Crossing the Rubicon


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Leaving a trail of kisses, Dominique quickly reached her prize, directing Martha to move even higher on the pillows behind her. Once she had, the older woman spread the younger's legs to create a wide, clear space between them, a space she quickly occupied.

As Martha had done with Dominique's breast a short time before, Dominique took a few moments to admire the black haired mound. She smiled approvingly at the way Martha managed to keep it tightly trimmed in a way that didn't detract from its natural display of womanhood.

Then, without further pause, she closed the small distance between her and the sweet flower, running her tongue up along its length. An action that caused Martha to cry out with delight. That lick was followed by a second and third in short order, soon to be followed by particular attention to the inner recesses of the younger woman's pussy.

"Oh God!" Martha cried out softly, the measure of the physical pleasure matched almost equally buy the realization that it was at the hands, or more precisely, the mouth of another woman.

Dominique wasted no time in making Martha's pussy her own, sliding her tongue deep into its reaches and working it along the sensitive walls. Her lips closed around the edges as well as the small pearl of joy at its apex. She was like a maestro practicing her art, with Martha's womanhood her instrument of choice.

Martha lay there transfixed by the waves of satisfaction spreading out from her sexual core. Her eyes were tightly closed, so as not to allow any other sight distract from the experience.

Dominique continued her efforts, reaching upward with outstretched hands, placing her fingers on Martha's nipples and rubbing them to renewed hardness.

"This is wonderful," Martha said softly as a series of resounding waves echoed through her body, each more powerful than the last.

Dominique's fingers had now joined her tongue, adding to the pleasures building inside Martha, reaching a crescendo that produced her second orgasm of the afternoon. One that sent every inch of her body aquiver.

When it was finally over, Dominique worked her way back up the length of Martha's body, again leaving a trail of kisses from one set of lips to the other. There she took the younger woman in her arms and held her tight, giving her a chance to regain the strength that had been so joyfully drained from her. A recovery quickened by a desire that now grew even stronger.


A desire that, once no more than fantasy, soon became quite real as Martha found herself positioned between Dominique's outstretched legs – the object of her desire less than a foot away. She took a deep breath as she admired the beauty of the older woman's sex. Aside from photos and some quite explicit videos she'd discovered online, it was the first chance she'd ever had to really look at another woman in such a manner. Certainly it had never been something she could have suggested to any of her girlfriends, no matter how close their friendship. The sight and sweet fragrance of the heretofore forbidden flower caused Martha's heart to race with excitement.

Dominique's earlier words echoed in Martha's thoughts, that this was indeed the Rubicon, the line between what she was, and what she wanted to be. Once crossed, there was no undoing it.

Yet she felt no sense of hesitation, certainly nothing like the first time she'd performed oral sex on a boy. For a fleeting moment, Martha recalled James Greer, her high school boyfriend, to whom she would surrender her virginity. In her youth and inexperience, she had thought the track star was going to be the one, only to have the relationship end abruptly when she discovered that she had not been the only girl he'd been sharing his charms with.

Between James and the man she eventually married seven years later, there had been other men, of course. And experiences not always considered conventional. The one quite literally facing her, however, had not been among them and Martha had recently found herself asking why that had been.

But, she reminded herself, the past was the past and the here and now was what mattered. So dismissing all thought what had or might have been, Martha leaned forward and kissed the center of Dominique's pussy.

It was a soft kiss, barely a caress, but it reverberated across both women's bodies. The surge of excitement hadn't had time to fade before Martha again reached out, this time with her tongue, and slipping it deep within Dominique's folds, sampled the sweet nectar found there. An ambrosia dreamed of on countless nights.

Reaching out with both hands, she used her fingers to clear the way, giving her lips and tongue greater access. An access she quickly made the most use of.

"Oh yes," Dominique moaned loudly as a broad smile filled her face.

In no time at all, Martha was licking Dominique with an enthusiasm that hardly reflected her inexperience. Not an inch of Dominique's womanhood was left unexplored, with those parts that produced the greatest reaction receiving repeated attention.

"Mmmmm," Dominique purred like a satisfied kitten, content to lay back and let her neophyte lover find her way.

And it was a path Martha was quickly learning, doubling her efforts in just a few minutes, savoring the dream become reality.

Dominique's hands closed around her breasts, squeezing them tightly, playing with her nipples as they again grew hard. Then they moved further downward, interlocking behind Martha's head as she pulled the younger woman's face even tighter between her legs.

In the past, when a man had done that to her, Martha had reacted with indignation, but this time she felt the opposite. An even more heightened sense of excitement filled her as Dominique's body rocked against her face, the fervor rising with each breath.

She could feel the orgasm building within Dominique and the knowledge that she had brought it about only added to her anticipation. She reached up with both hands and pressed them against Dominique's breasts, holding them tight as her body continued to sway to and fro.

Long before Martha expected it could happen, Dominique's body exploded, the force of her climax shared with an outpouring of passion. She drank deep of the unexpected reward and of the sense of accomplishment she felt. She continued to feverishly lick and kiss the now soaked pussy until she felt Dominique's body grow slack against her.

Still energized by her own exhilaration, Martha lifted herself back up across Dominique's body and once more found her mouth. Her kiss was flavored with the fruits of orgasm, which she eagerly shared. Equally eager to do so, Dominique reached down with her own hands and, placing them against Martha's ass, pulled the two of them even closer together.

They continued to kiss as their bodies rubbed back and forth, mouths tightly intertwined, breasts against breasts and pussy against pussy. The last of which eventually brought each of them one more small, but enjoyable climax.


"Was it all you hoped it would be," Dominique asked later as the two of them snuggled against each other in the bed, "or were you disappointed?"

"I think you can safely say that what I'm feeling is as far removed from disappointment as you can be," Martha replied, her face nestled against the older woman's left breast.

"That's good," Dominique smiled, kissing the top of Martha's head before further asking. "Do you think it's something that you are going to do again, or has your curiosity been satisfied?"

That had been a question that Martha had already been asking herself as they'd laid there, but she was still no closer to a definitive answer now than she'd been the previous half dozen times.

"I'm not sure," she replied.

"A good answer," Dominique said. "A decision like that should be made after careful consideration, not in the afterglow of an orgasm. Especially given your circumstances."

"So I guess you have to get back to work," Martha said as she finally raised lifted her head and lifted herself into a reclining position next to Dominique.

"Not really," Dominique answered, moving to a similar stance, "I didn't have anything else on my calendar other than the meeting my assistant is already covering."

"Oh," Martha said.

"Also, I was hoping that after we've had a chance to rest up a bit, and maybe had a bit to eat, that you might be interested in trying something a bit more adventurous," Dominique said. "That is, if you weren't planning to catch the second game of the double header."

Rather than explain that someone else was already using her ticket, Martha simply said that going to the game hadn't been in her plans. Her mind was instead too focused on the idea of what, after everything Dominique had already done with her, she might now consider adventurous. There was no way, she told herself, that she wasn't going to stick around and find out. Especially if this afternoon did turn out to be a once in a lifetime experience, she didn't want to leave behind any lingering regrets.

"How could I resist an offer like that?" she said, a flutter of excitement filling her breast.

"Even if you have no idea what I have in mind?" Dominique asked, an enticing tone in her voice.

"Especially if I have no idea," Martha replied determinedly.

"A girl after my own heart," Dominique smiled. "Now, what shall we order from room service? I don't know about you, but I'm famished."

Martha left that choice up to Dominique; after all, she knew exactly what was good on the menu. She did wonder how exactly it was being paid for, but knew enough not to actually ask. No doubt it had already been all arranged, just like the room.


Twenty minutes later, room service arrived, and to Martha's surprise, the cart was wheeled in by Caroline, the blonde waitress she'd seen down in the bar. The girl seemed hardly surprised to find the two women clad in only the complimentary white robes that had hung in the bathroom – their still damp hair evidence that they had just come out of the shower.

And what a shower it had been. Dominique had suggested that Martha go first while she ordered the repast now resting under covered dishes. She had just finished lathering herself up with body wash when the glass door opened and a naked Dominique had joined her.

What had followed was another fantasy fulfilled, one partially dating back to her school days, when she'd surreptitiously watched other girls in the showers after gym class, comparing their bodies to hers. Back then she had only been curious enough to look, but more recently she had recalled those days and wondered what it might've been like to have done more.

Leaving the tray behind, Caroline excused herself, flashing Martha a smile as she did so. The thought that the younger woman knew all too well what had been going on now proved titillating rather then embarrassing. Martha further wondered if she had ever been on the receiving end of Dominique's talents.

"I hope you like everything," Dominique said as she lifted the metal domes off several trays, revealing a collection of appetizers. "I figured small snacks would be better than getting a full meal."

They indeed did turn out better, especially once the two of them began feeding them to each other in bed, sharing kisses and caresses between bites. The wine that Dominique had also ordered added to their mutual enjoyment.

Once the meal was finished, Dominique rose from the bed and, after gathering up the small dishes that had been spread out between them, rolled the cart over by the door. She then moved to the sliding closet a few feet way and withdrew a small, bright green gym bag from it. Returning to the side of the bed, she deposited the bag on the night table and unzipped it slowly, aware that Martha was eager to discover what it contained.

"Oh my," Martha exclaimed in a hushed breath as Dominique raised her hand and displayed a pair of fur lined hand manacles.

"Still game?" Dominique asked.

"Yes," Martha replied, thinking that while she had never been tied up during sex, she had wondered what it might be like.

It also said a great deal that in the brief time she'd shared with Dominique, she'd already become comfortable enough with her to be willing to be restrained.

"Just remember, you can change your mind any time you want," Dominique pointed out as she placed one cuff on Martha's wrist before sliding the long chain through an opening in the headboard and then attaching the other one as well. "In fact, why don't we pick a safe word that can't be misinterpreted as a request to stop?"

It took a moment for Martha to understand what Dominique meant; then remembered a storie she'd read online. It was sometimes common during sex games for "no" not to really mean "no" – participants sometimes desiring to cry out for their partner to stop while actually meaning the opposite. By picking a safe word that couldn't possibly come up during whatever scenario was being played out, it allowed them to indulged the fantasy.

"Snowflake," Martha said, thinking the name of a childhood pet was as far removed from what was happening as could be.

"Okay, 'snowflake' it is," Dominique smiled. "Just be sure to keep it in mind."

As if to emphasize that, Dominique reached back into the bag and produced her second surprise – one that made Martha again gasp, this time even more forcefully.

"Omigod!' she called out.

The intensity of her outcry gave Dominique pause and she waited a long moment to see if the safe word was going to be forthcoming. When Martha merely smiled as if to say continue, that was what she did.

Martha's eyes, meanwhile, were totally fixed on the device Dominique was now putting on. Thin leather straps wrapped around her waist and thighs, which when pulled tight caused the ersatz cock to slip into place against her pussy. Larger than any Martha had ever personally seen, much less had inside her, the replica was unbelievably realistic, right down to the veins on the shaft and the balls on the bottom.

The idea of a strap-on hadn't even been something she'd considered in any of her fantasies about women, her thoughts centering more on oral satisfaction. Still, now that the idea of being fucked by a woman presented itself, she found it interesting, to say the least. She'd used vibrators and even a dildo in the past, but this would be different. A woman would bring something to it that a man never could, what it felt like to be penetrated – well, at least no straight man. And even then, personal knowledge told her that the experience wasn't exactly the same.


"Fuck me...fuck me...Oh God, fuck me harder!" Martha cried out at the top of her lungs, not caring who might hear her in the room on the other side of the wall.

In response, Dominique again plunged her nine inch cock deep into the dark haired woman's pussy. She had been doing so for over fifteen minutes and had carried Martha to a plateau she had never imagined possible.

Prior to that, she had also taught Martha a new definition of wetness as, after spending an even greater measure of time licking her pussy, she had entered her with ease, instantly dispelling the younger woman's concern that the strap-on might indeed have been too big for her to handle. And all the while, Martha was prevented from participating in any way save verbal encouragement by the cuffs around her wrists. A situation that had proved more stimulating than she had imagined.

Pausing just long enough to lift Martha's legs up over her shoulders, Dominique returned to the task as hand, driving the woman beneath her wild with pleasure. Sweat covered her body as oscillating waves of ecstasy rippled across both their forms – Martha's from the fucking she was receiving and Dominique from the constant friction of the small nub at the base of her cock against her clitoris.

Martha couldn't believe that she had lasted this long without surrendering to the forces rocking her quivering form, not that she had much time to dwell on the matter. The bulk of what was left of coherent thought centered instead on the fact that Dominique had already been screwing her longer than any man had ever done – her husband included. The advantage of having a cock more than flesh and blood.

Feeling Martha's body finally giving in to her efforts, Dominique suddenly withdrew from within her and, with a surprising strength, flipped the brunette over. The chain between her cuffs was just long enough to allow it to be done. Then, with equal speed, the older woman grabbed the younger's ass and, spreading its cheeks, pressed her cock back into her pussy, this time penetrating even deeper. The sudden action was enough to shatter the last vestiges of Martha's resistance and she climaxed with overwhelming force.

Dominique came short moments later, with considerably less vigor but equal satisfaction. Then she collapse alongside Martha, her perpetually hard cock sliding out as she did. Kissing Martha lightly, she simply smiled as she wrapped her arms around her. No words were needed, it was enough to simply enjoyed the comfort of each other's body.


Martha stretched back in the oversized tub, allowing the warmth of the water around her to ease the soreness of her body. It was a pleasing soreness, however, a remnant of a joyous afternoon.

It had been Dominique's suggestion that, since housekeeping wouldn't be in to clean up until later in the evening, Martha make use of the suite's amenities while she waited for the double header to end. A quick check on the local sports channel showed the second game was still only in its early innings, giving her plenty of time.

Eyes closed, she allowed her mind to drift, reflecting on the last few hours and the memories she would carry the rest of her life. She didn't dwell on the question of if they would ever be repeated for, as Dominique had earlier pointed out, that was something to decide after careful consideration and not on the spur of the moment.

She did feel a bit of regret that Dominique had not been able to stay and possibly join her in the tub; it certainly was large enough for two. But as the saying went, all good things had to end, and the older woman had packed up her things and kissed her goodbye a half hour before.

There was no denying, however, that she had left her with a priceless gift, one that she would forever cherish. By tomorrow, Martha would be back in her normal world, immersed in the dual roles of wife and mother. But even as she wrapped that comfortable world around her, she would never forget that a door to an even larger one had been opened, and only time would tell if she would ever step through it again.


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GreatOak678GreatOak678about 1 year ago

Brilliant!! My favourite story on this website.

josenussbaumjosenussbaumover 1 year ago

Very nice story, except that I really hate cheating. Why couldnt her husband have left her, or died? Not that he played a big role in this story, and i'd given 5 stars

kathy2012kathy2012almost 2 years ago

Lovely story about loss of Sapphic virginity! Great orgasms!

Best Regards,


AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago


GreatOak123GreatOak123over 3 years ago
One of my favourites...

I've read lots of lesbian-themed stories on Literotica, my favourite genre. Many I've enjoyed, some not so much. But very few have I wanted to read again. This one I've read four times, each time finding something new. I think it's brilliant; the only downside being that there's no sequel. It's crying out for one. Come on, Ann. Please!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago

Nice, but curiously stiff and formal.

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago

I've read this exact strap-on scene in another of your stories.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago

A faultless journey of discovery described in fautless English. An absolute joy to read!

blueyes104blueyes104over 5 years ago
Very enjoyable.

You have such a way with words in allowing me to feel as if I were there in person, watching and listening with erotic pleasure. A wonderful story teller....thank you.

GreatOak123GreatOak123over 6 years ago
Well written and well paced.

One of my favourite authors of lesbian fiction on this website, and this is one of her best. The story unfolds at just the right pace, with the dominant older lesbian giving the bicurious married woman a few opportunities to back out - but knowing all the time that she won't. This author does not usually write sequels but, in this case, I hope she makes an exception.

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