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He began to go into the throws of a huge man child tantrum almost running into the kitchen. I heard some stuff fall on the floor followed by the clanging of dishes before he reappeared almost inconsolable.

"NIGGA YOU GOT BURNED?!!" Jaquan was breathing hard, looking distraught.

"Well, it "might" be a urinary tract infection according to the clinic, Jaquan. Look man, I know I was stupid for running up in Yoli raw, but you saw that ass. You know, it's always the crazy ones with the good pussy, bruh." I said it with a manufactured morbidity rubbing the ice pack on my crotch for a few seconds before regarding my saucer eyed cousin.

"SHIT, SHIT, SHIT, SHIT, SHIT!!" His bedroom door slammed a few moments later echoing through the house.

I listened to my thirty something cousin bump around and loudly fret in his bedroom taking the time out to check some messages on my phone and text Renee. We made a pact to communicate in emoji's while showering earlier that morning. I set her a devil emoji with her returning a zucchini and crying face emoji seconds later as Jaquan returned looking as ashen faced as his dark chocolate complexion would allow.


"What, you think I got the clappity clap from Renee?" I shrugged doing my best not to laugh in his face.


"Man, that pussy was just so good that I forgot to put a hat on, bruh. I gotta be honest, I wasn't into her at first especially after Renee, but she put it down my nigga. I spent the night at her crib, we was fucking almost the whole night through. Shit man, I was worried I might've knocked her up before my shit starting burning."

"THAT NASTY CUZ; REAL FUCKING NASTY!!" He was actually wagging a finger in my face.

"Fuck you man, you know about that pussy too."

"Look this some fucked up shit Renee don't need to know about!!" He was definitely beyond panic mode.

"Eh don't worry about it Jaquan; it ain't like you was sleeping with her anyway. Imagine if you got baby mama number two burned, nigga? Shit, you'd probably be begging her to put that green stuff on your dick, huh?" I watched his eyes widen into saucers.

"This is really uhm, bad little cousin because you know you're supposed to wear condoms when you get down with tricks."

"She looked clean."

"YOU-YOU'RE STOOPID MAN; REAL FUCKING STOOPID!!" I continued playing up the ice pack on my crotch taking in every uniformed word my mark was saying.

"Use it or lose it Jaquan; still was some good ass pussy, anyway." I mused with a completely straight face.

"FUCK!!" He was pacing back and forth almost wearing a hole in the carpet as he considered the ramifications of being infected with an STD he didn't know was nonexistent.

"Damn Jaquan."


"I gotta call a few people; you can get in trouble if you don't tell your sexual partners about shit like this. It's against the law, right?" I manufactured a befuddled expression playing the dumb teenager role he's cast me inside.

"AWWW SHIT CUZ; YOU WRONG FOR THIS MAN!!" Jaquan snatched up his car keys evacuating the house in a frenzied panic.

I was finally able to explode into gregarious laughter as his car sped down the block. I wasn't surprised in the least that I'd been blamed for his perceived misfortune. He completely blew past the fact that he went behind my back contacting and fucking the snot out of a girl I'd been with. I dialed up Renee Kelly to report.

"How'd it go?"

"That nigga gone somewhere in his car; if he had a once of sense it wouldn't have worked." I reclined staring at the open front door.

"Where's he going?" Renee sounded panicked at the thought of a face to face with her baby's daddy.

"Well like I said; he ain't got an ounce of sense in that peaked skull. Maybe a trip to the free clinic or he might tune up Yoli. Is Jaquan violent towards women, Renee?" I was completely casual.

"He never fucked with me."

"That's a given considering all those free bullets at your place; well, you have plausible deniability if he comes at you for some pussy, anyway."

"Thanks; I think I'm rubbing off on you little nigga."

"Don't get too happy cause I gotta do something you're gonna hate."



"Are you serious?!!"

"Trust me; I gotta go my own way and I'll get back at you later when I'm finished burning the shit out of those two bitches. Before you ask, I'm gonna fuck her brains out but it's karmic business." Renee scoffed at the other side of the line, but I'd already explained things before we returned to Jaquan's house.

"Better bring my ice pack back." She warned before we hung up as I walked into the kitchen.

I drained the pack finding some leftover barbecue which I enjoyed along with a brew as I brought up Yoli's number on my phone. I hesitated weighing my options against what I'd already experienced. My mind drifted backward to a moment earlier in the day before I discovered them in a compromising position. I'd yelled at Yoli before she got into that cab.

It was entirely possible that she heard me but still went to my cousin anyway, unable to stop herself from making that next link in the sexual chain she perceived connected to Renee Kelly. I wondered if she imagined she was with Renee while we were sleeping together. That prevailing thought went hand in hand with the visual of my cousin screwing her to death as I texted a single word.


My phone started ringing immediately before I'd even set in down on the kitchen counter to continue snacking on a succulent rib tip. There was no denying that Jaquan had a talent for barbecuing that was unparalleled. I found a Tupperware container full of homemade potato salad that went quite nicely with my snack. Fucking three women over the course of twenty four left me with a bit of an appetite.

There was a single container of toll house cookies that I left untouched figuring they belonged to little Daisy Kelly. She was such a remarkably intuitive child obviously cut from the same cloth as her stunning mother. My phone went through two cycles of ringing no doubt fueled by the inherent guilt of the basic person on the other side of the line. Well into the third cycle I decided to pick up the phone.


"I-I'M SORRY; I'M SORRY ABOUT EVERYTHING!! I NEVER MEANT TO HURT YOU IN ANY WAY!! I'M SO FUCKED UP!!" Yoli's crocodile tears were in full effect as I pulled the phone away from my ear still able to hear her bawling.

"Hey Yoli?"

"WHUUUT?!!" She was really crying hard as I leaned against the counter staring at a cute picture drawn by little Daisy Kelly in crayon. It was the classic stick figure drawing of her family. Amusingly Jaquan was drawn as a really tall stick figure with a black crayon.

"I was out of line last night; I apologize."


"Look, we didn't have anything; we weren't dating beforehand so it was wrong of me to get upset when I found you fucking my cousin." I fished a can of country time lemonade out of the fridge while she processed my insincere words.

"Uhm, are you serious?"

"Yeah totally; I'm sorry for disrespecting you as a woman."


"Sorry Yoli, I had no right to get mad; I treated you horribly about your own body. Shit acted like a fucking caveman treating you like an object. That really fucked me up for a minute, but I understand, now." I wasn't even trying to hide the insincerity in my voice, but she was quiet on the other side of the line.

"Do uhm, do you really mean that?"

"Sure Yoli."

"You were just so mad last night; it was so visceral and frightening to see you that way. I've been crying all night and well, you surprised me with that text message."

"I couldn't leave things the way they ended last night."

"I'm glad."


"Because it was bad; I feel so horrible about how it went down." She deliberately danced away from full on admitting the fuckery of having sex with my cousin.

When you looked at it she'd fucked me, Jaquan and Renee within days of one another to satisfy a sexual fixation. Obsessive compulsive and wholly manipulative which made me ponder the supposed story of her expulsion from her familial home. I wondered with morbid curiosity what really occurred and what ignited the dissolution of her relationship with her parents. It made some sense that she fixated on Renee due to her inherent, almost motherly authority.

"I just wasn't ready; it obviously wasn't my turn."

"Wait a minute; why are you saying that?"

"Well, we both know the only real reason you gave it up to me was because I slept with Renee. Otherwise I wouldn't have had a snowball's chance in hell of being with a woman like you."

"That's not true, I would totally go for a guy like you." I could almost hear her head inflating.

"Like me, but not me specifically."

"No, I mean you!"

"Don't be nice; you go for the big, basket baller types Yoli. My cousin gets all the good ones and I was dumb for thinking I'd finally got one that was just as good as his usual type. If it weren't for Renee, I would've never got to see your body anyway." That ice pack actually helped with my overworked situation as I thought of what was eventually going to happen.

"I'm serious; I like you, too."

"If you could've got Jaquan first; I wouldn't have had a chance." I kept prodding.

"Where are you?" I'd placed the phone on the counter sitting right outside the doorway sitting at the dining room table opening my laptop. I decided to get in some serious editing while bullshitting Yoli.

"Jaquan's, but he's not here."

"I'll call you back." She hung up abruptly.

I checked the status of all of my recent online clips finding continuous activity and comments from enthusiastic and interested parties. Chi Town Thunda had blown up in dramatic fashion with the newly christened Ms. WTF coming up behind likely to overtake Rashida if new content wasn't uploaded. I had to protect my investment uploading a new teaser using some different angles from out last shoot. It was weird watching and rewarding the comments which ran the gamut from hysterical praise to bitter apple toxicity. I checked around further on the site finding that someone uploaded Rashida's flame out with her boyfriend.

Yoli spoke true of the incident in which Thunda's boyfriend confronted her on live chiding her into the only current boy girl scene to her credit. It was motivated out of raw emotion as the large, burly guy gave her audience of simps a show for the ages. Everything was marred by the fact that Rashida was facing the camera with none of her obvious charm on display. The expensive shades did little to conceal her identity. Her guy blasted her mountainous backside in phenomenal detail visible even from the shitty vantagepoint. I dialed her up for a brief consult.


"House call for your site, Rashida." I continued cobbling Ms. WTF's clip together while we spoke.

"Spit it out, nigga."

"Please stop calling me that; I called to inform you that somebody is making money off your dime."


"Some dick posted a scene; looks a lot like you on the same site we're using. The link was posted on my page under your teaser." I was already downloading the clip as we spoke. Whoever posted that shit was only charging a dollar.

"THAT THAT SHIT DOWN!!" Predictably, Rashida panicked.

"Relax, it's your stuff technically, so you can flag it on copyright. I sent you the link, just click the little icon and it goes away. Honestly, it's probably been downloaded a couple hundred times by now."

"FUCK MAN; WHY YOU TELL ME THAT SHIT?!!" I knew she was working hearing some unsolicited commentary on her end of the line. I'd probably be hearing about it from Renee later. It was already midday, so Ms. Kelly was likely picking up her daughter from daycare.

"It's your stuff, Rashida."

"Alright, fuck man I'll holla at you later." She clicked in my face, predictably while I took the opportunity to watch the impromptu amateur scene a couple more times before inspiration took me.

I fondly recalled the circumstances leading up to my current interests and prurient financial gain that resulted from it. The rest of the summer was in front of me with a local community college waiting for me at the end of it. When asked by my parents, I just told them that I was taking computer classes. It was an answer designed to make them leave me alone because they were from the hand to mouth generation more or less. Computer related work was so much Chinese arithmetic to my folks from the pre-civil rights era.

High school was laconic and run of the mill with little opportunity outside of general studies. Growing up a television head left me with a thirst to work in entertainment in some form or capacity in junction with a sort of obsessive compulsive disorder regarding entertainment. Dabbing a toe in adult entertainment, particularly my form of it, had being cathartic and affirming for me as a whole. Before Erica Walton's entry into my life that fateful weekend, I was without direction.

YEAH?!!" Someone was knocking at the heavy reinforced screen door and I intuitively knew who it was without looking.

"It's me, Yoli."

This was an endorsement of her loopy, carefree nature that left little doubt to any rational sanity in her empty head. This weird feeling ran up my spine at the sound of her voice as the image of her getting smashed by my cousin flashed into my head. I knew I had to open that door and let her in if I was ever going to be okay.


"Uhm, Jaquan's not here, is he?" My ears pricked up at the question.

"No, he's out right now; why are asking?"

"Well, he's been blowing up my phone and shit; I'm trying to stay on the right side of karma for the moment."

She was standing just outside the door wearing a tattered jean miniskirt that showed off her long, thin legs and a vintage pink t-shirt emblazoned with the logo "I'm Baby Soft" written on the chest. Her hair was pinned up into a wicked sister girl pony hawk. I stopped in mid-track for a second or two staring at her childish, goofy expression noticing the light eyeshadow and frosted lipstick on her oversized plump lips. Yoli looked away demurely as I noticed the two coffees and a large white paper bag. I managed the door, but she hesitated.

"Hey." It was the simplest thing I could think to say.

"Can I, come inside?"


Her body language was deferential withdrawn as she squeezed inside standing in front of me. I was given the impression that wanted a hug, but I wasn't doing that shit. I wanted to keep her at the edge of redemption.

Her head dipped, chin into her chest as she carried her haul up the short steps into the living room. My eyes followed her butt noticing that Yoli somehow managed to find something to wear that actually appeared two sizes small stretched across her butt which made it look way bigger than it was. She was calculating to the max going with her strength given her nonexistent chest. Yoli walked to the dining room table placing the styrofoam coffee caddy onto the table. She unpacked a large decadent, raspberry muffin covered with walnuts glancing at me with an uneasy smile.

"We have food here Yoli; you didn't have to spend any money on me."

"I wanted to get you something sweet; I've uhm, been really horrible to you." She placed the muffin on a plate setting it next to my open laptop. Yoli didn't sit seeming content to the stand at the tableside sort of staring at her feet.

"You don't wanna sit down?"

"Uhm, well I don't know if I should because of what happened the last time we saw each other here. Part of me thinks maybe I shouldn't have come, but I really needed to see you."

Yoli was talking like we'd had an actual relationship trying to goad some capitulation out of me. I wasn't that easy. I sat in front of my laptop taking a bite out of the muffin as she watched, heartened. My eyes drifted down to those legs again taking in their subtle shapeliness that led upward to bulging hips designed for delivering children. This was her secret weapon that offset her loopy appearance and flighty attitude. I felt that any supposed malevolence on her part was hidden deep within. Her secrets were her own, but I'd been drawn forward into her skewed psyche and was intent on running the gauntlet until I was clear of the bullshit.

"We talked about that; I said I understood, and I also said I knew you only slept with me because I was with Renee." I pushed my verbal chess piece in her direction wanting to see how she'd respond.

"At first; but we felt so good together after that. I liked how you wanted me and how you took me." Her voice faltered as she twisted in the wind.

"That was all you; pat yourself on the back for getting me hooked. I can't lie about how good you are, Yoli." I nudged my point across further, driving the ball into her court.

"Don't put it that way."

"Why not?" I took another bite casually talking to her like it was no big thing. Under the table, Yoli couldn't see my leg trembling. I was grateful for the long tablecloth hiding it from her view.

"Well, you were pretty good yourself; I liked the way you had sex with me. It was so cool, being really wanted, and all." She chuckled nervously seeing an obvious opening to assuage her inherent guilt and shame.

"Jaquan probably told you the same thing; I heard how you had him screaming like a bitch." I straightened my back retrieving one of the coffees. It was a cool almond mocha blend with whipped cream topping. Yoli was silent for a few moments processing my words.

"He passed me a gum wrapper with his number on it when Renee picked me up that night. We shook hands and I found it in my palm."

"Oh really?" I raised an eyebrow.

"Well, yeah and we kind of talked later after midnight. I-I uhm, just wanted to talk about Renee, but we decided to meet the next day."

"Is that right?" I took another bite finishing off the muffin as she looked everywhere in the dining room but my face.


"Hey, I understand Yoli; I know how you feel about Renee and I guess you and Jaquan had similar interests. I mean he has a little girl with her, and you probably hit the motherload since he also took Renee's virginity. Shit, he's one of the reasons, she's the way she is today." Yoli wrapped her arms around her meager bust looking uncomfortable at the suggestion of her intent.

"Wasn't much of a talk anyway; soon as I sat down, his big ass dick was in my mouth." I suppose it was Freudian slip, but Yoli Van Allen was inherently goofy and socially awkward to the max.

My body involuntarily shook with a muted tremble as I turned to the laptop looking at my newly christened Ms. WTF getting judiciously railed with a vicious ass job. Shawnee Thompson and Porsha Simms by association, were my immediate karmic, pity fucks right after Yoli.

"You guys got along famously." I took a swig from my styrofoam cup tapping away on my laptop.

"It uhm, just happened alright?! He wanted me so bad and I didn't know how to say no and stuff. We just kind of started doing it and Jaquan was just like, really fucking the shit out of me. I'm sorry you found out; I hate myself for that!! I'm a piece of shit, okay?!!" I saw through her crocodile tears knowing she wanted me to sign off on her retarded apology.

"It's your body; you don't have anything to apologize for, Yoli."

"But I feel like shit." I stopped editing turning towards her hunched over with my elbows resting on my knees.

There was visible wetness at the corners of her eyes with her posture harkening to someone standing before a tribunal. Her thin fingers were intertwined while her knees and feet faced each other.

"It's okay; let it go."

"I feel like a bitch for doing that to you."

"Hey, I'm a big boy Yoli; shit happens sometimes. Thanks for sleeping with me, well uhm; you fucked me way too good for somebody on a low tier." I twisted the verbal knife neither confirming nor acknowledging our mutual issues.