Dark Weres Ch. 05


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Jebutu arrived at the Alpha home. Alphonso was waiting. He poured them a drink and then sat. "You knew what Dion did?" Jebutu asked.

Alphonso nodded. "Lyric and Dion insisted that then girl seduced him. Lavinia stood before me and Eva and told us what she did. She admitted to climbing into her mother's bed and taking advantage of her father as he was in a drunken state. Lyric claimed that she'd taken medication to help her sleep and was completely unaware. She asked that I send the girl away, but something was wrong in that situation. I ordered Dion to leave. Lyric was furious but I explained that Lavinia was barely eighteen. I could not send her out on her own. Dion as a full grown man should be able to survive. I dismissed both females and I ordered that sick bastard off of pack lands. He attacked me and I had no choice. I ended him. Thomas and I destroyed his body and let the pack think that he just left. I feared if Lyric learned the truth, she would be even more devastated. I was just as bad as him. I took advantage of her as well. I knew she had a crush. She often flirted and I dismissed it. But one night, Eva was hurting and she shoved me away. I started drinking..." Alphonso exhaled. "That's no excuse. To make matters worse, I kept a calling her back to me. When Eva left me, I used her to help forget. I apologize son. I never should have touched your mate. Please forgive me." Alphonso asked, head bowed, dejected.

"Did you know she was mine?" Jebutu asked.

"No, but you are what she needs. She is perfect for you. You may never forgive me, and I understand, but I ask that you do." Alphonso whispered.

"Father, I love you and I will forgive you." Jebutu sighed. "But, she is my heart, my life. No one will hurt her if I can prevent it."

"He raped her father. Her mother made her lie about it." Jebutu exhaled. "I went home early because Kitty told me her mother had stopped by. I stood on the porch and listen to than bitch threaten my mate. She was innocent. I told Lyric to never come near her again. If she does, I will hurt her." Jebutu vowed.

Alphonso sighed and he understood. He also knew that Lyric had to be addressed. He'd call her and her mate after dinner tonight.

The pack had dinner, and Jebutu and Lavinia shared a private meal at their home. Jebutu served them, ordering Lavinia to sit. She didn't eat. He was worried. Since her mother's visit, Lavinia spoke very little. Then she looked at her mate, "She is my Mom, and I have to believe that she loves me. I will never understand why she let Daddy hurt me, and why she blamed me. She's sick. But she has gotten better, since mating Renny. Renny helps her. I need to forgive her, but I don't know if I can."

Alphonso called Renny and Lyric to his office that night. He faced Lyric and demanded the truth. She broke and admitted that she lied. She did not want to lose Dion. Renny was shocked. He stood and walked out of his alphas office. Alphonso commanded him, not to leave the compound completely, so Renny stayed.

Betty, Logan, Marcus and Ja'Mal had returned home. Although Betty was concerned about her former pack, her priorities were here at Kingsley. Father and her brothers would find the answers. The entire pack had questions about the dark weres. They told their loved ones about their visit. The children wanted to see their uncles and wanted to know if they could visit.

Life resumed and everyone went about their day. Ja'Mal and his betas talked about the Jackson pack and how impressed they were. Jacob was actually jealous, but he knew that one day, he and Sunnet would meet the Jackson Pack. Betty and Logan asked Ja'Mal about inviting the Jackson alpha and his sons to visit. Jamal loved the idea. If grandfather could see his pack, then maybe he could finally find peace with things that happened to him. He called, and spoke with his family regularly, and prayed that one day grandfather would agree to visit.

One morning, Alphonso awoke and wanted a break. He decided to take a quick trip. Alphonso did not call before driving over and he hoped his grandson did not mind. As he was trying to leave, Thomas stopped him and he told him to come along. Thomas told Hattie that he was accompanying Alphonso on a trip. She sighed and told him to call and check in. Hattie informed his sons that he had gone to see Abettia and Jamal. Ryelle was in charge in Alphonso absence. Alphonso knew that things would run smoothly.

One day, a visitor arrived. Sunnet was in town when two older gentlemen entered to precinct asking if they could get directions to the home of Ja'Mal Sims and Betty Kingsley. Sunnet walked over and introduced herself as she contacted her alphas. The man introduced himself as Alphonso Jackson and is companion as Thomas Blackmon. Sunnet knew who they were instantly, and she alerted her alpha.

Alphonso wanted to see the town his grandson spoke of. He wanted to meet Pastor Henry. Jamal had some pressing work to finish so Jacob volunteered to give their guest a tour. His first stop was the Hardfoote Ranch. Larry welcomed Alphonso and Thomas and the men chatted like old friends. Alphonso was impressed. The small town was so much like his village in Africa. The people, all races, helped each other. They were at the diner when a group of young people came in.

The female was pretty. She wore a revealing outfit and too much makeup. When the cashier addressed her, she was so loud and rude; Alphonso chuckled. Taking offense, her male companion addressed him. Before Alphonso could reply, Jacob, the man Gus, and an officer stepped in. The young woman stood mouth opened and afraid.

"What you laughing at Old Man. That's my cousin, my blood. You ain't got the right to laugh at her." The male insisted taking a defensive stance.

The female intervened immediately, "Cuz, it's cool. Look, we don't need no trouble. Let's get our food and go." She pleaded.

Alphonso apologized. "I meant no harm. Your friend reminded me of my daughter-in-law and caused me to smile. You are a very beautiful young woman and deserve much respect."

Tasha was stunned. He sounded like Pastor Henry. Pastor Henry was always telling her she deserved to be respected. 'She reached out and shook his hand. "Thank you, my cousin always over reacts."

Alphonso smiled, "He is trying to protect you. That is good. "He faced the young man. "You sir, you are a true warrior."

The young man puffed up. No one ever said anything good about him. This old guy called him a warrior. Pops earned his respect. "Um Thanks Pops, I mean, sir."

Alphonso smiled, "Pops. I like that. Call me Pops" The waitress called. "Your order is ready."

Alphonso stopped him. "Let me pay for this. It is the least that I can do."

Tasha was stunned. She smiled and thanked him as she and her cousin left. As they drove off, she looked back at the diner where Pops sat with his fiend and talked.

Lugz drove and was silent. "Pops is good people. I bet he's related to the pack." Tasha nodded.

They ordered drinks and Pastor Henry joined them. Sunnet got off work and met her mate. Jacob kissed her and then she smiled at their guest. Thomas relaxed and Alphonso noticed that he talked more here. They were only visiting for a few days, but he was glad they came.

The group ate lunch and after some time passed, Jamal and Marcus walked in. Alphonso smiled as his grandsons greeted him. Pastor Henry invited them to join him for lunch before they returned home and the small group then traveled to Kingsley.

Sunnet had never seen their alpha so happy. His grandfather was a fascinating man. She rode with Jacob as he held her hand. The two shared a smile. Things were at peace at Kinglsey.

As they drove in, the entire pack was anxious. An Alpha from another pack was visiting and they were not really prepared. It did not get past Thomas or Alphonso that this was a rather large group of wolves. Then they saw Abettia, and Alphonso smiled. Betty greeted her father as soon as they pulled up. Donald held on to his sister and his cousin Keamon. But Betty called them and introduced them to their grandfather. Alphonso was awed. The children were simply beautiful. Within an hour, Alphonso's head was spinning. His grandsons pack was so much larger than his smaller one.

He had met Betty's mate, Logan when they visited. He had not met his grandson's mates. Ja'Mal introduced his mate, Kerri, and their three children. Donald was standoffish, but eventually he warmed to his great grandfather. Layla charmed both of the gentlemen easily. Marcus then introduced his mate, and Ja'Mal's mate was lovely woman.

"Alpha Jackson, Mr. Blackmon, welcome to Kinglsey. I want you to see Kingsley as home. We are your family and we are so glad you came to visit us." Kerrie stated. Alphonso was impressed. He'd met her father and knew she was exactly what she appeared to be, a genuine, salt of the earth young lady. His grandson was blessed to have such a wonderful mate.

Kerrie personally escorted the two men along with their mate. Alphonso and Thomas felt so welcomed.

Then the pack had dinner. Ja'Mal did not segregate himself from his pack. He was surprised to see betas pitching in and helping wherever they were needed. Marcus even pitched in in serving their evening meal. As he soon realized that his mate, Patricia was head cook.

Keamon, Marcus' son, sat with him, as did Layla. Their grandpa was here and they wanted to get to know him.

After dinner, Thomas and Alphonso retired. Thomas called and checked on Hattie and Suni. Alphonso called to check on the pack and Ryelle assured him that everything was fine.

Thomas slept that night. He felt strange being away from home. But that night, he slept peacefully. The next morning, Alphonso awoke and joined his family for breakfast. Thomas was up early and actually helping in the kitchen. Jacob greeted the alpha and asked if he wanted to run. Alphonso joined the betas and they ran for a whole before returning for breakfast.

He liked it here. He realized that his pack was stagnant because he refused to let go of the past. Ja'Mal joined his grandfather at the table. His oldest son Donald, came and asked permission to help in the stables. Ja'Mal told him to listen to the betas in charge.

"Kerri is not his birth-mother. I actually just found him a few months ago. His mother, well, she didn't want him and her parents raised him. He's scared, and trying his hardest to fit in. He's my son, he will always fit in." Ja'Mal stated.

Alphonso nodded, the n stated, "He has to realize that this is his home. Until he feels secure, there will always be the fear of being sent away." Alphonso explained. He remembered being freed and how skittish he was at first.

Ja'Mal watched his son, Grandfather was right. He'd take every day and make sure his son knew that he was home. The day started and Alphonso spent time with both Ja'Mal and Marcus. Around noon, Jacob told the alpha he was meeting his mate for lunch in town. Thomas asked to join him. He wanted to visit the diner once more.

Jacob enjoyed his company and Sunnet joined both men at the diner. The young man from the day before came in and ordered just a sandwich. He nodded at Thomas, but took his food and left. Thomas was concerned, but not sure why.

When they returned to the compound, Alphonso spoke with his friend. He told him that the young man came into the diner. He seemed upset. Eventually, it was time for the two gentlemen to return home. The morning dawned, and Thomas and Alphonso wanted to say farewell to the sheriff, and Pastor Henry. So they stopped in town.

Tasha and Lugz went to the diner to grab breakfast before they headed to their jobs. Last night, Lugz got a few dollars for helping a neighbor put some old furniture in a dumpster. As they exited the diner, they saw Pops and his friend leaving the sheriff's office.

Alphonso and Thomas did not know it, but the night he paid for their meals, gave them hope. He kept them from having to spend the only money they had left. Lugz was looking for work and Tasha worked at the factory. Lugz tried to apply for a job, but he didn't finish high school so he had to find whatever kind of work he could.


Lugz and Tasha walked over and thanked him for helping them that day. Thomas smiled and shook Lugz's hand. Lugz knew he gave him money and he flat out refused to take it.

Thomas spoke, "You can help the next person that comes along."

Lugz was silent. "Alphonso hugged Tasha and told her to never lose her spunk." Then the elderly gentlemen drove off.

"Lugz was really quiet. "Tasha, if I get my GED I can work at the factory, right?" He asked.

Tasha nodded. "I'll help you."

Lugz smiled. "I'm gone do better." Then he counted the money. He was stunned. A man that did not know him gave him five hundred dollars and all he asked was that he help someone else.

"Tasha, come on. We can get her medicine and some food." Lugz headed to his car and his cousin followed. He wasn't sure what he could buy, but his family would eat for the rest of this month.

Alphonso drove home and he had to ask. "How much did you give him?"

Only five hundred. I was going to give him more, but five hundred is a start." Thomas replied.

"She will be the mate of Ryelle. I messed up with Jebutu. I never should have touched that girl, and being drunk is no excuse." Alphonso confessed.

"Wait, how do you know?" Thomas asked.

"She is exactly what he needs. He has not met her yet. He will try to resist, because she is the exact type if woman he avoids. Loud, wears too much makeup, and exposes too much, but she is loyal. She will fight for him, and that is something he needs." Alphonso explained.

Thomas nodded. "I like this place. The Kingsley Pack is wonderful. I would like to bring Hattie and let her meet the people here."

Alphonso agreed. "Of course. You just let me know when you want to come back."

Soon they were home and Ryelle met his father and gave him a report of all that had occurred.

Alphonso smiled. His pack would be in good hands when he left. He thought of his two babies. He hated the thought of leaving them without a dad, but his time was almost done. Their brothers would take care of them.

Ryelle needed to meet his mate. He could not force him to go there, but maybe he could bring the girl here. She was working at a factory. If he gave her a chance to earn more money and security, then maybe she would relocate. Besides, the pack needed an enforcer like Lugz. That young man was a warrior.

He'd think and then he'd call Jamal. If his grandson had no problem with it, he would help those two young people.

The pack gathered for dinner, and he asked that Lavinia and Jebutu sit with him. He called Damian also. He looked at his second son. Damian was one good looking young man. Elizabeth was strict on him. He was an enforcer. He wanted to introduce him to the young man he met on his visit. He would call Jamal tonight and ask if his uncle could come visit. In all honesty, during his visit, he learned a lot. If Damian could see how the Kinglsey pack was ran, then he could develop security measures for their pack.

Ryelle walked in and seeing his brothers with his father, he smiled and joined them. Father returned from visiting Abettia with a new energy. Thomas was chipper as well. He asked Ryelle about the people he met on his visit. He talked with Jebutu also. Then at dinner, they talked and Alphonso mentioned inviting two humans to come to the pack lands for work.

Ryelle frowned. Humans were not invited, unless it was a mate. "Father have you found a mate?" He asked.

Alphonso laughed. "No, Tasha is not my mate, but she and her cousin are special. Something about them calls to me."

Ryelle was concerned. He'd call Abettia and learn more about this woman and her cousin. If all else failed, he and Damian would go see this woman. He would not let some she devil get her hooks in father. Dealing with Lavinia was enough.

Alphonso and Thomas shared a smile. They knew. Ryelle would go see his sister in a few days. He would meet Tasha and once he did, there was no way he was leaving her behind.

Thomas turned into his mate, who had crossed her arms and was annoyed. "You are too old to play match maker. Here, take your granddaughter and sit." She ordered.

Thomas smiled, took Dreya from her grandmother, and whispered, "Yes dear."


Alphonso continued working but watched his sons carefully. Ryelle went silent, a sure sign he was thinking. Damian followed his brother's lead. Jebutu was right there with them. Dinner ended and Lavinia offered to help clean, but Jebutu had other plans for his mate this evening, so he told her to beg off. She obeyed instantly. They left, but it did not get past Alphonso how Lyric watched her daughter.

He was not worried. Lyric's mate was now aware of the true facts from years ago. Learning that his mate allowed her daughter's father to use her made him step back, but he loved her, and agreed that she would no longer interfere in Lavinia's life. He even took it upon himself to apologize to the young woman.

Alphonso retired alone. He looked at the moon and shifted. He needed to run. Leaping from the patio, the lone gray wolf took off. He ran until his muscles hurt. He found himself near the town of Charlotte. The town had changed,. Gone were the shackles of racist store clerks. He watched people of all nationalities mingle, and laugh together. He thought of the Kingsley Pack, They were divers as well.

They had problems, but the pack members took care of each other. His oldest grandson ran that pack for decades before his youngest grandson took over as alpha. They were both great leaders.

He turned and ran back into the forest. Feeling sleepy, he lay beneath a canopy of trees and napped. He dreamt of her, his Eva. She smiled at him. Love, you will be with me soon. I wait for you. But you can't come to me yet. The pack needs you. She kissed him and vanished. Alphonso got up and returned home.

His time was nearing his end and he would join his beloved Eva. Abettia was back home. Jebutu had a mate that was perfect for him. Ryelle would meet his mate soon. The only one unmated was Damian. Alphonso was sure, the female for him was right around the proverbial corner.

Shifting back, he lay down and slept peacefully.


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AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

The “true gem” is the worst editor & proofreader ever. Wow.

cdbsr00cdbsr00about 9 years ago

but very good almost felt rushed though. another page or two might have worked better. it almost felt like this was a chapter tying up some freyed ends, before you start making new branches on this tree (mixed metaphores ... yeah yeah). lugz and tasha already scream out for their own story. twice the work for you but it would make both stories better. start with them going into the diner (their perspective), and work in parts of their back story from when, after, thomas gave him the money. just an idea ... and glad i did ultimately decide to read this series. it's moving right up there with a few of the other really good stories. keep up the good work!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago
This story

Is absolutely wonderful. I love it.

Fefe1969Fefe1969about 9 years ago
Fantastic Chapter

I enjoyed this chapter. It seemed that the family made up rather quickly considering they were estranged for decades. Any way, I enjoyed it and am waiting for more.

ariesgirlariesgirlabout 9 years ago

Most of Alphonso's pack was screwed up. He pretty much led them that way. There is still a ways to go. He is finally admitting to how much went wrong and is trying to right them.

Jebutu has finally noticed that he need to fix their relationship to where it doesn't seem so one-sided. Lavinia is happy to do everything to keep him happy so as not to disappoint him but it appears as though that is all she does. She isn't perfect and will make mistakes and she shouldn't be too afraid that she will be punished if she disappoints Jebutu. I think he needs to go about the Dom/Sub roles in a different manner now that he has Lavinia.

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