Corruption of a Geek Goddess Pt. 04


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"Then I'm filling you up, Princess."

"Okay, yes... fuck yes... that's good... oh god that's so good..."

Without further delay Dylan let himself tip over the edge; leaning forward, his thrusts sped up to a manic and brutal rhythm that forced Chelsea's face all the way down onto the floor, her cheek smushed against the carpet as her hips tilted up off the mattress to better receive his gift; her pussy shuddered in anticipation. Then she heard the urgent grunts coming from deep within her dominant mate, and she knew it was starting. The words spilled out of her so easily:

"Ohhh, god yes: Breed me, Daddy! Please, I want it..."

Dylan hilted himself inside, leaning forward, letting her shoulders on the ground take his weight. She felt his cockhead inside her swell and jump, felt the delicious warm pressure of his seed pooling against her cervix — taking her over, converting her, owning her in the only way that really matters. Chelsea's body responded with another small orgasm. Her soul whimpered in joy, and her thirsty womb convulsed to draw her lover's cum deeper, faster, following the pull of gravity to flow down, only down.

Dylan could virtually feel it all happening: "Fuck yes... this is mine — Unh! — it's mine... you're mine..."

"... yes... yes, yours... oh god... all yours..."


A minute later Dylan helped her up and they collapsed back onto the bed, Chelsea's head resting on his muscular chest, her leg thrown over his. There might be time for another round before she had to return home to Mark, but that seemed impossible. Right now, all she could do was lie still and try to recover.

"Oh my god, Dylan" she muttered. "Ha, I mean: oh my GOD. What was that?"

"That," he said, "was why you came over tonight. Did you like it?"

"Mmmmm... oh yes, Daddy: I loved it. Thank you so much." She planted a soft kiss on his chest. "I loved it, I loved it, I loved it. I..."

She caught herself, bit her tongue — she wanted to say more, and nearly had. In any other circumstance, she knew, this was the moment when she would go further. This was the moment when she would tell him: I love you. The words would come so easily now; in fact it was a struggle to choke them back. Instead she merely closed her eyes, held him tighter, and whispered: "I loved it so much, baby..."



I snuggled with Dylan for another hour or so, just being lovey-dovey, relishing the feel of him. Before I had to get up, I slid down the mattress and gave him a tender, intimate blowjob as a thank-you; it made me so happy just to worship him. Then I went and took a quick shower, leaving no trace of the mess he'd made between my legs — just in case Mark keeps track of my cycle, I didn't want him to know what a bad girl I'd been.

I started my drive home in a daze. If breathalyzers could test for something besides alcohol I'd be in real trouble, because I was still seriously cock-drunk: floating, distracted, blissed-out from my tips to my toes.

But then around the halfway point of the drive, the real world started creeping up on me. This is when that brief little episode of guilt & shame I talked about began. My mind was going a mile a minute. I asked myself so, so many questions, and realized that I had almost none of the answers. I can't even begin to describe my state of mind during those twenty minutes... but, what the hell, let's take give it a shot:

Oh my God, Chelsea: that was too fucking hot tonight. Why was it so good? Why did you react so strongly? Did you really agree to stop fucking Mark like that? And are you actually going to stick to that agreement? You know you don't have to, right? You can just tell Dylan whatever he wants to hear and no one's the wiser. It's easy... so then, why do you hate that idea so much? Is it seriously just because it makes your pussy drool to obey Daddy? That's a terrible reason... even if it is brain-meltingly hot. Fuck, are you really gonna do it? I mean... yeah. Yeah, I think you are. But what do you tell Mark? Say nothing, step up your blowjob game, and hope he doesn't notice? Tell him the truth, and hope he gets off on it? Pretend it was your kinky idea, instead of something Dylan decided for us? You'd better figure that out.

Why did you let him cum inside you? Why did you love it so much? Why are you smiling right this fucking second as you think about it? Why don't you regret it — like, at all — even now? And isn't that the Rite Aid you just passed, Chelsea? Are you gonna turn around and get some Plan B? Because Dylan really did breed the shit out of you at the worst (best) possible time (drool). Like, that's literally a thing that happened... so maybe turn the car around? Ugh, forget it, you're too wiped, can't deal with this right now. You just need to get back home, back to Mark, and you can go pick some up tomorrow. Don't forget!

Oh, and why were you ever-so-close to blurting out that you loved him? You don't, do you? I mean... no. No, it was just the moment. You're smitten, maybe even a tiny bit infatuated, but that's not the same thing. Really it's a simple case of sex-brain: post-coital oxytocin flooding your synapses and fucking with your emotions. That's all. So thank god you didn't say it out loud... even if you were feeling it, just for a minute there.

Shit. Is this getting out of hand? No. Or, maybe? Just a little? No! Come on, you're worrying too much. Don't ruin this for us. It's scary, but scary is the whole point! Scary is why it's fun. And you're almost done! Less than a month to go. So just chill out. Chill out, and check in with Mark. If something's wrong, if it's too much... he's the one who can tell you.

That's when I pulled into the driveway. Sounds fun, right?

Yeah, no. But just walking in and seeing my fiancé again washed away so much of that mental strife. There he was, right where I left him, still happy & horny & glad to see me. I remembered that he was the man I was in love with — that no matter how I may or may not feel about Dylan on any given day, it doesn't change how I feel about Mark. Not in any way that matters.

It was late and he had that look in his eyes, so I took him right to bed and stripped us down. I snuggled up against his side, took hold of his hard dick, and started sloooowly working it with my hand.

"Did you miss me while I was gone, honey?"

"Of course I did, in the worst way..."

"Oh no, I'm sorry about that, baby. Did you at least enjoy that video you got?"

"You know I did..."

"Dylan wasn't too mean to you, the things he said?"

"No, it's fine, it was... it was hot. Just the right amount of mean." I chuckled at that.

"Good! I'm glad." I leaned in to whisper into his ear. "But you know... Dylan was a little mean to me, too."

"Fuck. He was?" Mm-hmm. "How was he mean, Chelz?"

"Oh it was torture, babe — he teased me, toyed with me. He made me beg for it, made me earn it. He wouldn't give me what I wanted until I proved I deserved it... until I showed him how he owns me."

"Oh, fuck, Chelz. How—"

"And I begged him, baby, I really did. Your girl laid there and begged to cum, begged for his big fucking cock. It was so bad, but I didn't care. I just needed it, more than anything. And when it was finally enough, when he got what he wanted... oh, honey, darling... he ruined my kitty, cracked it in fucking two, wrecked it for all time... he wrecked this pussy he owns and made me cum so hard I passed out."

"God... you really passed out?"

"Yes, honey, really. He made me pass out. He made me fucking cry. Oh god, baby: Dylan broke me tonight. He fucking broke your girl. I have NEVER been fucked like that, not by anyone, not ever..."

"Jesus, Chelz! I'm gonna — wait, just let me..." Mark tried to reach over and grab a condom — moment of truth. I stopped him, tightened my grip on his shaft, and started working it with purpose.

"Shhh, lie still babe — I told you, Dylan already took care of that for us, and my sore little kitty's all smashed up... I need you to cum, I need to see it... do it, cum for me, cum for your naughty girl who begs for cock. Show me how proud you are to send me to him, show me how much you like that I'm a slut, that I'm his slut, that my pussy fucking belongs to him and he does whatever he fucking wants w—"

That did it. Mark groaned like a wounded animal and fired a nice big load all over my fingers and his stomach. Mmmm, not bad, babe — when this is all over I might need that inside me after all. But, for now...


We got cleaned up then snuggled under the covers, ready for bed. After the night I'd had I was physically and emotionally exhausted and I just wanted to sleep. But I couldn't. Now that our sexual high had worn off and I was just lying there next to my perfect, loving boyfriend, the angst and self-doubt I'd felt in the car came flooding back. I had to say something.

So that was when, with a lump in my throat, I checked with Mark and asked if he wanted to stop our games early. Of course, I didn't tell him the reasons I suddenly felt compelled to ask, and you might think that makes me a coward — you might think that makes me a lot of things — but I couldn't do that to him. He already knows all the important stuff, and he likes it the same as me. The rest would just weigh him down with my own intrusive thoughts and ruin the next month for both of us. And besides, that stuff, I can handle on my own.

Anyway, Mark said he wanted to keep going, that he hadn't even been tempted to "smash the Abort button." In fact he was surprised I asked, so probably I really am stressing over nothing. In spite of everything, the only thing that seemed to worry him was that *I* might be upset, and I just love him to pieces for that. It was so sweet that I got a little choked up as we snuggled in the dark.

But before I could drift off to sleep, a whole slew of new thoughts came barging into head; they were very different from the ones I suffered through in the car.

Oh, Chelsea Chelsea Chelsea. Do you have any idea how lucky you are to have him? Think of all the things he's seen the past two months, all the things you worried might anger him: your lover's diabolical taunts, your slutty new wardrobe, wearing Dylan's charm bracelet like it's a damn promise ring, guest-starring on his channel, seeing him more and more often, spending whole nights in his bed... and Mark is still fine with it, still happy. You gave him a chance to get out, and in return he gave you his blessing, implicitly, for all of it. He's amazing...

Although, seriously: HOW can he be fine with this? I really thought I understood it, but the more time spent around Dylan, it's like... why doesn't Mark have that primal urge to possess you? To protect his mate against interlopers? What, does he not care enough? Is he just too, you know... weak?

Shit, no: knock it off, Chelsea! That's not fair. But, whatever it is, he is SO unlike Dylan. (Dylan, who wants to stop his casual fuck buddy from having sex with her own fiancé... and is able to make it happen.) With the shit you get up to, Mark should be going out of his damn mind with jealousy. But instead, the further you go the more he likes it. You haven't even found his limits yet! Maybe you should. You've got four weeks to go, a nice safe deadline, and a kinky submissive boyfriend who wants you to keep playing: why not make the most of this? Stop worrying, and just let yourself go while you still can. It's what he really wants anyway.

"Mmmm," I muttered under my breath, "okay."


"Nothing. Just talking to myself."

I hugged him tighter; in the dark, he couldn't see my smile.


Thanks for reading! If you liked the story, if you have any thoughts, please let me know by voting or commenting — whether it's a thoughtful critique or a simple "good job," comments from readers are extremely important and sincerely appreciated. I take feedback on my stories seriously, and I try to respond to questions & ideas in the comments. You can find more contact info on my profile. (Join me on Discord to see Chelsea in the fishnet body stocking...)

I'm truly hoping to be able wrap up the story with one more chapter, but it could take a while — there will be some, ahem, tricky emotional developments to work through, and something tells me the wedding day (and night) might be kind of a long scene.

Questions for discussion: If Chelsea told Mark everything instead of hiding the worst bits, would he shut it down? Could he? Or would he find it hot enough that she could convince him to keep going in some way? How realistic is it that Mark & Chelsea might go back to long-term monogamy after the wedding? Was there a particular line (or lines) in this chapter you found especially hot? Which is your favorite scene from the whole series so far?

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vzbvzb3 days agoAuthor

Part 5 is close to finished. 20k+ words in, early stages of the last scene. This climax is kicking my butt a little, though. It's hard to get the right tone, I've spent a lot of time thinking about it and rewriting it in my head. But, it shouldn't be TOO much longer.


As to the question of Chelsea fucking other guys, I'll tell you confidentially that I never intended to actually go that way. Even with the heavy foreshadowing in Part 3 when Cody gropes her and she's kinda into it, the plan was always to keep it a simple love triangle, just with added danger lurking around the periphery. But ... possible spoiler alert ... sometimes plans change; we'll just have to see how strong Chelsea's willpower is in Part 5. (But if she DOES wind up in bed with someone else at some point and you don't like the idea, I can promise you that it's still a story about Chelsea & Mark & Dylan and what happens with those three. We're not spinning off into a world where Chelsea takes more lovers or dives into rampant slut-hood and before the wedding.)


Part 5 will end about 2 weeks before the wedding. I'd really, really like to be able to then finish the series with Part 6, so let's say that's the plan. (Maybe once the series is finished, I'll go back and write a couple of ultra-kinky, 90%-sex side stories about things Chelsea or others MIGHT have done, just as an excuse to see the characters doing the kinkiest, most extreme things possible.)


If I have the time I'll try to go back later and respond to some other specific ideas from recent comments. As always, a big and very sincere 'Thank You' to everyone who's chimed in: even when I don't respond to something right away, I read & consider every single comment. It really helps me in thinking through the story ... and also it just kinda makes my day whenever a new comment pops up. Until I start a Patreon, reader feedback is what get in return for the many, many hours that go into each chapter. It's a big deal for me. ❤️

AnonymousAnonymous5 days ago

I have to say I disagree about the drugs. Dylan is manipulating and coercing Chelsea into becoming a worse person and a party girl, so him convincing her to do drugs fits with the narrative imho. However, I agree with you both that I only want to see her with Dylan, or with Dylan being the one controlling who she sleeps with and pimping her out if he feels like. Perhaps Dylan will save her from his aggressive friend, maybe by stopping him attempting to sexually assault her when she is next high? In this type of scenario Dylan would become a hero in Chelsea's eyes, with the potential of making her fall for him even more. Vzb wrote a similar scenario in the Britney story, though that was the initial catalyst for her, unlike Chelsea who is already well into cucking her fiance.

On the number of remaining chapters, I'd like to see at least one more detailing the build up to the wedding day, with Chelsea falling even more under Dylan's spell and one after the wedding day, detailing the aftermath. So 6 or 7 would be great. Personally I want to see Chelsea end up with Dylan in the end, but I'm sure it will be great whatever direction Vzb decides go.

AnonymousAnonymous7 days ago

I completely agree with the last comment. I don't want to see Chelsea with anyone but Dylan. Drug stuff is okay if it's all part of her submission to him. But, nothing with any other dudes. Loving the story so far. It's my favourite ever and I desperately hope you carry it on for as long as possible. I really, really want at least another 4-6 parts.

AnonymousAnonymous8 days ago

Eh, Chelsea doing drugs and getting hit on by other guys detracts from the Dylan show, it just makes her seem reckless and slutty rather than being won over by the superior man. I hope her sex stays focussed on Dylan, rather than her just being generally slutty or passed around and shared which ruins way too often of these kinds of stories.

AnonymousAnonymous19 days ago

This is hands down the best series of its kind. I can't wait for Part 5!

spthrowaway1254spthrowaway125422 days ago

Basically made an account just to tell you what a great story this is. This is kind of a review of all 4 parts, and I just have to say the hotel scene phone call after the expo in part 2, may be the hottest cuckolding scene ever written. I love the descent of the couple, even though it gives me a little anxiety to read, that's how much I care about the characters. I think realistically both Mark and Chelsea should have given Dylan the boot a long time ago, especially after the movie date night. That really bothered me how immaturely Dylan handled that. But hey it's a story, fun to read and enjoy the depravity but not to live in real life.

I would also add my only real complaint is I hate straight cheating. I know it adds to the tension of who's really in control, what's the real relationship and who's lying to who. But cheating and lying are almost unforgivable sins to me, I'll even forgive the (very hot) hotel scene where she lies/cheats by omission but still kind of tells him the truth. That's still more palatable then going behind his back, cheating then lying about it like after the second video encounter. Especially when the third character basically says, you can do whatever you want I trust you completely just don't lie to me and the other characters lie to them. Breaks my heart, but maybe it's because I see myself so clearly there. Again, love the story, thank you for sharing and can't wait for part 5.

AnonymousAnonymous24 days ago

I like the idea of Mark (briefly) standing up for himself, inducing conflict in Chelsea, before Dylan ultimately triumphs through the force of his attraction and dominance, claiming Chelsea completely

AnonymousAnonymous25 days ago

I appreciate the lack of cum eating in this chapter. It's so overdone and can ruin an otherwise perfect story.

trianetriane27 days ago

This was a bit of a filler chapter, IMHO. Dylan needs to get Chelsea's sadism dial turned up, a *lot*! In the next four weeks Mark should be on a steady diet of cream pies (front AND back!) and lots of snowball-kisses after bj's. Chelsea also needs o start getting off on humiliating and demeaning him, and, at some point they'll inevitably hit a crisis moment where they have to decide which road their future lies upon. Whichever way *that* goes, there's a long way yet to travel before they reach that point, so, if you plan to do it all in a single chapter, it should be quite a looong one!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 month ago

Wow, hot chapter!

I felt like it was missing Mark a bit. I really want to see more of Chelsea slowly training him to accept and love her need for Dylan. It felt like that was missing from this chapter. "Beth wants to Cuckold Her Husband" has some of this dynamic, but you do it even better with none of the characters even being that intentional about it. I hope Mark is there for sessions where Dylan and Chelsea's actions and dirty talk are clearly rehearsing him knocking her up, so he's used to it and more ready to accept his place in the natural order on his wedding night. Mark's acceptance seems like the only way he gets a happy ending at this point.

It was hot hearing about Dylan keeping Chelsea full of his sperm swimming inside her. It's hot when Chelsea or Mark think about Dylan's cum being where it belongs. Some of the hottest scenes can be more gentle, like Chelsea stroking Dylan's chest or something. Hearing her think/talk about his babies in front of Mark and making him imagine them would be intense.

Overall, I think Chelsea can get Mark to do almost anything if she's slow and gentle and persistent. I look forward to reading about her changing him to suit her needs.

Smokenmirrors512Smokenmirrors512about 1 month ago

Once again, so amazingly well written and constructed. Phew. Lots of gut punches. (BTW Do girls that get that horny exist out there? I'm not saying they don't. I'm just saying I need to get out more!) My favorite part so far--and I'm definitely still in the mental space of this chapter--is the bracelet part. Says it all, doesn't it? Wonderfully inventive literary device, too. If she told him everything would Mark back out? I think when it gets to the point of "I love you"--then it stops being a game. He's starting to notice real emotions for Dylan within Chelsea, but if he knew she wasn't merely saying it, but was feeling it--that's when it turns into the deep end of the ocean, I would imagine. I am actually wondering what's really going thru Mark's head. There has to be a maelstrom inside of him, and he has to be fighting inner demons more than you've allowed him to show thus far. You've tipped his hand very subtly, which I very much appreciate, but within his character development, I'm not sure I really get him--other than how the kink controls him as it controls Chelsea. But then again, as I think further he really is a stand-in for the reader, isn't he? We wouldn't be reading this genre if it didn't move us as it moves him. So I put myself in his place and feel what he feels. So maybe a trip inside Mark's head makes this less involving? After all, I have a very strong feeling Chelsea is doing this to ME. I'm the one engaged to her. I'm the one letting it happen. I'm feeling like that's your intent, and that makes you a very rare author indeed. Especially on Lit. And one last observation--the way you write the Dylan/Chelsea encounters is brilliant. It is what her rush feels like, and why she's addicted. I don't know if you've worked with addiction (sex aside) in life, but you make her craving and release the monster and the god she can't escape. Anyway, thank you--such a wonderful effort. I can't wait to see more.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 month ago

Well first of all your story is great. Really it is. I read a lot of that kind and my my, yours is for sure one of the very best. It's not just smoking hot, it's well written and well built. These are huge qualities.

Concerning your questions, I don't know if I have any advice about what you should make Chelsea do or not do. I most certainly know what I would like my wife to do and not to do, but hey, that's not necessarily the same thing. These are your characters. At most, I could say what I think is reallistic (from my point of view, but I have quite some experience in that particular line... ahem).

First of all, I think the option that Chelsea would finally leave Mark for Dylan highly unreallistic. Obviously, some girls might very well do that; but they would have to be stupid girls (sorry). To leave Mark for Dylan, one would have to think that life (and sex) with Dylan as a husband, or even a "regular" boyfriend, would be the same as life and sex with Dylan as a lover; and it could just not be so. Sex with Dylan is great for one reason, and one reason only: it's forbidden. It's different. It's out of the rules. The day Dylan becomes Chelsea's "regular" (and monogamous) boyfriend is the day Chelsea starts getting bored with him, especially in bed. Because pleasure comes from excitement, and excitement comes (at least for some people) from doing forbidden things. Dylan is exciting because he is the contrary of routine. The day he becomes routine is the day he ceases to be exciting.

To fail to see that, in my point of view, would defininely mark Chelsea as silly, or at least very blind; and she doesn't strike me as a stupid or blind girl. So much auto-analyze has got to make her understand at least that very simple truth: in bed, one can't have to cake and eat it (or, as we French say it, one can't have the butter and the money you pay it with). Specifically, you can't have the security of a routinely monogamous relationship AND the excitement of extra-marital sex. Not with the same guy at the same time, at least.

So I think Chelsea can't break up with Mark. But of course "tricky emotional developments" have to occur. It's most unlikely Dylan and Chelsea won't fall in love with each other. It already shows at that point of the story, of course. But that doesn't mean they would react in the same way to that feeling. For Dylan, it would be quite simple: he would want Chelsea to break up with Mark, and would do everything in order to achieve that. But for Chelsea, things woulnd't be that simplistic. I know (and that I know from experience) that it doesn't mean she would stop loving Mark. Most likely, she would love both (that I know is quite possible), and would want to abandon nothing. And so I think the most reallistic course for the story is that when Dylan realizes she won't leave Mark for him, at or just after the wedding, he will be the one who will break up with Chelsea, because at one point he's doomed to realize that he will be the one who will suffer most.

Of course, considering the way Chelsea and Dylan act, yes, he would probably leave her with a little "parting present" in her belly.

As to the question whether Mark and Chelsea could get back to the monogamous relationship: probably not. They actually both seem to love that sort of spice in their love life and sex life, and won't stop, even though the end of this particular adventure might be much harder for both of them than they would have expected. They both seem clever people: they would know that this sort of cuckolding relation is indeed dangerous, but that monogamy is actually no less dangerous. It can actually be safer for your wife to sleep or even to fall in love with another guy, but telling you everything all the while, than to get slowly bored with monotony, without even noticing it, and then one day to leave everything suddenly because she fell hard for a new guy and had to deal with that alone.

Well, these are only clues and ideas from hard-earned experience. ^^ But I trust you to build a great ending to this great story. ;-) Thanks again!

vzbvzbabout 1 month agoAuthor

Big thank you once again to everyone who's offering their thoughts. I read it all, and I give each comment real consideration.


shadracht: I appreciate your not downvoting a story because it seems to be going in a direction that's not your cup of tea -- sincerely. If you stick around, it may eventually get back to a place you'd like.


Mine isn't the only opinion that counts, but I don't see Chelsea as not caring about Mark. I think she's kidding herself, letting confirmation bias run amok, and seeing what she wants to see. Unfamiliar emotions are screwing with her judgment; in fact she's almost an unreliable narrator in her sections ... for now. (Mark too, for that matter.) A full-on "cruel bitch" ending would be so easy to write but, as hot as that might be, I'm aiming for something a bit more complicated.


And as a general update, I'll admit that work on the fifth (and final?) chapter has slowed a bit. I have the beginning done, as well as an outline for the ending that I'm very happy with, but everything in between is being uncooperative. I've got lots of pieces I like, but there are actually too many of them, and they don't want to fit together.


Anyway, I promise I'm still working on it, and I will get there.

shadrachtshadrachtabout 1 month ago

I feel like this lacks the caring, the concern for Mark in here. Without there still being a caring relationship, this loses all appeal and turns Chelsea into a horrible partner. I'm not going to score this. Because it seems like people who like this sort of thing are gangbusters for it, but it's a big turnoff at this point. Sorry.

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