Cuckolded on First Date! Pt. 02


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Brenda called out, "Make sure you get closeup video guys." Then she yelled "Jump Tony! Go!"

We started jumping. Brenda put her arms out to the side as she jumped. I was so jealous of what these guys were seeing. Her gorgeous tits flopping everywhere under the thin fabric. The guy with the camera came up close and recorded from just a couple feet away infront of Brenda.

After about twenty jumps we both stopped jumping. Brenda stumbled forward and leaned against one of the guys. Her tits were pressed right against his side and arm. I walked over by them.

Brenda said, "Let's see the video." She pressed play and the four of them stood there watching it. They huddled right around Brenda, all three of them squeezing tight against her. I tried to squeeze in but there wasn't room and I saw nothing. Brenda asked, "Do you guys like the video?" The three guys all said that it was incredible and she looked so sexy.

At this moment I suddenly realized I had a totally unexpected boner again. I didn't see the video, I didn't see the boobs bouncing. All I saw was Brenda flirting with and exhibiting herself to three college guys. All I felt was jealousy, and even greater attraction to Brenda.

Brenda then said, "I can give you guys a copy with my face blurred, if you want. But only if you truthfully tell me exactly what you will do with it."

One of the guys said, "You're so hot. I'm going to stroke off to you." The other two guys said the same thing. They all gave her their cell numbers.

I said, "When do I get a copy?"

Brenda replied, "Aw, Tony, I don't want anyone I know having a copy." The guys all found this really funny and walked away laughing.

We grabbed the dog and continued down the path. We completed about ten more exercises over the next couple hours. Between each of the exercises we talked about our personal lives, jobs, interests, hobbies... etc. We discovered that we had more in common than we even realized. We both loved dogs, liked boats, played guitar, enjoyed singing, liked hiking and camping, studied languages, enjoyed traveling off the beaten path and so much more.

After finishing the exercises we stopped for smoothies at an outdoor cafe next door to the gym I use. As we were walking to a table a girl called out, "Hi Tony!"

I couldn't believe my eyes. I couldn't believe my bad luck! I turned around and right behind me was the girl I liked from my gym.

She was definitely the prettiest woman at my gym. She was thin, with an athletic frame, and long blond straight hair that reached a few inches below her shoulders. She had a long and curvy runner's butt and her breasts were firm and appeared to be large C cups. She was one of those women who were especially sexy because their breasts appeared to be too big to be natural for their thin-waisted frames. They were definitely quite firm but also had some jiggle. If they were implants, then it was not obvious. All I know, is that I had jerked off a lot in the past year, fantasizing about touching them.

In fact, I had literally spent the entire past year flirting with her and trying to win her over. We were at a point where we always hugged and kissed when we saw each other. We had exchanged phone numbers and hung out a few times together in group settings at volunteer events. Recently, we even discussed how we were both single. Just last week, I proudly thought to myself that an entire year's worth of reconnaissance efforts had paid off, after she suggested that we go out for dinner soon.

Today, Francie was wearing light green leggings with a matching sports bra that showed ample cleavage. She leaned in, presumably to give me a hug. As she did so, Brenda gracefully reached her hand in front of me to offer a handshake and said, "Hi I'm Brenda."

The woman shook Brenda's hand and said, "Nice to meet you. I'm Francie." Then Francie bent down and started petting my dog saying, "Hi Oro. What a good boy! What a good boy Oro is."

Brenda said with surprise, "Oh, you know Oro?"

Francie continued petting Oro and answered, "Oh yeah, we go back a long way. He's such a cutie,"

Brenda asked, "So how do you guys know each other?" The pressure was building.

I explained, "From the gym."

Francie added, "And I volunteer at a dog shelter and helped Tony adopt Oro. Now, Tony sometimes volunteers at the shelter with me, but not often enough."

I felt odd and didnt know how to classify Brenda as I introduced her. So instead I just said, "This is Brenda. She just moved here from Ohio."

Francie said, "Oh wow, welcome to the area. How is our city treating you so far?"

"It's been real nice. I only moved here two days ago though, so I haven't seen much. Plus I couldn't really explore because my Jeep broke down as soon as I got to town," answered Brenda.

"That sucks," Francie replied. "Is it a big repair?"

Brenda said, "Actually the dealer texted that I can come pick it up anytime this afternoon. I was going to try convincing Tony to give me a ride over."

"Oh, no, he doesn't have to," Francie said in an extra perky voice. "The Jeep dealer is like two minutes from my apartment. I can totally give you a ride. But I have to run to the store first. Can I just pick you up at Tony's house in an hour?"

I wanted to cut this situation off as quickly as possible. Theses two worlds should not be colliding. But before I could stop this unnatural disaster from occurring, Brenda exclaimed, "Oh wow. You are so sweet. That sounds perfect. Thank you so much."

Francie and Brenda exchanged phone numbers. Then Brenda cutely announced, "Yay, making new friends!" as she leaned in and gave Francie a big thank you hug.

Do I even have to explain the obvious here? Brenda's and Francie's big boobs, rubbing together? It felt like slow motion as I saw their arms wrapping around each other's bodies and their love bags smooshing together.

Francie said, "I'm totally happy to help. See you in an hour," as she walked away.

I have no clue how this catastrophe happened. For three years there was no woman in my life. Now, in the span of 24 hours, the two women I had an interest in are becoming friends.

We started walking back to my apartment. Brenda commented how nice Francie was. She asked if Francie was single and I said, "I think so." Brenda then had a terrible idea.

Brenda suggested, "We should set her up on a date with one of Chris's friends, one of the lacrosse guys."

My stomach felt upset. I instantly said "I don't really think they are her type." I knew inside that the lacrosse guys are every girl's type, to look at, at least.

"What do you mean they aren't her type? She's a woman, isn't she?" Brenda asked.

I said, "She likes things like volunteer work, astronomy and science, reading, and jazz music."

"Ok, but she also likes penises I would assume, right?" Brenda said, laughing. "If there is one thing that Chris's friends have, it's great penises! Hehehe. Maria told me that she has seen all of those guys, from last night, skinny dipping in Chris's pool, and that every one of them are really big."

I replied, "Well yeah, I'm sure Francie likes penises. But I just don't think she likes partying like they do."

Brenda said, "She isn't marrying them. Just having a really good night." Brenda giggled and started tickling me, poking at my stomach. She winked at me and said, "You know exactly what I mean hehehe."

I definitely did not want Francie coming anywhere near Chris and his lacrosse friends, with their big sticks. I couldn't get the idea out of Brenda's head.

Then it hit me. Maybe Brenda put two and two together and realized that Francie was the girl from the gym? Maybe she subscribed to the whole "Keep your friends close, and your enemies closer" theory. Of all the bad luck in the world, Francie had to be right there, right then!

The truth was that Brenda was sexier to me than Francie and had a better body too. Brenda's personality also seemed more fun and interesting. If Brenda was a ten, then Francie was an eight, and the next hottest girl I knew was a seven. To put it in perspective, I would be ecstatically happy to even date a six. Brenda definitely wins the contest for me. But on the other hand, I didn't want to be part of setting Francie up with other men, especially not with the members of Chris's giant cock team.

We got back to my front porch. Brenda grabbed me from behind and hugged me, and said, "That was so much fun. I really enjoy talking to you, being with you."

This time she held me a little closer. While she wasn't pressing against me hard, I could definitely lightly feel her breasts on my back, and she wasn't pulling them away. I turned and kissed her on the lips.

We made out on my porch for a good thirty seconds, without any tongue. While we made out she had her hands on my shoulders, with her elbows bent inward, between us, infront of her boobs.

We went inside and she asked if we could take quick showers. I said yes and lead her upstairs to my bathroom. As we entered the bathroom we started making out more intensely. She sat on the bathroom sink and I stood between her legs. She allowed my cock to rub against her pussy through our shorts, but she made sure to not let our chests press together. I reached to caress her breast, but she gently pushed my hand down and whispered, "Not yet, sexy!" and continued kissing me.

My cock was as hard as could be. We were kissing with such emotion. I tried slowly sliding my tongue into her mouth, but she didn't accept it. The way she kissed was incredible. I gave up with my tongue and kissed her gently and sensually. I squeezed her lips between mine and slowly sucked on each of them. I kissed her neck and nibbled her ears. She murmured through our kissing lips, "Oh yes, you're such a good boy, that feels so good."

I began slowly humping her while she sat on the edge of my sink. She moaned in my ear. She reached down and said, "Wow, you're so excited, so hard again?" as she grabbed my crotch. She pulled at my shorts and said, "Get these off."

As I stood up from the sink, and took my shorts off, Brenda also stood up. She kissed me and watched me remove my shorts. I stood before her in just my bulge enhancing underwear. She looked at me surprised and just said, "Wow. Yummy. Take it off sexy."

Brenda reached over and turned on the shower. I slid my underwear off as my hard cock sprung out from the pouch. She looked down at my cock and said, "Your cock is beautiful. It's exactly the size I expected. Just the perfect size that I would prefer to fuck the most." But then Brenda started giggling.

I asked what was so funny and she said, "That underwear is really sexy. It makes your cock look big Tony!"

She reached down and started ever so gently stroking me with her soft hand. Oh man, it felt incredible.

After a minute of stroking, Brenda then told me to clean off in the shower. Oh man, this was finally happening. My cock was absolutely throbbing. Brenda helped me remove my shirt and leaned in and sucked on my nipples. Electric pleasure shot through my whole body as she flicked my nipple with her tongue.

She then grabbed my hips and turned me around. She kissed my back several times and reached down and cupped my butt cheeks with her hands. She said, "Your butt is so muscular."

She took her finger and ran it from my lower back, down into my crack, all the way down to below my asshole. Reaching downward, she then grabbed both butt cheeks and started massaging them. My butt cheeks spread wide open with each of her separating kneeding motions. It made me feel vulnerable. I could feel her pinkie fingers touching me, just outside my anus.

Brenda said, "I love having you naked while I'm still dressed. I feel empowered" We kissed again and Brenda said, "You need to shower."

I went to get in the shower and realized it was barely room temperature water, not too cold but not warm either. I said, "Whoa, that's cold!" I went to turn up the hot water, but Brenda grabbed my hand. I repeated, "It's too cold. I'm just going to turn it warmer."

She reached out and grabbed my weiner softly. "But you can't make it warmer. Just look how hard you are. You're practically ready to cum! The cold water will help you get rid of this quicker," she said as she squeezed my cock harder. She looked at me and continued, "Go ahead, get in. You can just run the cooler water on your cock if you want. Then you can turn up the temperature after you are soft. Ok, you sweet piece of candy?" She gave me a light slap on my booty and watched as I stepped in.

I spread my legs and felt shocked as the cold water flowed over my cock. Brenda stood there watching and after about three minutes my erection had fully disappeared. Brenda then reached in and turned up the temperature and said, "There, don't you feel better? Ok you better finish showering quickly. Francie is going to be here soon."

I shampooed and then put soap on a loofa and scrubbed. Brenda continued standing outside the shower, watching me the whole time. Somehow it was a thrill that she was fully clothed while I was naked. I sort of felt objectified, on display, a little humiliated even.

When I was done Brenda grabbed a towel and helped dry my back. Then she told me to turn around and face her. As I turned to face her my erection came back. Brenda laughed because it slowly got harder and harder over thirty seconds as she just watched it. She said, "Wow, I am so powerful. All I have to do is look at it and it gets hard."

Brenda dried off my chest and then my penis and balls. She said, "If you keep getting hard like this you are going to be so sore later. Dont blame me."

She then said, "Ok, it's my turn to shower." My cock throbbed. I was expecting her to now take off her clothes. But she kissed me on my lips, gave my hard cock a gentle slap and said, "Go get dressed. Make sure you get dressed. If you're not dressed when I come out, I'm not touching your cock for a whole week."

Brenda then guided me out the door and I heard it lock behind me. I wanted to see her naked so bad. I wanted to touch her all over. But I couldn't risk a whole week without her touch. I quickly went to my bedroom and got dressed. My cock would barely fit in my pants, and my erection wouldn't disappear.

About ten minutes later, Brenda came out of the bathroom. She was fully dressed in her tube top and shorts. Francie had just texted to Brenda that she was pulling up outside. This was not the situation I wanted. My two worlds colliding.

Brenda gave me a really sweet kiss on the cheek and thanked me for such a great day. She asked me, "What aren't you going to do after I leave?"

I laughed, confused, and said, "You mean what am I going to do? I need to give Oro a bath and."

Brenda cut me off and said, "No, I meant what aren't you doing?" She reached down and lightly grabbed my crotch. "Remember, you told me you would trust me to decide when and where you go, right? Do you still trust me?"

"Yes, of course," I said.

"Then tell me you won't go until I tell you to," she said.

"I won't go until you tell me to," I repeated.

Brenda then told me to close my eyes and whispered in my ear, "Smell this." She held her hand to my face, covering my nose and mouth very lightly. There was something soft in her hand. She asked me, "Do you know what it is?"

I was thrilled at the thought that entered my mind. Could it be? It smelled incredibly sweet. I said excitedly, "Your panties?"

Brenda said "Yep! Open your mouth." She pushed them inside my mouth, kissed me on the cheek and walked out the door. She turned and said "Can you please give me those back, washed, next time you see me? Thanks."

I watched her walk down the sidewalk to Francie's car. Francie waved and I waved back. Brenda got in the car and they drove off.

I could taste Brenda's delicious flavor. I pulled them out of my mouth. It was a tiny silky green thong. The crotch liner was fully soaked. I put them to my nose and sniffed.

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 month ago

I am copy pasting this comment that I totally can relate to.


ADVOCATE70 - 7 months ago

This is excellent. I mean really good at getting to the heart of what turns many cucks on. I don't want a chick who is going to be a bitch to me about enjoying big cock, I want one that is sweet about it and includes me.

End quote.

End quote.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 month ago

CUCKOLDED ON FIRST DATE! PT. 02 is an excellent wife sex story.

26thNC26thNC7 months ago

Only low life whores need multiple men.

LightCuckoldLightCuckold7 months agoAuthor

Katie, don't lose hope. There are men out there who know their skill is licking a woman while another man's skill might be turning her on with his big cock. 😉

sennodensennoden7 months ago

Because it's bullshit Katie, that's now how the real world works

katiegirl212katiegirl2127 months ago

"But a woman is more complicated. It's not as easy for a man to understand or fulfill a woman's needs. She might get some needs met by her boyfriend and other needs by another man. Right? Her boyfriend might talk with her about a rough day, make her a drink, or cuddle. But later that same day the auto mechanic, trainer or fireman, or all three of them, might do something for her that her boyfriend can't do as well. You know what I mean? Right?"

This is exactly right. Why is it so hard for men to understand this?

AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

I love how he is dreaming of her, while she is dreaming of a big cock. I hope she teaches him that only big cock is allowed to cum whenever they want, his role as boyfriend is to be constantly teased and denied. It will make him a better boyfriend if he is focused on her needs and it will prove to her that he really loves her.

AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

to: LightCuckold

Dear author. I understand your reasoning and, in general, I agree with you regarding double standards... But, in my opinion, you are missing the very essence of the cause of the problem. Understand - a woman who gave birth to a child is sure that this child is her flesh and blood (mistakes and substitutions in the maternity hospital are excluded from the equation, because this is an error that can be neglected). And the problem of fatherhood, for the mother, is not so important - until some time... And now, let's ask ourselves the question: "The man you describe in this story... How confident can he be in the "authorship of his offspring" if he initially puts up with and even enthusiastically accepts such outrageous behavior of his alleged partner? Or, in your opinion, should he bring up "his" sons - and be genuinely surprised by the fact that someone taught them to write exactly into a urinal from a long distance?" Don't get me wrong - it's not even a question of ethics or emotions... It's a matter of survival. Procreation... Evolution, if you like!

AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

With all my maximum degree of tolerance... I can understand that women can try to impose their perverted, convenient for her, "worldview" on a man... But, kill me - never in my life will I be able to understand what finds a MAN exciting, in an initially stalemate situation for him? And continue to communicate with this slut? No, bro! It's not for me...

Eze325Eze3258 months ago

Love it! Hope there's more

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