Creatively Enjoying Nature's Bounty


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It was then onto the root vegetables. Here, Leda performed the same checks and tests as with the zucchini, and after a good five minutes of fevered and focused selection, ended up with three large carrots of slightly varying sizes and shapes, and two parsnips. Her mind positively crackling with new salacious ideas, she backtracked a little and picked up an English cucumber, and a bunch of celery sticks. Leda moved her gaze past the soft, green herbs, moistened by the sprinklers, and her eager eyes settled on the next candidate that instantly made her blush and awakened the tight, tingling feeling between her legs. Leda gasped quietly as she looked down and noticed her small nipples evidently showing through the thin fabric of her dress. As the dress had only fairly thin straps and the bodice fit her body well and tight, she didn't put on a bra today. She regretted that carefree decision just now, as shame, embarrassment, but also arousal rose within her. She had no cardigan to cover up with and could only hope no one would look and that she could control her body enough to get her nipples to soften again. The latter was certainly proving to be a fool's hope.

Leda closed her eyes and laid a hand on the bright purple, shiny, long Japanese eggplants. Her mind erupted with a flash of very naughty visions as she explored this beautiful object that seemed tailor made for her indecent purpose. She gasped with admiration as she felt its weight, length and the delicious mix between hardness and pliability as she tried to gently twist and bend the mostly rigid girth in her hand. The eager nurse was so absorbed in her exploration, that she didn't notice the man beside her until his hand brushed hers as he made to reach for one of the vividly purple vegetables.

"Oh, sorry Miss," he sheepishly said.

His voice was pleasant and warm and he looked to be maybe a few years older than her. He had a Mediterranean look about him, a full head a longer black hair, falling in short curls, warm brown eyes, and neatly trimmed facial hair - short mustache and beard. He wore large, dark, plastic frame glasses that were sort of rectangular, which gave him something between a scholarly and Hipster air. He stood around six feet tall, which made him tower over Leda's small frame. Leda's only small consolation, was that she didn't know this man.

Their eyes met, and he smiled, warmly, before his gaze darted to her hands handling a particularly thick eggplant specimen, the produce haul already filling her cart, and back to Leda's flushed cheeks and quick breaths. She could have sworn he also took in the predicament of her breasts, as his eyes lingered considerably on each nipple before his gaze returned to meet hers and his smile curled into a mischievous, quizzical smirk.

"O...oh," she said nervously, and dropped the eggplant back on its display like a hot potato, putting her hands behind her back as a little girl trying to look innocent after getting caught stealing candy might do.

"Ha, ha..." he laughed nervously. scratched at his neck and popped his produce selection into his basket.

"Are, um, are these any good? Do you make them often?" He was trying hard to make nervous conversation to ease the palpable tension.

"Um, yes. Yes to both, that is," she said with a tight nervous smile.

"They're delicious in Thai dishes or even in some recipes that call for regular eggplant. They're softer and sweeter you know, no need to add salt to draw out any bitterness... you might want to add basil, but look for Thai basil specifically, not the Italian kind..."

God, she was talking too much and was so nervous that she sounded really awkward. Leda couldn't shake feeling like this guy had put two and two together and now had a pristinely clear window into her debauched plan for the contents of her cart. He was smartly but casually dressed in a black T-shirt and cargo type khakis and had a grey cross-body laptop bag.

She bit her lip and looked down, coyly.

"Oh wow, that's great, thanks, sounds like you're a Top Chef contestant already..." he laughed genuinely, but seeing his rising blush, Leda was now convinced he knew exactly what she was up to.

"Well, I have to run now, so I'll just get these tomatoes and apples, and be on my way," she laughed nervously and gestured to the central shelves to their right.

Tomatoes and apples are round, decent vegetables that could serve no other nefarious purpose for a young woman, right? With a fake smile plastered on her face, she made a show of quickly loading up a few of each and drove her cart away.

God, at worst he thinks I'm a pervy nympho, and at best he thinks I'm some crazy, pathetic awkward girl!

She needed to get out of there, and before she left, she steeled herself that because today was full of daring acts, she would finally do the unimaginable. Spurred on, as if pursued by a swarm of bees, she hurried to the pharmacy section and in a mad dash swiped off two packages of condoms from the shelf into her cart. She ran to the self checkout and realized weighing all her produce there would be a time wasting nightmare, so she quickly decided to just pay for the pharmacy purchase there, hide it in a bag and get her vegetables cashed out in the regular line.

Blushing insanely, her cheeks hot and her hands shaking, she fumbled at the self-checkout and before she could bag the condoms, the guy from the produce section was there at the checkout next to her.

He smiled again.

"Heyyyy, it's you again, what are the chances," he chuckled. Then his eyes glanced over the bagging area of her station, and Leda's almost worst nightmare played out in real time in front of her.

"Oh, um, I've really really got to go now", she said quietly and awkwardly blocked his view of the purchases while stuffing them into a bag behind her back, all the while knowing it was too late.

She pushed her cart back to the regular checkout line and he was left speechless where he stood, curious eyes trailing after her and that smirk animating his face again.

As she paid and started pushing her cart towards the door, there he was again. He was either following her on purpose, or the universe had a really snarky sense of humour with its timing today. This was getting ridiculous. He laughed, put his hands up and waved them weakly in an "I give up" gesture, then motioned for her to go first.

Blushing and huffing, Leda shook her pretty head and motored past him towards the sliding door.

"Hey," his voice called out and his hand quickly patted the top tray of her cart as she sped by and out of the store. She couldn't wait to get out of there.

"The nerve!" Leda thought.

As she was stuffing the shopping into the trunk, she discovered a paper note on the top tray of her cart, in the place the guy had reached as she hurried out of the store. She unfolded it, and seeing some quickly scribbled, though legible enough handwriting, she read:

Hey, so that was super weird at the store but I just wanted to say that I'm really glad we met and that I think you're very cute. If you ever want to grab Starbucks together or hang out or something, that would be really cool. Anyway, my name is Zeus (yeah I'm totally serious, my parents are nerdy weirdos) and my number is *** *** ****. Lastly, I might be totally off base and out of line, but in case my wild speculation is right, I really hope you have fun tonight with your shopping! Good for you... have a wonderful rest of the week, would love to chat sometime, Cheers, Z.

Hah. She thought.

Knowing full well now that he knew, made her embarrassment grow exponentially, but at the same time it also awakened some curious excitement. She thought he was kind of cute, but at this moment she was more than ready to turn her attention to her singular task. Before driving off in the direction of home, she put the phone number into her phone and giggling, she sent a quick text:

Hey there, King of the Gods, sorry I just couldn't resist!!! Its Leda, the girl from the store. Thanks for the note. It was sweet. Let me think about Starbucks and get back to you. Cheers!

* * * * *

Leda dropped the phone and the scribbled note on the couch and like a woman possessed, began her fevered preparations. The blinds were all closed, and the market haul was thoroughly washed, dried and laid out on the large rectangular coffee table in the living room, on top of a black satin tablecloth. There too, were the condom boxes. Leda made space on the floor beside the coffee table and on the rug she placed blankets, duvets and multiple throw pillows to make herself a comfortable play area that looked a bit like a Sultan's harem room in a tale from the far East. She placed a few folded towels in the pleasure nest, ever practical about the possible clean up demands.

Leda lit some scented candles, and poured herself two brimming glasses of wine that now stood side by side. She also put a few glasses of iced water on the table.

Next, she prepped herself. Leda showered and lotioned her tingling body thoroughly. She had full intention to resist the magnetic draw of her womanly cleft, but ended up stroking her inner and outer folds and teasing around her very wet opening just a little, after putting on the lotion... Through force of will she reluctanly pulled her fingers away and sucked on their coating.

"Mmmhhhm..." she moaned softly, tasting herself. She bound her blonde hair in a low pony tail, and applied stronger makeup than usual, as if she planned to be on stage or camera and exaggerated it to make it show.

She dressed in a lacy black thong and a matching black lace demi cup bra that left the partial half moons of her areolae exposed above it. As she pulled on the thong, she felt the thin string of lace between her legs against her already soaked, swollen folds. Finally, she placed a pair of larger sparkly clip-on earrings (small, thick silver hoops with zirconia crystals embedded across), a hand mirror, and some thin leather cords and ribbons on the tablecloth as well.

Leda nestled among the pillows on the floor, close to the coffee table, and began scrolling for the erotic reading material she already pre-selected for tonight. She pre-read hungrily and sipped her wine to get fully in the mood.

After downing all of the wine, Leda straddled a large cushion and began rubbing herself against it. Continuing the undulation of her hips and the rhythmic squeezing of her thighs, she lifted her hands to her chest and roughly massaged her two perky and full globes. Heat rose in her body and red blotches covered the skin of her chest, neck and face. Her lips parted reflexively. She rode the cushion harder and faster, then paused to grab a mini cucumber from the table. She briefly considered putting a condom on it, but realized it was likely too small and convinced herself it was cleaner than the rest of the produce as it came packaged already. Leda also noticed the many small protrusions and bumps on the skin of the cucumber and decided it would be better to feel those unencumbered by any covering... Reclining on her back against some pillows, Leda bent her knees, spread her legs wide and slipped a plump pillow under her hips. Soon, she began touching the green tip to her dripping slit, spreading the creamy wetness around and massaging around her entrance ever so gently...Her other hand dropped to her clit and began massaging in circular motions alternating with pinching the hood between her fingers.

"Awwwmmmhhh...aaah...ahhhwww..." Leda intoned in pleading, high pitched moans.

"Come, my green little bullet, show me what you've got,"

With her free hand, she lifted each breast enough to release the nipples. They now protruded above the bra line and were teased and held up by the edge of the cups themselves. Her small pink nipples were hard and standing at attention.

The small, green tool pushed into the first part of her slit and it felt amazing. Leda accelerated her pace and delighted in how the bumpy skin felt against her sensitive walls. Her fingers had pushed the flimsy and soaked crotch of the thong to the side to explore around it. She opened her legs further and lifted them up into the air for more access. In small rhythmic circles, she continued to massage her clit and stroked the pink petals of her labiae. Leda paused to take a breather.

She was panting and moaning softly and felt invigorated. She took a few sips of water. Leda took off her bra and picked up the clip-on earrings from the table. She had tried this before and was still quite thrilled that her past experimentation led to this discovery. She gently clipped the earrings onto each swollen nipple bud and bit her lip at the mild stinging and pulling sensation. Her breasts were already naturally heavy and plump, but adorned with these jewels, she became ten times more conscious of their weight and sensitivity. It felt as if she had placed warm and shining beacons on her nipples. Leda took one thick, short silver chain from her jewelry box, weaved the ends through the loops of the earrings and closed the clasp. Her breasts were now joined by the flattened circlet of chain. She wasn't done with her ingenious, homemade harness yet. Leda undid the clasp of the chain around her neck that she always wore with a chosen pendant, and weaved it through the circlet joining her breasts, before re-fastening the clasp behind her neck. It was the perfect length - the pulling sensation became heavier and more intense, and now her every movement teased and titillated the swollen pink buds.

With the DIY light nipple clamps in place, Leda grabbed the hand mirror to admire her handiwork. Seeing her pert nipples adorned in such a way, and the soft metal harness she wrought to hold them captive, was a definite turn on.

Leda retrieved a stalk of celery from the table. This was completely new for her. In her recent reading she came across pussy slapping tutorials and was intrigued enough to want to try it as an extra warm up that she might enjoy. She thought the wide, flattened ends of the celery stalks would lend themselves nicely to this purpose. She had also stashed a fly swatter and baking spatula just beside the couch as backup.

The flushed blonde reclined again on the cushions and moaned as her nipples were deliciously twisted and tweaked when she changed positions and moved a little too quickly, momentarily forgetting her jewelled predicament. She peeled off her lacy, wet thong and threw it across the room. Now naked besides the jewelry setup at her chest that she attached to her neck, she cupped her sex with her right palm in a firm grip and pushed down a little. She slapped her hand into her sex, first lightly enough that it didn't really hurt but provided a pleasant jolting massage. The sound reverberating through the room was kind of hot and exaggerated, sounding louder than the impact it really made.

Thwack...thwack...twack, twack, twack

She sped up the pace and pressure and alternated sides. Finally, she landed a few blows swatting her hand in an upward motion from below, striking the opening and both sets of her wet, swollen labiae hanging down.

"Aaaaawwwwwwggh!" she gasped and moaned involuntarily, her voice high pitched and strident. Hitting her folds made for a wetter, more squishy sound. She gasped and grabbbed the celery again. She was covered in prespiration now and deliciously flushed everywhere. Leda delivered swats with the celery stick all over her pussy to trial different locations, angles and pressures. It all felt very good, and much hotter than she anticipated. She finished with the swishy plastic fly swatter that felt different yet and delicious in its own right. While it didn't deliver the wallop of a hand or the celery stalk, it did make for much more of a stinging sensation on the surface.

Thoroughly warmed up and squirming, Leda took hold of the zucchini and after covering it with a condom, (she wasn't going to risk any pesticides down there!), she got on all fours and thrust into her opening from behind. This felt sensational and almost like using her regrettably now missing trusty glass sidekick. The size was similar although the zucchini had its own unique feeling of slightly hollow weight and a delicious hardness to it. The specimen she chose was long and thick and filled her well and fully. This is exactly what she had been after. She clenched her walls around it at first by using her pelvic floor muscles with purpose, and later in small involuntary spasms that meant she was getting closer. She grabbed the hand mirror and put it on the ground a little in front of her, setting it up so that she had a perfect view of her chest - nipples full and engorged, pinched by the hanging earrings at the tip of the voluptuous globes threatening to burst with achey fullness, all draped in her devious, alluring chain contraption.

Her other hand reached between her legs and massaging her clit, she bucked and writhed like an animal in heat. She kept up a fast pummeling rhythm with the zucchini. Leda was so close, she felt the familiar tension building in her lower belly and between her legs and the funny tingling all along her extremities. Skin peppered with goosebumps, she came hard, moaning and with her body trembling. She fell to her side, exhausted, her sex still weakly clenching rhythmically around the rod filling her. Leda sighed, feeling relaxed and warm. After some deep breathing and enjoying the release in her afterglow, she gently withdrew the tool filling her and laid it on the paper towel on the table.

It was time for the pièce de résistance. Handling the thick, long, luscious, purple vegetable, Leda covered it with a condom. Just from touching and observing her current toy, she felt her nipples sting and tug as they stood engorged at renewed attention. She readjusted the hand mirror and felt her juices flow as she observed the sparkling adornments at her nipples and the hanging chains wreaking such havoc on her nerve endings. She bit her lip and rubbed her clit gently. Leda had considered rigging the eggplant with some duct tape to the edge of the bathtub, sticking straight up and ready for riding, or to the wall at the level of her sex when standing, so that she could impale herself on it with her ass driving into the wall. Fearing glue damage and the tape job not being sturdy enough, she gave up on the idea for now.

Leda reclined again, this time with her back against the couch, and began touching her slick and swollen labiae and her gushing opening with the toy. She was ready and not in the mood for drawing this out too much longer. Inserting the purple beauty just about two inches, she gently twisted it as she thrust slowly in and out. Adding that rotation piece was everything.

"Mmmmmmmmmhm," Leda mewled and squirmed.

It stretched her warmed up sex, providing precisely that most exquisite pressure and feeling of fullness that she has been chasing for months now.

Her mind's control on rational thinking was slipping away, but before it fully plunged into fuzzy euphoria, it did register that she had to do one more thing before giving in to the one-track purpose of thrusting. Leaving the toy shallowly inside, she moved her hands to her chest and as gently as she could, she unclipped the earrings from her nipples. A little longer, and there would be hell, delicious hell, but hell nonetheless, to pay for several days after. Leda was well aware that her breasts and nipples were at baseline very sensitive and an extended stretch of even fairly gentle play caused strong sensory consequences for days to come, that left her little able to concentrate on real life.

Her nipples flooded with a mix of warmth, pain and pleasure, while the inner mscles of her sex clenched around the object filling her. The nubs of her nipples were a dark purple-red for now and her small pink areolae were crinkled and hard, with all the small bumps extremely well defined. Her breasts and nipples were somewhat engorged and swollen. Leda unclipped one of the chains and was left only wearing her regular necklace. She groaned, and reaching over to the table, moistened two pieces of paper towel with ice water, and applied them gently over each breast. Inwardly thanking herself for preparing well, she turned on the small desk fan she had put on the coffee table just before starting this evening's activities, and aimed it straight at her chest. The delicious cooling sensation was just what the doctor ordered. She felt it soothe the ache of her sensitive nipples and stoke her arousal at the same time. Taking a few remaining ice chips from the glass of water, Leda massaged them under and over the wet paper towels as they slowly melted in her hands, transferring the much needed coolness to the compresses on her nipples.