Cutty Ch. 16


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The first bar they entered was a singles bar, and Ninon and Donna just started to drink by themselves. Ninon made Donna drink a lot, telling her it would loosen her up. And Donna, with all that was happening to her, eagerly drank all that was given to her.

For some reason men stayed away from them in the bar, and Donna actually enjoyed it after a while. She and Ninon chatted about their youth and what idols they had, what music they liked, and more of that stuff. The music in the bar was ok, and Donna felt more and more at ease.

"Let's go to another bar." Ninon finally said, and they left.

The other bar was also a singles bar, but immediately Donna noticed all eyes on her. Much different than the other bar.

As they found a place to sit and Donna nervously looked around at all the eyes staring at her Ninon explained, "The other bar was more a gay bar, silly girl."

"How can you expect men not to look at you? Dressed as you are? You are drop dead gorgeous, dressed like a true slut, and entering a singles bar."

"I just warmed you up first, got a little bit of alcohol in your system to loosen you up."

"Mind if we join you girls?" Two men had found the courage to walk up to them already.

"Of course not!" Ninon said and made room for the men. Donna looked at Ninon but found no mercy, and reluctantly made space too. The man besides her started immediately to talk to her.

As she conversed with her man, she noticed Ninon having her 'fun' with the other men too, but at the same time keeping an eye on Donna.

"Oh, come on, you did notice she was married right?" Ninon interrupted suddenly looking at the man sitting beside Donna. He just asked if she ever was married "You didn't see the wedding ring?"

"Oh, yeah, now you mention it..." the man turned to Donna, "Sorry, but, I thought.."

"Don't you worry, she knows this is a singles bar, she deliberately came here. We just want some fun."

"Oh, ok," both men obviously were uncomfortable with the situation, and after five minutes they excused themselves and went away.

"Why did you do that?" Donna asked. She felt embarrassed.

"Donna, you have to tell them the truth from the beginning. That way you will have less problems later. You should thank me, didn't they leave?"

Donna looked at Ninon. Was she telling the truth, or just playing with her?

The night out continued with lots of men hitting on them. Ninon was a real expert in flirting with them, as Donna knew by now. But now Ninon regularly involved herself with Donna's date, telling she was married, and even forcing her into giving out her phone number, and even her address. At the same time, she fed Donna more and more alcohol, making Donna slowly but steadily drunk.

Donna felt trapped, as she didn't know how to avoid the problems she was getting into.

"Remember, I want to see you kissing with a guy at least once." Ninon reminded her as the night was about to close.

Donna looked at the man she was with now, he looked drunk himself.

"He'll probably won't know it the next morning." Donna thought, "And if I have to kiss a guy, he is at least good looking."

And after a few gestures she was kissing him in front of Ninon and her 'date'.

"Look at the love birds" she heard Ninon say to her date.

"Shouldn't we too..." The man tried.

"Naah." Ninon replied, "I don't double date. Besides, I'm married!"

Donna felt shame overwhelm her as she knew everyone knew she was married too. And both men would see her as a slut.


As they finally stumbled out of the bar with two other men Donna was really drunk, and unable to fight off the advances of her latest 'date'. She reluctantly let him fell her up in the ally next to the bar, as Ninon went for their car.

"You're hot!" the man breathed in her ears. Donna recalled she didn't even knew his name! His left hand crept up her leg and was on her ass, his other hand found his way through her skirt, ripping it open, and roughly fondling her as his tongue went wildly through her mouth. She was too drunk to fight him off and also too afraid, as he was drunk too, and she didn't know how he would respond to her fighting back. Donna decided it was best to go along, and slowly fend him off.

She kissed him back as best as she could and tried to soften his grip on her that way. She felt his finger entering her asshole, and when she got his hand away it moved to her pussy. Her blouse was by then torn open and the skimpy push up bra was roughly pulled down. She saw people walking by who obviously had a good view of her breast. She heard some whistles and hid her face in the neck of her 'date'.

"God, you are a real slut! A real MILF!" the drunk man said to her, "You even shaved your pussy!"

"Honey, relax, you are way to wild right now." She hushed back. She was ashamed other people would hear him. "How do I stop this guy?" she wondered frantically.

"But you are making me so fucking hot!! I can't wait, let's fuck right here and now!"

At that moment Ninon came to the rescue, as she honked her car.

"I-I have to go!" Donna muttered. She pulled off from her date as he looked into the lights of Ninon's car. Donna ran to the car.

"I'm sorry, I have to go!" she yelled to the man as she opened the door and got in.

" can't leave me hanging here?!" the drunk man shouted back, obviously disappointed.

"Don't worry!" Ninon shouted back at him "You got her number and address, we gotta go! Her husband is waiting!"

Donna wondered if her ordeal would ever end. Again, she felt ashamed as Ninon just proclaimed to the whole world what kind of slut she was.

"Oh shit, oh shit." She just sighed. She looked at herself as they drove off. Her panties were down, her skirt was ripped, her blouse was missing all the top buttons, her breasts were showing as her bra was pulled all the way down. As she looked into the mirror, she saw her make-up smeared, especially her lipstick.

"No thanks, by the way." Ninon said to her.

"Oh, no, thank you Ninon. You just came in time." Little did she knew Ninon had been watching the scene for some time, just waiting to intervene at the right moment.

"That's what friends are for!" she smiled "Was he a good kisser. He was horny wasn't he."

"He was. Too horny, and too drunk." Donna tried to put her clothing in order.

"He has my number, what will I do when he calls me?"

"Well that's up to you now isn't it?" Ninon said "You can decide to tell him you were drunk, or you can have him come over to continue where you guys left of."

Donna looked at Ninon, and after a moment of silent just sighed once again, "I'll tell him I was drunk, and apologize."

"I just hope he doesn't call." She added.


As they drove into the driveway Donna felt herself dose off, but Ninon shook her awake.

"Open the door and get yourself in order for our night session. Put on some of your new clothing. Take a shower. We are not finished yet."

Donna stumbled into the house. She was happy no one was there to see her, and she wobbled up the stairs.

The shower did her good. She let the warm water was down on her, and she sobered up. She heard Ninon close the house and go to her bedroom.

"Damn, I left my stuff there!" she recalled. "How will I dress..." Then she heard Ninon entering her room.

"This stuff should be in your room Donna." Ninon said to the showering Donna "I leave them on the bed."

Donna finished showering as she wondered where she would put all the stuff. She dried herself and went into the bedroom to dress herself for her next ordeal.

"First get this over with, than we worry about hiding this stuff." She decided.

For clothing, she chose the white lingerie from the porn shop, with the white high heeled 'fuck me' pumps to go with them.

After buttoning all straps from the stockings and the corset she sat down in front of the mirror and started to apply make up for the second time that night. She looked at herself and shook her head. "How did I get to this, dressing up like a slut for another women, who will order me to lick her pussy while probably whipping me." She looked at the bed and indeed some items were missing, especially the whip.

When she finished with applying make-up, and she thought she looked acceptable to Ninon she hurried to Ninon's room.

She gently knocked on the door.

"Come in." Ninon said. Donna entered. Ninon was on the bed as last night, but now alongside her were the items she had taken out of the bags of Donna. Donna saw the whip, some nipple clamps, and a few dildos.

"Stand before me." Ninon said. Donna walked up to her and stood before her.

"Don't look at me, look straight forward, as if you are in the military. Spread your legs a little"

Donna did.

"Hands on your hip."

Donna did.

"Now this is the confident pose of a true slut." Ninon smirked. She stood up and walked around Donna, who just kept looking forward. She held the whip in her hand.

"Let's improve this pose a little. It has to be more natural." She pointed with the whip to Donna's breasts. "Stick them out a bit more."

Donna did.

"Fine, now look proud."

That was more difficult for Donna. She tried to look more confident, but it was difficult, as she didn't feel proud at all. Actually, she felt quite the opposite!

"Straighten your legs." Now that she could do, though the high heels already had her standing tall.

"Straighten your shoulders."

Ninon pointed out every part of Dona's body she was not satisfied with. Finally she was ok with Donna's pose.

"Apart from the look on your face this is a good pose."

"Look at the mirror." She instructed.

Donna turned her head to look at the mirror hanging on the closet door. She saw herself from the side standing tall, with her ass and breasts sticking out.

"Remember this pose, tomorrow I want it done by you without any corrections by me." Ninon looked Donna in the eye. "I suggest you practice it a little in the morning to get it right, just like you are now.

"You should be proud of your body. It is very beautiful, else Ms. Brendan would have never looked at you in the first place.

"Now the look of your face you must practice too, don't be shy, be proud to be a woman, proud to wear these clothes. Who would dare to laugh at you with these on? All men would want to fuck you, even women will fancy you, or at least envy you, so be proud about that."

The speech did not convince Donna, but the message came through.

"As for tomorrow morning, you will need to start redecorating this room. I want mirrors everywhere, large ones, at the walls, some on the ceiling. And a dancing pole here." She pointed to the middle of the room

"But Ninon, how will I..."

"Don't 'but' me, just get somebody over here and start doing it. Find an excuse for the pole, or tell the truth, but get it done. I want this room changed according to my liking."

"With mirrors everywhere, so you can train yourself better in all sorts of poses. And high carpet, soft, the bed needs to be on a podium, the pole needs a small podium..."

"But the money..."

"That has to come from your salary, or even Roberts. See it as a necessary investment."

Donna gave up and slumped a bit in distress.

"Don't slack, hold the pose!" a hard whip came on her ass.

"OUCH!" She stood back at attention.

"Now for the sex education we first go to Lisa's computer. Follow me."

Donna walked behind Ninon out of the room and into Lisa's room. Ninon turned on the computer and told Donna to log in.

"Where is your wallet?" she asked Donna.

"In my room. On the table."

Ninon went to fetch her wallet as Donna logged into the computer. When she returned Donna was ready.

"Okay, now here is a list of websites. I want you to visit these every day. They are pay sites, so you better make the most of it. Here." She gave Donna her own credit card, "Start signing up."

"I don't want to use my card on the web." Donna protested.

"Don't object, just do as I tell you. Everybody uses his card on the web nowadays, so you will too."

Donna knew it was useless to object further, and she reluctantly visited the websites and signed up for each of them. "I'll have to check my credit statement on a regular basis from now on." she thought. Eventually the total subscription fees accumulated to about 500 dollars, monthly!

"How will I explain these expenses to Robert?" she asked. Ninon ignored the question and Donna knew she had to find some excuse by herself.

"Ok," Ninon just said. "Now you go to the photo sessions of the porn stars on this site." Donna browsed to it. It showed various women Donna had never seen before in various photo sessions. Some sessions were just undressing, some were with dildos.

"This is still pretty soft-core." Ninon remarked as Donna went through various web pages "But the poses are great. These girls are really professionals."

Ninon took over the mouse and selected some galleries.

"I want you to study these three sessions. I want you to imitate them perfectly by the end of this week. You'll dress and make up the same as much as possible. Next, you'll pose the same. The gym must have loosened you up already so you can do splits like these."

A large picture popped up of a young woman, almost a teenager, spreading her legs wide, showing her pussy, holding the lips open with one hand, and smiling with her lovely face at the camera. All her private parts were clearly to be seen, her asshole, her pussy, the lips, her clit, her breasts, with erect nipples. Donna found it disgusting, "How could anyone do this kind of work with a smile, on her own free will?" She couldn't believe people could be so low.

"And as mentioned visit these sites often and learn. Look around, see what is out there. I want you to broaden your horizon."

"But this is Lisa's machine, I don't want no porn on this machine, and..."

"Just visit the sites when she's out, she won't notice, if you are careful. Later you can buy a new multi-media machine for the new guest-room?"

"Now close off, we go to my room, I need you to lick me to an orgasm before I go to sleep."

Donna walked back behind Ninon, troubled. Buying a new machine was the best option, but it meant also a phone line had to go to the room... "Damn, get a grip on yourself." Donna told herself "I must find a way out, not cooperate!" But she kept on walking, she knew for now there was no alternative.

Ninon sat down on the bed in the guest room.

"Turn around first and bend over."

Donna did and she felt Ninon pull aside her panties, and lubricate her ass. She didn't bother to complain, she just let her, and knew what was coming. The smallest vibrator she purchased this afternoon was forced into her asshole. It hurt, but not that much thanks to the lubricate Ninon used, and the small size of the dildo.

"I want you to sleep with the dildo in your ass tonight, we need to stretch you asshole to accommodate some bigger dildo's in the future. So from now on every night you sleep with this one inside." She turned the dildo on, and it started to vibrate uncomfortably inside Donna's ass. "And don't turn it off." The zooming sound was filling the room.

"If I don't hear this noise every night, you will be in big trouble."

Donna's mind raced through the consequences once again. "Lisa and Trixy will hear the noise too... and Robert..."

"When my husband is here, I don't need to use it? Please?" Donna had to ask, beg.

Ninon smiled "No, then it will be probably his dick humming up your ass."

Donna sighed from relief, but worried about Robert fucking her ass. He had never done that, and he wasn't the man who would do such a thing. "Please, don't let them force me to have him fuck my ass..." but as she wished this, she knew they probably would force her one way or the other to have him fuck her ass.

"Next," Ninon continued, "You'll need to fuck yourself with this dildo. You bought a good size." Donna felt one of the larger dildo's entering her pussy, stretching it. But again, the lubricate did its work and it glided in without much pain.

"Show me how you masturbate with it."

Donna reach between her legs to the dildo and pumped it in and out. Slowly, giving her pussy time to adjust to the intruder. "I should have wetted myself." She thought as her pussy cramped again and again. "It would have hurt less."

"Well, I would like to see more enthusiasm in the near future Donna." Ninon commented "You best study the web sites, look at some video footage of girls masturbating with dildos. Remember you will have to achieve two goals, give a good show, and come, or fake convincingly.

"And my advice would be to come really, as we women know when we fake it. And that will lead to some dire consequences, I guarantee.

"Now masturbate yourself like this while you lick my pussy. Kneel, you little slut."

Donna turned and sank down on her knees. Her ass-vibrator hummed away, and she pumped her now wet pussy, as she bend over to lick the pussy of Ninon.

"Look at me!" Ninon instructed and she whipped hard on the ass of Donna.

The whip stung, but Donna didn't stop licking, she just looked up at Ninon.

The next half hour, or hour, Donna sucked away at Ninon wet pussy, licked her clit-ring, licked her asshole, tried everything to get her to come, and avoid being whipped. Ninon however was not easily satisfied, and whipped Donna constantly, either complaining she didn't lick good enough, or because she was not posing correctly, not posing erotically enough. After a while she even applied the dreadful nipple clamps to Donna's exposed and whipped breasts. The pain was less than she expected at first, but as time went by it gradually increased.

A tired Donna finally walked back to her room. The ass dildo still vibrating inside her, and in her hand the dirty dildo with which she had masturbated herself to several orgasms. Her ass and breasts were on fire from the numerous whips they received, but no real deep marks were made. The clamps were removed by Ninon, with all the pain that brought as the blood rushed back into her nipples. Her face was smeared with cum from Ninon. Her mouth tasted like it. She felt low, very low.

Also, Donna wondered why Ninon didn't come so easily as she did. She found that she really had outdone herself with licking her, yet Ninon came almost reluctantly. It made her feel even more like a real slut and made her ashamed of herself. And she wondered if her licking just wasn't good enough, or was Ninon deliberately holding in? To have her lick longer, endure the humiliation longer?

Donna fell on the bed tired, very tired, and feeling very down. Her situation seemed hopeless, she was completely at the mercy of Ninon and Ms. Brendan, her whole life was turned upside down, it just was one long string of one humiliating act to another.

When she heard the buzz of the vibrator in her ass, she started to cry, and cried until she fell asleep.

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AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
Lost Me

I don't understand this chapter in Donna's life and Ms. Brendan's. This is suppose to be a lesbian story not mixed. So why add men into the theme of your story. Damn, it was going fairly well until now. But, didn't much like the butt fucking as the point of it was lost on me plus having Ninon move into Donna's house along with the room modifications demanded is beyond the pale. Heck, the daughters will wonder what has happened to their conservative Mom. The story needs to be tied together more to make sense. I know it's fiction, but damn come on, don't understand why you had Ms. Brendan disappear from the story line with Ninon now in charge plus having Donna give out here address and phone number is ridiculous. The outcome will be to really ruin Donna's marriage and relationship with here daughters. I sure hope you don't bring them into this story which I will keep reading in the hopes that the story line gets back on track. Hoping for better, on-track chapters.

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
Still trying to understand the fantasy

Who is Lisa? I thought that Donna's daughters were Julie and Trixy? I kind of understood the sales girl at the sex shop but Donna never asked her about those other women. I once mentioned that Ninon was not going to be friend to Donna and I can only see Ninon literally going to beat the crap out of Donna sometime and many more sessions in the future. How are Donna's girls going to take Ninon beating their mother as there is going to be some times when Donna is going to show the beatings to them even with soundproofing in the guest room. How is Donna going to explain to Robert about all of the expenses ($500 a month on sex sites)? Oh, this is a fantasy and there is a lot of latitude in a story but it looks like Donna is going to lose everything eventually and she will end up working at a strip club (I hope not).

BriarredwolfBriarredwolfover 4 years ago
It is fiction, under the noncon category, not bdsm

This will not appeal to everyone. It is a psychological torment visited upon a woman of a certain social stature, of a certain socioeconomic level, with certain socioeconomic aspirations for both herself and her family. Everything must be “just so.” Her husband's only single “kinky” thing has been to take a couple of naked pictures of his wife while alone, at home. Gasp! To the husband and wife, these are seen as potentially ruinous. To people of that type of servitude to a strict social dynamic any threat is cause for concern, and most likely, submissive action. If you do not see any sense in this, do not like it, have not read it, move on out of the non-consent category; don’t drag the author down for no reason.

BTW: If you haven’t read previous chapters, you might have missed that the oldest daughter who’s computer is being borrowed is 18. If you feel the need to complain of ssc not being respected for a woman’s child who is not technically a minor, in the noncon category, i do hope that you stay out of the incest category or you might not ever get a chance to stop typing again.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago

I skimmed through a much later chapter of this crap on the bdsm library site, which in itself is a joke because nothing about this story could be called bdsm.

It does involve her kids which is why I’m rating it all as 1 star. I’ve commented on a few of the chapters because it hit a very raw nerve. There was no suspension of disbelief for me in this, now that I’m not a kid and helpless anymore I would have just killed the evil bitch at the end of chapter one. I’m stunned that anyone can find any of this erotic.

Consensual acts, absolutely, but FFS safe , sane and consensual!

The story speaks volumes about the person who’s written it, bipolar, psychopath, sociopath are just a few words that spring to mind.

Tess (UK)

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago
Thanks for writing

Amazing work you are doing.

I cannot wait to se what will happend.

Please continue this story. Thanks for writing!

LostnFoundBinLostnFoundBinalmost 5 years ago
What is happening?

I mean I gave it three stars but you are starting to abandon the the most important feature of all these stories. Some where you have to leave your readers the opportunity to suspend disbelief. And this entire chapter was completely devoid of that requirement.

A few chapters ago she cried herself to sleep having lost herself. She she had openly and completely failed as a wife, a mother, a friend, a partner, ... a person. That was real, honest, deep and believable.

Then she losses half her job, she disappoints her lover Mrs. B. who hands her to another to train her, and she cares more about that then anything else? Really?!

Now, she allows Ninon into her home, surrendering her entire self, her life, children to this thing that just a few chapters ago destroyed her...why? And yes I know nothing has happened to her children, but as parents we do t worry about what happened we worry about what could. And the risk to them now is FAR beyond any reasonable disbelief.

We as parents may finds ourselves in situations where we would be willing to sacrifice pain, pride, humility, money, time, self respect, and yes even our lives for our children. And you can easily write a million stories where I will believe a parent would/will do just that...BUT...We will not invite death inside the doors of the safe havens we build for our children. NEVER!!! So why in this story, when everything has already been stripped from Donna. When she has already sacrificed all she has to give would she dare do this? To allow someone else to send her children away with out her permission/knowledge. NEVER!!! What if the kids were killed taking that trip? Yes that’s the stuff parents worry about. How often will this happen and where will they go to next? NEVER!!! Then there is using the children’s computer to further debase herself...let’s be honest how did she even know her kids password? Then there is the playroom and not only does she allow this...she is even going to build the place out, at her and her lost husbands expense...this violently multiplies the potential impact on her children. And no “oh this is going to be for your dad and I” or when hubby does come back home next “look what I built for us” bullshit. NEVER!!!

You have given no reasons. No purpose. No excuses for this ridiculous behavior trait. Even if it’s all based in her being a submissive slut at heart. This would NEVER happen. No matter how powerful or damaging Mrs. B. could be, the wrath and protective nature of a mother whose cubs are threatened would eat her for breakfast.

If your readers can’t see themselves acting as Donna does, or agreeing that Donna should act that way, then they lose their emotional tie in with the story and it just becomes spank bait. You are a better writer than that. Just saying you need to return this to something believable.

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