Dark as Daylight Ch. 13


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"I have $200,000, or any part on Laura Burkart at 11 to 1 odds."

The money went, but a little slower, and the guys began to wonder what Timothy Kenshaw knew about Laura Burkart that they did not know.

"I have $500,000, or any part on Laura Burkart at 11 to 1 odds."

Less then half of the $500,000 was taken.

In the gym, the combatants were ready.

While Joe was warming up, Laura was pacing back and forth along the glass wall. She was thinking about every insult both Joe and Tom had thrown at her past few days. She blocked out her mind all the good things that happened. The proposal, the sex, and happiness she felt inside. They never happened.

Joe became the hardest felon she ever captured in hand to hand combat. She never looked at Joe's face. She just thought about Royce Garner. He was a kidnapper, rapist, torturer, and killer of little girls. She tracked him for seven years, and she trapped him in a warehouse, in a suburb north of St. Louis. She and 3 of her fellow agents went in to get him. One of her agents was severely wounded, and another carried him out to get emergency medical care. She and her other agent closed in on Royce, when he threw a grenade at them. When it went off, they were both stunned, and could not hear.

Royce came around the boxes that protected them from the shrapnel, with an automatic rifle. He pointed it at her partner, but she rolled into the back of his knees, which caused him to fire high. She disarmed him of his rifle, and from behind, went after his throat. With her legs wrapped around his stomach, and her left hand going after his eyes, her right hand dug into his throat with a vengeance. Their battle raged for twelve minutes, but when it was over, she had crushed every bone in his throat, and she had ripped out his eyes.

Her partner had to pull her off him, and convince her he was truly dead. He sat her by a wall, where she cried. Her chase was over. She was both happy, and sad.

She got her second gold medal for capturing him.

Joe didn't know where she was, but he yelled at her, "Are we going to start any time today?"

"It was definitely the wrong thing to say. She ran at him, and he was certain she was going to come at his chest or head. He was wrong. She dove and hit him just below his knees, with both shoulders.

Joe screamed in pain, and went down like a ton of bricks. Almost before he hit the ground, she was on his back, pounding at the muscles of his neck. After 10 powerful blows to his trapezius muscles, she pulled his right arm back and began hitting his deltoids.

Joe finally recovered from her first attack, and threw her off. His legs were wobbly, so he didn't pursue her. He waited for her to come to him. His right arm hurt, but his neck hurt more. He could hardly move it.

"What's the matter Joe, can't beat up on a little girl, a midget?"

"I never called you a midget."

"You laughed when Tom did."

"I didn't laugh at you; I knew how much trouble he was in."

"Bullshit, here I come Joe, prepare yourself."

He did, but what she did amazed him.

He is 6' 2", 220 pounds. She is 5' 1" (on a good day) 105 pounds. It was a mismatch if there ever was one. She was 15 feet away from him. He crouched down, not knowing what area of his body she was coming at this time. She ran straight at him, at full speed. Joe braced himself, and put his arms out to grab her, before she impacted him. He was ready for her, but when she was 3 feet away, she bounced into the air, flipped over him, landed on her feet and hands, and mule kicked him. Joe flew forward, landing on his face. He screamed in ignominy.

"You bitch; I didn't know you were an acrobat."

"You haven't seen anything yet. Wait until I break your leg."

"Like you, I have insurance.


Upstairs the room was quiet, except for Tim Kenshaw. He was hooting and hollering every time Joe hit the mat.

"I warned you guys, but you didn't listen. 8 to 1 and 11 to 1. I am get richer by the minute."

"Shut up and sit down. It's not over yet."

"Joe can't use his legs. His right arm is nearly useless, and she kicks him in the ass. How much more proof do you need that this is over?"

"When I see him lying on the mat saying 'No Mas.'

"I would say three or four minutes from now should do it. She's about to kick in the balls, while she is lying down."

"How do you know that piece of information?"

"Joe's about to attack her, because he's furious with her, and her tactics. She is going to taunt him into attacking her. Just when he's in range, she's going to fall back, and kick him in the balls. That's what they teach them to do, when they train them down on the 'Farm.' It's a wonderful tactic."


Laura was dancing around him, making him use his badly bruised and tired legs.

"Come on Royce, faster, you have to move faster than that if you want to kill me."

"Who the fuck is Royce?"

"Today you are. I'm going to kick your ass into next week; you child molester. You rape tiny little girls, because you can't get it up, with a woman like me. When you're finished with those babies, you cut them to pieces, and throw them away like garbage. You don't care about the families, who are devastated by your actions. You have your moment of pleasure, and take pictures of the dismembered bodies. You are sick, you fucking bastard, and I am going to rip your eyes out."

That was it. Joe's fuse was lit; his temper flared, and he went after her.

She smiled like a Cheshire cat as he charged at her. Closer and closer he came, and when he was right there, she fell on her back.

Joe did the wrong thing; he tried to stop. When he did he he looked down at her and saw her smile up at him.

Before he could move, she thrust it up her right foot, and landed a perfect shot to his testicles.

Joe's eyes crossed, as he collapsed to his knees, while his right hand was holding his groin. The pain was so intense; he fell on his face.

Laura stood up, walked over to him, and lay down on his back.

"Do you give up dear?"

"You are a god damn witch, woman."

"Is that a yes or no? If it's a no, I'm going to beat the shit out of you."

"Yes I give up."

"In that case, yes I will marry you."

"What did you just say?"

"I said yes I will marry you."

"You just beat the shit out of me, and now you expect me to marry you?"

"If I've hurt your pride too much, I can always change my mind and say no."

"When my swollen balls go down, and I am able to move, I am going to buy a tree, and spank you with it."

"May I remind you about who just got his ass kicked?"

"You don't have to remind me, every bone in my body hurts."

"That's not possible. I did not hit you in the stomach or the chest. If I did, you would be on your way to the hospital by helicopter now."

Joe rolled over quickly, catching Laura off-guard. She wound up face down on the floor, with Joe on top of her.

"This means nothing Joseph; you have already conceded."

"No one else will know, but you and I."

"You haven't looked up at the cameras, have you? I did. They are following our every move."

"The internal systems are not hooked up yet."

"May I say two words to you?"

"Sure go ahead."

"Richard, Holden."

"The whole world just watched you kick my ass."

"I wonder how much money the Attorney General won?"

"I wonder what my friends set the odds at?"

"Let's wave at the cameras so they know we are finished fighting."

"After we wave, let's go in the sauna and make love. You did say 'yes' to my proposal if I remember correctly."

"It will be official, when there is a ring on my finger, and not one second before."

"Where am I supposed to get a ring in the middle of the flood?"

"The sun is out. Find a jewelry store that's open. Take a helicopter if you have to, but I want a ring by the end of the day. I leave with the Attorney General tomorrow morning, at 10 AM."

"I guarantee that you will be walking funny tomorrow morning at 10 AM."

"You said that last time, and you fell asleep on me."

"I'm going to remember how you beat the hell out of me this morning. It will give me all the impetus I need to fuck you raw."

"Let's wave, so you can get me my ring. You can't tell anyone where engaged until it's on my finger."

"They should clone you, and kick all the men out of the Army. No country would dare put an army up against you."

"Shut up, smile, and wave."


"Holy crap, we are busted. How did they know?"

Tim said, "How many times do I have to tell you Laura Burkart is the best FBI agent in the country. Nothing gets by her, nothing at all. Write out your checks gentleman. I don't expect any of them to bounce."

At 8 to 1, and 11 to 1 odds, the checks they were writing hurt their bank accounts dearly. They would never bet against a female FBI agent again.

Tim stood at the front of the room thanking each man, personally, as they handed him their check. When he did a quick count of the money he took in, he said, "I wish to thank each of you for your kind donation to my campaign to run for the Senate, from the great state of Oregon. Your $806,340 is greatly appreciated. Now if you would all move to Oregon; you can vote for me."

The response he received was not what he had hoped for."


As they were showering, Joe moved in on Laura.

"Mr. Constantine do you want your hands broken? We are not engaged yet. Clean up, and get me my ring. I've waited 37 years to find someone like you to marry me. I never believed it would happen, because of the type of person I am. I know I'm impossible. I'm probably worse than that. Joseph, you have no idea how much that ring would mean to me. I don't care if it comes out of the bottom of a Cracker Jacks Box, please find me a ring."

"Laura, you will have it if I have to break into a jewelry store to get it."

"Don't get caught if you break into a store. My ring size is 7 ½."

"How would you know that?"

"I asked Holden."

"That's good enough for me. Can we fool around now?"

"I am looking forward to it, right after the ring is on my finger."

"You have a one track mind."

"I sure do. I wanted to beat the crap out of you. I did, and everyone saw me do it."

"You had to say that didn't you? Do you know the hell I'm going to get when I go upstairs?"

"If you leave, and get my ring, they won't be able to say a word. You will be announcing our engagement instead. Won't that be wonderful Joseph?"

"Why do I have this nagging feeling, in the back of my head that I should kill myself now, because the rest of my life is going to be excruciatingly painful?"

"I am going to make your life so much fun. We are going to need an ice bath, in the bedroom, just for you."

"I'm going to take Tom with me when I leave. He will not be coming back."

"I'm an FBI agent. You should not have said that in front of me."

"You are going to be my wife. You can't testify against me."

"They can make me testify to anything that happened prior to our marriage."

"You will say, 'I don't remember.' They can't argue with that."

"There is no ring on my finger."

"I'm going dammit, I'm going."

"Can I go with you so I can pick it out?"

"Where is my gun?"

She reached between his legs and yanked on his 'gun.'

"Found it!"

"Come on woman, let's see if we can get you 2 rings.

"Two rings, I only want one."

"No you want two. One for the third finger of your left hand, and the second one to put through my nose."

She laughed and smacked him. He smacked her back.

They were on the elevator floor, in the heat of passion, when the door opened on the fifth floor.

The cheers and applause of their comrades almost went unnoticed.


Dark as Daylight

Chapter 13



Note: I'm sorry it took so long to get this chapter to you. It really sucks being sick all the time. Bob

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AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
your bloody good at this writing

you really are.



Prolonged_Debut10Prolonged_Debut10almost 8 years agoAuthor
From Bob

Chapter 14 has finally been Posted July 5, 2016. Sorry for the long delay!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 8 years ago
Great as always

I know how you feel but reading what you write helps. What you wrote is a great story which is funny in some parts and serious in others and a laughing helps to ease any pain that you have so with a happy heart I am looking forward to the next chapter.

I hope you feel better soon take care.📖✏

kjohns2001kjohns2001almost 8 years ago
Fantastic story

Fantastic story but I have to admit that the constant threats to kill, maim or injure get a bit old. Author's prerogative I know, but for me it just keeps me thinking of domestic violence and emotional abuse. Sorry, but I do. Other than that the story is really great though.

MrmacjrMrmacjrabout 8 years ago
Next Installment

I have enjoyed your stories and look forward to the next installment (chapter)

bballeebballeeabout 8 years ago
A Precious Smile

Big C makes me especially appreciative of a smile. Another offering of your prose brings one to my face, even before I begin reading. I sincerely hope that you get a similar amount of pleasure in writing and we do in reading.

It's been a long time since I found characters whose images actually formed in my mind, but you have created a whole cast of such strong and vivid beings that they populate my mind and live more actively than most of the people I have met over my lifetime. I feel so fortunate that you chose this outlet and that I stumbled across your stories.

BgsmithjrBgsmithjrabout 8 years ago

hope you continue this a great series

teedeedubteedeedubabout 8 years ago
Your body

may be sick but your mind, well, I guess it's sick also. As per usual......

Thanks for another great chapter.....

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago
Top rate as usual

U kick ass .. Love to see what pops up on new planet .. Keep on recording as u can , hope your health improves ... Prayers

AdonielAdonielabout 8 years ago

Sir, as always the instalments are are amongst the highest quality to be found on here. I am always disappointed to reach the end, your style and content draws me in completely.

Impatient for the next, however I would rather you did the best for your health first. Ads

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago
Thank you!

Thank you I love your stories. I only have one problem with the chapters. NOT ENOUGH PAGES! I'll keep checking every day for more.

SN88SN88about 8 years ago

Bob I love reading your stories. When I saw you posted a new chapter I almost did a little dance. Thank you for continuing to write your stories. And as always get better soon.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago
The wait

The wait be be long sometimes, but the first thing I do everyday is check to see if today is the day. I feel like I'm waiting for Christmas morning to open presents. To keep me occupied I have to read W.E.B. Griffin these books help to fill my mind. Thank you for continuing to write you bring joy to many!!

tomscardstomscardsabout 8 years ago





DMaster_14DMaster_14about 8 years ago
Take Care

For a story this good, we will wait as long as needed. Your health must come first. Get well.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago
your health

dont worry how long the chapters take just take care of yourself and get well soon.

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