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Then I asked him a pointed question. "Please forgive my looking a gift horse in the mouth, sir but I know that I was one of three suitable candidates being considered for this position. Can you tell me exactly what it was that gave me the edge over my equally qualified coworkers?"

"Well, my boy," Andrew illuminated, "I have to say that you're right about that. Any of the three of you would have probably performed just as well as the other. It was a tough choice but apparently, you have some friends in high places. There's a highly respected gentleman who sits on our board in an advisory capacity, and he gave you the highest recommendation which pushed you over the top for us. I mean, if you can impress someone who commands the stature of Thomas Henley, then you are the right man for the job. Welcome to the upper echelon, Vernon. I look forward to hearing even more good things about you going forward."

Andrew continued, "In the next day or so, I want you to contact Human Resources. They will help you choose from among the best offices presently available in your department. They'll also get you to sign some documents cementing you into your new role, as well as advise you of the many new perks you can expect in your new position with us. Again, you have my thanks and appreciation. Now go get 'em, tiger."

I left Andrew's office shocked and stunned. Not because of the raise and promotion which I felt was justly deserved but because I knew precisely why I had received it. My loyal, faithful wife, who swore that she would not have sexual intercourse with Tom without my consent, had already done just that without my permission. Apparently, she deemed the potential financial benefits to outweigh any negative impact on our marriage.

I felt as if my world was crumbling around me, and that there was nothing left worth fighting for. Was that right? Is there nothing left of any value? Certainly not Leslie. She made her choice. She can go fuck whoever she wants to now. Our marriage is over, destroyed. I had to sit down and catch my breath. I felt as though I might pass out for a moment.

I sat down in the nearest empty chair to collect my thoughts and consider my next move. My head was swimming. Gladys, the secretarial manager approached me and asked if I was alright. I said yes, that I just had a lot to take in and needed to think for a moment. She smiled and patted my shoulder congratulating me on my new promotion saying that she would give me all of her support in my new role. News travels fast. She said, "You don't get to be the secretarial manager without staying on top of all new developments."

I asked her to contact my secretary and inform her that I would be taking the rest of the day off. She chuckled and told me that I deserved to celebrate, suggesting I take my wife out and kick up our heels and that she would pass on the message to my secretary. I left immediately after that interaction.

I drove straight to the attorney's office to engage his services. Though my marriage was toast, I was hoping to use the clandestine video recording that I'd made of her BJ with the asshole as leverage to get primary custody of the children, or at the very least, equally shared custody. I might have lost my wife already but I'll be damned if I was going to let those children go without a fight. My attorney confirmed my thoughts and said he'd have the papers ready to serve in three days. I said I'd let him know when and where to serve her. Then I drove home.

When Leslie arrived at the house, she was extremely anxious to hear my enthusiastic announcement about my new promotion and accompanying raise. Thomas had told her it was a done deal and should have already happened earlier in the day. She thought it strange that I had not called her and shared the good news. She had her own good news about her promotion as well to share with me but was told by Tom to wait and share hers only after I first made my announcement. She was bursting to talk about it but I appeared to be in my normal depressed state of late. She had to fight the urge to blurt out her news but remained silent about it, watching me closely, looking for signs of something, anything. Nothing. I doted over the children and was heavily involved with them and their homework but not a single solitary word to her. She was so disappointed and deflated that she retired for the night with her high expectations for the evening, dashed.

I downloaded the day's audio recording and put a new battery in the small device. I didn't see much need to continue monitoring her encounters with Tom but I did want confirmation today of what I already knew had taken place. I listened to her passion as she was being fucked. I couldn't bear to listen anymore, so I saved it, copied it, just like the others, and then put her purse back as before. The fate of our marriage was now sealed.

I rose early the next morning, typed up my resignation, and slipped it into my briefcase. I did everything necessary to prepare the kids for the day, having already cooked pancakes for them, which was usually reserved as a special treat. When Leslie wandered into the kitchen, she saw how happy I acted doting over the children, and as she approached me to get in on it, I glared at her with a dark stare that was unmistakable in its intent. She just teared up and returned to her bedroom. As soon as the kids were on the school bus, I headed out for the day.

I went out to get some breakfast to kill some time. I wanted to arrive at work 30 minutes late today. I cleaned out my desk and carried my personal belongings out to my car. I smiled at my coworkers as I did so. They believed that I was merely gathering my things to move to my newly appointed office. Then I waltzed directly into the HR department. They excitedly smiled at me saying I was expected, and they had several things they wanted to go over with me concerning my new position with the company. I announced that, due to unfortunate personal circumstances, I would not be able to accept the new position nor continue with the company as an employee.

As I handed my letter of resignation to a shocked HR director, I explained that my resignation was effective immediately, and that, unfortunately, I would not be working a notice. I apologized for the way I was ending my longstanding relationship with the company citing personal reasons as my excuse. I explained that my final check was to be direct deposited into my account, and asked them to pass on my best wishes to all of the employees of the firm, especially my boss. To say they were shocked, would be a gross understatement. I walked out the door with a smile on my face.

I began fulfilling the steps of my plan, making the rounds during the day, paying off credit accounts in both names, and then closing them immediately afterward. I next moved half of all of our financial assets over to a new account solely in my name and removed my name from all jointly held accounts, leaving her as the sole account holder. I set all of my account beneficiaries to the names of my children, removing all traces of Leslie financially from my life, other than the house. The mortgage was in both of our names and I would be unable to extricate myself from that obligation without a divorce decree mandating it. For the time being, I would give her a monthly check for my half of the house payment and let her make the payments. My canceled checks would be my receipts. Our retirement accounts were already separate and in individual names, and there was no reason to make any changes to them, other than the beneficiaries. The day passed quickly as I went through the motions of dissecting the corpse of my marriage. Sure enough at mid-afternoon, Leslie began blowing up my phone with numerous text and voice messages. I expected as much and chuckled as I simply turned off my phone so I wouldn't be bothered by her belligerence.


I hadn't been home 30 seconds before being lambasted by Leslie's tirade. I saw her fierce anger and disgust over my decision. I knew this wasn't the way she had expected things to go. I knew also that she would be furious at me for turning off my cell phone and not allowing her to chew me out earlier. I didn't care. Not long ago, I would have tripped all over myself to appease her every whim but that time had passed. I no longer cared what she thought, what she wanted, or how she felt about anything. She was persona non-grata to me. She was sobbing at my silence, desperately seeking answers as to why I had so blatantly derailed all of her hard work to secure the financial security for her family, only to have it blow up in her face by my unanticipated, idiotic behavior.

I knew that there was no way in hell that she would let me off the hook easily, and I didn't want the children to see the vitriolic argument that would surely follow. No, there was no reason to subject them to that. So I just shrugged my shoulders, didn't say a word, slipped back into my car, and left. I had to get away and let her have some time to cool off. The inevitable confrontation would have to take place sooner or later, and I decided that later would be just fine.

I called my pastor and friend. My family was fairly regular attending Sunday services. We'd had many engaging conversations over the years and I wanted to get his take on my situation without being overly graphic. He asked to meet me at a Starbucks over coffee. Once I had given him an encapsulated version of events, I asked for his thoughts, and what he would do in my circumstances.

"Well, Vern. That's an exceptionally challenging situation for any husband to find themselves in. There is no right or wrong answer. The main consideration is what's in your heart. You suggest that Leslie has already turned her back on your marriage and I can't disagree. As you know, infidelity is one of the very few acceptable reasons for a divorce by Church members. You have every right to divorce her, there's no doubt about it."

"Thanks, pastor, but I sense a 'but' coming."

He chuckled at my insightfulness and continued, "Your instinct is to divorce her and I couldn't fault you for that. However, I would be remiss if I didn't remind you of an Old Testament Bible story about Gomer. In the book of Hosea, chapter three is the story of an Old Testament prophet, Hosea who married Gomer, the daughter of Diblaim, who turned out to be an adulterous wife. Although she bore Hosea three children, some scholars believe that two of her children were not his. In an act of blatant disrespect, Gomer openly ran off with another man. "The Lord said to Hosea, Go show your love to your wife again, though she is loved by another and is an adulteress. Love her as the Lord loves the Israelites, though they turn to other gods." So, Hosea tracked her down only to discover that she had been sold into sexual slavery. He bought her for fifteen shekels of silver and told her, you are to live with me many days; you must not be a prostitute or be intimate with any man, and I will live with you". She was moved by the purity of his love, and as far as anyone knows, ceased her wicked ways. That's the gist of it in a nutshell. What you choose to do with that is completely up to you. As your pastor, I'll help you face this seemingly insurmountable challenge."

I shook his hand and thanked him for his words of wisdom. It would be exceptionally painful to cut her out of my life. But it seems equally painful to live with her and face her debauchery every day. I decided to go out for the evening to a dinner and dance club. I figured I could have a nice meal without being torn to shreds by Leslie, and watch couples who still loved each other have a good time. Although it would remind me of what I had lost, it would also remind me that true love was still possible in this world, even if it wasn't to be with me and Leslie. Another bonus was that I could lubricate my emotions with a bit of alcohol. I don't care for the taste of alcohol, and had enough self-control not to get drunk. I just needed something to take the edge off. I sat off in a back corner of the large venue where I could take in the dance floor, yet remain aloof from the rest of the crowd to wallow in my sad state.

After my meal was finished, and the dancing had begun, a classy-looking lady approached my table and asked if I was meeting someone. I jokingly said, "No, just me, myself, and I."

She offered, "My name is Irene, Irene Randall. Would you mind if I sat down with you for a while?"

"Vernon Mansfield, here," as I shook her hand. "Of course, you may sit but I'm afraid you will find me unfit company this evening."

"Oh? Do tell."

"Well, my wife of 11 years decided that she wanted to have sex with other men, and couldn't understand why I might object to such a thing. That's the short and sweet of it anyway."

"Oh, wow. I'm sorry to hear that. No wonder you're holed up over here in the corner. But you know, you're not the first person to experience a cheating spouse, and I assure you that you won't be the last."

"That very well may be but somehow that fact doesn't take any of the sting out of it."

Irene replied, "I know what you mean. It took me 6 months for my divorce to be finalized, and then nearly another six months before I was ready to even think about moving on with my life."

"You too huh? If you don't mind my asking, what happened?"

"No, I don't mind. It's ancient history to me now. Mine could be your own story. My husband said he loved me above all others but for some reason just couldn't keep his thing in his pants. Silly me, I actually forgave the philanderer twice for his indiscretions but the third strike, as they say, he was out," she said with a chuckle. "Oh, he went kicking and screaming but he went. He's had a string of bimbos since we divorced, probably thinking he can embarrass me with his actions but he is only hurting himself. His reputation is in the toilet. Oh, we still see each other on occasion at one of our daughter's functions but I get the feeling he regrets his loss."

"Well, just from the short time that we've been talking, Irene, I get the sense that you are one classy lady, very polite and kind, with quite a lot to offer those you deem to call important people in your life. Personally, I think your ex-husband was a fool to even let you out of his sight. But apparently, he took your love for granted at some point, didn't he?"

"Well thank you kind sir for your generous words. It's strange, but that's almost exactly what he said to me recently. Although it was nice to hear, I thought it a shame that he didn't have such an epiphany before it was too late. And believe me, when I say, it's too late. Never again with him."

"I hear you and agree. My wife has broken one off in me, and I can't see much of a way forward aside from divorce. The sad thing is that I still love her. I don't know why. I shouldn't, but I do. That, plus not wanting to put my two children through the trauma of divorce, makes me stop and think. And that's what I'm doing here, just regrouping and thinking, for what good it will do."

She smiled at me and said, "Tell me about your kids."

I grinned in return because that is one topic that always lifts my spirits. It's almost as if she instinctively knew that. I happily bragged about my two children, David and Marla, extolling their virtues and the potential that lies ahead for them. She sensed my pride and fatherly love and asked me if a divorce was truly my best option.

I stumbled in my reply saying that is exactly what I am trying to decide right now.

She regaled, "My daughter was 16 at the time of my divorce, so I thought she was emotionally developed for the most part, and that our divorce wouldn't adversely affect her. I was wrong. She soon began acting out at school and hanging out with the wrong crowd. She started cutting herself and using drugs. In hindsight, I now wonder if I was right to divorce the scoundrel at the expense of my daughter's mental well-being."

"What do you mean, Irene? From what you tell me, divorce was your only option."

"That's what I thought at the time, but now I'm not so sure."

"But how can you say that?"

"Look at it like this, Vernon. We all make sacrifices every day for things that are important to us. For example, I assume you work 8 hours a day five days a week to buy important things, a home, a car, pay the bills, vacations, clothing, and financial security for your family. You can never get back those 8 hours a day away from your family and that's a sacrifice you make for them. As for my situation, I never considered for one second swallowing my pride and staying with my cheater so both of us could still be there for our daughter during her formative years. I could have cut him off sexually, abandoned his sexual urges to the bimbos he bedded, and sacrificed my selfish pride for my daughter's sake. I'll never know if she would have been better off as a result. Your children are even younger than my daughter, and I'm sure you want the very best for them. Sometimes that means, as a parent, making sacrifices that we otherwise, as an INDIVIDUAL, might never accept."

Hearing such lucid logic, and advice from this stranger of a woman stunned me. "You've given me food for thought, Irene, and have miraculously induced in me the faintest glimmer of hope for my life, even if Leslie doesn't come around to my way of thinking, and for that, I thank you from the bottom of my heart." I took her hand and kissed it.

Her wide smile revealed her pride in being useful in some small way in such an important decision in one's life. "You have no idea what it means to hear you say that. You have made my day. Perhaps we both were destined to cross paths tonight, who knows? Look, here's my number. If you ever feel the need to talk, I have a pretty handy shoulder to cry on. I know it's way too early for you to consider such things but if you decide that divorce is your only option, please give me a chance to get to know such an intriguing gentleman as yourself, better."

I thanked her as she gave me a wink and a nod upon leaving me to my thoughts.

At midnight, I very quietly entered my house, hoping to slip into bed without a confrontation. Alas, that was not to be. Just as I approached the stairs to go up, I heard, "Where the hell have you been?" Leslie loudly demanded.

"Thinking," was my short quiet reply.

"I don't know what the hell you were thinking, especially quitting your job as you did! I'm sure with one phone call that can be undone with you restored to your rightful position in the company."

"Leslie, it's after midnight. Both of us are tired and emotionally charged. Whether you like it or not, I am not going to have this confrontation with you right now. If you want, we can discuss our issues after the kids are asleep tomorrow night. But I'm going to bed right now and I suggest you do the same."

You're not getting off that easy Vernon Mansfield. I want to talk now!"

"STOP IT! Stop yelling at daddy, mom, stop it!" My ten year old son shouted. I hadn't noticed him there.

"I'm sorry we woke you, David. We didn't mean to. Why don't you go back to bed now?" I calmly asked, trying not to heighten his awareness of the circumstances.

"I will after she tells you. TELL him mommy, tell him what you did!" He pleaded in anguish.

"Tell him what, son? I have no idea what you're talking about," she defended.

"Earlier tonight, I heard you. I heard you talking to him on the phone, some man named Tom. You told him you LOVED him! You're supposed to love daddy! Why would you say that to another man?" He blurted.

"It's nothing sweetie, he's just a friend. Here, let me take you to get a sip of water then tuck you back into bed." Leslie urged our despondent son.
