Conversations 01 - The Dance

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Ex's dance.
941 words

Part 1 of the 7 part series

Updated 06/11/2023
Created 03/25/2021
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Quick writer's note:

Tags for this story: Cheating, Cheating Wife, 750-word project, 750-word project 2021.

This is the first in a new series I wanted to write, it will be a collection of conversations between lovers, former lovers and their families. I'm going to target completing each story within a single Literotica page, this first story will debut with others in the 750-word project tags.

I want to improve my storytelling and thought that targeting a certain page or word count will help me streamline my stories and hopefully make me a better writer.

I want to thank my editors for their collaboration and input in this story; Charlie, John, High Luster, Simepop and CarrotsGoMeow.

I love to collaborate with people and so I look forward to expanding this editing team. If you are interested in being a part of this collaboration team, please send me your email address through private messaging and I'll shoot you my stories.

My daughter looked beautiful; I was unspeakably proud to walk her down the aisle and toward her future husband. Her mom, Kate, watched us intently.

I gave her a small wink as I stood with Hannah in front of the congregation eyeing Joshua and the pastor.

"Who gives this woman?"

"Her Mother and I."

Her mother touched my hand as I went to take my seat, two seats down from hers. I saw the regret and disappointment on her face as she again realized what she gave up twelve years ago.

I smiled as I seated myself next to my gorgeous wife Jennifer.

The ceremony went off without a hitch. We all arrived at the reception hall and waited for the new couple.

"Please welcome Joshua and Hannah Wright!"

I was pulled from my deep thoughts with the announcement. Dinner was flawless, the toasts were stirring, and we all settled in to watch the happy couple's first dance.

Kate strutted her way across the room, eyeing me when the DJ opened the dance floor to everyone. She observed my younger wife as she asked, "May I steal your husband for this dance?"

"Of course, I know he'll return to me." Jennifer replied cattily. The tension was thick.

Kate molded herself to me for the romantic dance. I stiffened my frame to provide separation between us as I led her around the dance floor.

"How are you Katie?"

"I'm good Karl. You and Jennifer appear happy."

"Extremely. Jennifer is the best thing that's happened to me in a long time."

"Better than me?" I detected a tremor.

"Katie, you were my first true love. Nothing made me happier than when you said, 'yes' to our first date, and then again when you said, 'yes' to my proposal." I stalled for a moment to contain my emotions. "The next eleven years were some of the best."

"We were married twelve years, dear." Kate never allowed me even a mild gaffe.

"Yes, dear," I replied sarcastically, "but that last year wasn't pleasant for me at all. I mean... I'll never forget when you announced how in love you were with my best friend."

"I keep telling you, Andy and I didn't mean for it to happen. I fell for his charms and allowed myself to get carried away."

I was guiding her around the floor when I caught Jennifer's glare over her latest flute of champagne. She was pissed at Kate's closeness. I knew I'd pay for it later.

"Where's Andy? It's hard to imagine he'd miss his goddaughter's wedding. Come to think of it, I'm fairly sure he's missed all of Hanna's milestones."

"Well, he doesn't trust you. His jaw still aches in cold weather."

I gave a small chuckle, remembering the look on his face when I decked him that first time I saw him after he and Kate had moved in together. That broken jaw was expensive; I'm lucky it didn't land me in jail. It cost me sole custody and supervised visitations with Hannah for four years.

The song ended. I relaxed my grip on Kate, but she didn't reciprocate.

"One more?" It was odd hearing her pleading, she did so little of it during our marriage. I pulled her close again, flashing a sheepish smile to Jennifer, and started moving to the music.

"He's cheating on me again." Her tone was hushed, her cheeks flushed with embarrassment.

"I'm sorry Katie, I'd hoped better for you than that."

"Thank you, Karl. I guess it's what I deserve. After the way I treated you and Hannah I suppose it's only fair that I get a taste of my own medicine."

"I definitely hated the way you expressed your displeasure in our marriage. It was devastating to find out that the two people I trusted most conspired to destroy my life."

Residual anger was making its way to the surface as my ex-wife brought all those unpleasant feelings painfully back.

"It took me a long time to put my life back together while the two of you played house, pretended to be a happy family, and monopolized my daughter."

"I know Karl. I regret everything; if I could, I would undo all the pain I caused."

"The past seven years with Jennifer is what put that pain to rest." I paused our swaying to look into her teary eyes. "Thanks for the dance."

I stepped away and made a beeline to my waiting wife, toward the arms of my one love.

If you are interested in what Karl was thinking about, DM me with your email and I'll share his deep thoughts with you, they were too dark to be printed.

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Calico75Calico7512 days ago

I love a good 750 word story! Nicely done.

kirei8kirei826 days ago

Oops, Jennifer left! Right at the start of the second dance.

AnonymousAnonymous29 days ago

Good outline for a story, pity you couldnt type more than 750 words.

AnonymousAnonymous2 months ago

So, Andy stabbed his 'best friend' in the back by seducing his wife, the two of them ran off together and the MC and his now ex wife are surprised that Andy is a cheat. The phrase 'No shit, Sherlock!' springs most readily to mind.


26thNC26thNC3 months ago

Good story, but he should celebrate her situation with Andy. The bitch deserves no sympathy.

AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

Good work - not sure about the commentary below.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

DM you for Karl's thoughts? Too dark to be published? The reader shouldn't have to contact you for, what actually is, finishing/ adding to the story.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

the fact that he's sorry for her is why she left, weak asshole

goodshoes2goodshoes2over 1 year ago

When my son was married, I was about 14 years divorced from my ex, and about 8 years married to my present wife. I was approached prior to the reception asking if I would consider having one dance with my ex. I believe my look said it all, but to be sure, I told the person that I would shove the microphone up his ass if he announced a dance between my ex and me along with the stand on which it was mounted.

SteelPaperTSteelPaperTover 1 year ago

Thanky you , Tilman, for sharing Karl's real thoughts. It vindicates this outcome.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Love is a CHOICE, and an action. Yes, you may find someone to be physically attractive, or emotionally pleasant. Neither of those are love. A married person CHOOSES to not follow up on the attraction, physically OR emotionally!

One of the largest issues in society today is that women don’t have accountability. 200 years ago, when women also didn’t have many choices, and almost no power or authority, the lack of accountability made sense. Now, when women say that they are equal to men, they should be punished for bad decisions, the same as men are!


tralan69ertralan69erover 1 year ago




sbrooks103x was completely correct and he didn't say what you criticize him for saying. As for you, besides a colossal lack of reading comprehension, you seem to have a lot of cuckold story authors favorited. What's that say about you?

I say your comment being anon amouse is rather henny housey, or other wise CHICKENSHIT!

AA82ndAAAA82ndAAalmost 2 years ago

A prevailing theme in these type of stories. selfish woman find new love who then he finds greener pastures. I love it in every story and no matter the presentation it still makes me smile. God how i detest selfish women. They should be punished by divorce rulings.

jocko_smithjocko_smithabout 2 years ago

"I didn't mean for it to happen" What utter bollocks. You fucking KNOW when attraction is growing, unless you're like 14. And if you have any ethics at all, and are trustworthy, you back the hell away. You don't "fall for his charms," you LET IT HAPPEN because you want to.

I have had this once in my life when it was utterly inappropriate, and I backed away. I even told the other person "I can't separate my attraction toward you from our friendship. Which is not happening since I'm in a committed relationship. This is totally on me, and you've been a good friend. But I can't spend time with you anymore. Goodbye."

Unless the Martian Slut Ray really exists, women (and men) have their own agency. And thus it's totally their doing when they "fall" for someone. He should have burst out laughing when she made that stupid excuse. That scorn would have elevated the story.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago



sbrooks103x was completely correct and he didn't say what you criticize him for saying. As for you, besides a colossal lack of reading comprehension, you seem to have a lot of cuckold story authors favorited. What's that say about you?

nixroxnixroxabout 2 years ago

4 star - not quite 5. The ex-husband may have gotten some temporary revenge for smashing the ASSHOLE in the face, BUT his daughter really paid the price for his stupidity. Another demonstration outlining why violence of any form is not really an option. However, non-violent revenge is usually longer lasting and very appropriate - if there is a well developed plan of execution. My ancestors are Scotsmen and we hold a grudge until we get revenge.

Lifestyle66Lifestyle66over 2 years ago

I gave the "750-word story" a 5 for the Loving Wife category.

BUT ... the Author's note preamble was too long, and the post-script offering his dark thoughts detracted from an otherwise very good stand-alone 750-word story.

widowedidiotwidowedidiotover 2 years ago

This is where I'm at odds with this authors. If his first wife had to go looking elsewhere? What's going to make us believe he's any better now?

PmillPmillalmost 3 years ago

It feels like about a third of a story. I did enjoy the read.

tralan69ertralan69eralmost 3 years ago


Who are you to say who can be pissed off or not? She had every right to be there.

And who are you to say "enough" about anything in someone else's story?

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