Dana's Story Ch. 16-18

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Dana turns to Randy for sex when Dave won't come through.
10k words

Part 6 of the 24 part series

Updated 03/25/2024
Created 09/06/2020
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Frustrated by Dave's unwillingness to immediately hop into bed with her, Dana turns to her favorite playmate for consolation. Randy lives up to his name, always eager to give her the pleasure she craves.


The room was empty when Dana checked. She wasn't sure if she was pleased or disappointed to have the room to herself. Maybe a little of both.

Dana brushed her teeth and undressed, then climbed into bed. She turned off the bedside lamp and sighed in the darkness. This wasn't how she'd intended to end her evening. How could Dave have bailed like that?

Was he just shy? He'd been quick enough to return her kiss, and had been an eager partner in the make-out session that followed, so that didn't seem likely. Was he just being gentlemanly? Not assuming anything, and not pressing? Maybe. But if so, his intentions were good but badly misplaced. He could have gotten into her panties that night if he hadn't practically fled the scene.

Frankly, he still could. She'd thought she was going to get laid and now she was all revved up with nobody to help her out. Dana's hand drifted down to gently caress her vulva thru her panties, imagining that Dave knocked on her door and she let him in to talk, and one thing led to another and....

Dana sighed again. This wasn't working. It was strange, but as eager as she was for sex now, she found masturbation difficult and unrewarding. Just like it had been back home before her awakening. She'd masturbated only occasionally, and always in her own bed late at night when she could be fairly sure she wouldn't be interrupted or—oh god—discovered doing it.

She'd usually come on those occasions, and the orgasms were nice enough, but nothing to write home about. Given the anxiety and guilt that surrounded those efforts, they didn't often seem worth pursuing. She'd ignored her libido as much as she could, only allowing her fingers to slip beneath the waistband of her panties when the need grew too troublesome to ignore any longer.

Masturbating while she watched Zoe having sex had been vastly more exciting than anything she'd done up to that time. She knew now that in theory it could be far more exciting than she'd imagined previously. In practice, though, it just wasn't as much fun. The few times she'd tried it, alone in the room, in her bed, it hadn't been the thrilling experience she'd had watching Zoe and her lover.

It was still the furtive, guilty experience she remembered from home—

Her phone chimed.

Dana yanked her hand from her panties, feeling guilty, as if she'd been caught doing something shameful.

She checked the phone.

You okay? The text was from Randy.

Dana considered her answer, then typed, I'll be fine

Heard it was harsh.

Not fun, Dana typed. Darren dumped me

No reply for a minute. Dana watched the bubbles indicating Randy was typing. They appeared and disappeared. What was he composing and deleting, Dana wondered. Finally he texted, Sorry. His loss.

Thanks, Dana replied. It's my own fault. Which was only the truth.

Not just yours.

You didn't cheat on him.

You didn't do it alone either.

Dana looked at his reply for a minute, considering possible responses. It was Monday night. She had classes tomorrow morning. It was late. But she was horny, and feeling rejected by Darren. And a little bit by Dave.

Dana typed out a reply but hesitated over it. Should she send it?

Yes. She hit send. It was done.

I'm alone now. Wanna come over?

She waited anxiously, watching the screen as the seconds passed.

Is this a booty call?

Dana grinned as she typed her response. Yes.

You're on, Randy responded. See you in ten.

Dana tossed her phone aside, grinning broadly. She felt giddy with relief and anticipation, surprised by how powerful her reaction was. Getting turned down by Randy would have been a major blow after everything else.

But he hadn't turned her down. He was on his way over.

Dana twitched the covers aside and got out of bed to unlock the door to her room. On the way back to her bed she dropped her t-shirt and then her panties on the floor. She switched on the lamp again, then pulled the covers up as she settled down again to wait, feeling deliciously naughty. Lying naked in bed, her door unlocked, waiting for a man to come join her? Her mother would have a conniption if she knew.

For once the thought didn't dampen her excitement. Dana entertained herself by imagining her mother's shocked expression, imagining her spluttering response as Dana boldly announced her sexual freedom was actually entertaining. The reality would be very different, of course, but the fantasy was...empowering. And one day, Dana knew, one day—when she was ready—the fantasy would yield to reality, and the truth of who she was and who she chose to be would be revealed.

A gentle knock interrupted her daydreams.

"Come in," Dana called.

The door eased open and Randy poked his head inside. "Dana?"

"Here," she said, as if he couldn't see her in the small room.

Randy stepped inside, smiling, and closing the door behind him. His cheeks were flushed from the cold. "Thanks for inviting me."

Dana smiled without speaking.

Randy approached her, glancing down at the clothes on the floor. He looked again at Dana, who lay with the covers pulled up to her neck. A slow grin spread across his face. "Are you naked under there?"

Dana was tempted for a moment to fling the covers aside and reveal her nudity to him. Instead she just matched his grin. "Come find out."

Randy sat down on the edge of her bed and leaned in to kiss her. One hand slipped beneath the covers to cup a naked breast. Dana broke the kiss abruptly.

"Cold!" she gasped. "Your hands are cold."

Randy withdrew his hand. "Can't be helped. It's cold out there."

The shock of cold fingers on her skin hadn't dampened her desire. Dana sat up, well aware of the covers falling to expose her breasts to his gaze. "I guess not," she agreed. She wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him again, exploring his mouth with her tongue.

Randy returned the kiss enthusiastically though he kept hands to himself, wriggling as he shed his jacket. Dana grabbed at his shirt, pulling it free of his jeans. She had to stop kissing him to pull it over his head and toss it aside.

She watched eagerly as he stood and stripped. He was just as hot as she remembered, no taller than Dana, so short for a guy, but stocky and quite strong. His cock wasn't fully erect yet, the glans still covered by the foreskin, but he was getting there. It was thick and only of average length, though the lack of hair made him appear longer.

Dana didn't care. He knew how to use it, and that was what mattered. She felt her growing arousal as an emptiness between her legs, a sort of hunger that she needed to satisfy. She made room for him to slip beneath the covers with her, excited by the predatory look in his eyes and wondering if he saw the same desire in her face.

Randy pulled her into his arms, kissing her again. His hands were still cool, but not as cold as earlier. Dana returned the kiss, letting her own hands wander, admiring the width of his shoulders and the curve of his lower back and ass. She could feel his cock trapped between them, long and hard and hot.

His mouth slipped away from her own. "This was a good suggestion," he growled, his lips brushing her ear before he nipped at the lobe. His lips and tongue teased her neck, kissing and licking and nipping at her flesh. Dana shivered against him, her nipples getting even harder, if that were possible.

Dana clung to him, letting out a shaky breath. He'd discovered how sensitive her neck and ears were last time and clearly hadn't forgotten. It was as if there were a direct connection between her ear and neck and her clit. She wrapped a leg around his thigh and ground her Mons against him, wanting to feel him inside her.

She felt his smile against her neck. "Like that, do you?" he asked, knowing full well that she did. Something about the smugness in his voice challenged her.

Dana responded by pushing him over onto his back and pushing herself up to kneel astride his thighs. "You know I do," she said.

She leaned down, holding eye contact as she did. "Just like I know you like this," she added, taking one of his nipples in her mouth. It was so small compared to her own, just a tiny nub. Nonetheless, he hissed as if burned when she sucked at it, arching his back to offer himself up.

She caressed his other nipple with her thumb and forefinger, gratified by the shudder she felt traverse his body. He wasn't the only one who'd learned something from their marathon fuck session the other night. She kept up the onslaught until she felt him pluck her hand away, and gently turn her face away.

Dana accepted his silent submission. She sat up again, grinning at him, seeing him grin back, both enjoying the pure fun of being naked together. She was wet now, wet and open, the need for something to fill that emptiness she felt growing stronger. A glance showed his cock standing fully erect, the pink glans fully exposed now. Fully exposed and oh so sensitive.

Dana edged forward until his cock lay nestled between her labia. She rocked her hips, sighing with pleasure at the feel of him sliding between her lips. It would so easy—so very easy—to shift her posture just a little and impale herself on him. Just swallow him whole, revel in the feel of his cock filling her up.

Randy was totally in sync with her. "My condoms," he said, gesturing at the jeans lying next to the bed.

Dana shook her head impatiently. She wanted so badly to just fuck him right now, and damn the consequences. But she didn't. She rose onto her hands and knees, leaning over Randy to grasp for and finally pull open the drawer of her bedside table.

Randy took the opportunity to fondle her breasts and take one rigid nipple in his mouth. Dana moaned at the sensation, pausing to enjoy it for a moment longer before she pulled a bundle of condom packets from the drawer. She knelt over Randy on her knees and one hand, the condoms in the other.

"A little help," she said to Randy.

Working together they got one package open and rolled into position.

Dana rocked gently above him, feeling once more the slippery friction as his cock slid between her labia. This time she didn't resist the urge to tilt her hips. She felt the blunt tip penetrate, hesitate, then slide inside. She paused, anticipating the experience for just a moment longer.

She let her weight drive him deeper. Then deeper still, his thickness opening her up. "Oh god," Dana moaned. It felt so goddamn good. She settled lower still, eyes closed to focus on the sensations, until she was completely impaled.

When she opened her eyes, Randy was grinning up at her. "What?"

"Your face," he said. "You look so goddamned happy."

Dana smiled despite feeling self-conscious for a moment. Then she shrugged mentally. She was happy, and why shouldn't she show it? She leaned closer, giving him a smug look. "I am happy. I've got you right where I want you."

Randy pulled her down to sprawl against his chest, kissing her fiercely. "I think you mean you've got me right where I want you," he said afterward.

"You talk too much," Dana said. "Less talking. More fucking."

Randy chuckled. "Hey, you're the one on top. That's your job."

Dana pouted at him. "Fine," she said.

She pushed herself upright again, her hands on his shoulders. She tilted her hips experimentally once or twice, liking the feel of his cock shifting slightly inside her. Nice enough, she thought, but she could do better.

Shifting more of her weight to her hands, she lifted her hips a couple of inches. The slippery friction of his cock slipping away was delicious. She dragged herself nearly the length of him, leaving only the bulbous head of his cock still engaged. The feel of him parting her flesh once more when she let her weight pull her back down was equally delightful.

She did it again, and then again. God, but it felt good. She kept it up, moving faster as her assurance grew. Randy lay still, content to let her do all the work, though his hands roamed her body, caressing and stroking her all over. The pleasure she felt increased steadily, aided by unexpected jolts when Randy's thumb brushed her clit or his fingers tweaked her nipples.

Dana picked up her pace. She could sense her climax building, the heat gathering deep inside as the tension rose. Randy's hands settled on her hips now, steadying her as she rode him faster and more energetically. She was panting now, from excitement as much as from the need for oxygen.

"Oh god," she whispered. Or maybe she just whined. She couldn't tell, she was just so close now, so close! She rode Randy frantically, consumed with desire. The tension became unbearable—and then she was coming, the pleasure roaring through her body like fire. She shook from the intensity of it, shuddered and found herself unable to breathe. It went on for some timeless interval before fading.

Dana slumped, barely able to support herself. Her cheeks, throat and chest were flushed. She could feel the heat of it. She gasped for air, out of breath and almost dizzy. A thudding noise caught her attention: someone pounding on the wall to her left. It took some seconds for her to connect the dots.

If her cheeks hadn't already been aflame they would have caught fire now.

A glance at Randy confirmed it. "That was quite a show," he remarked.

"Was I..." She didn't finish the question. There was no need.

"Loud?" Randy asked. "Babe, nobody on this floor has any doubts about what you're doing in here."

Dana closed her eyes, embarrassed beyond words. And yet, if she were honest with herself, also very pleased, and even aroused. So her neighbors knew she was having sex. So what? They were all adults, right?

She opened her eyes again and met Randy's gaze. He was still hard, still filling her up. She rolled her hips and was rewarded by Randy's eyes fluttering nearly closed as he groaned, and by a shiver of pleasure of her own. She'd come once, but knew she could come again and again, and would. The more she came, the more she wanted to come. "Let's give 'em something to really pound the wall about."

"I like the way you think," Randy said.

Dana looked at the wall. "Sorry, not sorry," she called. They probably didn't hear that. But she had no doubt they'd hear from her again. Repeatedly.

She looked at Randy again. "How do you want me?"

"I thought you'd never ask," Randy said. "But since you did, on your knees."

Dana dismounted, feeling a momentary pang of disappointment as his cock slid free of her. She turned to face the foot of her bed, spreading her legs as she knelt there, hands grasping the edge of her desk.

She'd barely settled into position before Randy pressed close behind her, sliding his cock inside her again. She gasped at the delightful feeling of being filled once more. Randy's sigh of pleasure told her he enjoyed it as well.

Dana felt his hands settle on her hips, holding tightly. He began to thrust into her. Slow, steady thrusts at first. Each advance and retreat brought its distinct pleasure—the delightful friction as he pulled back, slipping out of her grip, then the sensation of her flesh parting as he impaled her anew.

It wasn't enough to bring her to orgasm again, but it felt really good.

It wasn't enough for Randy either. His pace increased gradually, driving her arousal and his to a higher pitch. Dana clung to the desk, rocking slightly as he drove himself into her with greater speed and force.

Now she could feel herself starting the climb to another climax.

She thrust back against him, wanting more. Faster, harder, just more.

Randy muttered something Dana didn't catch, and didn't care about. The gathering tension in her body was all that mattered now. "Don't stop," Dana begged. She was so close now.

Randy pounded her relentlessly, pursuing his own pleasure, every frantic stroke driving her closer to ecstasy.

"Don't stop, don't stop, don't stop," she prayed. "Please don't—"

Her words failed her, voice choked off as pleasure stole away her breath and locked her muscles. She went rigid, unable to move. Randy's grip grew painfully tight on her hips, pulling her hard against his body.

He'd stopped moving, his cock buried inside her. Dana felt it inside her, felt the resistance, the waves of pleasure pulsing through her body with every time her pussy clamped down on it.

Dana slumped, forearms and forehead pressed into the mattress beneath her, as her orgasm faded. Her face was hot, and her breath as well. The smell of sex permeated the room and she loved it. She'd learned to associate that scent with immense pleasure.

Randy's grip eased, but continued to hold her steady as he resumed fucking her. Dana moaned aloud. Her arousal had fallen following her orgasm, but not very far. She was close to another.

The glorious sensation of his cock filling her up was equaled only by the delicious friction when he withdrew. Dana moaned, trying to move, trying to rock against Randy's thrusts. She wanted longer, harder, faster strokes to heighten her pleasure.

He was having none of it. He held her motionless, his steady, relentless thrusts driving her closer and closer to another peak, but at his pace. Dana whimpered, desperate for the ecstasy she could sense looming so close. She panted. She babbled. Begged.

Randy never acknowledged her desperation.

The explosion, when it came, was all the greater for the enforced wait. Dana was distantly aware that she was crying, babbling, perhaps screaming. She didn't care. All that mattered was the pleasure that engulfed her, that blotted out all thought before receding only to roll over her again and again.

The next time she was able to focus, she was lying on her belly, where she'd collapsed when the endless pleasure reduced her to a boneless, gasping, sweat-soaked mess. Randy sprawled on top of her, equally sweaty and breathless. He'd never missed a stroke when she fell onto her belly, continuing to fuck her hard and fast. Several more orgasms left her quivering before he drove himself into her and bellowed through his own climax.

For a time Dana just basked in the afterglow of so many orgasms. Her thoughts were disjointed, repeatedly derailed by flashbacks to the pleasure she'd experienced. This was the best sex yet. It couldn't keep getting better, could it? And if it did, how would she endure it?

Her breathing slowed and gradually she became uncomfortable with Randy's weight pressing down on her. She squirmed silently until he rolled onto his side—and then sat up.

Dana sighed, happy to be able to breathe again. She silently watched Randy stand up and vanish into the bathroom to dispose of a condom. He walked back into view and stood by the side of the bed for a moment looking at her.

His gaze made Dana uncomfortable. She was naked, sweaty, and her hair was a mess. She combed her fingers through it, feeling damp hairs plastered to her skin along her hairline. He couldn't find her attractive now.

And yet his expression said otherwise. It was the look a cartoon wolf gave to some innocent creature he imagined as a stack of steaks. It was simultaneously exciting and alarming to feel such intense desire from him. She wondered if her own expression mirrored his.

Certainly she found him attractive, and not in spite of but because of his recent exertions. He'd fucked the hell out of her. She'd be favorably inclined toward anyone who could make her feel such pleasure. Perhaps it was just that he felt likewise.