Dana's Story Ch. 16-18


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Dana didn't care. She only cared about her pleasure.

And Randy gave her what she wanted—what she needed. He ate her pussy with enthusiasm and skill. She couldn't have said afterward what exactly he did, how he used his lips and tongue, only that he brought her to the first of many orgasms. But only the first.

He let her ride out that first climax, then buried his face between her legs again, kissing and licking and caressing her with his mouth. But now he penetrated her gently as well, first with one finger, then two. The sensation of being filled up, the stroking sensation of his fingertips, made her next orgasm stronger still.

Dana thrashed helplessly, her body no longer hers to control, as the pleasure rolled through her and left her gasping for breath. She lay disoriented, her pulse pounding in her temples and fingertips, aware that she'd screamed but too blissfully content to care.

Randy manhandled her back into the middle of the mattress before kneeling between her legs. Dana realized that he'd rolled on a condom while she lay drunk with pleasure. He planted a hand on either side of her head, his body looming above her. He kissed her aggressively, staking his claim over her. He'd given her what she wanted, and now he was taking what he wanted.

"Oh god, yes," Dana breathed when he pulled away with a last tug at her lip. She wriggled beneath him, ready—eager—for him to take her.

His cock slid along her labia, retreated, thrust forward again to glide across her slippery lips without penetrating. Dana grabbed him, frustrated by his teasing—if teasing it was. He felt hot and hard inside in the condom. She guided his next thrust into her pussy, thrilled by the sensation as he drove deep within.

Dana's groan of pleasure echoed Randy's. He paused, a tiny shudder rolling through him, his cheek pressed to hers, his breath hot on her neck and shoulder. She loved this moment, this brief opportunity to savor the feeling of Randy's cock filling her up once more, the knowledge that he was just as excited, just as expectant as she.

She turned her head, caught his earlobe gently between her teeth for a moment, then whispered, "Fuck me, Randy. Fuck me."

He did just that.

Dana wrapped her arms around him, admiring the way his muscles danced as he moved. The slippery friction as he pulled back, leaving her empty and wanting—and then the equally delicious feeling of being impaled anew—was wonderful. Dana moved against him, matching his rhythm, adding to his pleasure and hers.

With every thrust of his cock, Dana's arousal grew. The pleasure pooled between her legs, stoked higher and higher. It wouldn't be long now, she knew. She reached up to cup Randy's face in her hands, holding his gaze. She saw in his eyes that he knew she was close. He knew the signs now as well as she did. Her panting breaths, the flush she could feel heating her face and neck.

Randy smirked. He fucked her faster, harder.

Dana's fingers trembled against his face even she felt her eyes widening—and the pleasure overwhelmed her. It roared through her body like fire, burning away all restraint. She quivered all over and would have screamed her ecstasy, but Randy silenced her with a ferocious kiss.

He wrapped her in his arms, breathing in her shuddering breaths, hips still now, as he held her. Dana clung to him as the pleasure faded, satisfaction mingled with gratitude and affection.

"Trying to keep me quiet?" she asked softly when he lifted his head.

Randy grinned. "Just trying to keep it down to a dull roar."

He drew his attention to where they remained joined at the hips with a gentle thrust. "How about you turn over?"

Dana was only too happy to oblige, despite the twinge of disappointment she felt when he pulled out. She scrambled up onto her hands and knees, giving him what she hoped was a sexy look over her shoulder. "Like this?"

"Just like that," Randy said, kneeling up behind her. His fingertips brushed her pubic hair, then slid across her wet lips, still plenty sensitive. He caressed her briefly, fingertips teasing her clit before retreating.

A moment later, Dana felt the welcome sensation of his cock filling her up once more. He didn't move immediately, choosing instead to caress her ass and thighs. It was nice enough, but she wanted more.

Then his hands settled on her hips, grip tightening to hold her in place. Yes! Dana thought. Now she was gonna get it good and hard. And she did.

Dana couldn't have said afterward how long Randy fucked her that way. All she knew was that she loved the feel of his cock pistoning inside her, the way she could tilt her hips to change how he moved inside her, or how rocking backwards to meet his thrusts added to the stimulation. All of it combined to produce that glorious tension gathering between her legs, ratcheting higher and higher until her arms folded up, and she knelt with her head in her hands, whimpering as Randy fucked her.

He paused occasionally. Perhaps to torment her by delaying her orgasm. Or maybe to hold off his own. She couldn't tell. It didn't matter. All that mattered was the timeless interval during which she hovered on the brink of orgasm. At last she sensed Randy drive himself frantically into her, his breath ragged. He hunched over her, thrusting madly.

His hand slid down her belly to finger her clit, and that was it.

Dana screamed her ecstasy into Randy's pillow. She felt him coming. Her pussy clenched around him rhythmically as she came, and she felt his cock throbbing. It was weird and exciting at the same time. Too soon, it was over. Dana collapsed to lie on her belly, legs splayed out, Randy sprawled on top her, just as exhausted.

He brushed her hair aside, kissing her shoulder, neck, and cheek as he did so. Before he weight became too much, he rolled away to sprawl on his side. Dana turned her head to look at him. He lay with his head resting on his arm, sweaty and still recovering his breath.

He grinned wearily when he saw her watching him. "Well, that was fun."

"Yes it was," Dana agreed. Her gaze dropped to his cock, only semi-erect now, the condom beginning to slip free. She wondered what it would be like to fuck him without one. Not that she was going to. She wasn't on birth control yet, though Zoe had been urging her to visit the student clinic for a prescription.

Randy followed her gaze. "Yeah," he said, "I need to dispose of that."

He climbed off the bed and vanished into the bathroom. Dana sat up, glancing at the hallway door, then at her clothes draped over a chair. Should she get dressed again? Randy's roommate, Patrick, could show up at any time. She didn't want to get dressed. She wanted to cuddle for a while and then fuck again.

Patrick might not appreciate that. Did she care? Only sort of.

Randy exited the bathroom. He opened a dresser drawer and pulled something out of it. He offered it to Dana. It was a green jersey. She looked up curiously.

"Bathroom's clear," Randy said. "I thought you might want something to wear if you need to use it. And if you're staying the night."

"Do you want me too?"

The question loomed larger than it ought. She'd stayed all night the first time they got together, but not since. Randy had come to her for a booty call Monday night, then returned to his room. And they'd spent an afternoon in bed together a couple of days ago. But that was it until tonight.

"Yes, I want you to stay," Randy said. He sat down next to her. "Why?"

Dana looked away, uncertain how to say what she was thinking. She closed her eyes. No. She was not going to let her anxieties steal her voice. She looked into Randy's face, seeing no judgment. Just patience.

"Well," she said. She swallowed. "We're not dating. We agreed."

"Oh," he said. His face showed nothing. Dana had idea how he felt about that.

"No," Randy said, "we're not dating." He smiled. "But so what? We're friends."

"We are?" He thought of her as a friend? Not just a—a playmate?

"I sure hope so," Randy said. "We're friends. With benefits. Right?"

Dana ducked her head, brushing her hair behind an ear. "Yeah."

"Say it."

Dana looked up. Randy watched her, looking serious.

"Friends. With—with benefits."

"Friends with benefits. Say it again."

Dana smiled, nervous but pleased by his insistence. "Friends with benefits."

Randy nodded. "Fuckbuddies."

Dana nodded silently.

Randy tried to look stern but the smile trying to break free ruined the effect. "Say it, Dana."

"Fuckbuddies," Dana mumbled.


Dana shook herself inwardly. "Fuckbuddies," she said, loud and clear.


"Lovers," Dana echoed, then marveled at the thought.

"So, yeah," Randy said. "I want you to stay. I like having you in my bed. I like talking to you. You remember when we met? We talked for a long time."

She remembered. "Yeah, but...."

Randy smiled again. "But I was trying to get in your pants?"

"Weren't you?"

"Of course, I was. But I enjoyed talking to you. I still enjoy talking to you."

Dana could feel the blush rising in her cheeks. "I like talking to you."

"Well, there you go, then."

Dana leaned into him, unreasonably pleased by it all. She heard the bolt turn in the hallway door and she clutched the jersey to her breasts in alarm. "Is it safe to enter now?" someone—Patrick, Dana assumed—asked. The door was ajar, so her modesty was intact for the moment.

"Just a sec," Randy called.

Dana hastily pulled the jersey on. It hung loosely on her small frame, and fell to a few inches above her knees. As long as she was careful how she moved or sat, she wouldn't flash anyone. She nodded to Randy.

"Clear!" Randy said.

The door swung open. A young man with curly hair, a square face, and a little heavy around the middle entered. He kicked the door closed behind him before unshouldering a backpack. The way it moved it was full of textbooks, and the solid thud it made on his desk confirmed Dana's guess.

"You must be Dana," he said.

"And you're Patrick," Dana replied. He couldn't miss the jersey, or the likelihood that she was naked beneath the green fabric, but he just nodded in greeting and turned to unbutton his coat and hang it up.

Dana abruptly raised a hand to smooth her hair, belatedly wondering just how bad a case of bed-head she had. About average, she concluded, giving her what Zoe liked to call "that just-fucked look."

"Nice to meet you," Dana said.

Patrick nodded. "You, too."

Silence fell, full of awkwardness. Dana excused herself to the bathroom, grateful to take refuge there. She glanced at the other door, which led into Darren's room. Was he in there now? Had he heard her having sex with Randy?

Short of knocking and finding out, there was no way to know. No reason to, either. He'd made his choice.

Dana used the toilet, then washed her hands. She combed her fingers through her hair, taming the worst of it a bit. She didn't have her toothbrush, but used a bit of Randy's toothpaste on a fingertip to clean her teeth as best she could.

When she exited the bathroom, Patrick had taken advantage of her absence to change into a large t-shirt and gym shorts. He said to her, "So you're staying the night, I understand?"

"Uh...yeah, I was planning to."

Patrick nodded again. "I'm tired, so I'm going to bed. You two try to keep it down to a dull roar, okay?"

"Sure thing," Randy agreed. Dana nodded silent agreement, feeling her face warming once more.

Very shortly the room was dark and still. Dana lay facing the wall in Randy's bed, Randy spooned up behind her. She felt uncomfortable and wondered if she'd made a mistake in deciding to stay. Remaining unusually still was difficult—she was typically a restless sleeper—and if she were in her own room she could read or net-surf on her computer until she felt sleepy.

She lay awake for some time, long after Randy's steady breathing told her he'd fallen asleep. Patrick snored faintly on the other side of the room. The sound of doors opening and closed and occasional muffled voices drifted through room. Dana sighed and wriggled a little. Time passed. Eventually she slept.

* * *

Dana woke to Randy's hand inside her jersey, fondling her breasts. Her nipples were erect. He brushed her hair aside with his nose to nibble her earlobe, causing her to shiver with delight. His hard cock was pressed firmly against her ass.

"Wakey wakey, gorgeous," he whispered.

Dana turned her head to meet his gaze. The room was dark but not so dark that she couldn't see his face. "And just what do you think you're doing, young man?"

His smile matched her own. "Seducing you."

"Is that what you call it?" At his nod, she asked, "What about Patrick?"

Randy's fingertips glided down her belly to juncture of her thighs. Dana spread her legs, allowing him to cup her vulva possessively. "He can find his own fuckbuddy," Randy whispered.

Dana chuckled. "You know that's not what I meant."

She wasn't aroused yet, but she felt the first stirrings of interest and knew they'd gather momentum quickly. She groped behind her back, wrapped her hand around his cock and stroked him gently. "We'll just—oooh, that's nice," he said. "We'll just be quiet."

"Have you met me?" Dana asked, careful to speak softly. The folks back home would call her quiet, and with good reason. But they'd never heard her having sex—and God forbid, they never would!

"I was thinking," Randy said, "that we'd keep your mouth full so you couldn't make too much noise.

Dana released his cock and turned onto her other side to face him, her head pillowed on his bicep. His other hand stroked her ass. She resumed caressing his cock. "So you want a blowjob?"

"Sixty-nine," Randy replied. He spoke into her ear, very quietly. "I want to eat your pussy while you suck me. I love making you come."

Just the thought of Randy's mouth and fingers giving her pleasure increased her arousal. The familiar heat gathering deep in her belly, the sense of a yawning emptiness between her thighs demanding attention, was a compelling argument.

Dana kissed him. "Deal," she whispered, and dived beneath the covers.

Randy kicked the covers off almost immediately, which made getting situated considerably easier. Dana was on her hands and knees, Randy lying stretched out beneath her. He pushed the jersey up until it bunched below her arms, exposing her ass and legs to anyone watching. Which, she hoped, was no one. But she knew from her own experience that it wasn't impossible that Patrick was watching.

The thought excited her as much as it alarmed her. It was all fuel for her libido, though, and left her wet and open and desperate for Randy's touch. She took Randy in hand and got to work licking and sucking him, only briefly distracted by the feel of his fingertips tweaking her nipples into hard points.

He grew harder as she fucked him with her mouth. She could taste herself on him, which only turned her on even more. She felt his hands brush her thighs, urging her to spread them. When she did, she was rewarded by his tongue caressing the length of her back to front, with a flick of her clit to punctuate it.

Dana did her best to focus on giving Randy pleasure, using everything she'd learned about what he liked. She licked and sucked him, sometimes swallowing as much of his length as she could, stroking with her hand as she moved her head. She liked it when his grip on her tightened, or his attentions to her pussy faltered briefly—it meant she'd distracted him.

Sometimes, though, she had to pause in her ministrations when her own pleasure demanded her attention. She was impatient for an orgasm but Randy was content to bring her to a slow—a very slow—boil. As she drew ever closer to a climax, she lost focus. She lost focus completely when her first orgasm left her quivering, her moans muffled by the hard cock filling her mouth.

When she could think again, Dana resumed sucking him. Randy's lips and tongue sent her spiraling into two more explosive orgasms. She had to take his cock out of her mouth to gasp for air before she returned the favor by teasing him, bringing him as close as she dared to his own climax before denying him and letting his arousal fade.

"You're killing me, Dana," Randy whispered, his voice harsh.

Dana lifted her head. "Well, we don't want that," she replied softly.

He was so close that it was only a moment's work to bring him back to a trembling readiness, a moment more to draw him over the edge. He groaned aloud, hips thrusting upward as he came. She fucked him with her mouth, stroking his shaft and balls as he writhed beneath her. She loved the taste of his orgasm, the sounds he made, the way he lost control of his body as the pleasure she gave him shattered his control.

She took her time licking him clean afterward. He drew her back up to lie by his side, kissing her thoroughly before they settled down to sleep again. She had no trouble sleeping this time.

* * *

As always, thanks for reading. You have a vast number of options here, so if you've taken the time to read my story, I appreciate it.

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Oldsalty1Oldsalty1about 1 year ago

I got unhappy when she just turned into a slut and seemed to love it....Now just one role in the sack after another...

Was really fun getting going, but ..

strebor190strebor190about 2 years ago

I gave it one more chapter, but this isn't my cup of tea. The writing is pretty good and it seemed like a good story line with some good character development to start, but I tend to prefer when these coming of age stories include some emotional connection and a little more depth in the characters. Seeing it devolve into someone going wild and jumping from one sexual encounter to another with little else to bring the story to life gets kind of boring. I think my interest in this series is done, but thanks for the effort that was put into writing it.

dawg997dawg997almost 3 years ago

Dana has no idea what the difference between a fuck buddy and a boyfriend. None. If she wants an FB, no problem, but every waking moment of her emotions scream that she wants a BF instead. She will learn that a FB will never listen or be what you want.

Long ago when I went to college, a good buddy named Mike was similar to Randy. He routinely was banging 4 or 5 different women, one would fall away and a new one would show up. His only marriage was to a woman that was one of those and was getting pushed away. So one day before he broke up, she showed up at his door pregnant. She wouldn't let go, lots of drama, their daughter turned out (with her sister a year younger) were the only women he ever had any lasting relationship with, as they divorced a couple of years after the younger one was born.

He was always a fuckbuddy, never a true lover of an individual woman. When you're in your early 20's and playing the field, it's great. When you are in your late 30's and divorced with 2 kids, it's something else entirely. BTW, he died of a heart attack in his late 50's, even though he was otherwise healthy and athletic. He drank himself to death, essentially.

Randy is that kind of guy, and Dana has no clue there are any differences in men, other then their level of sexual experience.

And that is why I'm so disappointed in Dana. Instead of a growing person open to do what she wants after leaving home and her strict upbringing, she is just turning out to be just another dumb slut to be banged like a screen door in a windstorm..

Sad, really,.

But as a quality work, the story itself gets a 5/5!

mraardvarkmraardvarkalmost 3 years agoAuthor

Well, I think it's pretty clear by now, ScottishTexan, that this story is not your cup of tea. It's not going to go where you would like it to go. Unless you enjoy reading to hate on the protagonist, I don't think there's much point in you reading any more of it. But it's your choice.

As for the morality, or lack thereof, of the protagonist, there are things Dana won't do again. She was wrong and selfish to cheat on Darren, and she knows that. That won't happen again. There also won't be any incest in this story. But continuing to have casual sex with multiple partners? Yeah, that's gonna keep happening.

ScottishTexanScottishTexanalmost 3 years ago

Dana is a piece of garbage and I hate her. Dave's a gentleman and a really good person. Dana already recognizes that they have a lot in common. But she can't control her libido long enough to be worthy of his respect. This is every bit as wrong as when she cheated on Darren. And as vocal as she is during sex, every time that Darren happens to be home when she is fucking Randy right next door is pouring additional salt into a wound that is still unhealed without a doubt. It's disgusting and despicable to say the least. She's a selfish immature piece of crap.

mraardvarkmraardvarkover 3 years agoAuthor

I'm glad you're enjoying the story. I'm enjoying writing it. My college days were also a long time ago, and there's a lot of me (gender-swapped) in Dana (her personality and background, not her sexual adventures, sadly). While I certainly knew people in college who were this adventurous, I was not one of them.

RangeExpanderRangeExpanderover 3 years ago

I've been enjoying the characters and what they get up to - it stirs up memories of my college days and is having me rethink a lot. As an older man, there were times when I was feeling like your story was all unrealistic and oversexed. Then I have been recalling similar situations when I and my friends were that age - thanks for reminding me how quick we were to jump into bed (or wherever) with each other!

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