Dancing together


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"So, what did Stuart give you for Christmas?" Andreas sat on my desk as I tried to type a report.

"He got me some perfume actually."

"Trying to compete with me, is he?"

"There's no competition. He's my husband and I love him."

"It doesn't have to be about love, Sister, it can just be pure unadulterated lust. I've never had a woman complain after sex."

"And this is a sample size of?"

"I stopped counting at 50 and that was before I met Liz. She and I have an open marriage you know. She knows I need more than her and she's fine with that. What about you? You must have left a trail of broken hearts before Stuart."

"Maybe." I think my fiddling with my fingers gave me away.

"No way! You've only ever slept with Stuart, haven't you? Oh woman! You don't know what you are missing!" With that Andreas simply stood up and left.

I doubted Liz had agreed to an open marriage. She looked totally uncomfortable at the Christmas Party and Stuart had told me she was hard to have a conversation with. I had wondered what it would be like having sex with someone else. I could not imagine having sex with well over 50 people. I thought back to Stuart and my Christmas sex and how mundane it had become. I gave him a blowjob on his birthday last year, but it had been ages since he had eaten me out.

"Going somewhere special on your holiday?" Andreas asked me in the break room a week later.

"Just the beach house. Stuart's parents have owned it for almost 40 years, and we love it down there."

"I've promised the kids Tokyo Disney for Easter. We did Anaheim last year which they loved, but Elizabeth is not a fan of long flights."

The week off work was great. Sue and Bruce joined us at the beach house, and I slept in the same room as Nathan, the room I had spent my first visit to the house in. We swam and we played beach cricket. We listened to music and the kids went searching for critters in small rockpools. Sue and I had some great conversations. She was angry Stuart had not taken the time off. The plan was for us all to spend the weekend together and for Stuart and me to camp in a tent out the back of the house like we had done early on in our marriage.

I had asked Stuart what time we should expect him and even asked if he could drive down after work on Thursday. Thinking he would be too tired after work he promised he'd leave early on Friday and be there by lunch.

"When's lunch, Mum?" Rachel complained after 1pm.

"We were just waiting for Daddy, but he must have been held up."

We fed the kids and Sue, Bruce and I decided to wait for Stuart. I tried his mobile, but it went straight to message bank. I knew there were dead spots on the way to the beach house and I assumed he would be there shortly. Stuart would have chosen to miss peak hour traffic, but even if he left at 9, he would have been there for 12. Part of me was concerned that he had had an accident on the way. At 3, Sue made us all a cup of tea after again Stuart's mobile didn't ring.

Bruce offered to take the kids to the beach, and I was so glad as my stress levels were rising and I did not want them picking up on them. It was 4.30 when his ute finally pulled in.

"I rang you well over 3 hours ago and it went straight to message bank. You must have still been in the city and we've had reception down here, so the network wasn't out. I thought you had wrapped yourself around a tree." I was furious.

"Ben called this morning and there had been some vandalism at the site, and I wanted to see for myself, so I went there. I switched my phone off so no one else could call me, but I didn't think to switch it back on to let you know what had happened."

"The kids thought you'd be here for lunch. All day Ness has been on about building a sandcastle with you. At least she has a grandpa who can do the things you don't have time for."

"Yeah, well I'm sorry I'm not Dr Perfect, but I'm here now. I'm going down to the beach to see the kids."

Not a kiss, not an apology, just a half assed dig at Andreas again.

"For fuck sake. You heard that didn't you?" I asked when Sue appeared from inside.

"I can see that you're angry, love. Wait here and I'll head to the beach."

I knew I shouldn't have ripped into Stuart as soon as he arrived, but my anxiety levels had been sky high. I honestly thought he had been involved in an accident. I poured myself a gin and tonic and sat on the verandah.

Stuart came back by himself about half an hour later.

"Molls, honey, I should have let you know what had happened at the site. I need to start trusting Ben more and we are going to take on an extra apprentice in February which should help alleviate some of the load after a while."

"Oh Darl, I'm sorry I was angry, but I was so scared that something had happened to you."

We hugged and I cried for a bit.

"You know it is you I love, and you I have chosen to spend my life with, don't you, Darl?"

Stuart kissed me with a passion that had been absent for many months.

"This rug brings back so many wonderful memories, hon, but I think the kids are due back any minute now. Dad said he'd grab fish and chips for tea. Perhaps tomorrow we could send them to the beach though and rekindle our first time?"

"Perhaps not the very first time, but I do like the way you are thinking! Now we need to pitch the tent in the yard, unless you want to sleep on the couch and me in with Nathan again?"

"I think I'll take the tent if it's alright with you and as long as you share it with me?"

It was a warm January evening, but we managed to lie together in the tent and kiss and kiss some more and then for Stuart's kisses to trail down to my chest before I had enough and rolled him over and enveloped him with one swift movement. After we had both climaxed, we lay holding each other.

"I'm going to make some changes this year, hon. I, um, with the new apprentice I must help on a course on Tuesday evenings for a couple of hours, but I want to make Sunday nights our time. We can plan the week in the morning or afternoon, but after the kids are in bed it's our time be that watching a movie together, lazing in our spa together, or simply going to bed early and repeating what we've just done."

"I'm only going to run Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday mornings, but on Saturdays I'm going to join a group of people who run together and train for the half marathon at Easter."

"Do you think Rach is old enough to cope if we run together sometimes, hon? I wouldn't mind getting my legs as toned as yours."

"That sounds good, but your legs are just fine. You have the most rocking body and I know a lot of my mum friends are pretty jealous of me."

We may only have had two nights together at the beach house that Summer, but after the rocky start we had a great Saturday and stayed later than we usually would on Sunday much to the kids' delight. We got home too late to start our Sunday night tradition, plus we needed to get things ready for Monday as it was back to vacation care for them and work for Stuart and me.

"God, I missed our sexy nurse last week," Andreas was again in full on flirt mode as soon as I walked in to make a cup of coffee. "Did you think of me every time Stuart fucked you?"

"Shut up Andreas. I didn't even give you a thought all week."

"I bet you did, because I know Stuart wasn't there all week, his ute was in my street most of the time. I wonder if he and Elizabeth are hitting it off? I wouldn't put it past her. She loves banging a tradie."

I walked out and the bliss I had felt from my week away had vanished. I never really asked where Stuart was working, but Andreas had planted a seed. I trusted my husband and I knew how it felt to have an accusation thrown at me that was baseless.

Our first few Sunday evenings started well, but once the kids were back at school they petered out. The first Sunday was my fault as I had promised Rachel I would help her with a school project that took longer than we had planned. The following week Stuart had some bookwork he needed to finalise for his accountant. After that it was back to the way it was twelve months before. I'd get a kiss in the morning and sometimes a cuddle after dinner, but sex had again dried up. Stuart came with me for one run, but he had never been an early riser, so he stayed in bed.

Margaret and I had talked about Andreas's flirting and she felt it was harmless. She had little to do with him and I should have told her how he talked to me about some of his female patients, but I left it. I avoided the lunchroom and closed my office door with a 'Do not disturb' sign on it.

My running had also stopped. I had developed plantar fasciitis. Dave had been a runner in his younger days, and he told me I needed to rest it for a few months and suggested I cycle or swim instead. That just seemed to be like hard work, so I simply walked a few mornings a week. My dream of running a half marathon at Easter was gone.

It was a Tuesday when Andreas finally cornered me.

"You've been avoiding me sexy, haven't you?"

"I've been busy with work."

"You know Elizabeth has some course or something she's doing on a Tuesday night this term, you should make an excuse with Stuart and come and spend some time with me once the kids are in bed!"

"What course is she doing?"

"I don't know. For all I know she's using it as time to meet up with a lover, but she usually tells me about that."

I wondered at the coincidence of my husband and Andreas's wife spending Tuesday evenings together. Where, I wondered? I suppose he had any number of building sites he could take her to. Before kids, he often took me to a site at night and we would have sex in the frame of the new master bedroom. My heart was breaking at the thought my husband was spending time with another woman.

"So, what's this course you do on a Tuesday, Darl?" I asked over dinner that night.

"It's just a thing with the apprentices, that's all."

I could see Stuart looked shifty.

"So why do you come home and shower and go out in nice clothes then?"

"Because I have to make a good impression on the apprentices you know."

My mind was not eased at all. The following Sunday evening I brought up the night at the Casino I had won.

"Darl, that night at the Casino, how about we see if we can make a weekend of it and ask your parents to look after the kids?"

"You know I don't like that sort of stuff."

"Well I'll book a Friday night a couple of weeks before Easter then. Surely you can humour me for one night?"

"You know that place brings back some bad memories for me. It's not nice seeing your wife in the arms of another man."

"We were fucking dancing, that's all."

"Yeah, dancing so close you had to try and hide his fucking erection which I did notice. And of course, I realised he had been rubbing it against you."

"We've been through this. I told him I wasn't slow dancing with him, but he insisted. He might have been aroused, but I most certainly wasn't."

"Whatever, he's like a fucking puppy around you."

"Yeah, well perhaps you'd like to confess what you are doing on a Tuesday night because it seems fucking convenient that Liz spends Tuesday evenings at a course too and I doubt she's taken on a carpentry apprenticeship."

"Just because Dr Hottie wants to get into your pants doesn't mean I'm looking for some extra fluff too."

I'd had enough. I told Stuart I was sleeping in the spare room. The following morning, I rang the Casino and booked the Friday night using the voucher I had won.

"Wonderful Mrs Caldwell. We'll have the suite prepared for you. Now it comes with drink vouchers and a dinner voucher which can be converted to room service should you and Mr Caldwell like that."

I did not dare tell her I thought I'd be there alone. It was late notice, but I asked Margaret if I could take a leave day on Friday as I was using the voucher I had won at Christmas. She readily agreed.

"Are you going the full pamper beforehand, a day at the spa? Stuart would love that!" Margaret asked me in the lunchroom on Wednesday.

"Stuart and I have been arguing a bit lately and I'm going to have a night by myself. I haven't had one of those since before Rachel was born."

Andreas walked in at that moment, but I was not sure if he had heard my conversation with Margaret. I knew she was tight lipped and was never one to gossip, but if Andreas had heard then there could be trouble.

"Friday night I've told Elizabeth I have a work thing out of town. We both know that's not true though, don't we!" Andreas texted me.

"Honestly it's a night by myself and it's what I need."

"No, it's not and you know it. You need me and my mighty cock in your beautiful pussy."

"I love my husband."

"He doesn't love you enough to spend a night with you at a luxury hotel though, does he?"

I chose not to respond to that message.

Wednesday evening was dance classes for Ness and Thursday was Rachel's turn. Thursday afternoon I received a text from Stuart telling me his father needed help with something, so he was going to have dinner with his parents. I couldn't say this was a regular occurrence, but he had done this in the past.

The kids were thrilled when I told them I was spending a night at a luxury hotel and of course they all wanted to come too. I told them that no, it was my prize, but I would see them on Saturday.

Stuart was home late and looked concerned as he walked in the lounge where I was watching channel surfing.

"How's your Mum and Dad?"

"Yeah, fine. I'm tired. I'm going to shower and head to bed. I assume you are still in the spare room?"

I sighed and did not even respond. He knew I'd booked the night, but he did not know that Andreas knew that he was not planning to attend.

"Day off?" Stuart asked me the following morning seeing me in jeans and a shirt.

"Yeah. I booked a spa day for myself before tonight, you know, some me time. Not all of us get to go to courses on Tuesday nights."

I had a long massage followed by a body rub. Once I showered, I had a manicure and pedicure and finally, as a first, I received a Brazilian wax. In my heart I knew I loved my husband, but I also wondered what it would be like with another man.

"God it's horrible at work without you. I doubt they massaged your amazing tits, let me do that for you tonight."

I chose not to reply. I booked into the hotel and received two room keys to the penthouse suite.

"I have been hard all afternoon thinking about fucking you tonight- I almost told old Mrs McGuire to just shut up and shoot herself when she harped on and on about her bloody bunions. Can't wait to lick your feet though."

Again, I did not reply. My heart was telling me that I loved Stuart. My head was telling me that a night with Andreas would be a mistake, but my pussy was dripping wet reading his texts. Early on in our relationship Stuart and I had discussed infidelity and we both had agreed that it would be the end of our relationship, but that was years ago now. We had changed and our relationship had changed. I kept telling myself I loved my husband, but at the same time there was a curiosity with the unknown.

"7.30. Bar. Dirty Martini with more dirtiness to follow. I can hardly wait and hard is the word!"

I changed into a black cocktail dress that I had bought for the occasion. I had to wear flat shoes due to my stupid runners feet, but I thought I looked presentable. I applied a little makeup and left my dark hair framing my face instead of tying it back like I usually did.

Heading for the bar around 7, my heat was racing. I ordered a martini and stared at my phone. I typed several messages but deleted them all. I was typing a final message when I felt a breath on my neck and a kiss on my cheek.

"Wow, what a stunner, do you come here often? First things first though- no more phone. Switch it off now."

I did as I was told. He looked amazing. A beautifully tailored navy suit with a pink shirt and purple tie. I bit my bottom lip as I looked at how desirable he looked.

"Another martini? Or shall we dance?"

The band had started, and we headed for the dance floor. He spun me around like I was Ginger Rogers. There was one other couple on the floor, a couple my parents age, but I doubted they ever danced, my mother would have found something to complain about. This couple looked as though they had been dancing for years.

"Focus on you, not them. Tonight is about you, remember?"

The band started a slow number and he pulled me in close. I could smell his scent and it was intoxicating. I started grinding myself against him producing an instant reaction. He held me and we moved to the music. I did not care who was watching or that I might be seen with this man. The music stopped and the band was taking a break.

"Are you hungry? Shall we dine, or shall I dine on you?"

"I have the keys for upstairs-- we can always get room service after." I winked at him.

As soon as the lift door closed his hands were all over me.

"Your bum is perfect, and this dress really enhances your tits. I can't wait to take it off. Tell me you're wearing matching underwear?"

"I am and it's red to make me go faster!"

With this our tongues were in each other's mouths as we made out like teenagers.

"Feel how hard you make me"

"I'm glad I'm wearing panties or else there'd be a pool on the floor."

The lift door opened, and I placed they key in our suite door. It swung open as he lifted me and wrapped my legs around his waist carrying me inside. I went to take off his jacket, but he stopped me. Instead he unzipped my dress and let it fall to the floor.

"Red is your colour, it brings out the fire in your eyes."

My bra was unfastened quickly, and he set to worshipping my breasts. He licked them and twirled them with his fingers. The softness surprised me. He spent ages simply focussing on my breasts.

"They've sagged a bit since kids."

"Oh no, they are still perfect. Your bra hides them well, no one would think they were this luscious."

His lips soon trailed down my stomach to my panties. He inhaled deeply through his nose and told me he loved my aroma. It surprised me when he used his teeth to lower my underwear down my legs.

"Mm! Smooth!"

I was glad he appreciated the pain I had endured with the waxer that afternoon.

"Red toes too." He sucked a toe into his mouth before trailing more kisses back up my leg.

He kissed all around my pussy lips before licking inside in one sweep. As soon as his tongue reached my clit I moaned. I had missed this. He alternated from licking to fluttering his tongue over my clit to then trailing down and diving it right inside me. It did not take long and I was screaming for dear life as my pussy clamped around the two fingers he had inserted into me.

"You taste so sweet."

"Can I taste you now?"

"No, not yet. Tonight is about you remember."

"Can I at least unwrap you then?"

"I think that can be arranged!"

I slid his jacket down his arms and threw it towards the chair. I glanced at the label and knew it was expensive. I then undid the tie and left it on the bed. I had often wondered what it would be like to have my arms tied above my head and I thought I might ask for that this evening. My fingers shook as I undid the buttons on his shirt. He took off his cufflinks and placed them on the bedside table. I slipped the shirt over his muscular shoulders, taking time to feel the definition which he obviously appreciated.

Moving onto his belt I pulled it out from his pants and threw it across the room. I undid his pants as he started kissing me again. They pooled on the floor and he stepped out of them. I laughed when I saw the pink silk striped boxers, had he really colour coordinated with his shirt?

There was an obvious arousal contained within, so I slipped them down his hips and they too fell to the ground. I started wrapping the tie around my wrists and he got the idea, tying it to the bedhead. I was now completely at his mercy. He planted kisses down my body again until I begged him to enter me.