Cuckold Beginnings Pt. 03

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We move on and I try to cope with the situation.
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Part 3 of the 3 part series

Updated 01/28/2024
Created 12/16/2023
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Author's notes: This is part 3 of the series. I know some have criticized that this would never happen. While in most circumstances I would agree, this is a partly true story that I went through myself. It took years to get over it and looking at my relationships since, it created what I consider normal in my mind.

I look forward to any feedback and hope you enjoy.


The next couple of weeks were as normal as they could be. I would see Pam almost every day. The days we didn't see each other, we talked for hours on the phone.

My name is Steve, I am 19 years old, the same age as my girlfriend Pam and my friend Paul. The problem was that I got held back our junior year, so as all my friends were getting ready to graduate to get on with their lives, and while we still hung out every Saturday night, they were in a different spot than me.

I had truly fallen in love with Pam. I thought she loved me as well, but I wasn't sure. I mean she said she loved me, but she also had confessed that while we were dating, she has given Paul a blowjob and then when they went together to the Senior's only Spring Formal, he had gotten them a room and they had fucked twice.

I wasn't sure what to do and where to go with this. Pam said she loved me but was also excited by and attracted to Paul. She said Paul was assertive and took what he wanted, which turned her on immensely. I on the other hand, had too soft a heart to be assertive according to my girlfriend.

The Night of the Spring Formal, my friend Aaron told me he was shocked I let Pam go with Paul because he had heard a rumor that Pam and Paul were making out and more every chance they got. A rumor that Pam had already confirmed was true.

During the Spring Formal Pam and Paul spent most of their time making out with each other on the dance floor and it was obvious there was something between them. Several of my friends sent me photos of the two embracing and kissing with apologies and well wishes.

So, when Saturday came around and we went to our normal campfire in the field with the whole group, it was a bit awkward. I saw a few sideway glances when I showed up with Pam. Even a few more smirks, laughs, and whispers at my expense. But Pam just held my hand, and we made it through together.

Paul showed up but kept his distance. He was giving us space and I appreciated that. I wasn't sure if he thought I might start something, so the whole night he stayed away and just watched us from a distance while he hung out with our other friends. Pam and I felt like the couple we once were. We sat by the fire, talked, and laughed until it was time to leave.

We said our goodbyes and went to the car. I drove her home and we made out a little in my car. I even had my hand under her shirt and rubbed her nipples while we kissed. After a while she broke the embrace and told me she had to get inside.

"I love you Steve," she said as I walked her to the door holding hands.

"I love you too. I'll call you tomorrow." She kissed me again and then retreated into the house.

I went home and was so horny from our make out session I couldn't see straight. I locked the door, got into bed and pushed my boxers down to my knees. I slowly stroked myself thinking about Pam. How pretty she was and how hot she made me feel.

Then all the sudden I started envisioning her and Paul in that hotel room. His much bigger than my cock (according to Pam) sliding in and out of her while she moaned and had rolling orgasms.

I was going nuts. Not understanding why this made me so hot.

I did have a moment of clarity and knew I didn't want to cum all over myself. I grabbed the same sock that I had used last week and slid it over my throbbing cock. I started slowly stroking it thinking about them together. I tried to stroke myself to the same movements of Paul sliding in and out of Pam in my head. Once again, my body tensed up, I exploded a massive release into the sock. Unfortunately, as quick as the release had come to me, guilt suddenly set in.

Why did this make me so hot? Why did I enjoy it so much? I couldn't think. I felt ashamed that Paul used my Pam's pussy for his pleasure, and I used a sock. I wasn't a man at all. Paul was the man.

I finally just threw the sock back under my bed, pulled up my boxers and went to sleep.

The next week flew by. We were back in school, and things returned to normal. I did have a ting of jealous when I would turn the corner and see the group standing in the hallway all together. Paul would sometimes be a little too close to Pam for my liking. The first time I saw this I walked up and made my presence known. This didn't seem to phase Paul at all as he had his hand on her back. He was lightly moving it up and down her lower back while they talked to everyone. He was being obvious about it, but also not hiding it.

When I walked up, he didn't stop, and Pam made no motion for him to stop. Just then the bell rang, and we all left for the next class. Over the next few days, I noticed it a few more times and each time Pam nor Paul did anything to stop it.

I brought it up to Pam on Friday night. She just shrugged. "Come on Steve, it's not that bad."

"Well, it bothers me."

"That's just dumb. He's touched my back a thousand times since we've known each other. You are overreacting." Her eyes were telling me she was starting to get annoyed, so I stopped and changed the subject.

Maybe I was overreacting I thought. That is, until I showed up Saturday. I pulled up to Pam's house to pick her up and saw Paul's Camaro in the drive. I was enraged. Why was he here and what was going on?

I rang the doorbell and Pam's mother answered. I told her I was there to pick up Pam.

"Let me call for her. She and Paul are working on a project in the basement."

She went to the basement door, opened it, and yelled to Pam that I was there. The first time she yelled there was no answer back. Waiting a minute or so and giving me an uncomfortable smile, Pam's mom yelled down the stairs again that I was there.

"Be right up." she yelled back.

I just stood in the Kitchen making small talk for about 10 minutes with Pam's mom.

Pam's mom informed me that Paul and Pam had been working on a project a few nights this week for school. She asked if I was doing the same project, but I reminded her I was only a junior.

Finally, I heard footsteps on the stairs and Paul walked up. He gave me a smirk and then hugged Pam's mom. "I better be going. Thanks for letting us study and thanks again for the snacks."

"My pleasure. Please come back anytime. You are always welcome here." She said politely to Paul while hugging him. She had never been so warm to me.

He stood in the doorway, glanced at me and then back to Pam's mom. "I absolutely will be back." Then he was gone out the door and I heard his Camaro start up and leave.

Pam finally came upstairs. She was wearing a loose-fitting shirt and a pair of shorts made of soft pink sweatpants material. She saw me and grinned. She hugged me and then pulled away before we kissed. "Let me get ready and then we will leave."

So, there I stood for another 10 minutes until Pam came out. She looked refreshed and had on a new change of clothes. She was wearing a nice tight-fitting t-shirt and a pair of blue jeans that looked painted on her. She had her hair pulled back in a ponytail and had on some old cowboy boots. She looked amazing and took my breath away.

As we left to go to the party I had to ask. "Why was Paul here? Your mom said you were working on a project several times this week."

She blushed and wouldn't meet my eyes. "Okay, don't be mad. I promised I wouldn't lie to you and I won't. There is no project. He came over Monday night and Wednesday night for us to hang out in the basement. We kissed and made out."

"So, you two made again? Both nights?!?!" I said trying to focus to keep the car on the road.

Pam sighed, "Look I told you I wouldn't lie to you so don't get mad okay. He called and invited himself over. We went to the basement and as soon as we got down there, he held my face in his hand and started kissing me. Then it went further."

I just sat in silence for a moment. "What do you mean further?"

"Well, on Monday night after we started making out, I was so turned on. I rubbed on Paul's crotch and he was really hard. So I ended up giving him a blow job. He called and invited himself over on Wednesday and the same thing started happening. Except this time, he went down on me and made me cum. So, I returned the favor and gave him another blowjob." She was looking right at me trying to gauge my thoughts and determine what I was thinking.

Just then I pulled up to a stop sign. I just stopped the car and looked at her. "What? Why did you do it?"

She let out a frustrated gasp, "Look Steve, I told you Paul takes what he wants, and I find that hot. I also told you it might happen again, and it did. So, drop it." Her voice was on the verge of shouting. She was obviously annoyed at my probing.

Just then a car behind me honked bringing me back to reality. I started to drive again and then finally decided she was already mad, and I needed to know everything. I finally asked. "So, what were you doing when I got here."

She looked at me and grinned. "Well, we made out for a while, and I gave him a blowjob again. Then he fingered me to an orgasm before he said he wanted to fuck. That man never gets enough." She paused to let that sink in. Paul had cum in her mouth and still wanted her pussy.

"Actually, Paul had me bent over the couch and was fucking me when mom yelled that you were here. I had to put my face in a pillow not to scream out loud because he was giving me an orgasm at that moment. That's why it took so long to respond, I had to calm down off of my orgasm. Once I yelled up to you, he started again. Paul thought it was hot you were waiting with my mom upstairs while he pounded me downstairs and came in me." She giggled.

She continued looking at me and put a hand on my leg and rubbed my leg trying to make me feel better, I guess. But she was certainly pushing the boundaries here. She wanted to see how far she could go and where my limits were. This was like a game to her to see what I would take until I broke.

Pam just kept looking at me as she continued. "That's why I pushed you away, he had already cum in my mouth and I had his used condom in my pocket. I had to go clean up and get rid of the condom before I was ready to leave."

I just drove. I couldn't make eye contact with her. At that moment my heart was broken as she told me about their sexual trysts like it wasn't a big deal. Tears filled my eyes and I didn't know what to say. We drove in silence for almost 10 minutes. When we arrived at the bonfire, Pam leaned over and took my arm. "Look Steve, I know you are mad and hurt. Let's just have a good time tonight and then if you don't want to see me again, I understand."

Just then I looked up and saw Paul getting out of his Camaro. "I just don't think I can do this tonight."

I looked at Pam and I could tell she was getting upset that I didn't let this go. But how could I? She was the one that kept doing it and then expected me to accept it.

I looked back at Paul's Camaro and my anger started to build. "I want you to be with me Pam. Completely. I don't want to be your boyfriend while Paul treats you like his fuck toy."

When I looked back at her, the expression on her face had changed. I guess me calling her a fuck toy was over a line in her mind and she was fuming. She kept her voice calm but was very stern. She took my hand in hers as she spoke. "Look Steve, you are hurt. I'm sorry and I get that. But I love you. With you it's a relationship where we care about each other and talk about our feelings............and with Paul it's just sex. Nothing more. I know this isn't what you wanted, but this is where we are right now. Paul makes me feel things that are amazing. His dominance is like a drug. I know it won't last forever, but I want to enjoy it right now."

She sat just looking at me waiting on a response, when I didn't offer one, she started again. "You can be mad and angry and I'm sorry if this hurts. But I'm not going to sit around tonight and stroke your ego. So do you want to go or not?"

I was looking anywhere but her. I had tears streaming down my face from her words, but I still loved her and didn't want to lose her.

I finally said in a little above a whisper, "I can't go there tonight. I'm sorry. Let's just go home or somewhere else."

Pam laughed at the idea. "These are my friends and I'm staying. Paul makes me feel good and I won't give that up. You make me feel good in another way. But I've been nothing but honest with you and yet you still whine like a little girl."

She pulled her hand back and looked at me sternly. "Call me tomorrow, or next week or whenever you figure out what you want."

With that she got out of my car. She called out to Paul who was walking toward the bonfire. Paul turned around when he saw her and waited for her holding out his hand toward her. She almost ran to catch up to him and grabbed his hand. Then they walked together toward the fire.

I just started my car and drove. I just kept driving and crying until late that evening. I drove by Pam's house twice. Once Paul's Camaro was there and the second time it wasn't. I pulled in the driveway and knocked on the door. Pam came to the door, surprised but pleased to see me. She kept the screen door between us and was looking at me not knowing really what to say. She was waiting on me to step up and be the man. To take charge for once.

But the hopeless romantic in me wanted her to love me the way I loved her. I wanted her to fall for me and do anything for me the way I did for her. I should have demanded that she stopped seeing him. I should have taken charge and been strong like she wanted.

Instead I just said, "Do you still love me?"

She smiled and then came outside. She reached for me and gave me a long lingering hug. "Of course I love you, Steve. I'll always love you."

"Can it please just be me and you?"

She stepped back and looked into my eyes. "I told you Steve, I love you and what we have together, the emotional part I mean. That is something that I can't get from anyone else."

"But it hurts that you still see Paul." I said, almost in a begging tone.

She sighed. "I told you what Paul gives me and I'm not giving it up. I can separate my relationship with you and what I have with him. Why can't you?

I just stood there, and she reached out and took my hand while I looked at the ground.

After a few minutes she dropped my hand and folded her hands over her chest. She was obviously done waiting on me. I guess part of her was wanting me to either take charge or walk away. I didn't do either, I wasn't the man who took what he wanted like Paul did. After a few quiet moments, I looked up at her beautiful face. "Can I call you tomorrow? Maybe we can go out on Monday."

A grin came across her face. "I would love if you called me tomorrow. But I can't do anything on Monday. Paul told me he is coming back to study again that night. Maybe we can go out Tuesday?" She bit her bottom lip waiting on my response.

I stammered, "I guess......yeah Tuesday would be fine."

She squealed and jumped into my arms and gave me a hug. "I can't wait" she said and gave me a kiss pushing her tongue into my mouth as we kissed. I swear I tasted the same salty substance again but wasn't about to say anything.

She turned and went back inside behind the screen door. She looked back out at me. "Good night and call me tomorrow."

And with that she was gone. I got in my car and drove home. I didn't know where this was going or what was happening but from the arousal in my pants, I just knew one thing. I was going to need some new socks.

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AnonymousAnonymous18 days ago

I know that I am not a cuck because when reading this story I defiantly

would not of been around this person more than once twice.

I was engaged to this beautiful gal but was drafted after the relationship

was established. I was locked in USAF electronics school for one year. That

year she had plenty of sex with who knows how many guys. When I got to

see her regular she acted strange she then said she didn't want engaged but wanted to date guys. Next few minutes her mentally deficient boy friend showed. I collected my rings from her and talked briefly with her mother who wanted me to stay and submit to her desires. I left, went back to BASE and didn't see her again. It was a difficult time for myself. So you might understand I thought the writing was OKAY maybe good.

I Hate being a CUCK of even close. This story is torture, no love.

dickthestick2011dickthestick2011about 2 months ago

I am waiting for chapter 4 with anticipation. Hopefully Steve gets to go down on her after one of her dates with Paul and get treated to sloppy seconds.

consulting91consulting91about 2 months agoAuthor

The next chapter has been submitted for about a week. I’m just waiting on the admins to approve and publish it.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 months ago

Dude it's so good. When are you releasing the next part

spinpole2001spinpole20013 months ago

Good start to what could be a great series!

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

Love this story so so much.....waiting for the next part ❤️

AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

Two obvious things in the real world if she really did love her cuckold boyfriend wouldn't she also be fucking her boyfriend, secondly wouldn't they of agreed if only to make this story more believable that in front of mutual friends she would only be with her boyfriend. I think in real life even Paul would of agreed to keep getting his cock wet in his friends girlfriend who's pussy he owned exclusively.

Walton4544Walton45444 months ago

I am noticing a trend in these stories that the female just doesn't give a damn about her boyfriend/simp. These are the types of women that will marry you and take all of your money in a divorce because they are "cucking" you and no longer need you. Many of these stories are bordering on mental abuse that we would never approve of being done to a woman if the roles were reversed.

robbiewillsuckurobbiewillsucku4 months ago

back in high school I fucked my girlfriend brains out all the time -- yes when we broke up a few times she would fuck other cocks so I was a dom cuckold in highschool

WhackdoodleWhackdoodle4 months ago

They’re in high school. High. School. And no one says anything about how Pam is a two timing bitch? The simp doesn’t have any friends who’ll tell him to take his head out of his ass because he gets nothing out of the relationship except blue balls? That’s he been friendzoned by a conniving cunt who is using him?

All that and you want us to believe that he’s ok with shit from her? She loves him like he’s her pet dog, or her younger brother but she is not in love with him.

And he would have figured that out.

BBCuckfanBBCuckfan4 months ago

I won't bother to read the next chapter it's too ridiculous!!! Steve is a total wimp pussy no back bone. 1 star.

lc69hunterlc69hunter4 months ago

He needs to figure out what he wants, and is able to handle

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