Cuckold Revenge

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Flash BTB with a twist of course.
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I felt good when my marriage to Cal Fielding had passed the infamous 'seven year itch' mark. Although I, Loretta, had received my share of male attention over the years, appropriate and inappropriate, I was not seriously tempted at any time. The fact that I had an attentive, compassionate, loving husband helped considerably. Although I had very little experience to compare my husband to other men in the bedroom, I was, at the time, very happy with the quantity and quality of sex we had.

If I had to say my husband was flawed in any way, it was his dedication to getting our finances in order. He was a fanatic. If I ever meet Dave Ramsey in person, he better run. Recently, we went to one of his seminars and Cal had a conversion experience. I was fully supportive at first. It made sense. Get out of debt. Build up emergency funds. Live like no one else from then on.

After years of living with this financial cult belief, I have concluded this is one of those ideas that sounds easy because it is simple. Most people do not understand that simple does not always equal easy. For example, is losing weight easy? No. Is it simple? Yes. Eat less, exercise more. For financial security, cut expenses to the bone and pay off debts in order of size, smallest first. Simple? Yes. Easy? No. Hell no.

We scrimped and saved. We ate rice and beans for most meals. Really. No desserts, no sodas, no meats, no milk or dairy products. No new clothing, appliances, furniture. No Christmas, birthday, anniversary, or Father's Day/Mother's Day cards or presents. Cal took over doing preventive maintenance on our vehicles. That actually caused us to spend more money. Cal is not mechanically inclined. He delivered pizza at night besides his day job. I waitressed at night beside my job. On weekends, we picked up metal from people's trash to sell for scrap. It was hard. It was humiliating.

My dedication began to wane even though I could see the progress we had made. When we got down to only our house mortgage as our remaining debt, it looked almost insurmountable to me. I was ready for a break. I was worried that we would work ourselves to death without being able to enjoy any of the fruits of our labor.

I was wearing the same outfits to work for years, sometimes by repairing one that had torn or stained. I went without makeup - as far as Cal knew. In reality, I begged my friends for makeup they didn't want. I wore their leftovers at the office and made sure I cleaned it off before going home. One day I forgot to remove the makeup, and Cal was livid. On one hand, Cal said I was so pretty I didn't need makeup. On the other, according to him, I was sabotaging our future by foolish spending. When he found out it was given to me, it was even worse. He yelled even more about how embarrassed I should be to accept charity from others.

We wound up having to go to a marriage counselor, one of those recommended by Dave Ramsey's organization. I was pleasantly surprised that they said it was more important to have a budget both of us agreed on than it was to finish our goals as soon as possible. What was the reason for getting out of debt if it cost us our marriage? Cal reluctantly agreed to a budget that included work clothing, basic makeup, and occasional nights out to a restaurant and a movie. Our debt free goal would be pushed back a while, but our marriage should benefit. Things on the home front went back to normal, well, close to normal. I think Cal was upset the counselor didn't take his side.

As I was allowed to become more human (my perception), I became included in girl talk at the office. Previously, no one wanted to hear about how frugal we were. Despite Cal and I compromising on our budget to let us enjoy our lives more, I was shocked at how much my office mates spent on, well, everything. Nothing seemed to matter to them other than the monthly payment amount. Their spending habits were not the most shocking thing about them. Sex was. They not only talked about sex with their spouses, size comparisons included, they talked about sex with their lovers. And they talked about sex with their lovers like it was no big deal. Like everyone does it. The shock value of their talk was lowered over time as they kept talking about it and no one had been caught. Their stories began to sound exciting, romantic, and more like something I might possibly want to do.

I had absolutely no reason to seek sex outside of marriage, except it was something others had, but I didn't have. I was beginning to want it more and more. The descriptions of the sexual escapades of the girls made it clear to me that Cal and I were having vanilla sex. They seemed to be enjoying the whole selection of Basin-Robbins' flavors.

Cal kept his nose to the grindstone as far as our financial life was headed. I began to separate our lives into two parts: financial and non-financial. Cal and I were partners in the financial part. As I saw it, we were just acquaintances in the non-financial part. I was then not only vulnerable I was actively looking. I wanted more rewards in my life, non-expensive rewards. I wanted sex with another man.

Jake Sutherland worked in the same office. He had always been one to flirt just on the edge of inappropriateness. Verbal reprimands from the boss barely deterred him. Jake seemed surprised when I started flirting back one day. He quickly picked up on my distress with being forced to do without financially. We started with him treating me to lunch. I loved his stories about places he had visited, just because he wanted to go. When Cal had to go overnight on business one day, Jake and I escalated our relationship to include an evening meal with dancing and drinking. I was scared to death when Cal came home the next day. Surely, he would pick up I had done something naughty and frivolous even if I hadn't paid for it. Like my lunchtime meetings with Jake, I got away with my nighttime date. I was willing to take a bigger risk now.

By letting him pay for everything I had begun to build up quite a debt to Jake. There was no question how he wanted to be reimbursed. Gradually, I let him take more and more liberties when we were together. When he learned of Cal's coming absence for three days, he let me know it was time for his big payday. When we got to his place, I let our foreplay to get to an exchange of oral sex where we both had climaxes. That was followed by his dick being placed at the edge of my lower lips. The touch of his penis against my vagina shocked me to my senses. I told him I just couldn't because I was married. He cussed me out, calling me a prick teaser among other invectives. He promptly dropped me off at my house and peeled rubber leaving my house which drew the attention of some of my neighbors. Jake never talked to me again other than basic hellos and goodbyes at the office. I got lucky - I thought.

My looking was much more subdued from then on. There were candidates for my affection from the office and from the café I went once a week, but no one won the nomination much less the title of lover.

One night, months later, Cal came home anxious to talk about his work which was rare. He said that had just hired a new man on his team. He was excited about the new man's experience and ideas. Cal told me he would have to work late a few nights to get the new man up to speed on the current projects. I knew that phrase 'needing to work late' was used by my colleagues at work as a euphemism for having an affair after hours. I thought about his possibilities for a mistress. His secretary was a bit older than us, but she was abundant in breasts and butt. All the other female employees were married, but in my office that didn't seem to make much a difference. There were plenty of options for him to choose from.

On the second night of his alleged overtime, I couldn't stand it. My curiosity was working overtime assuming he wasn't. I went to his office and parked on the street where I could see the parking lot, but not be seen too well myself. At ten o'clock, Cal came out with a man I didn't recognize. No women had come out earlier. I assumed it was the new guy he had bragged about. They said goodnight, parted and made their way to their cars which were the only two left in the lot. I got out of there as soon as possible beating Cal home by three minutes. I felt relieved.

I was looking forward to Cal's office Christmas party. For once, I could be with Cal and eat and drink to my heart's content without criticism from him about wasting money. He even let me buy a new dress - on sale - at Goodwill. The crowning moment of the night was meeting Paul, the new man. My goodness, he was handsome, fit and his smile made me wet. He was escorting a woman I was sure was a Playboy bunny. Although she was short in stature, she was big in breasts and buns. Her dress showed plenty of both. Overall, she oozed sexuality. Cal introduced me to Paul. Paul introduced us to Brandy. We sat together at a table. I was having trouble not staring at Paul.

Paul and Brandy got up to dance. Cal informed me that Paul had only met Brandy a few days before. He said, "Paul is a chick magnet, an industrial strength chick magnet. In fact, the ease with which women fall for him is only one part of a very privileged life. His parents are wealthy, and Paul stands to inherit from his grandfather soon. Apparently, academics and athletics came easy to him. Yet, at the office, he is not aloof or unwilling to work hard. I think I'm jealous.

"The only problem we've had with him at work has been that every woman in our office spends their time drooling whenever Paul is around. They get nothing done when he comes out of his office. Paul has told me that he would not hit on any women he worked with. Too bad the women that work with us haven't promised me the reverse."

Later, Paul and I danced while Brandy and Cal danced. Paul was very smooth on the dance floor. We danced closely but not as closely as he and Brandy danced. She was like an extra layer of skin on Paul when they danced. I tried to inhale Paul, not just his cologne but his looks, his feel, his words, his essence. During the dance, I bumped into his bulge. It was huge. He apologized. I told him not to worry. I almost said, 'It's not big deal' but it was a big deal. He had to tell me when the music stopped because I wasn't listening. For the rest of the evening, the four of us danced and talked, often trading partners. I noticed that whenever Cal paid Brandy a compliment (I think he was smitten with her), Paul made it a point to compliment me. I wasn't sure if it was Paul trying to get Cal to quit hitting on his date or if Paul was truly attracted to me. I was hoping the latter.

We four left the party together and gave the valets our tickets. Paul's car was brought out first and ours was right behind. After another round of good-bye hugs, we followed Paul's car out of the parking lot to the street. I noticed that before Paul's car had even exited the parking lot, Brandy leaned over Paul and spent some time doing something with Paul's lower body. Soon her head was bobbing up and down. I turned to Paul who was looking with wide eyes. I was so horny I imitated Brandy's childish voice and went after my husband's penis. This was the wildest public sex we had ever had. It was the prelude to a very satisfactory night of sex. I assumed Cal was imagining Brandy when I was fucking him, but that was okay with me since I was definitely imagining Paul. And I was definitely wondering the real size his bulge was indicating.

After that night, Cal loosened up more than ever socially and financially. We started hosting couples and going out more. Of course, Paul was the first and the most frequent person we invited. I teased Cal about how I bet he was looking forward to seeing Brandy again. He replied that Brandy coming with Paul might not be the case. According to office gossip, Paul seldom was seen with the same girl twice. I found that interesting.

We had a cookout and Paul came with a girl about as opposite of Brandy as was possible although equally sexy in her own way. Her name was Sybil and she was tall, dark haired and slender. She moved like a model on a runway. She very easily could have been a model. Unlike Brandy, she was only a couple of years younger than us and seemed very mature and intelligent.

As the nosy hostess, I asked the typical question of 'How did you two meet?' Sybil responded with a blush. "Our carts crashed into each other at the supermarket the other day. We started talking and the next thing I knew I had given him my name and phone number. I never do that with a man the first time meeting him, but it just seemed to the right thing to do at the time with Paul. Something just seemed to spark. He surprised me by calling later that night and asked me to do him a favor and accompany him to this cookout. I accepted. Again, I wouldn't do something like that with a man I barely knew. So, you can see, Paul and I are just starting to get to know each other."

Later, I got Sybil to herself. "I guess I should tell you that Paul doesn't usually keep girlfriends that long. I'm not sure what the reason is."

"Well, I'm not a girlfriend, yet, but everything I've seen and heard from him so far makes me wish I were. Any hints for me on how to proceed with him?"

"Not really. I guess, just be honest with him."


Sybil's demeanor was much more restrained than Brandy, but effective none the less. He laughed appropriately at Paul's jokes, paid focused attention to anything he said, and she often put her hand on his arm to show subtle affection. I was jealous. I would have loved to get my hands on Paul - anywhere.

Sybil did pretty well. She lasted two months. We knew no details about their relationship. Paul never offered and we never asked. It was at dinner out one night that Paul brought Julie instead of Sybil. It was like Paul had said, "NEXT" and the Beautiful Girl Agency sent his next date. Of course, she too was gorgeous, this time with red hair and a body type sort of between Brandy and Sybil. We danced that night and switched partners several times. This time I made a point to check out Paul's bulge again.

Paul again apologized, "I'm sorry, Loretta. I hope you don't think I'm being crude. It's difficult for me not to get turned on dancing with a woman as beautiful as you. I'm sorry."

"I'm not." I thought, 'Did I just say that? Oh shit, the cat's out of the bag.'

Paul smiled devilishly, "In that case, come here, my dear." He pulled me into him closer and we ground pubic areas the rest of the dance. My panties were soaking. When we sat back down, I was hoping Cal didn't notice the lustful look in my eyes whenever I looked at Paul. Paul, on the other hand, managed to appear no different. Once we danced again, we picked up where we left off. At the end of the song, Paul whispered, "Loretta, I've got to kiss you, tonight. Please make it happen."

I had already been scoping out possible private places. "Go to the restroom after I do." A few minutes later, I excused myself to go to the restroom. Julie did not offer to go as she became more possessive after seeing Paul and I dancing. I went to the restroom, used it, and came back outside. When Paul arrived, I took him to the balcony door and opened it. A strong gust of cold wind hit us. I didn't care. I was more than warm enough inside. Making sure no one could see us, Paul and I were in a serious lip lock almost immediately.

In too short a time later, he said, "I guess we need to be getting back inside before we are missed."

"I know Paul, but I don't want to."

We managed to break away and return separately. Julie stared daggers at me. Cal looked clueless. Julie made sure she was the only one to dance with Paul the rest of the night. I was still decompressing from my first kiss from Paul.

It was over three weeks before Paul was mentioned by either Cal or me. Cal had been promoted which meant two things: we were going to be able to finish paying off our mortgage sooner and Cal would have to travel more. In fact, he had a trip coming up soon that meant he would be away a whole week. He surprised me by saying, "Loretta, I'm worried about you being here alone for that long. I hope you don't mind, but I've asked Paul to sort of look after you. Maybe take you out to dinner or something so you don't get too lonely. There's a lot of men who would love to take advantage of a beautiful woman like you."

I had trouble thinking of an appropriate response when my heart was leaping with joy. "I will miss you sweetheart, but I don't think I need a babysitter. Are you sure Paul's okay with it?"

"Yes. In fact, he said there was an art exhibit he wanted to take you to if you were interested."

"That might be nice to do for a change. He sure is a good friend to both of us."

"Yes, Loretta, he is."

Paul and I went to dinner the first night that Cal was away. I had goose bumps I was so excited. It was a romantic dinner with wine in a restaurant where we knew no one and no one knew us. I was soon feeling mellow and trying to make my feelings for Paul not obvious to the other patrons of the restaurant, just to be safe. We made small talk during the meal and then left for the museum. He led me around the building and through many of the rooms of the museum until we got to a room where no one else was. He turned to me and said, "This is my favorite room. Do you know why?"

"The paintings?"

"No. I like it because we can kiss and not worry. We can hear anyone else coming two rooms away." He kissed me deeply. I plunged in soon after. After some heavy petting and fondling, we heard the clacking footsteps of someone coming. He asked, "Where should we go?"

"My place. I need to be home when Cal calls." We headed out.

Yes, we had a landline phone. It was cheaper.

Paul and I went straight to the guest bedroom and began removing clothes. I was dying to see how big his penis really was. Once I pulled down his trousers and briefs, it surpassed my expectations. Yes it was long, around eight to nine inches, yes it was wide enough to make me wonder if I could take it in my mouth, and yes it had a helmet where the edges stuck out so much I think my clit jerked in anticipation.

I was able to get him in my mouth, but barely. I did my best to cover his phallus with kisses, licks and deep suction dives. My glistening saliva covered his entire length. I gladly attempted to swallow his cum, but it was too much and overflowed my mouth. I got a wash rag and towel to clean us up. I begged him not to return the favor by going down on me - yet.

I noticed he had already recovered. My pussy was wetter than it had ever been. I didn't need more lubrication. What I needed was that big monster in me - now. He eased it in, letting my vagina expand to accept him. I was filled like never before. When he started going back and forth, it felt like my whole vagina was one big G spot. It was after my third orgasm that he finally came. At that moment, I knew I was no longer Cal's woman. I was Paul's. I told him so. He agreed.

The next night, he came over for dinner and we spent the night in bed. It wasn't quite as good as the night before. It seemed Paul was distracted. "What's the matter, Paul? Are you feeling guilty? I'm the one who should be, but I don't. Loving you just feels so right."

"It's not guilt although we both should be feeling some. It's work. Loretta, I don't know how to tell you this, but Cal is doing some things at work that are at least unethical if not illegal."

"What? Cal? I find that hard to believe."

"I did too. I ignored it at first in hopes that it was just a temporary glitch. It wasn't and it's beginning to be a large sum of money involved."

"Come to think of it, he told me recently that something was happening at work that would mean we would be able to pay off our mortgage, have our emergency fund, and we could start a family. I assumed it was a bonus or a raise. Oh, my goodness. What are you going to do?"