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"What is it," I whispered. "It can't be that bad, that it can't be overcome. Talk to me. You'll feel better, I know." A gentle squeeze and a soft murmur in response. "Go ahead. I'll not judge you or put you down. It has to be important for you to be so burdened."

I felt a solitary tear trickle down my neck, and Deidra drew in a shuddering breath, then softly, so softly I had to really listen to hear her voice, said, "I want to have my own bed and breakfast with a gourmet restaurant where I'm the chef."

"OK. So why not? What is the problem with that?"

"M . . . my father insists I go into psychology like him." A sniffle and half-sob before she could continue. That's really why I came back early. He and . . . he and my mother were fighting over me, and I couldn't stand it anymore, so I came back here. When he found out last year I was taking some culinary arts courses as electives he threatened to cut off my allowance if I took any more, so I don't have the training I need, or the business know-how. I just can't do it."

"I'm not one to go against parent's wishes generally, but it seems to me you are an adult, you obviously have the talent you need to follow your dream, and for you to abandon your dream and go into something you don't love would be wrong. Do you know what you will need to get set up in business? Have you pursued a business plan?"

Deidra lifted her head and looked me in the eyes, "I quit figuring everything when Daddy told me I couldn't take any more culinary arts classes. I have my numbers from back then."

Holding Deidra in my lap was having the normal effect on Little Toomas, and although I could spend all day holding that girl I thought I ought to get her off of me before I insinuated something I didn't really want. Well, I did want, but knew I shouldn't have. "Why don't you go get them, and let's sit down and see what we can come up with? Mind, I'm not promising anything, but let's see if there's a possibility to make something happen sometime down the road?"

Deidra squealed and wrapped both arms around my neck again and squeezed. Her breasts smooshed against me again, and when she kissed my cheek Little Toomas moved, and Deidra giggled. "I think someone likes me sitting here like this." With another giggle she slowly slid off of my lap, taking care to brush her breasts across me as she slid. Trying to get my mind focused where it ought to be I picked up my coffee cup, but it was cold.


My phone rang as I was watching Deidra's ass going out the door to go to her room. Glad for the distraction, I answered without bothering to see who it was.

"Daddy? Look, would it be a problem if I stayed up here through the weekend and got home Sunday night? I know the others aren't getting back before then. Do you think you and Deidra can get along without me there? I really hate not being there for her, when I know she needs me, but I've got . . ."

I broke in, "Kitten, take a breath. For goodness sakes, ease up. Of course we can get along, that is if I can stand her cooking that long! She's going to have me as fat as a boar hog if she keeps this up."

Kat giggled. "OK, thanks, Daddy. You know I worry about you if I'm not there to take care of you."

"I'm OK, sweetheart. We'll be fine and . . . hang on. Deidra just walked in and wants to talk to you."

I handed her the phone. "Hey there, Kat. Cool news about the job offer! Don't worry about your dad. I'm going take very good care of him for you." She gave me a lascivious smile and wink. I couldn't hear what Kat said on the other end. All I could think of is that nightgown, which wasn't even a sexy nightgown, sure looked good on her. "Oh, I just made an egg casserole for breakfast this morning. You would think he never ate before. I'm going to have to chase him down to the pond for a little skinny-dipping or something to work it off."

I heard Kat's laugh from across the table, but from the raised-eyebrow look I got from Deidra I wasn't sure just how much of a joke it was supposed to be. They chatted for just a couple of minutes more before Deidra handed me the phone again.

"Hey, Kitten."

"I just wanted to say 'I love you,' Daddy. I miss you, but this is just too good of an opportunity, and if I stay the weekend I can get everything lined out for moving up here."

Did she say "moving up here?" That hit me right square in the gut. Of course, I knew it was going to happen, but just saying so made it seem final and permanent.

"That's OK. You get done what you need to get done. Deidra and I will get along fine until you get back." I heard a little snicker on her end.

"Have fun, Daddy. I'll see you Sunday night." Across the table I could see a laughing Deidra.

"I've got you worried now, don't I, Toomas?" She blew me a kiss and then slid a folder across the tabletop.

When I flipped open the folder I got a real surprise. Deidra had page after page of lists of materials, equipment, and supplies she would need to open up a B&B. To say I was impressed with how thorough her work was would be like saying a Great Dane is a big dog. She had lists of prices, funds needed for advertising, number of guests needed to break even, even down to proposed menus.

"How long have you been working on this, Deidra? Just on the surface it looks like you have a very good handle on what you need."

Deidra colored a little bit. "I got the idea when I saw this place and Kat told me about your wife's dream. I have always wanted to be a chef. As a kid, I was experimenting in the kitchen when I was just able to see above the countertops, and I created several dishes when I was in junior high and high school. Mom always encouraged me, but Dad wouldn't hear of it. He wants me to join his practice and take over for him when he retires. I know I'm good at psych, but I don't want to sit around and listen to people's problems all day long. I like to cook."

"When Kat and I talked about what your wife wanted to do it all just clicked for me. This is what I want, a place just like this, where people can enjoy gourmet cooking and relax away from everything for a few days. Nothing snobby! I hate that. I want something anyone can be comfortable in."

I leaned my chair back on two legs and pinched my lips between my finger and thumb as I looked at Deidra. Everything was quiet for several minutes. That was another thing that impressed me about Deidra. She knew when to remain silent. Most people hear a lull in conversation and think it has to be filled, but she could wait while another person thought. With a thud I let my chair drop to the floor and I stood to my feet.

"I don't know where this is going for sure, but here's what I want you to do: Go grab a shower and get changed into something business casual. I've got someone I want you to see."

"What? You don't like this?" Her grin was just a little beyond cheeky.

"Oh, but I do." My voice was husky. "However, where I'm taking you I don't want to share."

"OK. Do I need to put up my hair?"

"I don't think so. I think it looks fine as it is. Don't wear anything formal, just something sharp. May I keep this for a while?" I held up her folder.

"Certainly. I have another copy."

I nodded my head and turned to go grab a shower of my own. I also had a phone call to make.


When I came from my room I found a freshly dressed Deidra clearing the table. I was stunned by her beauty and attire. I had said "business casual," but this exceeded "casual" but didn't go overboard. She wore a gray pencil skirt that ended about two inches above the knee, but it was the sweater that really set her attire off. It was a dark fuschia, a color many girls can't wear, but with her almost-white blond hair and pale blue eyes it was exquisite. She heard me suck in my breath when I entered the kitchen and turned with a smile.

"Is this all right? Do you think it's appropriate?"

"Only if you don't care if I get shot down in the street and someone tries to take you away from me!"

That got a laugh and a smile. That girl has to quit smiling. It's bad for my heart!

"Old Johnnie's eyes are going to pop when you walk into his office. It'll be good for the guy. Let that stuff be. I'll help you with it when we get back. Johnnie's expecting us in half an hour."


"Johnnie." Another thing I really liked about her. She didn't continuously question. She recognized I didn't want to say any more, and she accepted it.

I opened her car door for her and then got in on my side. As I put the key in the ignition I noticed her skirt had slid up a good three inches on her thighs. It still wasn't overly short, but knowing it was higher than it had been got my juices started again.

"Are you sure I look OK, Toomas?"

I knew she wasn't just fishing for a compliment, but not knowing where we were going she was concerned about appropriateness.

"Oh, you are fine. You make me look pretty drab, but I'll settle for being the thorn to your rose, today." I had worn a nice pair of slacks and a sport coat over an open collared shirt. I was for sure outclassed.

I parked near a large office building and hurried around to open her door for her. As she slid out, her skirt slipped upward a couple of inches more, and from the puckish smirk on her face, I knew it was for my benefit. Deidra tugged it down into place before stepping out and taking my arm. From the corner of my eye I could see heads turning as we walked past, and I know they weren't looking at me. Still, I couldn't help feeling pride that I was escorting such a beautiful young lady.

We took the elevator to the tenth and top floor and stepped out into the vestibule of Walker, Collins, Thomas, and Howe, my law firm. The receptionist stood when we entered. "Good morning, Toomas. Mr. Walker is on a conference call, but he said he would be short. May I get you some coffee?"

"That would be excellent, Phyllis. Thank you. Deidra?"


It took just a minute for Phyllis to return with two fancy mugs and the condiments on a tray. "It's Jamaican Blue Mountain, Toomas. Mr. Walker said give you the good stuff, because if you needed to see him so badly on such short notice there must be a couple of bodies involved and he's already counting the billable hours."

I laughed heartily as Deidra looked at me puzzled. "Ignore her, Deidra. I overlook it as much as I can. As you can see, they are having hard times. They haven't been able to afford to mow the carpet this week."

Deidra looked down at the deep pile carpet and smiled. The toes of her high heels sank into the carpet.

"Phyllis is an old and dear friend. She and Sophia, my eldest daughter are good friends, and I think she spent as much time in our home as she did in her own when she was a teen." Just then, a door opened down the hall and a distinguished looking grey-haired gentleman stepped out.

"Johnnie, I'm glad to see you. I hope you heard him. Toomas is harassing me again. He said I'm 'old,' and I want to file suit.

"Sorry, my dear, but I can't represent you. You wouldn't have a leg to stand on." I couldn't help but laugh at the look on Deidra's face.

"Deidra, may I present Johnnie Walker? It used to be Johnnie Walker Black before it became Johnnie Walker Grey."

"Phyllis, I may reconsider, if you don't mind making it a class action suit!" Johnnie stepped forward with a hand extended for a shake that evolved into a hug. "And who is this lovely young lady, Toomas?" as he extended her his hand.

"She's a very good friend of Kat's, and one of the girls from the volleyball team who is living out at the house."

"I'm indeed honored, young lady. I'm sorry you don't have better taste in companions, but come on in the office. Toomas said this is important." Deidra looked at me puzzled, but I just waved her forward without saying anything.

Once we were seated in Johnnie's private office I opened my briefcase and extracted the folder Deidra gave me. "Go ahead and start your clock, you old pirate. This is going to be profitable for you, I'm sure." I took a deep breath before saying, "This young lady has cooked me two of the finest meals I have ever eaten, last night, and this morning. Her dream is to open a bed and breakfast where she will serve as chef and provide gourmet meals. However, her father wants her to go into psychology, which would be a waste of her talents. I want you to take a quick look at this, which she drew up last year as a junior at the university, and give me your evaluation." I handed the folder across the desk to him.

Deidra gave me a deer in the headlights look when Johnnie opened the folder and began to read quickly. I gave her a little smile and nod before turning back to watch Johnnie. He skimmed through everything quickly and then turned back to the front to read it more slowly. When he finished he closed the folder and placed it on his desk thoughtfully.

"OK, Toomas, what are you wanting from me?"

"An evaluation."

Johnnie looked at Deidra. "Did you do this work yourself, young lady, or did you have it done for you?"

"All of it is my own work, sir. Although, to be honest, I had the advantage of being able to evaluate Toomas' house and draw up much of the needs based on what I saw there."

"Um-hmm. Tell me, how much experience do you have with such an establishment?"

Deidra colored and looked downward. "None, sir. I took two culinary arts classes last year before my father told me I couldn't take any more." She glanced up. "I've experimented with cooking, though, since I was a little girl, but nothing beyond that."

Johnnie looked back at me. "Toomas, what do you need from me?"

"I wanted your evaluation, which I take it to be is good?" At his affirmative nod I went on. "Then this. I'm going to make this young lady an offer, and if she is amenable I want you to draw up a contract and the attendant paperwork necessary for a corporation."

I turned to Diedra. "Deidra, if you are interested, I propose to fully fund a bed and breakfast . . ." I held up my hand as she started to respond, "after you successfully complete a second major in culinary arts and hospitality." Her eyes were wide and starting to tear.

"You will stay at the house, and I will fully fund your classwork. For this I want fifty percent of the business, but you will have control as managing partner. What do you say?"

For the first time, her façade cracked and she launched herself at me, wrapping her arms around my neck and she whispered, "Yes, oh, yes! Thank you, thank you, thank you!"

I disentangled myself far enough to look over at a smiling Johnnie and say, "Write it up, Johnnie." I stood and offered a hand to Deidra, helping her to her feet, then I reached into my inner coat pocket to pull out a handkerchief and handed it to Deidra. "I had an idea you might need that."

Johnnie handed me the folder and shook my hand, and then Deidra's before we walked out. Deidra's hand sought out my arm when we crossed the reception area with a wave for Phyllis. It was a silent Deidra on the ride down the elevator, although she hugged my arm tightly to herself and laid her head on my shoulder. With a sigh she straightened up when the car stopped and said just two words, but they were two of the most meaningful words possible, when the door opened. "Thank you." Not another word was said all the way back to the car, and it was a warm smile that looked up at me as I held her door.

Again, when I put the key in the ignition I noticed her skirt was hiked a little higher. Again, not much, but enough. I felt a flutter inside. Once I maneuvered out of the parking space and had the car moving well toward home Deidra's hand sought out mine and held it. She lifted my hand and placed a kiss on my knuckles. "Thank you," I heard softly whispered, and nothing else was said the rest of the way home. It was a companionable silence with nothing needing to be said.


When we got back to the house, Deidra went to her room to change, and I went to mine to do the same. I threw on a pair of shorts and a tee shirt, thinking I was going to do some more maintenance since the girls were all gone, but when I walked back into the kitchen I found Deidra wearing a pair of short white shorts, but the same fuschia sweater. When she walked across the kitchen and gave me a big hug I noted a big difference, though. She wore no bra, and her nipples poked slightly through the soft fabric.

"Why, Toomas? Why did you do that?"

"Because I thought it was a good idea. I've eaten your cooking, and your planning impressed me. Then, too, what you did for me last night made me think I should do a little something to pay you back."

"You don't owe me anything for last night. I didn't do anything I didn't want to do."

"Yes, but it meant a lot to me. You are the first one who has ever been able to get me to talk about Marja, and I got a lot off of my chest. Then, when you kept me company I realized how much I owe you. I told you I love you, and I do, but that in the end is not why. In the end, it is a good investment for me, and if I can do something to help you along the way that is an added benefit."

"I love you, too, Toomas." She reached up and place a light kiss on my lips and then laid her head on my shoulder and sighed a contented sigh. "In a little while I'm going to have to call my dad and tell him I'm staying in school, but I'm not going into psychology. That may get a little rough. Can you be there for me when I call?"

"Certainly. Let's go in the den and sit down. I have a couple of ideas that might help you sway your father in your direction." I really didn't want to let her out of my arms, but Little Toomas was rearing his head, and I didn't want to give the wrong idea about our deal.

Deidra preceded me into the den, and I'll admit I enjoyed watching her ass move in those little shorts. Her long tan legs weren't hard on the eyes, either. She looked back over her shoulder and gave me a smirk when she saw where I was looking and she wiggled her ass at me and giggled before she plopped down on the couch. I started to sit in an easy chair across from her, but she patted the cushion next to her. "Come sit by me?"

I wasn't sure it was wise, but I moved over to the couch and sat down. Deidra promptly scooted herself over close and lifted my arm around her shoulders. "What can I ever say to Daddy that he won't get mad about running a bed and breakfast and being a chef?"

"What if you were to combine running a bed and breakfast and psychology?"

"How could I ever do that?"

I looked down at her, which I should never have done if I wanted to keep my train of thought from derailing. She had one leg folded under her, pulling her shorts tightly into the hinge of her hip. Seeing her soft, smooth leg all the way up to where it disappeared at the very top, and her shorts pulled tightly over her womanhood made my breath catch. I tore my eyes away reluctantly and willed Little Toomas to go to sleep, but that was a waste of time. I took a deep breath and tried to still my heart before I answered.

"Have you ever considered using the bed and breakfast as a retreat for those who need some psychological counselling away from their normal situation? Perhaps some addiction counselling, or even marital counselling? There are a number of areas I could think of, where counselling away from a sterile office setting could be very beneficial. Combining it with the ambiance of a B&B, combined with your culinary skills would, I think, be therapeutic. There's a very good likelihood you could even get insurance to pay for it for some patients. You wouldn't have to do counselling all of the time, either. You could maybe alternate weeks or weekends of regular clients with counselling opportunities."

Once again, I found myself with Deidra's arms wrapped around my neck and her breasts pressed up against my chest. I could get used to this!