Cowboys and Aliens Ch. 28


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On the way, to the transit station they ran into Nyssia and Myrria, who were just about to head to the island also, so they shared a car.

The mermaids, of course, were naked, so as soon as the door closed they began to tease everyone. Mermaids were such flirts!

Maren laughed, "Here we go again!"

The two mermaids asked, "What?"

Maren explained what happened when they dropped them off and how she got gangbanged by all three of them.

Nyssia faked a pout and said, "Awww we caused that? You poor girl!"

Myrria then added with a mischievous grin, "This time it'll be one on one" as she stood up, moved to Mark and guided his mouth to her breast, which he happily sucked on.

Nyssia then did the same to Gyges and Maren removed her clothes and did the same to Rayven.

The trip was only about 30 minutes from the island, so they were all naked in no time and after a torrid fuck, each cock had cum in a pussy at least once and after the first cum the females did a daisy chain on the floor and licked each other's pussies clean.

All were sated by the time they reached the island and, after the short walk to the hotel, they decided to get a cabana and relax by the pool, sipping fruity, alcoholic slushy drinks with umbrellas in them.

Being the winter solstice, the sun went down early and it was dark before supper time. Just as the sun set, the place erupted with people, lights and music, as a parade seemed to form out of nowhere complete with people in costume and even a few floats. The parade led to the big area where the feast was to be held.

The feast itself was more like a huge pot luck dinner as every family seemed to bring something. The restaurants also donated lots of food also. The feast, of course, featured a lot of seafood, although there was also lots of fruits and vegetables. So Maren was happy to eat her share of the veggies.

As the feast ended, the streets filled again with live music and dancing everywhere and there was also fireworks, which looked incredible with the reflections off the calm night sea.

Overall it was quite the party, definitely a fun time was had by all as the celebration went well into the wee hours of the morning, but eventually everyone did go home. The actual day of the winter solstice was in the middle of a week long holiday, so most people didn't have to work the next day.

In the morning, it was the usual showers and breakfast, then it was back up to the Poseidon to return to Earth. Mark was looking forward to returning to see all the changes, since it had now been almost two months since they had left and now less than one week to the wedding.

Four days of workouts, sports and sex later they were back in orbit around Earth and Maren soon had them underway. They were arriving fairly early in the morning, so Mark didn't bother messaging anyone to say they were back.

As they were approaching Atlantis, it wasn't until Maren said, "Whoa" that everyone else looked out the windows.

While they were away, Cricket had been giving him regular updates on how things were going on Atlantis, but it wasn't until actually seeing it that it sunk in. Atlantis now sported a population of over 4 million people across 128 municipalities.

There was still a lot of uninhabited land, but you could definitely see the development everywhere. All of the coastal cities looked quite populated and well developed with marina's and numerous boats offshore and larger buildings in the core of the city.

They also saw many golf courses and beachfront resorts that had their own sandy beaches. There was also a lot of sports fields around what must be schools in the communities. In one of Cricket's reports, she said they had also started numerous colleges and a few universities on the island, there was even one university in Acropolis and it was most of the northwest quadrant of the outer ring.

They all decided they would need to familiarize themselves with Atlantis again. It was a good thing they managed to get back 3 days early, so they would have time to relax and catch up.

They exited the lift at the base of the palace, at least things still appeared the same around there, albeit with a few more people around. He took the elevator up to the royal residence, where everyone was still asleep. Mark and Rayven decided to go to his office and just slow down for a bit.

They went over his morning reports and then just went out to the balcony to look around. Acropolis looked like it was pretty much completely developed now. They could see the university buildings, which had all adopted the ancient look of the central temples with their colonnades.

As they walked around, they noticed the other two rooms atop the pyramid were now being used. One had been turned into a playroom with a wall of dildos and the various fucking machines scattered about and even a couple of beds. The last room had been turned into a workout room, complete with 3 mirrored walls, a sparring mat on one end and some actual workout equipment on the other side. The central area was open.

It was convenient that the bathhouse had the playroom on one side and the workout room on the other, both were areas usually followed by a shower and they didn't have to go outside if the weather was inclement.

After looking around, they decided to go surprise Annabelle, so they went down to the bedroom just as Annabelle was coming out of the washroom. Seeing them she ran and tackled Mark back onto the bed, smothering him with kisses and frantically trying to remove his clothes.

She exclaimed, "It's about time you two came back! The fucking machines are fun, but it's not the same as a real cock, I need you inside me now, you too Rayven!"

In no time she was repeatedly impaling herself on Mark's hard cock and moaning, as Mark gladly suckled on her large breasts. She eventually pushed Mark back down and began to ride him furiously, Rayven chose that moment to slip her cock in beside Mark's, as Annabelle vigorously fucked both cocks.

It didn't take long before both cocks were erupting hot cum deep inside the teenager, as Annabelle's pussy was squeezing them in pulses amidst her own orgasm.

As they recovered from their orgasms, Annabelle kissed Mark passionately, as Rayven extracted herself from Annabelle's cum filled pussy, then pulled Mark's cock out and licked it clean. Suddenly Annabelle's moaned and Mark could hear some sloshing sounds as Rayven began fisting Annabelle's cum laden pussy.

Mark just held onto Annabelle tight as Rayven fisted her friend through what seemed like a never-ending orgasm.

Eventually Annabelle could take no more and begged Rayven to stop. The trio then got up and went to the bathhouse, sans clothing, passing through the common area as others were wandering out of their rooms with their morning beverages.

After a shower, they joined the others downstairs for some welcome back hugs and kisses and then went out to the communal meal pavilion for breakfast.

The place was very packed with all the visitors in for the wedding. With almost every senator in the city, the pavilion was packed with people that Mark had at least seen or been introduced to during the senate meetings at the planets he had been to.

When they finished breakfast, what seemed like a never-ending queue of senators and leaders, stopped and greeted the couple as they wandered around the city centre. This was the first time many of them had actually met Annabelle, but ever since the wedding announcement had went public, people she didn't know just came up to her to say, 'Hi' or to get a picture with her.

The constant greetings with people she didn't know made Annabelle realize that, what she had been going through since her graduation, was what Mark had to go through almost every day. The difference was, if it was in fact someone that Mark had previously met, he remembered their name and where they were from. Her mind didn't work like his!

Annabelle asked, "How do you do it? You weren't really given a choice to become a king or not, they more or less forced you to do it, but despite going from retired easy life to what must be unbelievable pressure and responsibility of being in charge of billions, you seem to have adapted to it quite well!"

Mark replied, "I just chalk it up to fate, I'm just a pawn in fate's game, just go along for the ride and deal with the punches as they're thrown at you. A big part of it is attitude. They asked me to be their king, I didn't ask them, so I'm not going to change my ways and look just to meet their criteria."

"But they didn't ask me to be their Queen. You did! So am I supposed to look or act a certain way?"

Mark could tell Annabelle was worried about this, the weight of being a Queen was already starting to dawn on her, "It's true, I did ask you to be their Queen, but it's not because I expect you to look and act a certain way. In fact, I hope you adopt my attitude of 'this is the way I am, deal with it'. I know you, you have a good heart and a strong mind, you're not going to be alone in this. I'll be there if you need me, or at the very least Cricket will be there. In fact I'd probably consult with Cricket instead of myself anyway, but that's just me."

Annabelle laughed at that statement, "Ever since I moved here full-time after finishing school, it's like a constant meet and greet wherever I go, this is something I wasn't expecting."

Mark was a bit worried, "Are you having second thoughts?"

Annabelle smiled, "About marrying you? Never! I just hadn't considered that I would become a celebrity."

Mark laughed, "Well they did tell you at your graduation! You're going to be the Queen to billions across 12 planets."

Annabelle laughed, "They said 11 planets."

Mark smiled, "Well the Federation has grown since your graduation. We're at 12 planets now, in case you hadn't heard!"

As if on cue, Senator Marshall and his wife, Margo, came up to the couple. As they were approaching, Mark whispered to Annabelle, "This is Senator Morgan Marshall and his wife Margo from Athos, the planet that just joined the Federation."

Mark greeted the senator and his wife and then introduced Annabelle.

Senator Marshall kissed Annabelle's hand, "It is a pleasure to meet you, my Queen, if I may call you that. Thank you for inviting us for your special occasion. Our visit to Atlantis has been very eye-opening. I now realize how simple and backwards our planet must have seemed to you. We've learned a lot from talking to many of the other senators, and being immersed in established Federation life on Atlantis has given us something to strive for on Athos. It is going to take some time, but you've given us a look at what could be."

Mark reassured the Senator, "This may surprise you, but Athos is actually more advanced than even the rest of this planet is, they are pretty simple and backward. Atlantis is the exception... the jewel of the Federation, as far as the technological advancement of our society, but just know that no other planet in the Federation, excluding Atlanterra, is as advanced.

Any planet that has hundreds or thousands of years of history never fully gives up their history or traditions. Athos is not simple, nor is it backwards. In fact, I would commend you on what you had managed to accomplish, given your circumstances. Sure the years of war had been wearing on your citizens and infrastructure, but you were still managing to defend your home and your people still had food and water... and hope. A statement to the strength of the citizens, we are glad to have you in the Federation."

Margo then hugged Mark and then Annabelle with tears in her eyes, "I'm sorry, I just had to do that, I don't think I can ever thank you enough for saving us, we are so proud to be part of the Federation."

Annabelle smiled and replied, "We are glad to have you! May you live in peace and harmony."

After the Marshalls had left, Mark smiled at Annabelle, "You handled that perfectly, my Queen."

That was when they noticed that some Earth based reporters, journalists or paparazzi were standing nearby recording the interaction and taking pictures. Samira, came up at that point in time, "I see you have some tagalongs, want me to explain to them how the Federation works?"

Mark and Annabelle smiled, "Please do," as they started to walk towards the west path, knowing Samira would have the reporters and paparazzi educated to their ways.

Annabelle asked, "I know you've got an incredible memory, you always have, but I'm sure many of these senators you have only met for a few seconds, there's no way you have remembered everyone's names. Does Cricket help?"

Mark asked, "Cricket, once Annabelle becomes Queen, will you help her out the way you always help me?"

Cricket replied, "Yes, once she is officially the Queen, I shall bestow the royal protocols upon her as well."

Mark said, "Yes, Cricket helps me a lot! You're right, I don't remember all of their names. Many of them I've only ever seen via the video display on my desk at the senate. Once you are officially become the Queen, you will get some of the royal protocols."

Annabelle laughed, "She better not give me a cock like yours! I prefer being female and getting to have your cock inside me."

Mark laughed, "I'm sure you'll continue to be female! I definitely want you to stay female, your body is a temple I can never get enough of. Plus you are absolutely gorgeous, so you'll always look good when people ask you for your picture!"

Annabelle asked, "Where are we going?"

Mark said, "I just wanted to get away for a bit, a break from the spotlight. Maybe we could go for a walk around the updated city, it has changed a lot in the two months we've been gone. Plus I'd like to stop by the breakfast club and see how they're doing, and then maybe walk out to the university on the outer ring."

As they neared the office tower, Beth saw them coming from her office, so she and Cass came out to greet them. It appeared that they had hired a few people. Cass explained that they were pretty much a 24 hour business now. They had gained business from most sporting venues, school districts, colleges and universities across North America, Australia and several European countries and they were doing deployments via cloaked delivery drones Cricket had designed for them.

When Mark asked where Zack was, Cass said, "He went out with his boyfriend last night, so he's either still in his room or he didn't come home last night."

Annabelle looked confused, "I thought the three of you were..."

Mark stopped her, "I thought that too, but apparently Zack just isn't into pussy."

Annabelle gave a sly look to Beth and Cass and said, "Such a shame. You two have beautiful pussies!"

As they blushed, Mark nodded and agreed, "Yes they do!"

Annabelle punched him in the arm, "What? You had sex with them and I missed it?"

Cass looked at Beth, as they smiled and said, "We're always up for another round!"

Annabelle laughed, "As much as I'd like to, we'll have to take you up on that later."

Cass then remembered, "Oh yeah, congratulations on the upcoming wedding!"

Cass and Beth then invited them upstairs to the residence to talk over what they'd been up to.

In summary, most all the people they had hired downstairs were web designers and graphic artists. They had been busy building hundreds and hundreds of sites for Atlantis businesses. The sites they developed were unique in the sense that the front end visual components of the sites were on Earth servers, but all the backend databases, user accounts, order tracking and stuff were all on the Atlantean network, which was safe from hackers, plus faster and much more reliable than Earth based software and technology.

The power cell business was just about to take off, they had provided product samples to many certification companies and samples to pretty much every vehicle manufacturer that had requested a sample. They had a list of manufacturers that had requested a sample and how many 100kW EVB's they had requested. Pretty much every plane, train, automobile and ship manufacturer had ordered samples, as did most construction equipment manufacturers and most power generation providers for the electrical grids. The manufacturing program provided free time-limited test samples.

Mark asked, "Time-limited test samples?"

Cass said, "That was Beth's idea, the program is free for manufacturers, we provide them with the requested number of test cells for free, but the test cells have a one year expiry from the time that they activate them. Once they expire, the cells deconstruct. The cells have been modified to say, 'TEST UNIT ONLY' and have a digital countdown clock on them."

Rayven said, "That's genius! Here's a free, no obligation power cell for your testing purposes. You have one year to play around with it and make it work for your design, but you can never sell it."

Mark guessed the electrical grid providers were researching their competition, because their future was rather limited as everything slowly becomes self sufficient for power. Mark thought maybe they should maybe make linkable 500kW and 1,000kW units for larger installations such as buildings and construction equipment. He also saw some companies that he knew made equipment for the military, so he told Beth and Cass that they need to clarify that using those power cells for anything other than a building or unarmed vehicle violates the terms of usage and the power cells will be voided.

They said they would make the change to the website immediately announcing that they would begin manufacturing 500kW and 1,000kW cells for industrial use, and put a banner notice and update the packaging to indicate that use of the power cell for any weaponized purpose, violates the terms of usage and that the power cell will be voided, they were also going to add a checkbox to the activation process.

After making sure they would be at the wedding, the trio decided to move on, as they still had a long walk ahead of them. There were a few shops and businesses that were open on the west side of the ring at that time of the day, but they didn't stop at any, it was pretty much just a nice walk with a bit of background noise. They walked back and continued out to the university via the west path, then they walked through the university and around to the north path. The campus wasn't overly large, but it definitely wasn't small, when you considered it was the entire outer ring of that quadrant, with many large multi-storey buildings for both the educational buildings and for the residences, but lots of trees, parks, ponds and fountains along the walking path. For students, you could get from one side of the campus to the other quickly using an elevated train system similar to Atria that wound its away around the entire campus, with stops at every building.

Eventually they reached the north path and headed back toward the palace. During the walk they discussed what they would like to do that day. Annabelle indicated that there was some stuff Rayven needed to do, as she had missed all the previous things that Annabelle and the rest of the girls had already done.

When they returned to the palace, Liyana was ecstatic about something. When she asked if they trusted her, Mark and Annabelle were concerned, but said that they did. Liyana had the biggest grin, but wouldn't tell them what the surprise was, as she changed the subject and gave Mark his instructions, "Be backstage at the amphitheatre at 14:00 Saturday, get dressed in your formal uniforms by 14:30, then line up by the altar on the stage at 14:45. Annabelle will begin her march at 15:00 sharp.

When she reaches the altar, smile at her and hold her hands. Look at your bride and follow along with the official and repeat what he tells you to. Present her with her crown when you are prompted. Accept your trident when she presents it to you. Hold it in your right hand. Kiss your bride to seal the vows.