Competition Ch. 01


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"I try to stay a bit more modest when it comes to business," Jolene said. "Actually, trying to show off in public is not my thing."

Ronnie laughed as she held up one of the suits in front of her, admiring in the mirror. "Well, except when you're on stage in a swimsuit, or if you have a couple of girls over to lick your feet."

Jolene rolled her eyes this time. "But that's my private time. It does not inform my business life." Jolene stepped forward and examined the outfit Ronnie had picked out. "Oh, this one is darling. It's wool, so please be careful. I just hope it fits." Jolene looked Ronnie up and down. "You're so busty! You lucky thing."

Ronnie held the outfit away from her and poked one of her boobs with her finger. "34DD. Only problem is everyone thinks you're an idiot or a slut lugging these bad boys around."

Jolene made a sad face. "I went with implants. I just wanted to feel a little more feminine was all."

Ronnie clicked her tongue. "Come on. You're gorgeous. Hey, did you work out today?"

"Yes," replied Jolene. "Only three hours."

Ronnie gasped. "Three fu...urg! Three hours in the gym?"

"I want to be in prime condition," Jolene replied. "Plus we have a busy day tomorrow. There's the preliminary showing, then the rehearsal, and I still have to find time to work out."

Ronnie exhaled and shook her head, then went to the bathroom. "Hang on," she said as she started pulling off clothes. Eventually she emerged with Jolene's outfit on, a smart jacket and matching skirt.

Jolene walked over and started to stroke the fabric. "Oh, this was just made for you!"

Ronnie smiled and blushed. "Thank you for trusting me with this. Oh! I have to enter my stuff and get going again." She went out to the living room and started typing. "I won't have time to eat with you tonight, but I'll go out with you tomorrow." She looked at her phone. "Shit. I should be there for the opening." Ronnie bounced up and went for the door. "Thanks again, hon!" She blew Jolene a kiss and left.

Jolene went to the bedroom and let the robe hit the floor. Standing in front of the mirror hanging on the closet door, she practiced some of her poses stark naked.

Ronnie had finished up her data entry after she got back from the meet-up. Jolene had gone to bed by then. Ronnie took off Jolene's outfit, stripping down to her bra and panties. She wanted to check up on Jolene first, so she snuck into her bedroom and got to the end of the bed. Jolene was out cold, wearing a sleep mask.

Ronnie swept her hair back, then gave Jolene a kiss on the cheek. "Thank you, sweetie," she whispered, then made her way back to the couch.

Ronnie went out the next day in one of her more typical outfits, a blue dress that still showed off her ample cleavage. She was getting aggravated with having to wear these sort of outfits, but they did get her cards.

She went to gather up Jolene, who was waiting for her already. Jolene was wearing a full-length coat, and was wearing her horn-rimmed glasses. "Ugh! You're going to melt in this heat, girl!" Ronnie laughed.

They made their way to a bar and grill. Jolene was surprised as to how few people were there. "Where is everyone? The convention should be letting out right now."

"No!" Ronnie said. "They're doing a free dinner and drink event tonight. I said to hell with it. Enough networking!" Ronnie laughed as they went to sit down at a table with the high stools. "I guess everyone went there instead. All you have to do is say free whatever and those losers will flock right to it. Why don't you take off that coat?"

Jolene looked down. "If you saw the dress I was wearing, you would understand."

"Fair enough," said Ronnie. "How'd the show go?"

Jolene put her hand to her upper chest. "There were so many wonderful people there! I saw a lot of familiar faces, but it's always so encouraging seeing a new competitor." Jolene touched Ronnie's hand. "You should really try it, dear!"

Ronnie made a shocked face. "Me? Oh, come on."

"Your frame is so suited for it, and you have the perfect metabolism," assured Jolene. "Not that there is nothing wrong with your body. You are absolutely stunning."

"Well, that's kind of a good reason not to bother," Ronnie said, realizing she sounded a little dismissive. "I'll think about it. I never had to work out a day in my life."

"Oh, that's encouraging," said Jolene. "I know it sounds like a tremendous amount of work, but it keeps you grounded."

"How do you have a life, though?" asked Ronnie. "It sounds like a lot of time to invest. I mean, three hours a night!"

"Luckily, my schedule has some flexibility." Jolene sighed. "But you are right—it is not for everyone."

"Like, where do you find time for love?" asked Ronnie. She leaned in a little. "You want to tell me about those kittens of yours?"

Jolene covered her mouth as she smiled. The waitress came over to take their orders.

"I will have the chicken breast, a small salad, and a glass of Riesling," requested Jolene to the waitress.

"Whoa!" exclaimed Ronnie to Jolene. "White wine right before a competition?" She turned her attention to the waitress. "I'll get the nacho plate and a Paloma." The waitress jotted down the orders and went away.

Ronnie realized what she had done. "Oh, sorry! You probably don't want to watch me make a pig of myself."

Jolene let out a soft sigh and patted Ronnie's hand. "Dear, you have worked so hard today. You owe it to yourself."

The waitress brought over the drinks, and Ronnie started in. "Kittens," she reminded Jolene.

"Okay!" Jolene relented. "My relationship with my kittens was one of mutual respect and care. I am so gentle and protective of my kittens. I let them watch me as I pose, or sometimes when I lift weights at home."

"Is it, like...sexual?" asked Ronnie.

"It can be, yes," replied Jolene. "I used to have boys come over. I especially liked their enthusiasm, but they were way too anxious to get started on the sex right away."

"Uh huh," said Ronnie knowingly. "Been there."

"So I moved on to women," Jolene said in a matter of fact tone.

"Uhhhhh huh," said Ronnie. "Been...there..."

"They just seemed to be more patient and obedient," Jolene went on. "I loved the fact that it did not have to end in sex every single time. It was exciting for some of them as well because it was such a new experience for them."

"Um, so...stop me if I cross any lines with my questions," said Ronnie, her smile widening. "So what exactly does the process involve?"

"Well, I'm fairly strong," Jolene explained. "I can do lift and carry. We can do wrestling, too. I can do slams in my basement."

"Holy! Like, body slam?" asked Ronnie.

"Oh, you'd be surprised," said Jolene. "It did not happen that often, though. I had only a few long-term kittens over about five years. I had two at a time just recently."

Ronnie made a motion with her hands like her head exploded. "Oh, wow." She pointed at Ronnie. "You are something else, girl."

Jolene sighed. "I was sad, though. The last two were seriously in love with each other." She put her hands on her hips. "They stole my special sex toy!"

Ronnie cackled as she put her hands over her mouth to stifle herself. She eventually settled down. "I just don't get why you feel like you need something like that in your life. I mean, okay, I would never judge someone on living out their fantasies. If they're into it, good for them. I just thought someone like you would want a real relationship."

Jolene looked sad. "Those are over-rated."

"Oh, did you have a bad break-up?" asked Ronnie.

Jolene looked to the side. "I was married once. I was very young. Peter was always rather explosive. He used to like to grab you and give you a shake."

Ronnie's mouth dropped open. "Oh my God! Jolene!"

"It''s fine." Jolene wiped at her eye. "It was so long ago. We were together for eight years. He eventually lost his job and could not find new work. I went to get my commercial real estate licence. I think he felt threatened. One night I had asked about how the job search was going, and he hit me right here." Jolene made a cup around her right eye. "He punched me so hard that I broke my zygomatic bone." She lifted up part of her hair and traced along near her eye with her finger, leaning in to give Ronnie a better view.

"Oh!" Ronnie exclaimed. "I see a scar, now that you mention it."

Jolene patted her face. "This was twenty thousand dollars out of my own pocket to repair. A lot of plastic surgery. The doctors told me I might have lost my eye."

Ronnie banged her fist on the table. "I would have fucking killed the fucker!" She put a hand close to her mouth. "Sorry. I know you don't like that, but fuck! Aren't you afraid of him?"

"He moved out right after that, then he was arrested." Jolene took a sip of wine, which seemed to relax her. "He was in jail for eighteen months, then he moved away. A few years later his mother called me up to say he had died. Just died in his sleep."

Ronnie exhaled. "At least he's gone." Ronnie did a quick count in her head. "Wow, so eight years, then the, how old are you?"

"Forty-five," replied Jolene.

"Get the f...forty-five?!" Ronnie nearly jumped out of her chair. "I thought you were my age! I'm thirty, and I sure as shit don't look as good as you!"

Jolene laughed."You are an absolute dear. Anyway, it was after I made a full recovery that I decided to get into fitness. I was lucky to meet enough supportive people to encourage me." She took another sip of wine. "You know what got me started, though?" Jolene chuckled. "It's so silly."

Ronnie waved her hand towards herself. "Tell me!"

"I bought one of those shake weights at the drug store." Jolene sat and stared, then broke out into laughter.

Ronnie joined in. "The jerk-off machine thing?!" They both had a hearty laugh. "Hey, it's good exercise."

"I think," Jolene went on, "that you are right about the relationship thing. I kept people at arms' length for so long, and then as soon as I started to tone up a bit, I thought it might be better if I kept all of the control."

Ronnie scrunched up her lips. "So it could be seen as therapeutic. I kinda get it. I just think someone wonderful like you deserves more."

Jolene smiled. "Thank you," she said in a low voice. She folded her arms. "Very well, Veronica. I believe you owe me an explanation as to why you are not involved with anyone."

Ronnie hung her head over and stuck out her tongue. "Okay. You want the whole story? Well, luckily I have never had something horrible happen to me like you did. Actually, all the guys in my life were wonderful. I just tend to run out when things get awkward or complicated." She took a sip of her drink. "Oh my God! I have dumped everyone. I have never been dumped or had a mutual breakup, ever!"

"Why do you think that is?" inquired Jolene.

"I just don't know," said Ronnie. "Maybe I never liked men. I mean, don't get me wrong—I like men." Ronnie waved at her neck. "But just a few months ago I tried something else, and I gave my friend a try." She clasped her hands together. "I...loved Madeline. I date men but I so rarely fall in love with them, but there was something so great about Maddie. I thought it would work out well because we were actually friends beforehand."

"What was Madeline like?" asked Jolene.

"Oh, she was kind of plain, both physically and personality-wise, but she was just so adorable and naive. Maybe that was what attracted me to her so much, or maybe I liked that she seemed to need me." Ronnie thought hard. "I kind of find doormats a lot and think I can bring out the tiger in them, I think. It kind of worked with Maddie. Like, we went skinny dipping at the lake once, then I ate her out at a party."

Jolene was shocked. "In front of everyone?"

Ronnie laughed. "No! Oops." She hushed herself as the waitress came over with Jolene's chicken and Ronnie's nachos. Jolene placed her napkin in her lap and organized her silverware while Ronnie started jamming chips into her face.

"So yeah," Ronnie said in between bites. "We were in the bathroom. I just got the urge, y'know? Well, Maddie seemed like she wasn't into the things I like to do, so I just hung up on her, deleted her contact, and never spoke to her again."

Jolene was shocked. "You broke up with her by phone?"

"It's just easier that way," Ronnie responded. "Why? Do you think that was mean?"

Jolene struggled for words. "I mean...all I can think of is how I would feel if someone did that to me."

Ronnie sat and thought. "You know, I think I have the same problem as you. I keep people at arms' length. The only thing is you're very nice and sweet to them, where I can throw them away without any concern." She put her elbow on the table and rested her head on her hand. "Why do I do that kind of thing?"

Jolene smiled. "Perhaps what you need is someone who matches you better. Rather than trying to draw things out of people, simply look for the qualities that are already there. Why would you not look for someone strong?"

"Maybe..." Ronnie clicked her lips. "Maybe I'm not as strong as I like to think I am. Maybe I was always the weak one."

The door to the bar opened, and a balding fat man with a bad-fitting suit and a worse-fitting goatee entered. Ronnie glanced over, then quickly turned her head away. "Oh God, get me out of here!"

"What is it?" asked Jolene.

Ronnie shielded her eyes with her hand. "It's Dill Samson. The guy is a sleaze and a half."

Right on cue, Dill made his way over to their table. "Well, look who washed in!" he exclaimed. "Hey, hot stuff. You lay any good pipe lately?"

Ronnie looked forward at Jolene. "Yeah, good one, Dill. How's the wife doing?"

"Oh, she doesn't do enough, if you catch my drift," Dill chuckled through his gnarly teeth. "You should have come to the party. They were giving away door prizes. You play your cards right, and I can get you a free hotel room."

Jolene let her silverware fall onto her plate. "Excuse me, sir," she said with a hint of temper. "We are trying to enjoy our meal here."

Dill gave her a side glance. "Oh, don't worry, baby. I'll have enough time to get to you as well." Dill extended his forefinger and middle finger and started rubbing them up and down on Ronnie's bare shoulder. "I know what a girl like you needs to get her career going." Ronnie was avoiding eye contact, and looked frustrated and desperate for help.

Jolene let out a huge blast of air from her nostrils. Standing up, she took off her horn-rimmed glasses, then took off her full-length coat. Jolene stood there in a strapless body-hugging dress that went halfway down her thighs. When she stood there in her high heels, her leg muscles had extra flex to them. Her shoulder muscles appeared tight and rounded, and her recent heavy exercising left her looking extra lean and ripped.

Ronnie's jaw hit the floor. She had not seen her new friend's body up until now, and she was absolutely blown away by the female pillar of strength she saw before her. Jolene wiggled her hips hard as she walked up to Dill. Ronnie spoke in a quivering voice in a whisper: "Holy...fucking...shit."

Dill stood like a deer in the headlights. "Oh shit, it's the She-Hulk." Jolene grabbed Dill by the tie and pulled the stout man right next to her face.

"You listen to me," Jolene hissed. Ronnie was stunned by the sudden transformation of her friend from her usual delicate nature to pure puma mode. Jolene's bicep was flexed right in front of Ronnie's face. "My friend here is not to be degraded in any manner, nor is she to be touched without her consent. If you ever, ever, do anything to make her uncomfortable again, I will be in your face so fast you won't know where to look." Jolene then pushed the fat man back, causing him to stumble into another table. He managed to catch himself on one of the stools to keep himself from falling over.

Jolene stood with her back to Ronnie to guard her. Ronnie was staring at her shoulders. She had never seen this many muscles on a man before, let alone on a woman. Her eyes made way down to Jolene's toned thighs. Ronnie's head was spinning at this point. It was all she could do to reach out and begin feeling and groping. Even Jolene's bottom looked like it was perfectly squared off.

Dill made it to his feet as he pointed a stumpy digit at Jolene. "I can still kick your ass, bitch!"

"You could try," warned Jolene. "But I personally know three-time IIEF champion Brent Mossing. If you think I'm strong, he can bench press over six hundred pounds, and he would just love to show you why you should never hit a woman. Don't...fuck...with me."

Ronnie gasped and covered her mouth. "Oh, dude. You made her swear."

Dill backed up, almost tripping over the stool that he had steadied himself with. The other patrons were quiet while Dill headed for the door.

Ronnie sat there with her hands over her mouth, her eyes bulging. Jolene strolled over to her stool and sat down, spreading out her muscular arms and flexing her shoulders. Ronnie was in stunned silence.

The waitress hurried over with her tray. "Wow, I'm so sorry about that!" she said. She placed another glass of wine on the table. "This one's on me." She held up her hand, and Jolene gave it a good slap. "Whoa!" the waitress said, as she was surprised by how hard Jolene could push. She leaned in with her tray behind her back. "That was the coolest fucking thing I ever saw." The waitress went back behind the bar.

Jolene watched the waitress leave, and allowed herself a smile. She then looked at Ronnie. "Eat your nachos, dear." Ronnie kept her gaze locked on Jolene as she put the chips in her mouth one at a time.

The two of them were back in the hotel room. Ronnie had refrained from saying anything all the way back from the bar. Jolene took off her glasses and hung up her jacket, stretching out her arms. "Whew!" she exclaimed. "What an exciting night." She put her hands on Ronnie's shoulders. "Thank you for taking me out. Oh!" She put her hand to her mouth and threw her head back. "I actually had some wine with dinner. Maybe I'm overreacting, though."

Ronnie still had her mouth hung open, looking down at Jolene's body. "What you did for me there...I one has ever done anything like that for me before."

Jolene put her forehead to Ronnie's, looking her in the eyes. "I know that this kind of thing is not for you, though. Oh, you probably think I look silly like this. I totally understand." She pulled her head away and let go of her shoulders, then walked into the bedroom. Jolene kept her back to Ronnie as she did a few flexes. The room still had enough light coming in from the windows so that Ronnie could make out her shapely physique. Jolene had a huge smile on her face.

Ronnie was gasping for air as she unzipped her own dress. "Jo?" She was still panting as she stood in her underwear. "Are you tired? I know you have your competition tomorrow."

Jolene was still standing with her back to Ronnie. "I suppose I could work off the wine," she said sweetly. She turned to look at Ronnie, who was still in the living room. "Whatever did you have in mind, dear?"

Ronnie bit her lower lip. "Could you...carry me to the bed?"

Jolene put her hands together and gasped. "Sweetheart! I would be delighted!" She dashed out of the room. Ronnie let her arm rest draped over Jolene's shoulder. Jolene reached down, and in a quick swoop she lifted Ronnie up off the floor.

Ronnie threw her head back as Jolene carried her in. "Oh my God! Oh my God!" Ronnie yelled. Jolene carefully set Ronnie down on the bed. Placing her thumbs into the side of her dress, Jolene slid the entire thing down, then stood up and flexed her biceps.