Commercial Sales Ch. 09

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Mark Finally Confronts Kate.
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Part 9 of the 9 part series

Updated 06/11/2023
Created 05/12/2022
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The next morning, Kate and Mark shared a quick breakfast and a cup of coffee. Mark seemed quiet, but Kate assumed he was focused on going to work. They were still working on their marriage, after all. They discussed Mikki's text and the mystery of Mikki's intentions, but Mark didn't really add much to the conversation. She couldn't figure out what was so important...or at least seemed so important. Mark headed off to work and Kate changed into some workout clothes and headed to the treadmill. After her workout, Kate made the bed, showered, tidied-up the kitchen and gathered her things to head to Mikki's.

Kate arrived at Jay and Mikki's gate, rolling her eyes as she entered the gate code, even after months of knowing its hidden meaning. Kate parked and walked inside, as usual. Not seeing Mikki in the kitchen, Kate walked downstairs where Mikki was going over some information. Jay was drinking a cup of coffee at the bar, facing Mikki.

"Hey, girlfriend," Mikki smiled, as she saw Kate turn towards her at the bottom of the stairs.

"Good morning, Jay...Mikki," Kate commented, as she approached the table. Because of Jay's presence, Kate did not give Mikki her usual greeting with a hug and kiss.

Kate took a seat at the table and pulled out her laptop, getting ready to start on her work. Kate squinted her eyes, looking at Mikki, then Jay. "Is there something I should know about?" Kate asked, curiosity in her voice.

"What?" Mikki responded, as Jay looked at Kate.

"You know, your text yesterday. I don't know...sounded like something's going on. Like I should be on guard about something," Kate replied.

Mikki scoffed, laughing, "Would you relax, Kate. Oh, geez, girl."

"Okay, then what's the big secret about yesterday's text? What's the big news?" Kate asked.

Mikki looked at Jay, then Jay put his coffee cup on the bar. "Kate, I'd like for you to take on more responsibility with the project," he sighed. "Look, um...Martha and her husband are relocating to Seattle to be closer to her kids and grandkids. She has about three weeks before they leave and I'd like for you to spend time at the office starting tomorrow going over her projects," Jay told her.

Kate stared blankly at Jay, taking in the information. Before she could speak, Jay continued.

"Kate, you're ready for this. I'm giving you this because I think you can handle it. Honestly, I've already been thinking about giving you more to do, but this came up the other day," Jay concluded, looking at Kate.

Kate was taken aback by this news. Indeed, it was good for her. "Um, sure," she stuttered, not really sure it was sinking in.

"Because of this, I'm increasing your salary to ten thousand a month. Just realize, however, this will cut into your time at the agency selling houses, but don't worry...I'll call Matt this morning and tell him what's going on," Jay smiled.

Kate sighed, still somewhat surprised by Jay's announcement. She looked at Mikki; her chin on her fist, as usual. Mikki gave Kate a smile, approving of Jay's decision. "Wow, Jay. Geez, thank you...really. I'll do my best; I promise," Kate answered, returning her gaze to Jay.

"I know you will, Kate. You'll do fine," Jay smiled and stood. Jay leaned down and kissed Mikki and told her he's heading to the office. Mikki kissed him back, told him she loved him and to be safe.

Jay headed upstairs, taking his cup of coffee to the kitchen. Kate watched as he disappeared and silence fell over the girls.

"You okay, girlfriend?" Mikki asked.

Kate stared into the distance, thinking for a few seconds. "Um, yeah...I'm fine," she answered, leaving Mikki unconvinced.

Mikki looked at Kate briefly, deciding not to dig too much and returned to her work. Kate grabbed her folder regarding the condo project, then eventually started looking at the new "three buildings" project; part of which Martha was heading, including the second condo Kate was in charge of selling.

After several minutes of silence, Mikki could tell Kate wasn't focused. "What's going on, Kate? I can tell something is heavy on your mind," she asked.

Kate looked up at Mikki, inhaled deeply and let it out. "Mikki...don't get me wrong. I really do like you. I respect you as a business partner, I enjoy our personal relationship...none of it I want to end," Kate told her. "I love Mark. I love him with all my heart. He's a decent outstanding man. Honestly, Mikki...I...I know what we've been doing is wrong. I took vows and I broke them. I hurt Mark deeply. Even though he says he's accepting my bisexuality, who's to say he may wake up one day and decide this isn't for him; make sense?" she elaborated, looking at Mikki.

Mikki looked at Kate. She was a little surprised to hear Kate's confession about Mark's attitude. The last thing Mikki wanted was Mark and Kate to divorce. On the other hand, Mikki wasn't a matchmaker and didn't want provide marriage advice, given the circumstances of her and Kate's affair. She sat across the table thinking.

"Mikki?" Kate asked. "Did I say something wrong?"

"No...not at all, girlfriend," Mikki replied. "I guess I thought Mark was fully onboard with know, like Jay is with me," she added.

"I don't know...I mean...I guess," Kate started. "I wouldn't say he's totally in line with the way Jay accepts your bisexuality...if that makes sense," she concluded.

"No, I don't understand," Mikki softly replied.

"Mikki, something's not right. He says all the things to make me think he's accepting you and me, but I'm getting the feeling his nonverbals...don't match," Kate said with worry in her voice and on her face.

"Kate, I can't give you any advice on that. I was under the impression things were slowly getting better between you and Mark. You knew this would take time, so maybe Mark is just moving slower than you thought he was?" Mikki confided.

Kate sighed deeply. "I don't know. I hope your right," she replied looking into Mikki's eyes.

"You know what, girl? Go home. Take the day off. I don't think you're in the right frame of mind today...and I don't mean that in a disapproving way," Mikki said with a comforting tone. "Seriously, Kate. Go home, clear your to Mark. Tomorrow, plan on going to the office to meet with Martha," Mikki added reassuringly.

Kate stared at Mikki for a few seconds and breathed deeply. "Yeah, you're probably right," Kate softly replied.

Kate stood to pack her things, then Mikki walked her to the front door. "Sorry, Mikki...a lot on my mind today," Kate said, as she pursed her lips, looking at Mikki.

"You'll be fine, girl. It's okay," Mikki said and gave Kate a kiss on the lips, trying to turn it into a more passionate kiss.

Kate pulled away. "Mikki, I'm sorry. Not today. I just have a bad feeling about Mark...I don't know. I need to go...sorry," Kate quietly confided.

Mikki nodded, "'s okay."

With that, Kate left Mikki's and drove home. She opened the garage door as she parked her company car in her driveway. She saw Mark's car parked next to her car. Mark is rarely home during the middle of the day, so she walked into the garage with a bit of confusion and worry, closing the garage door as she entered the kitchen.

Mark looked up from the kitchen table at Kate as she entered, not expecting her to be home. "Home early, today?" Mark asked.

", what are you doing here?" Kate replied.

"I still live here," Mark replied in a matter-of-fact tone, taking Kate somewhat off guard.

Kate put her things on the counter. She grabbed a bottle of water from the fridge and approached the table to sit. "I have some really good news," she said with a smile.

"What's that?" Mark asked.

"Well, Jay's giving me more responsibilities and a pay raise," Kate answered with a huge smile.

"That's good, Kate. I'm happy for you," Mark replied, looking down at his laptop.

Kate wasn't sure Mark understood her announcement. "Mark, it's kind of like a promotion," she added, smiling at him.

Mark looked up. "Yeah, I heard you. Good for you," he said, then looked back at his laptop.

Kate's face became expressionless. "Mark. What's wrong? Something's up," she said with concern in her voice.

Mark looked up at Kate for a few seconds then sat back in his chair. "Kate, do you remember when we married, you said you didn't want kids right away? You said you wanted to wait until you were thirty?" he asked, staring at her.

Kate stared back, knowing what was coming. Mark had brought the family issue up often over the years.

"You know, your "career"", Mark said, using air quotes.

"Mark...please," Kate sighed.

"You're now almost thirty-four, Kate," Mark said, then quietly looked at her as silence filled the kitchen.

"But, Mark...Jay just gave me more money; more responsibilities. I'm doing well," Kate argued.

"Yes, Kate; you're doing well. Well, guess what? I'm doing well, too. I'm getting a promotion next month," Mark divulged.

Kate's face lit up. "You are? That's great, Mark! What's the job?" she asked enthusiastically.

Mark stared at Kate for a few seconds before answering. "The position doesn't matter," he responded.

Kate tilted her head. "What?" she asked.

Mark sighed deeply. "Kate, the job is in Dallas, with another company. I'm relocating in a few weeks," he said fairly bluntly.

Kate was stunned. "What? Relocating? Dallas? Another company?" she mumbled, her voice breaking softly. "Mark, I just received a promotion. We can't leave now," she pleaded softly.

"Yeah, I know. You're not leaving. I said I'm relocating," Mark replied.

Kate heard Mark's words, but couldn't believe it. "Mark?" she quietly asked as her eyes began to water.

"What?" Mark replied.

"You've been looking for a job? You didn't tell me?" she softly asked with confusion in her voice.

"Oh, c'mon, Kate...don't be surprised about keeping secrets in this marriage," Mark replied with a touch of sarcasm in his voice.

Kate's world started falling in around her. She couldn't believe what she was hearing and the impending words she was certain Mark would soon speak. "No, please...Mark. Please, don't leave. We're doing so well here," she softly pleaded as her tears fell.

Mark stared at her; emotionless. He watched as Kate's tears fell; her eyes glued to his. "Oh, yeah, this is all about you, right?" he snapped, then paused. "I've thought and thought about you and Mikki, Kate. I've thought for the longest time about your hidden past. I tried...I really...really...tried to accept your bisexuality. I can't. I thought I could. I thought I could handle it like Jay accepts Mikki's, but I just can't, Kate," Mark told her as he watched her tears fall.

"No, please, Mark," Kate whispered in despair.

"What's next, Kate? You, Mikki and Jay have a threesome? You're having Jay's baby...or someone else's baby?" Mark quipped. "Nope. I've made my decision. You promised me a family and four years after you agreed to start, I'm childless. You lied to me, Kate. You betrayed me. I swear...I tried to accept everything. I can't. I'm done. I'm moving on with my life. You've hurt me so badly; I don't think I'll ever get over this. I loved you like I never thought our kind of love existed. I can't. You brought this on, Kate; not me," Mark said as his eyes started to water.

Kate sat in her chair, tears falling, nose running. "No, please; Mark?" she said barely above a whisper.

Both sat silently staring at each other; Kate's tears rolling off her face. Silence hung over the kitchen.

Kate still couldn't believe this was happening. She loved Mark like no tomorrow. "When...When are you leaving, Mark? Please, this can't be true," she asked, pain on her face.

"Honestly, Kate? I'm going to try and leave as quickly as I can. I don't want any part of this house, this city...or...or this marriage," he confessed.

Mark's words cut into Kate like a blunt sword to the gut. Kate began to audibly cry.

"Just so you know...Chad, my golfing buddy? You know his dad's a lawyer working for Brad McClain...the guy with the TV commercials about family law and divorce? He'll be handling everything. Good luck finding decent lawyer," Mark said as he stood, closing his laptop. "Just so you know, Kate. You can have the house. With that promotion Jay gave you, I'm sure you can handle the mortgage easily," he somewhat chided as he started towards the bedroom.

Kate sobbed in her seat, not saying a word.

Mark turned and breathed deeply. He walked over to Kate and squatted next to her. "Hey. I'm sorry. I'm not out to hurt you. I just have to move on. I don't want this to get ugly. I'm going to love you for long time, but I can never forgive what you've done to me," he quietly confessed. Mark stood and leaned down and kissed Kate on her head. As it turned out, it would be the last time he kissed her.

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HighBrowHighBrowabout 1 year ago

Femdom agitprop PLUS bi, what, more could a husband ask for? I slogged thru 2 pages then scrolled to the end here.

InfosaugerInfosaugeralmost 2 years ago

I can accept that she held back her bisexuality and her affair befor the marriage. There are still a lot of intolerant people out there.

But as soon as she started her affair with Mikki she should have told Mark everything and wait for his decision before she cultured her affair. Then there would have been a much better chance for Mark to accept it.

After Mikki there was no way she could put her bisexuality back into the bottle.

As for children, she lost her way to a family even before Mikki. Her career became more important. She might love Mark more than Mikki but it seems she loves her career more than Mark.

Sad ending but I still see the possibility for a reconciliation - yes I'm romantic and always hope for a happy ending.

WhoGivesAShitWhoGivesAShitalmost 2 years ago

I was wondering when the topic of children would become an issue.

She can keep telling herself that Mark is intolerant, but she proved herself a liar, a cheat, and not trustworthy.

orion2bear2orion2bear2almost 2 years ago

Gay o straight cheating is cheating and if you are doin thatyou have no real marriage

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Piss poor incomplete ending - 1* - previous chapters were very entertaining.

NovemberComingFireNovemberComingFireabout 2 years ago

What bisexual people don’t ever seem to grasp in these circumstances is, it doesn’t matter if you’re bi or straight. You straight up had an affair. You lied, cheated, betrayed. Being bi is just your justification but it’s a cheap excuse.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

I would still like Mark to ask Kate the following? 1) After 11-years of you (supposedly) not having a bi-sexual affair...why now? 2) Who instigated the tryst? 3) Was it only one heated moment or several times? 4) When did it first occur...asking about her professionalism after finding out it happened at their first meeting? 5) If you pledge your 'sole' loyalty to me and if we were to get back together, how do I know it won't happen again or what about Jay and others getting involved? 6) Would you be open to me seeing other women when you are with Mikki...quid pro quo?

nixroxnixroxabout 2 years ago

1 star - sick cuck/wimp crap - especially after he thought he might be able to deal with her bisexual activity.

GarySmith69GarySmith69about 2 years ago

Okay well Kate can in theory get everything she wants. She will be a single woman with a high paying job. And she will be free to get with Mikki without the cheating. She can even get with Jay now. So all is good in Kates world. Hopefully the ex husband will find happiness with someone else. And hopefully forget about his ex-wife. But RM its your story do as you will.

Thumper311Thumper311about 2 years ago

The first few chapters were really good, then the story has gotten mundane. If it continues forward hope she gets involved with Jay, why limit herself to just the wife.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Nine parts and the husband did nothing but moan and bitch? Nine parts and the husband was a minor bit player in her life behind her new girlfriend and her new boss. Nine pages of sex and only the first one involved the husband . Good on him for walking away.

Yes, she’s entitled to live her own life, follow her dreams and have the sex life she’s want… but so is he.

ThorlolThorlolabout 2 years ago

Did we read the same story anonymus? How much pain can a guy endure? Like he said, Kate was only looking out for herself. She has an affair with someone else and expects Mark to just accept it. I actually glad that Mark made the decision to leave, there was nothing in their marriage left other than pain because of Kate.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Certainly hope the author is going to leave the story like this!!! Unfortunately this is happening a lot recently. Don't know if it's lazy authors or they just enjoy pimping their readers. Hoping for another chapter.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

The Skank Is Free To Spread STD's Across the Globe. Hurray, hurray, she's free from oppression and can be the planet's bicycle now.

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