Cosmo Cheating Article


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Kathy decided that even though the guys were pre-screened and that she had had no problems so far, by the sixth month of her pregnancy she settled on two guys. They fucked her on alternate days, six days a week, and had been for more than a month. They were totally hopeless preggofiles - meaning that only pregnant women turned them on and they would do anything to fuck any preggo, let alone one as attractive as Kathy.

Her lovers didn't even know her name, and took care of everything. In fact, if she were so inclined, she could have gotten them to pay her hundreds of dollars per session; but then she would have felt like a whore (because she would have been one). Kathy had every intention of remaining faithful to her husband once she delivered baby #2, and would have no problem with her present lovers in that regard since after she delivered they would no longer be interested in her. While she felt guilt she rationalized it since her hormones were impossible to control, Bill had no interest in doing the job, and she would have become a raving lunatic without getting banged at least five times a week.

Obviously I didn't interview her husband since he was clueless, and Kathy didn't want me to have any contact with her lovers. Kathy had an endearing way about her and her story actually made sense. I would have liked to interview her for a while longer, but I saw that she was clearly getting antsy and had to leave to meet "Sam" at his house to get properly serviced. She innocently and honestly said "You can come and watch if you like - Sam won't mind, and he won't put the moves on you because you're not pregnant."

I politely declined and shook my head again as I got a cab to the airport.


I next flew to San Francisco to meet with Celeste, a high ranking corporate executive. Celeste is 61, obviously was once very beautiful, but has had a stressful working life and now required and requires a little plastic surgery, a lot of makeup, and extremely stylish clothes on her slim body, to look close to her previous self. She had been the one that I had to "sell" the most to get an interview. When I went to see her at her office around 2 p. m. it looked like she was changing her mind.

"So, Amy, why is it exactly that I want to give this interview? How can it possibly help me?" Celeste asked.

"I can't guarantee that it will help you. What I can guarantee is that it will help some women who read the final article to understand themselves better. Also, while I can't guarantee it, I can tell you that of the ten women I've interviewed so far eight of them have felt much better after having honestly, and without judgment, talked to someone about their situations," I truthfully replied.

We talked for another ten minutes then she said "I've got to think about it some more. Please come back at 8 a. m. tomorrow."

I had no choice but to agree.

When I arrived the next morning she was a changed woman. She seemed anxious to be interviewed.

Celeste had started cheating on her lawyer husband of thirty five years four years ago when she was 57. She admitted that it coincided with her first plastic surgery (a tummy tuck and boob job, but not for enhanced size but for enhanced appearance) because she was feeling old and unattractive. Over the thirty five years her marriage had evolved from steamy to comfortable - which revolved in large part around their three adult children and three grandkids, and high society social activities. Her husband was no longer inclined to compliment her, and sex was infrequent.

Celeste was very astute intellectually and had analyzed her situation and knew exactly why she started cheating. "I needed to confirm that I was still sexually attractive and not just a sexless blob, as I had started to consider myself."

"How did you go about it?" I asked; she was being open so I didn't need to ask probing questions - just give her the ability to talk.

"After I recovered from the plastic surgery I started working with a trainer named Austen. I selected Austen because was a little older than most trainers; he had had a failed business in his past and a recent divorce, but like most trainers had a great body. After three months of working with him I figured that my body was as good as it was going to get; and fortuitously at that time he told me that he was moving out of the area within a month to take a better job more than a thousand miles away."

Celeste sipped her coffee, and then continued. "The exercise had increased my confidence and libido and since I've always been known as someone who can spot a good opportunity I pounced. I knew that he was off at noon the next Saturday and when I concluded my session with him about 11:30 I asked him to lunch. At lunch I gave as many cues as I could without being completely blunt, in order to test his reaction. When he complained about his love life I struck."

After another sip of coffee Celeste got a big smile on her face as if recalling the event precisely. "I grabbed one of his hands, stared him in the eye, and said 'If I'm not too old for you, how would you like a regular piece of ass until you move?' Austen got this strange look on his face for what seemed like a long time. It slowly morphed into a smile, then a big grin, and then he said 'I'd really like that.' Within the hour his meaty cock was banging my brains out in his efficiency apartment while he pawed my recently enhanced - not in size but in shape and rigidity - tits."

Celeste stopped for a minute with another big smile. "Austen really did the job. Over the next twenty eight days we had eighteen sex sessions, most in his apartment but a couple of times in luxury hotels, overnight, that I paid for. He constantly complimented me on how sexy I was, overlooking some cellulite and wrinkles. If he was faking it, he was a superb actor, because he seemed to really enjoy not only fucking me but eating my pussy and having me suck his cock and balls. By the time that I saw him off before his drive to his new home I was well on my way to believing that I was still sexually desirable."

"I take it there was some other things that needed to be done to confirm that," I smiled.

"Yes. The first occurred about three weeks after Austen left. I flew to Europe to finish the negotiation of the purchase of a Swedish company. The driver who chauffeured me around apparently also worked as a bodyguard for one of the executives because he was a big sturdy dude. I convinced myself that he had stared at my ass and legs a few times, so I got really bold. After shopping one day while the paperwork was being hammered out I asked him to park the car and carry my purchases up to my hotel room. When we got there I removed my suit jacket and kicked off my heels, and undid my hair ribbon so that my hair flowed freely around my shoulders. I then approached him - he is about eight inches taller than I am - pushed my finger against his chest and enticed him."

Again Celeste laughed like she was really enjoying the memory. "I said Sven - you're a bad boy; you've been staring at my ass, haven't you. In relatively poor English he responded 'No ma'am; I just look where I need to to keep you safe.' 'Would you like to look somewhere that would make me happy?' I smirked. 'Yes,' Sven replied starting to sweat a little. 'OK, then, Sven. I'd like you to look at my tits to see if you like them; if you do like them that would make me very happy," Celeste chuckled.

"With that I quickly removed my top and bra. Swedish men - at least this one - didn't need any more encouragement. After he sucked my nipples for a while he picked me up, deposited me on the king sized bed in my room, pulled off my lower body garments only slightly ripping them, and then dropped his trousers."

Celeste then unconsciously put her hand on her crotch, gulped, and sighed. "I thought that Austen had a meaty cock - but this guy; WOW. Let me summarize my situation by saying that after I spent two nights with Sven before I flew home I could barely walk I was so bowlegged, with cum constantly flowing out of my pussy even after showers. I really felt that I had confirmed that I was still sexy."

"Was that the last incident?" I pondered.

"No; within a month after I returned home a 42 year old divorcee who works for a subsidiary in the same area as my office but who does not report to me so there is no sexual harassment issue, started regularly servicing me. We've been having one to three sessions a week almost the entire three years since then, and every time that he sticks his cock in my pussy or ass I have no doubt that I'm still sexually attractive," she grinned.

"Can you give me some details?" I inquired.

"Yes, but you can't possibly talk to him, nor can I give you any information whereby you can identify him. He now has a girlfriend but," and her eyes glassed over, "he says that he can't give me up."

In the next hour Celeste gave me many details of her sexual relationship with the 42 year old (now 45), and how it was hidden, before she had to go to a meeting. My crotch was wet by the time that she finished. As she left for her meeting she gave me a hug and said "Amy, you were right. I do feel better. Also, to answer the question I know you want to ask, yes I feel some guilt, but the knowledge that I'm still sexy - even if not to my husband - blows that away."

I changed my panties in the ladies room before heading for the airport.


My final interviewee was a Hispanic woman living on a military base in Southern California and married to a deployed non-commissioned officer. Juanita is a curvy woman of 30-35 years of age with a cute face and big boobs. Her husband Mateo has been gone for five months of a twelve month deployment. Juanita is a sexy woman with an obviously high libido who has a strange outlook on what constitutes cheating.

When I first started interviewing Juanita she insisted that she wasn't cheating on Mateo. I reviewed the letter to the editor that she had written - I should have reviewed it more carefully before I started the interview - and realized that it was the word "cheating" that bothered her. After a few probing questions she opened up.

"While I would never cheat on Mateo I do have needs that can't be met with a dildo. Therefore I give and receive oral and have some guys stroke to ejaculation between my tits," she offered.

"Let me be clear about that," I continued. "So you give guys blow jobs and have them get you off by fingering and licking you pussy - is that right?"

"Uh...yeah," she responded.

"Now this stroking to ejaculation between your tits, don't most people call that 'titty fucking?'" I inquired.

"I don't know what most people call it, but it isn't fucking. Fucking is a guy sticking his dick in your vagina or asshole, and no one has ever done that since I married Mateo eight years ago."

"Do you think that Mateo would approve of oral and tit valley stroking?" I continued.

"No, but then again I don't approve of him being deployed either. He has responsibilities to give me orgasms and he can't if he's thousands of miles away."

"Who are the 'guys' who perform these services for you?"

"There are five different single enlisted men, two Hispanic, two white, and one black. I usually use one or the other of them four or five times a week."

"Aren't you afraid that they'll tell Mateo?"

"No; they really like what I do for them and they know that if one of them tells they'll all be out. Also, one of the white dudes, Rock," Juanita continued, now chuckling, "although he's always really nice to me is a big mean SOB that all of the others are scared to death of, and he's made it clear that they are to tell no one, ever, or he'll break their necks."

"So they know about each other?"

"Yeah; in fact Rock recruited the other four and he's the one that sets up a schedule depending upon short deployments or other duties of the five of them," she smiled.

"Do you get an orgasm from their titty stroking?" I inquired, not wanting to offend her by using the correct term "titty fucking."

"I sure do with four of the five, especially Rock because he's got a really thick cock. The guy who I don't get off with by titty stroking is the best pussy eater, and after he eats me I almost have another orgasm by blowing him. He makes the most erotic sounds when I'm sucking his little dick and fondling his balls," she answered with a big smile.

"Do you mind if I talk to these guys?"

"You can talk to Rock - and if he allows it the other guys. Rock wouldn't like me to identify them without his permission."

Within an hour Juanita had put me in contact with Rock. Her description of Rock was correct; he was a big muscular dude with a permanent snarl on his face, although apparently he had a vastly different personality around women because he was extremely pleasant and polite to me.

After I made it clear that all individuals and their locations and status would remain confidential, he was happy to talk.

"So what do you and Juanita do when together?"

"Well I take her to events outside the base sometimes, and we often go to a club on base or a restaurant on base, usually with other people so that no one gets the idea that we're having sex. However, the most time we spend together is with me titty fucking her, licking and fingering her pussy, and her sucking on my cock," he said with a smile giving the impression that he was fondly remembering his last tit fuck.

"Does she ever let you fuck her pussy or puckerhole?"

"Na; I tried once and she got upset and threatened to cut me off, and I sure didn't want that. She probably didn't tell you but she could suck the chrome off of a trailer hitch, and her tits are the best I'd ever seen, and fucking her tits is better than pussy fucking almost any other woman I've been with, and doesn't need a condom. If I really want to fuck a pussy, I go see a whore in town," he unabashedly replied.

"Does Juanita really believe that oral and titty fucking aren't cheating?"

Rock emitted a loud belly laugh. "Yeah; she's deluded herself and none of us having sex with her are going to tell her different and possibly get cut off."

"How is it that none of the five of you don't ever talk about it to others? Is it because you've threatened the other four?"

Another belly laugh; "That may be part of it, but all five of us are smart enough not to rock the boat and get cut off, or get court-martialed?"

"What do you mean, court-martialed?" I asked, truly perplexed.

"I guess you don't know much about the military, Amy," Rock smiled. "Adulterers can be court martialed; not Juanita, of course, because she's not in the service, but the five of us could be. I'm not willing to risk a dishonorable discharge or six months in stir just to brag about fucking the best tits in the state."

There was no need to interview the other four guys; nor was there any need to burst Juanita's "I don't cheat" bubble. This experience did reinforce my beliefs that "life is strange," and that it "takes all types."


As I rode in a cab to the airport my thoughts crystalized. I had encountered the following scenarios that were "responsible" for women cheating: changes in body chemicals (two women); pregnancy enhanced libido combined with a husband's lack of interest; being swept off her feet; trying to recapture youth (one and ½ women); boredom; lack of sexual fulfillment; vanity and entitlement; lack of spousal attention; pure sluttiness; an amoral character; revenge; and military deployment combined with delusion.

I wondered how I could be so interested in why these women cheated but have absolutely no interest in talking to my soon-to-be-ex-husband about why he cheated.


When I concluded my interviews I thought about where I would synthesize all of the recordings and notes that I had and write the Cosmo article. There was no need to go back to NYC; my attorney was handling the divorce and I might kill Jason or Cindy if I came across them at this time. So I called Zach, just as I had been doing every day since I left him. This time, however, it wasn't just to chat and keep in touch.

"Hi Zach," I cheerfully said. "I'm not calling just to chat but to tell you that I'm done with my interviews."

"Great; what's next?"

"Well, I'm looking for a place to get everything together and write my article. Know of any place where I could do that?" I subtly inquired.

"Well, I have plenty of room at my place," he chuckled.

"As long as we have separate bedrooms, and you don't get any ideas about sticking your marvelous cock into my snug pussy and bringing us both to nirvana," I chuckled back.

"I would never, ever, ever even contemplate that," he laughed.

"OK; if I can get the redeye tonight, I'll text you when I'll be arriving."

"I'll be ready, you can count on that," he replied before we mutually terminated the call.

Ten hours later Zach was fucking me doggy while squeezing my tits and I was moaning until he squirted into me and in ecstasy I almost passed out, as sanguine as I had ever been in my life.



It took me three weeks to write my article, which would be published in three segments in Cosmo, and another week to write the more erotic version. I probably could have finished sooner if Zach's big beautiful cock wasn't causing endorphins to course through my body every day - but since I was the most sexually satisfied that I ever had been in my life, I didn't care about writing speed.

The Cosmo article was their 3rd most popular one ever, and even got me a Pulitzer nomination (I didn't win). I stopped working freelance to concentrate on writing novels.

My divorce was final within six months, and I never spoke to Cindy or Jason again despite their attempts to engage me. When I returned to NYC to conclude my affairs there I only stayed - with Beth, Cindy had moved in with Jason - for two weeks. Then I returned to suburban Chicago.

On a Saturday morning I knocked- even though I had a key - on the door of the house that Zach had moved into. When he answered I said "Hi kind sir; I'm a poor homeless woman willing to trade sex for a place to stay. Will you take me in?"

"Let's have an audition, then I'll let you know," he smiled pulling out his already saluting cock.

Two months after my divorce was final Zach and I wed in a simple ceremony with a prenup that I insisted upon that said I got nothing in a divorce if I ever cheated. Eight months after that - when I was six months pregnant and clearly showing - by chance I ran into a shocked Wendy. After a strained exchange of pleasantries she asked "Who's the father?"

I gulped as I replied "My husband Zach."

She burst into tears and ran away.

Sometimes life's a bitch.

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DukeofPaducahDukeofPaducah9 days ago

I was astonished at the effort required to produce this story. With an overflowing roster of fascinating characters, each with their own compellingly justification for their actions, I was bedazzled. The parade of subjects were handled with the efficiency of a Henry Ford assembly line but drama was still felt on an individual basis.

I couldn’t help but notice the affairs were largely instigated by the husband’s deficiencies. Shame on them. They should schedule counseling.

Amy was a slut snob. Angel the hillbilly. While she was the undisputed ruler of the raunch-fest, she was the only one to spark disdain. That Petrie dish of enthusiasm easily left this stampeding herd of hungry, hungry hippos in the lurch. Juanita took the gold however, offering her tits for traction in tribute to her husband’s service. It left me wishing for blindfolds for her and her crew and a firing squad episode en masse. Sadly, only one subject expressed remorse, realizing the direction she was trending, and Amy took advantage of that. Her halo was about two sizes too small. She looked like an aerobics instructor from the 80s.

I found it sweetly ironic that while Amy sought profit and fame by exploring the debauch, her faithless husband was snapping it off in her bunghole. She did manage to hold the moral high ground by filing for divorce before joining the fray. Noble of her.

While the research was very thorough, some of my questions remain unanswered. The progression of relationships are undeniably in motion, but in which direction? Is it forward toward a more liberated society or back to a primate troop? An expansion of sexual boundaries or removal of another stay in the underpinnings of our society? I need more data.

Once we see the franchising of vomitoriums, the writing will be on the wall. Another empire on the verge. Cue the Huns. Put Wal-Mart on the endangered species list.

Even if we avoid that calamity, don’t expect our children to escape unscathed. Time will tell and our place in history will be inescapably cemented.

I’m aware I’m ranting. It’s out of awe and envy. I wish I could write with half the creativity and thought provoking passion. It’s nothing short of masterly.

WisquejacWisquejac7 months ago

Didn’t care for it until the very end. Nice. Thanks.

Simon_MastersSimon_Masters9 months ago

Good story, very different angle, my favourite of yours so far, I'm reading down from A TO Z

Pjam1968Pjam1968about 1 year ago

There you go, you were able to recount a cheaters story without putting us readers in the driver seat

DickSnugfitDickSnugfitover 1 year ago

Well the story was interesting, quite lively, quite inciteful, shorter than I had imagined, but good, The very best, and most humerous of all , although will come as no grear surprise to anyone, were the comments, -even more amusing than normal and, by quite a margin, well done Amy yum!, in fact.. YumYum!

Best Regards,


lukeey90lukeey90about 2 years ago

Oh and i appreciate that you used the term "claims she loves her husband" i hope you realise that apply to you as well. Anyways good written..ill give you that.

lukeey90lukeey90about 2 years ago

No you're a wonder why you were interested in why other women cheated and not why your ex husband did? Simple it's because you never loved him that's why it's was so easy for you to cheat with a complete stranger and have his kid in less than a year. Something you never even consider doing with Jason. And non of the women in story gave a valid reason but i know one...they're all sluts!

Client8Client8over 2 years ago

This was fairly well written and engaging, though I didn't read all of it. I really like swapping and more-some stories, but I'm not a big fan of clandestine trysts where one or more in a monogamous relationship is in the dark that the other is seeking attention elsewhere. Why you ask? It's because I was the odd man out of my former wife's dalliance. It took me over a decade to comes to terms with the concept that we were no longer in love and should have called it quits sooner and on more agreeable circumstances. When we both gave up on intimate relations I should have addressed the issue much earlier than I had. I now no longer harbor enmity for what she did, it was over well before then.

Anyway, cheating is usually the result of an abject lack of two-way communication. No relationship, let alone an intimate one, can survive without it. I've heard an interesting quote on the subject, "Men cheat to perpetuate a marriage, Women cheat when they want out." Thank the Lord that I found a kindred spirit, with a similar history as my own, that has no tolerance for letting miscommunication stand. My advice: no matter how uncomfortable or fruitless one believes it would be to reach mutual understanding, never go to sleep on an unresolved issue, the triumph is in the toil.

jimjam69jimjam69almost 4 years ago

Well done Amy, kept my interest until till the end.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago
I can't abide cheaters

I suppose if you were being abused physically or emotionally then perhaps but wouldn't that be add to risk to one's safety? Revenge affairs are another thing that I could sort of grasp though I would never personally do that and I have been cheated. My following comments have little to do with the quality of the story. I thought it was excellent.

Amy really portrayed entitlement really really well. I found it amusing that Angel outraged the MC the most. More than the asian lady who was intent on forcing her husband to raise another man's child? Why is Rhonda particularly offensive while Eloise the narcissistic entitled professor isn't regarded as repugnant? Most of all why is Chartreuse "right" in her cheating because her husband wasn't what she ultimately wanted? Why couldn't she be upfront instead of trading up with her cheating. That isnt "right" it is dishonorable and rather entitled.

All of this leads me to this... there is a definite feeling of classism and hypocrisy present in this story. I am curious to learn if that was intended by the author. Eloise is given a pass and she is horribly narcissistic. Chartreuse traded up and that was "right" Angel however is garbage and trash. Juanita was treated rather similarly. What's the difference? Amy the MC seemed to relate to the privileged and educated while looking down on the rest.

Finally, the hypocrisy (which to the author's credit was stated) Amy did cheat on Jason. Yes it was out of revenge but she doesn't give him the same consideration she provided for others.

Its these flaws that make the story interesting more than why the women cheated. I would love to know if that was intentional

NVDiceGuyNVDiceGuyabout 4 years ago
Took long enough

But it was a novel approach to a heating story.

Great work

26thNC26thNCover 4 years ago

Amy, you wrote another great story here. Zach is the only character, aside from your narrator, with any admirable qualities. None of the women could give a valid excuse for cheating, as there are none. Revenge is not a reason, get your divorce first. The military wife was the most despicable,followed closely by the Asian wife.. The hillbilly wife was the most open. She knew she was a worthless whore and admitted it. The rest tried to rationalize their behavior. Amy isn't afraid to write a good story about bad people, and it's a *5 from me.

TatankaBillTatankaBillover 4 years ago
Really a good read!

As usual this is wonderfully written. It flows beautifully and while not a stroke story it's plenty erotic and also quite believable as an anecdote about a writing project. I really couldn't put it down and I'm a little sad that it ended so quickly. Brava amyyum!

silentsoundsilentsoundover 4 years ago
Had to give it a 4.

It was entertaining and erotic. I only had respect for your main character and the one cheater who only had an emotional affair before divorcing. All the others only had excuses and justifications for their slutty cowardice. If they had been upfront with their husbands about what they needed and their husbands agreed to them sampling others, good enough but they lowered themselves to backstabbing bitches. Glad some of them found a way to stop even though they seemed remorseless. Juanita was simply vile

Betraying her deployed husband with truly vile men who were stabbing a fellow serviceman in the back.

Entertaining and erotic story with several characters that made me want to puke.

Good read.

BigGuy33BigGuy33over 4 years ago

I enjoyed it...

...and would love to read some follow up stories on how some of these ended. Particularly the Asian woman.

BarryJames1952BarryJames1952over 4 years ago
Really well written

Unusual, captivating, and nicely presented. The format really worked. 5* and favored author worthy.

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