Cosplaying Yeina Ch. 03: Day Two


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Actually this felt kind of nice, soothing, and cooling the heat. Bob took his sweet time massaging her twins. Jana enjoyed the treatment for once and muttered, "Ho boy, hmmm..."

Bob really could handle those hands well, the kneading and rubbing felt quite nice for change!

"The wizard said your boobs will absorb this ointment along with the magic," he kneaded her even more, "I bet you feel good with this massage."

The beast pushed her globes together, pulled at them, kneaded and stretched her breasts with vigor. The ointment made the experience kind of pleasant though, her lubed up twins squished around and made funny noises. It was so much better than what Yeina had to go through in the previous scenes!

"Argh!" she screamed, as the pulling increased again.

She heard the beast murmuring, "Now that I think about it, you have small tits. Well, big enough for a human, I give you that." He lifted her huge melons upward.

Was this really in the comic? Small tits? Her? Yeina? Jana? Surely not! And it seemed Yeina had the same thought.

"SMALL TITS? First time someone says that!! How you dare?"

"...and they are absorbing pretty well! Just need to give them a little more massage, and see if it works! After all we are having fun!"

More kneading, pulling and squeezing of her slippery melons followed. Then those hands pinched her hard, pulled her breasts forcefully apart.

"Ouch!" Yeina complained, just to be irritated by the monster pushing her twins against the concrete ceiling.

"Hey!" she screamed, and Bob reacted, squeezing her flesh tight and pulling her breasts down, stretching them apart as far as they would go.

"CALM DOWN! That hurts!" Yeina squealed.

"Hmm, shiny boobs! I think my hands got smaller, or..."

Jana glanced at the script. Almost done for today. Thank god! She focused herself, looked at the camera with a surprised expression, screaming, "Wait! What's happening? I feel my boobs burning, what the fuck?"

She felt Bob lifting one of her breasts grinning, "It's happening human!"

"CUT! Good job, Jana, Bob. Now let's get our star out of there."

Finally! Jana was so happy that this part was over. She pulled herself out, just to feel Bobs robotic 'hands' again, grabbing her dangling breasts.

"Oh fuck, Bob, You had enough!"

"Couldn't resist, honey," he giggled, "I will really miss those!"

Jana smiled, "Go fuck yourself Bob!" and pulled herself free. She crawled back to the cell, climbed down the ladder.

Once she was on the ground again, Jana inspected her breasts for damage. They were hurting, and maybe a bit swollen, but she didn't see any bruises or such. They kind of looked ok, just a bit reddish and tender. She sighed.

How come everything felt so painful when she was up in that duct and now there wasn't even a bruise? Maybe it just felt that way because her tits were out of reach behind that metal floor? Or maybe she just got in the role a bit too well? Maybe Bob wasn't as brutal and unforgiving as she pictured him, as part of Yeina's role?

Her head was spinning. Did it all really happen like she remembered? There would have to be bruises and stuff then, right? Or was her mind playing tricks on her?

"Hey Jana, great job up there. You just got plenty of new fans!"

Julie stood there, grinning with her spiky ears.

Yeina smiled, "Thanks! By the way, when will I see you naked? I mean all those ears and stuff..."

Julie smiled, "Wow, you paid attention! Actually, as the story continues, my role will get more prominent. I'm playing Kal, an Elf. And while I don't have as huge-ass knockers as you, mine are quite sizable, too! And I fear they will get a fair share of mauling, once we do those other EDEN volumes.

"I have to play my role, just like you played Yeina. But I still have a bit of time. Anyway, we thought we could do the first scenes with Kal already during the initial shoot, that's why I was all prepared and ready. But in the end we were way to optimistic. Looks like my role will only start when we do the next movie. If we ever make one. But if you want to know more about Kal, you really should read those other EDEN volumes! Kal's really a nice girl, very kind. Unlike me," she laughed.

Julie looked at Jana curiously and whispered, "I wanted to ask you this for quite some time... So how was it up there? In that duct? I mean... your tits out of reach..."

"Oh my god, Julie, it was scary, really scary. My boobs still hurt from whatever they did with them. But as you said, I couldn't even see my bloody tits being handled! They were behind that damn wall in front of my eyes! It really creeped me out! But on the other hand, it was kind of... I don't know... interesting? No, that's the wrong word... Exciting! The kind of 'I'm going crazy with this shit' exciting. I wouldn't say I enjoyed it, but it was a very... stimulating... experience."

"Sounds like fun to me. Anyway, let's get home, dress-up and hit the clubs tonight. We have something to celebrate. I'll ask Tom to make a quick copy of some of the scenes so you can see how you looked from the other side. And I'll get you the pills you were asking for. Let's meet in... three hours from now? Club Noir?"


Julie patted her head. "Good girl. See you in a moment."

Jana beamed. Seemed like she was back in the game! Everybody was suddenly so nice to her! She turned around, went looking for her clothes. Then she remembered... damn, her clothes... shouldn't Julie...

"Wait! Julie!! My... my clothes...!"

Nothing. Jana walked through the dungeon. Nobody was there anymore! Where WAS everybody? And no new clothes either! Did Julie forget to get them? Did Bob even tell her? She looked around a bit more. In one of the rooms, there was some kind of dress or gown laying on the table. It was rather simple and of light grayish-brown color. And a cardboard box was there. A comic page was lying there, too. And a note.

"Hi Jana. Was about to get clothes for you, but then I found this 'prototype' Tom created for a sequel... sorry, prequel. It's from EDEN Vol 0. I thought you could use this instead. Just look at the page and you'll understand ;) 'What would Yeina...' no wait 'What would Requiem do?' is the question you should ask yourself. Have fun! And don't let the box fall down on your way home! xoxox Julie"

Jana was confused. Was there something special about this gown? She took it, put it on.

"Oh! What the...?!"

The entire breast section was missing! Her huge globes were still on display! No cover, nothing! She looked at the box. Nothing special, except that some fool has written 'boobies!' on it in big, red letters. She grabbed the gown and examined it closer. There were two round openings on one side. What WAS this? She looked at the comic page, read through it and blushed.

"Fuck, Julie! You're really mean!"

By now, she understood. Of course. The cartoon showed Yeina in a similar dress, with a second girl, apparently called 'Requiem'. Yeina had the same kind of gown, her breasts covered by a rather conveniently placed leather bag. This would have been kind of ok. The other girl though, 'Requiem', had her assets tucked up in just the kind of cardboard box that was standing in front of her. Except that hers didn't have 'boobies' written all over it.

Great, just great! Jana sat down, opened the box and started to pull her huge breasts through the smallish openings. To her surprise, it fit rather well! Of course, she would need to carry the box all the time to avoid exposing herself, but this could actually work! She looked down, checked herself, and decided that she was ready to go.

When she sneaked out of the dungeon, box tightly pressed against her chest, the sun was already beginning to set. It was getting dark. Now what? Take a cab? The driver may be a creep! Take a bus? With all those strangers in there? What if the driver asks her to put the box down? Maybe she should simply walk, even if it took like 1 hour to get home...

Suddenly, a car came chasing around the corner, hitting the brakes just in front of her, startling her. When the driver lowered the window, a familiar face with a huge grin was looking at Jana.

"Hi beauty, interesting clothes you have there! Wanna take a ride?"

"Julie?! Thank god!"

"Couldn't let you get into trouble with those fancy clothes," she grinned, "What's in this nice little box? A present for me? Can I have a look?" Her grin broadened.

"You're an idiot, Julie!" Jana giggled, "Here, have a look, but only look, no feel, ok?"

Jana lifted the lid, bowed slightly so Julie could have a glance at her trapped breasts inside. She giggled furiously.

"Oh... fuck Julie, can't stop laughing! You're really a demented little girl!"

"Hehe, nice melons in that fruit basket of yours. Can I check if they're ripe enough?"

Jana burst out in laughter. "You're hilarious, sweetie! Alright, go ahead! I somehow thought you've seen enough of them today though!"

"Hmmm...I can never get enough of your juicy boobies, darling!"

She gave Jana a playful poke and smirked, "Yes, look ripe and ready to me! But I guess we should start driving. Look at those guys outside, we already stirred up quite some curiosity there!"

Julie drove down the road, chatting, "You know, I really hated you, like, a few months ago. Thought of you as a huge-boobed bimbo who lets down everybody and is just plain boring. But you really managed to change that perception.

"I was the one who loudly objected against Tom's proposal to even ask you. And I was furious when I found out. I figured I should be nice to you, at least in the beginning, but I really liked teasing you, taking advantage of you. I kind of still like that part though...

"Anyway, guess what I want to say is, you did a terrific job in this project. And I may have been a bit too mean to you. I'm sorry. You're a tough lady, Jana, really."

"Thanks, Julie. You scared me quite a bit, you know..."

"Scared... really? Oh, yes... My god... when that ladder went down... and I hung from your tits... Oh fuck, yes... that was scary as shit!"

"Aahhh... don't mention that. My boobs still hurt just thinking about it! No clue how I even survived this!"

"Seems I don't weight too much!" Julie giggled, "Or you have really tough titties!"

Jana grinned, "Could be! And when you made that 'comparison' of my tied up boob with the not-so-tied-up one... I mean, really? I was thinking, like, 'what a freak!'"

Julie laughed out loud, "I know! But I just couldn't help it! It was so... captivating! Guess I'm just in love with your twins." she smirked.

"And then this fucking gown and the box ... Oh, here we are. Thanks for driving me! See you in a bit!"

Jana went inside, careful to not drop her box. She disappeared into her room to get ready. After an extensive shower, she grabbed her clothes and got dressed. Damn, was that bra tight like that before? Or did her boobs swell? Maybe, it was just the attention they were receiving... She shrugged. She should better be careful and not move too fast tonight.

Shortly after, she met the others at the club. The party was great. To Jana's delight, she was finally the very center of the attention. Everybody complimented her, wanted to know how it felt being up there in the air duct, and what she thought about the project. She was in such a rush that she praised the whole idea like it was the best thing since sliced bread, and while it was a pain in the neck to have your breasts treated like that, it was a price she was willing to pay. For the Arts! For the Greater Good! Everybody admired her dedication, her willingness for sacrifice. She certainly was the hero of the day.

Already that night, Julie handed her a big package.

"These are the pills. Domperidone. I was told that it's safe to take up to two pills per dose. Four doses a day. You should feel some changes after a few days. Start stimulating your you-know-whats as soon as possible. I'll get you a pump soon. When you have it, pump at least 6 times a day and massage those things when doing it."

"Wow... that sounds like plenty of work!" Jana complained.

"Sure, but just as you said, all for the Arts!" Julie grinned broadly.

"What are you guys whispering about?" Tom complained.

"Girl-stuff," Julie smiled, "None of your business."

The night went on, and the whole crew had loads of fun dancing, talking and partying.

When Jana woke up the next afternoon, she checked her phone as usual. Her head was still spinning, and she couldn't really make sense of the message that was displayed.

"Remember to take the pills! Two each morning, noon, evening and before going to bed! I'll drop by soon! xoxox Julie"

Her eyes wandered around. What was this big white box on her desk? Slowly, she remembered what happened before the party. Her breasts still hurt like crazy! Were they still throbbing from everything they had to go through yesterday? She clutched them, massaged her twins carefully. Then she remembered that 'other' part. What she promised. Those 'preparations' needed for that next shoot.

"Oh fuck, in what freak-show did I get myself into this time?"

Well, she had plenty of fun last night, and those guys really were friendly and nice to her. But why the hell did she ever promise them THAT part? She looked again on her smartphone. Was there something attached to that message? She wiped over the screen, checked the details of the attachment. 'Best of: Yeina's boobies in action' was the name of it. A video file. Oh god.

She opened the movie, let it play. And was dumbstruck. Her ears lit up, her eyes popped open, she was groaning.

"Oh fuck, what the..."

The short, 5 minutes flick was professionally cut together and edited. It started of with a scene from the duct, showing her beautiful, panting face for a few seconds. And then the picture changed, her melons dangling out of the ceiling. The remaining minutes were solely showcasing her very own breasts flying around, twisted out of shape, manhandled by big, iron hands.

Jana gulped, face red. This stuff was crazy! And it looked so damn professional! Like a teaser for a freaking blockbuster! The movie was catchy, the editing clean and the cuts fast. It was captivating! The subtitles simply said in fancy letters "Experience the power of Yeina's boobs in the upcoming fan movie of Gulavisual's Eden Vol. 1 by Yeina productions. Hitting the web soon!"

The video ended. Jana was panting. That was... amazing! Her phone vibrated. Another message. "Clip just uploaded to YouTube. 10k views already. 20k now, 50k... Oh honey, I think your tits are going viral. Congrats! Julie ;) "

Jana was torn. Was this good or bad? She couldn't decide. It somehow felt good to be so admired by so many total strangers. She was kind of popular now, right? But... her eyes fell on the pills again. "Oh, right! Guess I need to prepare for the next scenes. Can't let my fans down!"

Jana opened the box. The pills looked genuine, and there were plenty of them. She got some water and swallowed two, just like Julie instructed her. Time for breakfast.

Jana kept popping the pills over the following days. Once in a while, Julie dropped by, chatted with her and checked how everything went. After a few days, she brought her a breast pump and explained her how to use it. It was awkward at first. Jana didn't like that pulling sensation at all. But she kept trying, did sessions every few hours. Her studying and housekeeping suffered slightly due to the time consuming preparations, but she somehow managed to keep up.

After a few days, she could already feel some change. She had the impression that her boobs got firmer, tenser. Also more sensitive. But it was after a few weeks, when it really got interesting. Her first milk! It was only a few drops, but it was there! She was so proud! With renewed energy, she worked on her project, Julie helping her enthusiastically along.

And it didn't take too long until Julie declared, "Time for a bit more focused preparations!"

Julie rummaged in her bag and quickly found what she was looking for. "So these are the last remaining scenes we need to play. Look at them closely, because we need to make sure that your tits will function properly. And we will test that. Don't want to let down the crew, right? I mean 'sorry guys, no milk today' just won't cut it!"

Jana looked at the few pages. "Ok, so I basically will get milked by Bob, and the supply needs to be enough for the shoot?"

"Yes, that's basically it!"

"So how do we test that?"

"Simple!" Julie grinned, "Let me give you a hand. Here, let your boobs dangle over the edge of your desk and I'll do the rest."

"Oh... ok?"

Moments later, Julie grabbed Jana's nipples and began pulling. The milk flow wasn't really convincing though.

"Guess we need to practice a bit more!" grinned Julie and continued the tugging until Jana's nipples were sore. Julie patted her head and said, "I'll be back tomorrow. Keep popping pills and use the pump, cutie!"

"Aww, Julie! this is kind of degrading! Isn't there an easier way?"

"Sorry, Jana. this is as easy as it gets. I know it's tough, but it's all for the Greater Good! The Arts! Right?" she smirked and went out of the door.

After a few more weeks of milking fun, Julie finally declared, "I think this is sufficient. You are able to produce enough for that scene, and it looks like you also got a bit bigger."

"Really? You think we can stop?"

"No, continue for now. But I'll inform the others and secure the dungeon again for us. Time to plan the next shoot!"

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tabbymidnitetabbymidniteover 9 years ago

This is a new twist. Your detail is amazing. Thank you for writing. Looking forward to the next installment. Might not be any sex but as someone that adores attention to her breasts, this is hot in many places...

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