Crazy Hot


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"Oh come on. How? You are amazing."


Jess what's wrong?"

"Nothing. I... I really am liking you Rock."

"I am you too isn't that a good thing."

I got a smile as she leaned against me wrapping her arms round me. "Yeah it is."

My phone alerted. "Shit!"


"I'm off but that is an officer down call for all SWAT I have to go."

"Be careful please.

"I will. Promise." I kissed her and ran to my car. I kept a change of gear in the trunk of the Vette. I always found it funny when people would see me open it expecting the engine up front.

I hit the LT up when my Bluetooth connected.

"Leaving the apartment. What do we have?"

"Someone clipped a Trooper handing out a ticket and kept going. Can you be at Skyline in a few minutes?"

"Yeah maybe ten out."

"Ok you will be closet to the bird. I will have them pick you up in the parking lot. Should be empty with school out.

"LT, I'm unarmed just ran out of the gym."

"Shit ok."

"Boss if we can get someone to drop some spike strips somewhere, we can get ahead and spike it maybe."

"Good call, they are in mustang and hauling ass down 635.

I made it to Skyline and jumped into what gear I had; the helicopter was waiting. By then there was a patrol that was screaming into the lot with a set of strips.

By the time we got there another State Trooper had come off from an entrance ramp and pitted the idiot into the ditch flipping the car a few times. Dumb ass only sustained minor injuries, the Trooper he clipped had a broken arm and hand.

The next few weeks Jess and I were not seeing each other as much as we liked. Spring in the DFW is usually crazy anyways but with people going stir crazy on lock down it was even nuttier. Jess had asked would it embarrass me if she stopped by the SWAT team shop one day if she had time to maybe see me. I had told her fuck no it would not bother me, but that she shouldn't just go out of her way. Sure enough she did one day.

Skeeter came back into the team room, "There is a chic out there says she's looking for you Rock. I think she's confused though."

"What? Why?" Some random ex was what popped into my mind.

"Because she's like swimsuit model hot. Must be looking for another Rock not ours." The team was laughing now.

I threw a ball of tape at him and went up to the desk. It was Jess. As I was talking to her, I noticed a few heads pop out of the team room door now and then.

"Is that your guys," she asked.

"Yeah that's the looney bin area... Want to meet them?"

Her smile was so big, "If you want me too."

"Come on."

I took Jess to meet all the guys. You must know SWAT guys, I assume soldiers are kind of the same way, they are going to flirt. They do not mean anything by it but the all basically let her know she was the hottest thing that had been in that station one way or another. Of course I caught hell when she left how some big dope like me was pulling a hot chic like her. All fun and games in the shop.

We had made it a complete four weeks holding off from fucking the shit out of each other. I had decided if Jess was ready, I was. Our make out session was overly hot; I could tell she was ready too.

I had started moving my hand toward her yoga pants top and she gasp, and it felt like almost pull away, so I stopped. I had not made the move in that area even though she had rubbed my cock plenty.

"Jess you ok?"


I could tell she was not thought. "Baby it's ok, we don't have to do anything you know that."

"I want too... I just..."

"It's ok baby we can wait."

She had almost an anguished look to her.

"Jess I love you, you know, that right?"

"I love you too... It's went so far... I'm afraid of loosing you Rock. I really never meant... To fall in love."

"I didn't either. But why are you afraid of losing me?"

Trying to change the subject she smiled and kissed me. "How about a really nice blowjob?"

"Jess, you know I've told you no unless I can please you too which you've been avoiding. Why?"

Here eyes welled up a bit but never spilled the tears.

"Oh god Jess I'm sorry. Did someone do something bad and hurt you?" My heart fell to my stomach.

"No. I..."

"Jess you can tell me anything."

"Even if it means losing you?"

"You an axe murder? Hurt kids or something?"

She let out a small laugh.


"I know you don't do drugs."

She shook her head.

"So there is nothing else in this world that I can think of that would push me away Baby Girl."

"Mmmm," she purred and snuggled into the crease of my neck.

I knew Baby Girl really set her in the mood as I had accidentally said it one day and she had responded with Daddy and we'd almost done it then.

"You can tell me anything Jess."

"If I tell you, you won't want to be with, me let alone take me to meet your mom."


"You always tell me how different I am to other girls," she was still snuggled into my neck.

"Because you are."

"There is a reason."


Jess got up; "you won't want me anymore."

"I promise there is Nothing Jess. Not one thing that will make me turn from you other than you not wanting to be with me."

She appeared to be thinking. "I'll be right back," and headed to her bedroom.

My head was swimming, what could she think would push me away. My mind was turning over every scenario that I could imagine. I just did not imagine what was coming.

Jess came back in wearing what looked like bra and panties under a thin robe. I stood to meet her and pulled her to me our lips and tongue meeting hard our tongues dancing.

"Please sit Rock."

I did and she untied the robe letting it hang open just a few inches.

"Amazing Babi Girl."

I saw it in her eyes, she wanted to make love. I went to stand.

"Please stay seated," she kneeled between my legs. "Is there anything that would ever make you hit me? Could you get angry enough?"

"Jess... Maybe if you hit me in anger. I 'd like to say I'm man enough to walk away, but I never been faced with that."

"That it?"

"Jess I think I would die before hitting you. I'd even die to save you."

Jess stood again letting the robe fall from her shoulders holding it around her wait. My god her bra displayed those perfect breast. Fake or not they were beautiful, and they had not felt hard like I had thought fake breasts would. Hell the felt real.

She let the robe fall to the floor her. Her thin waist made her hips look round, barely holding up the thread that was the panty strap around them.

"Beautiful," I almost whispered, captivated by her. She still looked concerned I could not figure out why.

I could take it no longer I jumped up pulling her to me her eyes seemed surprised. "I love you Jess."

"Please Rock wait."

She guided my hand down her tummy my eyes locked with hers, I could see the worry festering in them. She guided my hand across the front of her panties. I felt her legs spread a bit and she pushed my hand under her.

Now my eyes were big with surprise as she backed up and tear rolling down her cheek. My mind trying to process what my hand had just felt.

Now tears were streaming down her cheeks. "Jess." I stepped forward and she stepped back away.

I sat on the couch wrapping my head around what I felt. A cock and balls. Not big, but it is what I felt. I just sat thinking.

"Rock... I'm sorry."

My mind made up and firmly made up. I stood again. "Jessica look at me." Her eyes were glued to the floor.

"Please look at me." I wanted to step forward, but I knew she would flinch again.

Her eyes came up with tears in them and it felt like someone was pulling my heart out seeing her hurt.

"I love you Jess. I do, that hasn't changed."

I held my hand out, "Baby Girl come here."

Slowly she did but I could tell she was worried still. Taking her hand I gently pulled her into my arms.

"I love you Jess. Do you really love me?"

Nodding, tears still flowing. I wiped them away and kissed her. My kiss I guess said what I had been trying too, and she melted into my arms. I scooped her up and sat on the couch holding her.

"Still the most beatifu... Ummm... Jess. Ummm."

I guess she could read my mind or see my thoughts.

"Yes, I prefer to be called a girl and treated as one. I am a girl."

I smiled, "Yes you are and still the most beautiful girl I've ever met. I can't lie, I am surprised... I... I still want to be with you Jess I just... I mean..."

"How," she asked?

I nodded.

"It's been really hard for me. In life. See I feel like I am a girl. No I know I am a girl just with..." She looked down. "Problem is I am attracted to hetero men."

"Umm... Well I'm not sure I classify myself as hetero... I mean I did... but now."

"I still think you are, and I do still want you to make love to me."


She put her finger to my lips. "I want you to make love to me, I want to go down on you. You don't need to go down one me."

"But... Ummm... That would not be fair for you not to be pleased... But I just don't think I can. You know... Do that."

"I can show you how to make love to me and make me orgasm just as hard as anyone ever orgasms."

I sat quite trying to wrap my head around all that was happening it was like watching a car wreck in slow motion except I was in the wreck and trying to save the beautiful girl in my lap.

"Still want to take me to meet mom," Jess asked trying to lighten the mood?

"Yes I do."

Her smile was so big and bright now.

"Rock, I know it's a lot to take in. We fell in love which I have wanted my whole life. To fall in love, not to be something exotic a man just wants to suck his cock and then do away with."

"I can't understand what you've been through. I can only imagine how you have been treated and that makes me angry Jess.

"Make love to me, spend the night and let me wake up in your arms. Show me that we are meant to be Rock."

"On one condition."


This weekend you go with me to meet mom and dad."

She threw her arms around me kissing me like I had never been kissed.

"Your mom and dad though..."

"You are a woman that is all they are anyone else needs to know unless you tell them something different Baby Girl."

"Fuck, you make me so hot calling me Baby Girl."

"I know and you drive me insane with desire."

"Even still?"

"Even still."

"Can I get a choker that says Baby Girl on it. What I mean is would you be seen with me in public with it on."

I pulled her head back kissing her neck. "You know when you wear chokers it drives me crazy for you. Maybe you need one that says Daddy's Girl too."

"Oh fuck! YES! Now take me to bed and make love to me. But you have to be gentle I've never had anything close to that big in me."

"We don't have to Jess. I'd be completely happy if w," Jess cut me off.

"I want you in me. Deep inside me, while I look into the man, I love eyes. I want to still see what I see now that you love me and would spend the rest of your life with me."

"So you'd marry me someday?"

Jess purred, "If you were to ask some day."

I carried her to her bed and took my time kissing her, she was still the most beautiful girl I had ever met. Both inside and out. I so wanted to spend the rest of my life with this goddess under me right now.

I tried to kiss ever inch of her face, neck, ears. Her arms her fingers, her chest and belly. Her pouting nipples drove in completely insane and the way she moaned and thrust her chest to my lips. Kissing, running my tongue slowing around them her eyes locked with mine.

I drew pleasure in her little moans and gasps, and I teased them both mercilessly. Gently biting and pulling had her thrusting her hips into me.

"I'm sorry," she panted.

I shook my head no and slowly ran my hand down her tummy creeping closer to her panty line. Her breath caught as my hand went in. She was so hard, and I could feel her leaking. I ran my hand over it playing with it like I would a pussy. My finger splitting her balls that were drawn up so tight. I could see the surprise in her eyes as I played slowly around with her kissing her.

"Rock, you don't have to."

"I want to. I want you to feel loved and treated right Baby Girl."

She panted at Baby Girl as I knew she would, pushing my hand farther under with her own hand to her little pucker. She was right, it felt so tight. Like a rosebud waiting to bloom as I traced it with my finger. Jess biting my lips and pushing toward my finger.

I removed my hand gently pulling at the top of her panties. Jess took the hint and raised her gorgeous hips letting me remove them. Pulling my hand to her face she sucked my middle finger and got it all wet.

"Ahh you're ready baby."

"God yes please!"

I traced her little rosebud again pushing gently till the first joint went in. Jess sucking my tongue in her mouth her body trembling.

"Baby I think we need a little more than saliva to keep going."

"Top drawer nightstand," she panted.
I reached over opening in and found a small bottle of lube and laid it beside us. I wanted her to feel good, so my hand went back to her cock and I sucked and kissed her nipples.

Jess was moaning, gasping, and panting to my touch.

"Stop," she whimpered.

I looked at her.

"Almost came Daddy."

Is that a bad thing?"

"I want to cum while you make love to me. But I want to taste your big cock first."

"But that isn't fair."

"Fair is giving your Baby Girl what she wants... And she is dying to feast on Daddy's cock!"

Boy did she. I had had two women blow me once and together they were not even close to Jess. I had never liked watching a woman gag on my cock, but the way she did it looking into my eyes... I saw love. I let her have her way with it, whatever she wanted she could have. I also noted at that moment, that the rest of her life she would have whatever she wanted. No matter what it was.

It was funny to watch her get playfully frustrated not getting it all down.

"Baby Girl bite of more than she could chew, did she?"

Kissing up my body. "For now Daddy. But someday soon it will all be in my throat."

"Well I guess that means you will be practicing a lot from now on then won't you."

Her lips against mine our eyes locked, "Yes Daddy, every day if you let me... And do not give me that fair stuff, your Baby Girl wants it... Bad."

I could only smile.

"Yeah I already know you well enough to know that would be your response."

I rolled us over my cock laying against hers. "You sure about this? You were really tight on my finger."

Jess grabbed the bottle of lube squirting some in her hand and grabbed my cock working it in. I held my hand out she gave me a questioning eyes.

I need to repay the favor and get you ready for me. Smiling she put some in my hand.

I tried to kiss her as tenderly as I could gently working it into her sweet pucker once I could get two lubed fingers in, her panting and whimpering for more I eased between her legs. The skin so smooth and soft to the touch of her beautiful legs.

The tip of my cock resting against her little bud. "Jess..."

I felt her push down toward me, so I gently pushed back. Feeling the head push slowly then breakthrough I saw her eyes go wide and breath catch. I guess sensing I was going to pull back her legs locked around me.

"Slowly," she moaned to me.

I have no idea how long it took me to fully enter, it took Jess to keep coaxing me until I was as deep as I could go. We laid there kissing as she got accustomed the length and girth.

"My first real cock," she whispered in my ear.

I looked into her eyes and she nodded. "I'd only given head; I was saving this for the man I love."

Shit my cock flexed when she said that causing her to gasp.

"Make love to me for a bit then I will show you how to make me cum if you want?"

"God, I do Baby Girl."

Slowly I started out then back in. This was the slowest I had ever made love. I could not risk hurting this beautiful woman.

In a few minutes we found a rhythm that we both loved, long slow deep stokes. Our lips and tongues one for the longest.

Let me make you cum Princess."

Her eyes grew wide. "Am I really your Princess?"

"My Princess and my Baby Girl."

"Oh Daddy," she pulled me to her our kisses one big wet kiss, her legs around me pulling me deep into her.

I could feel her tremble and worried I was hurting her, but her strong legs held me as she trembled kissing me.

Released from her lock she guided me out some and pushed her hips up. I felt the spot and saw it in her eyes when my cock head hit it.

"Right there," I smiled?

"Mmmm yessss."

I slowly went back and forth across it making sure to flex my cock making the head press against it harder. Her breath became quicker her hands pulling at the sheets. I knew Jess had to be close.

She whimpered then moaned, "Gauhh Yess."

I could not take it, I wanted her to cum so hard. I grabbed her cock and milked at as I continue to pump her tight rosebud.

Here beautiful blue eyes wide her mouth in an on she let loose. Her hot cum spraying all over her tummy as I pumped my cock slowly and massaged her cock.

"Go Deeep!"

I complied and buried my cock deep into this goddess and felt my cock swell.

"Jess I'm"

"God yes pleas Daddy in me." "Please," she moaned, and it sent me over the edge. I dug my feet into the mattress pushing into her as deep as I could her hands on my ass pulling me to her as I unloaded ever drop into the beautiful Princess.

Both panting coming down from our high I stayed in her kissing and caressing her. I wanted her to understand to me she was still the most beautiful girl in the world.

Maybe half an hour of kissing and cuddling we showered together cleaning each other only the way lovers could then dried one another.

"Sex makes me hungry," she smiled.

She threw on her robe and I pulled on my boxers and had a slice of pizza snuggled on the couch.

"You have Facebook baby," her big eyes smiling at me.

"I do."

So we became FB friends. "Sorry Jess I never think of stuff like that."

"It's ok I wanted to wait and see how it turned out... Can we put in a relationship?" God her smile was so amazing.

I put my shirt on, and we took a couple selfie and made it our profile pictures.

"Can I tell mom and dad about us? That I found the perfect guy?"

"Well you can tell them you found me," I laughed.

Crazy thing. You are the perfect guy."

"I would like to meet your mom and dad too... I mean if that is ok Jess."

So we see your mom and dad Saturday then go see mine Sunday. My dad will grill you fairly good you know due to my... Well me being me."

"No worries I love his daughter, I can handle anything."

True to her wishes, I was holding her tight the next morning when we woke up. I planned on her waking up with me every morning that I wasn't at work when she woke.

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AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

awful grammar, gave up after the second paragraph. you need to proof read your stories before you publish them

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
Great Story!!!

I love your stories like this one. Please continue.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago
Gereat Story

Loved the story myself. Nice to see someone falling in love.

Sounds like someone aboce is having some repressed feelings with their comments. I'm not sure why read stories about a girl with a cock if you have problems that someone could fall in love with a girl with a cock.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago

Baby Girl and Oh Daddy kind of ruined the whole thing, that and the falling in love in a week, accepting the girl has a cock, then fucking her/it, whatever. Bad story, really bad.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago
Loved the Story

Great to see romance and people just fall in love before falling in bed. On a side note I'm going to call my brother and find out where his take home care is. Maybe he is unaware that he is supposed to have one. I do know he is not allowed to leave weapons in his car period.

oldpantythiefoldpantythiefabout 4 years ago
Good start

Wasn't sure just how this was going, but I did like how it turned out. Usually, this is how some trans get the crap beat out of them, surprise, surprise. But glad this one worked out and Jess found the crazy one for himself.

Please proof read, then have someone else proof read for you. The errors are minor, but they made me stop and try to figure out what you were trying to say. Otherwise it's a very good love story.

FYI, some complexes let a cop live in them for free, or at a discount, just to handle minor problems on the property if needed. The other issue, when Jess left the gym to respond, he would have been armed. Most departments require their officers to always be armed, i.e. have a weapon with them. SWAT members usually have a long gun with their response gear, like in a take home car, everything's in the trunk. Should have had a spare in his car or in a fanny pack with him at the gym.

DeLord12804DeLord12804about 4 years ago

I suppose I might be the only one complaining about how brief the story seemed. But many people don't realize the work that goes in to creating believable dialog, false starts, awkward sentences, the lot. You did a really nice job of it. Nicely done.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago
More Please

Great start. Even with some grammatical errors, and improper word selection this story was a good read. You should develop the characters and relationship with a few more chapters as the story you have started is a good one.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago

Good read. Would be very interested in this continuing.

Thanks for writing.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago
A dream come true story!

What a lovely story. I'll bet every man that reads this wishes it was him in the story

Dawn191270Dawn191270about 4 years ago
What a great story

I am a sucker ( oh dear matron ) for a love story just want it to carry on . Thank you hun

AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago

Beautifully amazing story first time out; very well constructed....a few minor errors in word selection and grammatical usage, other than that, would have been perfect. Easy to read and follow in the thought process, as the writer led you throughout the story.

maxx308maxx308about 4 years ago


Thanks for sharing.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago
Great Story!!

I hope this one continues..

LiptonDrinker2020LiptonDrinker2020about 4 years ago

So sexy that they fell in love before even having sex. That doesn't happen much anymore.

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