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He moved up and felt the electricity as he touched her for the first time. He put the tip in and began moving very slowly back and forth, creeping in very slowly. He was watching her face as the pleasure began to overtake her. Once he was all of the way in, he rested for a second, allowing her to get used to him. Then he pulled almost all the way out before moving all the way back in, her moaning and whimpering.

They set up a rhythm, and he suddenly had a thought. "Are you safe?" he asked.

"Got the shot. Irene. Don't stop" she moaned back at him.

They picked up speed, she began to moan and thrash at the same time he emptied into her. When they came down, he gave her a kiss on the forehead. "I've been missing out on a lot" she said, smiling "we have some catching up to do."

He just looked at her and said, "I told you that you were perfect."

They drifted off to sleep holding each other. He woke up after about an hour, bladder bursting so he extricated himself from her arms and went to the toilet. Finishing, he turned and found her looking at him.

"My turn" she said, blushing again. "Can we move to my bed? There is a huge wet spot that makes this one cold. I have NO idea how it got there!" she laughed. They both went to her room and slept the rest of the night.

In the morning, they woke up and she looked at him embarrassed but happy. "So.... Is this going to be a thing or not" she said.

"Oh, it's already a thing. I think it's much more than a thing, though. I don't know what to call it, but I would like to point out how serious this is. I can't imagine my life without you in it anymore" he said.

She grabbed him and hugged him. "Good" was all she said. She pulled back and said "We are going to have to stop long enough to shower. I smell like a goat!"

He pointed at her bathroom and said "You go there, I will go to mine so nothing happens. We have all day you know!" After she went in the shower, he heard her phone buzz. He looked at it. Irene, just one word. "Well??"

He took his shower and got out, moving to the kitchen to make coffee. He was trying to decide on breakfast when his phone buzzed. Irene. "Of course" he thought. "Well??" He decided he wasn't going to reply yet.

He had just started some cinnamon rolls when she came out of her bedroom, clean, wet hair, and totally nude. He stared, totally entranced. She laughed him, saying "I'm glad you're making breakfast. You can't fry bacon nude, it's too dangerous!"

He began to laugh and scooped her up. "I promise I will never make you do that. I wouldn't want to scar you for life!" he said as he looked in her eyes.

She looked up, shyly, and said "Irene wants to know what happened. Should I tell her?"

"Up to you. I know she knows all about us. I trust her not to tell. She texted me too" he said.

"I feel like I'm going to burst. I want to tell everyone! I will settle for telling her though" she said.

Once the rolls were ready, they began eating. Icing dripped off, falling on her breast. "Oh no, I've made a mess. Whatever shall I do?" she said, eyes sparkling.

He waggled his eyebrows and said, "I'll take care of that for you!" as be bent forward and licked it off, then continued down to the nipple.

"Oh....I think breakfast might have to wait!" she said, dragging him to the carpet in the living room. She pushed him down, noting how excited he already was. She said, "I'm going to do all the work, you just lay here and take it like a man!"

She got above him and crouched down, eyeing his very erect cock. She grabbed and took some experimental licks. "I've never wanted to do this before. Strangely, I want to now. You just shut up and deal" she said. She moved slowly, but she got more and more of it into her mouth. Finally she stopped, looked at him and said "We will have to continue this later. I need this somewhere else!" She climbed over him and slowly dropped down until it was all the way in. "My God this is amazing" she said and began rising and falling in a slowly increasing rhythm. She began moving with almost violence, trying to get every millimeter of him in her.

Finally, he looked up gasping and said, "I can't take it anymore!" He started spurting, and she began her own orgasm as well. After they caught their breath, she giggled "That was a waste of a shower." He just smiled, enjoying the sound of her laughter.

She got off of him, leaving him a mess, and walked to her bedroom. "Shower number two today!" she said as she disappeared around the corner. He got up and wiped himself down, taking a quick rinse in the shower as well. His phone rang when he got out of the shower, and he answered it. Irene, of course.

"Well Mike?" was all she said.

He laughed and replied "Yeah."

"Well, I got more for you, but you have to wait until Monday. It's all part of the same thing though. I'm glad to see you can close the deal FINALLY!" she said. "I won't hold you, I know you have a LONG HARD day ahead of you!"

"Goodbye Irene" he said, hanging up laughing. He put on shorts and a tee shirt and went out to the real world.

When she came out, dressed this time in shorts and a tee shirt as well, he said "I like your other outfit better".

"Well, things are a little sore, I think I got a bit too excited, so you have to wait for a bit now" she said with a grin.

The rest of the morning passed without incident, and after a light lunch, they decided to go swimming. He put on his trunks and waited in the pool. When she came out, his chin hit his feet. She was wearing the smallest bikini he had ever seen! A tiny blue micro bikini that appeared to be spray-painted on. "Either you like it, or you are trying to catch flies. Which one?" she asked with a smile.

He stumbled with words, making noises until finally just saying, "You. Like you. In that."

She began laughing and sat at the edge of the pool. "Question time, Mike. Why? Why me? I'm skinny. I'm flat-chested. My face is funny-looking, and I have white straw for hair. What is it you like about me?"

Mike held up a finger to give himself a minute. "You are thin, not skinny. Your breasts are small, but amazing, your face is amazing. Your lips are the lips people get collagen injections for, your eyes are a pool I could swim in, your button nose is amazingly cute. You have the pure white blond hair that girls try to bleach their hair in to, but yours is natural and soft. You have the warmest soul for someone who has been shit on by life. I can't imagine life without you right now."

Jill slid in to the pool and grabbed him around his neck. "I won't leave until you tire of me" she said.

"Then you'll never leave" he said.

They played in the pool until dinner, hands going all over but nothing more. Once they got out, she went to her room to change and Mike followed.

"What?" she said.

He said, "I have to help you out of that entirely too restricting garment!" as he waggled his eyebrows. She moved in for a kiss, and while that happened be began undoing all the ties on her suit. She was quickly naked, and he began taking inventory of what was there. "Left boob, perfect nipple, Mmmm......right boob, another perfect nipple, mmmmm...flawless skin, and look at this down here! This is the most beautiful pussy on the planet....time to kiss this!"

She was glowing with pleasure as he kissed, licked, and tongued her. She pulled him up, kissed him, and pushed him to the bed.

"My turn" she said. She pulled off his trunks and grabbed him. "This time we're going to finish" she said, then opened her mouth and took him in. She began to go down, farther and farther until her lips were buried in this groin. Mike couldn't speak words, but his groaning made her sure he was enjoying this. Up, down her head went, and he began to jerk. He tried to push her off, but she refused and kept going. "NNNNGGAH!" he said, unleashing down her throat. He finally had to push her away, saying "Too much, need a break, can't take this!"

She smiled at him, licking her face clean. "So, did I pass the audition?" she said.

"I don't know....I'm going to need to try that a few million more times to make a definite decision", he said. "That was absolutely amazing. I haven't been with thousands of girls, but I've never felt anything like that ever before."

She smiled, blushing, and said "I was inspired. It was all you."

Mike pulled her up to him and kissed her. "I......I love you" he said, looking in her eyes.

"I hope so...because I love you too!" she replied. "I never knew what love was like, caring was like, what it was like to be loved until I came here. You are an amazing person, Mike. Without you, I'd be lost" she said, snuggling into his chest.

Dinner was a simple affair, and they curled up to watch a movie. This had become an almost nightly event, and they both enjoyed the closeness while it lasted. Finally, when it was over, he looked at her and said, "Time for bed, you have to work tomorrow." They walked hand-in-hand to her room, as his bed was still a mess. They stripped down and climbed in, holding each other as they drifted off.

Monday morning they had a quick breakfast. Once done, he looked at her and told her to dress in one of her business suits.

"Are you making me CEO already?" she asked with a grin.

"No, but I can think of a lot of positions I would like you in!" he said with a leering smile.

"Stop, we have to work!" she said over her shoulder as she went to change.

They went in together, and they were somewhat early. He brought her into his office and sat her down. "I know you want a job. I don't want to give you that. I want to give you a career. I want you to be able to support yourself if necessary, I want you to be independent" he said.

She looked up, tears in her eyes, and said, "But I thought you wanted me to stay with you."

"That isn't the point. I do, I really do. But I want you to stay because you want to, no because you have to."

She began to understand and gave him a quick hug. "I know we can't be obvious here in the office. I appreciate what you're doing for me. I get what you're saying, and I hope you mean it."

"I mean everything I say. Now, you are going to learn to be an executive secretary starting today. You will be working with Irene, and she will be teaching you what you need to know. We are also going to get you in some adult education classes to get your GED, and then we can work on college. One thing at a time. I am starting you at the bottom of the pay scale, and as you show what you can do the rate will rise. This will all be done as business decisions, no personal feelings allowed, and if it gets in between us I will do whatever is necessary to make things work. Do you accept this position?"

"If you don't treat me right, can I complain to the owner?" she said with a twinkle in her eye.

"No. I here he's a real dick anyway" he laughed.

"Well, I accept your terms anyway. How can I say no to you?" she said.

Irene knocked on the door and came in. She saw them sitting and looking at each other, and she said, "Hey girl, quit ogling the boss and get to work!" Jill blushed bright red and Irene just grinned. "Look, I'm happy for you both, but it's work time! Mike, you have an appointment at 9 with Tony, I think the documents are almost ready to sign."

"Good!" Mike said.

"Can I talk to you alone for a sec?" Irene asked.

Jill said, "I will go pull up a chair to be at your desk."

Irene waited for her to leave, and eyed Mike. "Are you treating her right? 'Cause if you're not, I'm going to quit."

"I hope I am", Mike said.

"Now for the question I want to ask. Tony he a good guy? Is he anything close to you? He wants to go out, and I know I don't work for him, so you'll allow it I hope" she said.

Mike laughed, "You are free to go out with him. I've known him for several years, and he seems like a good guy. Go for it girl!"

"I just wanted to make sure before it became anything. I trust your opinion, and he is easy on the eyes too!" she said.

The day went quickly, and the agreement for the LLC was signed by the end of the day. Mike finally pushed his chair back at 6pm and decided it was time to go home. He stepped out and told the girls it was time to shut it down for the day. "So, how did it go today?" he asked.

"Great!" said Irene. "You have a smart one here. I show her once and I'm done!"

Jill smiled, "I just have a great teacher".

Irene said, "One more thing before you go, and it has to be alone in your office."

They went in and closed the door. "First, she really is smart. She picks things up quickly and easily. This won't last as long as you think. Second, I need to show you some things that Tony pointed out to me. This is big, boss" she said, opening a folder.

"I've seen her documentation Irene. What is so important about this?"

"Look closely at the birth certificate, and then look at yours. You'll see it for yourself" she said. It took a minute, then he noticed....and the implications became clear as well.

"DNA doesn't lie Irene. She is my sister" he said.

"Not according to the paperwork. The maiden name on your birth certificate doesn't match. So in the eyes of the law...." Irene let it drop off.

"Thank you" Mike said.

"Anything for my favorite boss and best girl! She's really a good person Mike. Take care of her", Irene said.

They walked out and Mike said, "Time to go, I'm hungry and its been a long day."

Mike kept the information to himself, as he had some real thinking to do. The week went by quickly, as they were both busy during the day and kept each other up at night. Friday afternoon, Irene came in and closed the door. "Conference time Mike. You wanted weekly updates."

"I have a few minutes for this. How is she doing?" he asked.

"I told you she was smart...I just didn't realize how smart. I am going to start leaving her alone for breaks next week. She can handle it. This kid is going to put me out of a job sooner rather than later!"

"I know there is much more for her to learn. Don't kid yourself" he said.

"She is already as good as Penny is. Seriously, she is good. I also want you to know Tony and I are going out this weekend, just as full disclosure. If there isn't anything else, I need to start getting ready!" Irene said.

"Let's go home. I may need your help again this week with something, but it will be undercover work" he said.

"BOSS! I just told you I'm dating someone else!" she laughed.

Mike looked at her, blushing a little. "I need you to find out something for me. I can't ask her and there is no one else who could."

He filled her in on the details and she agreed, only saying "I'm proud of you."

The weekend went by only too quickly for them. They only got out of bed to eat, gaining energy for their activities. Mike was continually amazed by her transformation from timid to self-assured. They began trying every position they could think of, and she was open for anything he asked.

Sunday evening, as they lay in bed sweaty and naked, he looked at her and said, "How did I ever survive without you?"

"You were waiting for me, just as I was waiting for you" she said, "I hated my life...but it led me to you. I wouldn't trade a second of it now". Mike had no words, just pulled her closer.

The next week of work wasn't as bad, but it still flew by. Irene had done her covert mission, and Mike had told Jill to be ready for Friday night. They were going out someplace nice, he said. Jill wore her LBD, and Mike was suitably impressed. She knew he liked it, and he was torn between going out and ripping it off of her.

"No!" she said, "I don't have another dress like this, and I'm hungry! Take me out first, then do what you will!" They went out to a nice steak place, Jill wondering where this food had been all her life. "I'm stuffed!" she exclaimed, pushing her plate away. "Is it time to go home yet?" she said.

Mike said, "We have to share a piece of the 7-layer chocolate cake. It's amazing!" he said. He passed the order to the waitress and looked at her. "We have something serious to discuss though. I was going through all of your paperwork and mine and found something interesting" he said. She cocked an eyebrow at him and stared. "It is actually a big deal. On your birth certificate, Mom wrote Pernell. P-e-r-n-e-l-l. Look at mine. Purnell. P-u-r-n-e-l-l. Probably a typo."

"What does this mean? DNA doesn't lie Mike" she said.

"I know that. But the state doesn't have that test" he said as the cake arrived, "Have a bite."

Jill picked up her fork and stuck it in...then she noticed something amiss. "Something is stuck in this" she said, pulling out the shiny item. It was a sparkling princess-cut ring. Mike stared in her eyes "Jill Pernell-with-an-e, will you do the me the honor of taking me as your husband?"

The full implications of everything hit her like a brick. "Oh my god. Yes, of course yes! I never even thought... I...", she began crying.

"All I heard was 'yes'. Thank you for that! Are you ready to get out of here, my fiancé?" he said with a laugh. They took the cake to go and left, holding hands and looking forward to starting their lives together.

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DKH60DKH60about 1 month ago

Very well written…

inno0cent_bystanderinno0cent_bystander7 months ago

Mike better get his own antibiotics prescription...

AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

If I could put 10* I would. Well written and entertaining with the right amount of suspense and hints of what comes next.

AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

That was a nice one. Great build-up and it felt genuine. She was a bit broken after life shit on her hard and he was the perfect remedy to fix her. A nice ending as well. Usually I prefer an epilogue showing a bit more of the new life developing, but in this case, it was just fine. Someone mentioned about the lack of descriptive sex, which while a valid point, honestly didn't really affect anything for me. I'm more into the dialogue and development of the characters, their backstory and their relationship, though it certainly doesn't hurt to spice things up a little bit at least. For future reference :) It's certainly one of my favourite stories so far.

AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

Did the writer forget about the chlamydia and the 14-day treatment because they fucked within a week!!

Otherwise 5*

PyroPyroabout 1 year ago

This is truly erotica... hinting more at the sexual pleasures rather than being blatant voyeuristic porn. A well-written "fairy-tale" story with a nice little twist at the end.

ddmc1701ddmc1701over 1 year ago

Great story. I like the longer stories that have an actual plot and aren’t all wham Bam sex. Great story good lead in an great ending 5/5

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

It was a pleasant tale of girlish romance. But I, as a man, was interested in reading it. There was almost no description of sex, so it didn't excite me. But there was a good plot without sagging that was interesting to follow, which is pretty rare. And since I think plot > sex in any story, I give it a 5 out of 5.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Outstanding piece of work!

rtch0bkrrtch0bkrover 1 year ago

Such a sweet romantic sibling love story! Great work!

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