"Kate, all I know is Jay and I have open communication. We have no secrets. I believe our marriage is very strong. Jay's a handsome, successful man. I don't need another cock. I can't help the way I am when it comes to women. He understands that. It works for us," Mikki answered in a matter-of-fact tone. She looked at Kate. "Have you guys ever watched porn together and watched two women?" she asked.

"Probably; years ago, I guess," Kate replied.

"Well? Did you ever ask him what he thought about two women having sex...or did he ever make comments about lesbians or whatever?" Mikki asked.

"Yeh, he thinks it hot," Kate answered, shrugging her shoulders.

Mikki sat up, looking Kate in the eyes. "Girl...then what's the big deal? Are you serious? He thinks it's hot to watch two women and you're concerned about what he might think if you come clean with him? Seriously...tell me you're joking?" Mikki said with both authority and disbelief.

Kate looked at Mikki; the gears in her mind turning...unable to speak. Mikki continued to stare; waiting. "Kate; speak. Tell me what's going through your mind," Mikki pleaded. Mikki waited for several seconds, staring at Kate. "You know what, girl? You have homework to do," Mikki stated with a firm voice as she released Kate's hand and moved in front of Kate, kneeling in the water at neck level.

"Listen to me," grabbing Kate's knees. "You have to watch porn or somehow bring up bi-chicks or lesbians and have a discussion with Mark. Find out how he thinks; you know, is it hot watching them? Does it turn him off? Something; but you have to start somewhere," Mikki continued.

"Mikki...please stop," Kate interrupted. "I get it. I see your point. But watching two girls online isn't the same as Mark thinking of me with another woman, c'mon, Mikki," Kate said with a touch of frustration.

Mikki fell silent, looking at Kate with a tilted head and sighed deeply. "Okay...I see your point, but you have to do something to kind of break the ice on the topic," she implored. "Kate, seriously, you lie to Mark and he could be hurt so badly, your marriage may be damaged beyond repair," Mikki confessed softly over the hum of the jets.

Kate looked into Mikki's eyes for a few seconds, then put her head back. "Fuck!" she quietly exclaimed as despair and uncertainly fell upon her face. Again, she knew Mikki was right.

Mikki took her seat next to Kate. Kate reached for Mikki's hand and looked towards her. "You're right. I know...I need to figure this out. I love Mark. I can't lie to him," she acknowledged, then fell silent.

After several minutes enjoying the hot tub, Mikki turned to Kate. "Ready to get out, girl? I have something for you," she told Kate.

"Sure," Kate replied.

Mikki turned off the jets and the girls exited the tub. They replaced the cover and grabbed two more towels. "This way," Mikki encouraged, heading into the house and up the stairway. Kate followed with a towel wrapped around her as Mikki led her into the kitchen. "Grab your clothes," Mikki instructed and kept walking into the master bedroom, then into the master bath.

"Wow, I didn't see this the other day," Kate said, looking at the large bathroom. The shower was at least 10' deep and 6' wide. There was an oil-rubbed bronzed rain head off-set to the back right with two matching showerheads on the wall. A pattern of multi-shaded brown tiles lined the shower walls and floor. "Oh my, God, Mikki...this is really nice," Kate commented.

Mikki dropped her towel, "C'mon," she said as she stepped in and turned on the water. "I can turn off the rain if you don't want to get your hair wet, or you can just stand over here...up to you, girl," Mikki said.

Kate elected to keep her hair dry and stayed near the entrance, letting the warm water from the wall-mount run over her. Mikki put on an oversized exfoliating glove and squirted some gel onto it. "Turn around, this will feel awesome," she commanded.

Kate turned her back towards Mikki and immediately felt Mikki's hand scrubbing her back, exfoliating her skin. "Oh, shit, Mikki...that feels great," Kate sighed loudly, taking in the sensations caused by the glove and gel.

Mikki continued to rub all over Kate's back, moving behind her. "Put your hands on the wall and step back," Mikki softly ordered. Kate complied as Mikki ran the glove up and down her arms, taking time to work every inch of Kate's arms and shoulders. "Spread your legs," Mikki instructed.

Kate was now in a spread-eagle stance, leaning forward as Mikki began scrubbing Kate's ass, then moving to her inner thighs. Mikki used more gel as she moved the glove in between Kate's ass cheeks, gently rubbing her crack and anus, cleaning her, exfoliating her. "Oh, shit," Kate sighed, enjoying the treatment.

Mikki squatted and treated Kate's legs, one at a time, working from her ankles up to her crotch, then back down her thighs, reaching around to the front of her legs. "Feel good?" Mikki asked.

"Oh my, God, do that so well," Kate responded, still standing spread-eagle with her hands on the wall.

Mikki moved her gloved hand around to Kate's belly and breasts, leaning against Kate as she reached around. Kate's nipples grew firm as she felt her wetness growing as Mikki gently scrubbed Kate's breast; her free hand massaged Kate's other breast. Mikki gently bit Kate's shoulder.

"Shit, Mikki," Kate sighed softly.

Mikki continued to scrub Kate as their bodies connected. Mikki took the handheld showerhead and rinsed Kate's backside. "Turn around," Mikki said.

Kate turned around as Mikki rinsed the exfoliating gel off her front. Mikki put her gloved hand on Kate's abdomen, scrubbing; exfoliating...looking into Kate's eyes. She then scrubbed Kate's ribs and underarms, then back down to her bald mound, gently scrubbing her inner thighs as Kate opened her leg a bit for Mikki's reach. As Kate looked down at Mikki's hand scrubbing her, she raised her hands behind her an held onto the shower mount.

Mikki took the glove off and rinsed Kate with the wand, making eye contact. She put the wand back, then leaned into Kate, kissing her as her hand slid down her slick body, finding her pussy. They kissed sensually as Mikki fingered Kate and grabbed her ass with the other hand. Kate felt Mikki's breasts press into hers. Their kisses intensified; Mikki's nipples erect on her full, near-perfect breasts.

Mikki slid down Kate's body and flicked her clit with her tongue. Kate looked down watching Mikki service her and put a hand on the back of Mikki's head. Kate slightly raised her left leg, opening Mikki's access to her kitty. "Mikki," Kate moaned as she watched Mikki eat her pussy. Mikki looked up and made eye contact with Kate. "Oh my, God...Mikki," Kate moaned softly, watching Mikki taste her womanhood.

Kate's wetness flowed as she admired Mikki. Soon, Mikki reached under Kate's crotch and a finger found Kate's tight asshole. Kate raised up slightly, moaning as Mikki pushed her finger slightly inside. "Shit...Mikki," Kate breathed deeply, raising her left leg off the floor. "Ohhhh, mmmmm...fuhhhhh, Mikki," Kate moaned, watching Mikki's face and feeling her finger.