Date with Destiny-Demon Style Ch. 10


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"Hold still." Carefully, she used a corner of the tissue to wipe away any residual shadow and lip color. "Close your eyes. God, these people did a crap job. Was somebody drunk when they did your make-up?"

"Is it really that bad?" Her voice was quiet.

"Well, it's certainly not up to the standard of Miss Universe. Here, we'll get all of this off you and I'll do it myself." Tossing the tissue in the trash, she grabbed a fresh one, dipped it in the small glass of water resting on the vanity's dark wood and began wiping the layers of silver, red and blue from her face. "I'll make it softer than they did."

"Thanks. I hate when they pull my eyelid down to put the liner on." She blinked, her feature softening when she glimpsed her clean face in the mirror.

Kara smiled as she watched her friend find so much pleasure in being fresh-faced. Julie never did much in the way of personal beauty habits. Not that she really needed to do any of it; the girl could have been on any magazine cover she wanted. But with a little color, the girl could knock any man of his feet.

"Then we'll skip that part. Close your eyes." Gently, she swept a deep bronze shadow over Julie's eyelids, making the color just dark enough that it would catch the light from the ceiling window.

"What was yours like, KK?"

She winced internally. For some reason, Julie could never pronounce her name as a child. The best she could do at four years old was to stutter the first letter of her name, so 'KK' became the nickname that Julie had been ever since. As annoying and juvenile as Kara found it, she understood that to Julie, that moniker held more sentimentality than any childhood joke or teenage secret. It linked them together as incredibly close friends. Sisters, almost. And Kara would be damned if she to ever take that away from her companion.

"Mine was a lot worse than yours is going to be. Trust me on that one."

"What happened?"

"Long story short, I slept with almost every prince, killed off some crazy psycho-bitch and her sons, and put Lucifer in his place." She gave Julie a wicked smile. "But don't you try that. He'll claw your eyes out if you try it."

A small smile crept onto her lips. "I won't." As quickly as it had appeared, the smile vanished, replaced by a new look of worry.

"What now? You've been a worry wart all day."

Julies swallowed sharply. "What if they don't like me?"

Been there, done that. Own the damn shirt.

She shrugged, keeping her hand steady as she applied her lipstick. "You can't please everyone. I had a couple who were complete asswipes. But I do know one who's looking forward to meeting you."

Her eyes flicked open, staring at her with a mix of confusion and hope. "You do?"

"Yep. Name's Parthos. He was in my group. He and I never really clicked as a couple, but we've stayed friend since the first time we met. I told him about you and he couldn't stop asking questions."

A full-blow smile crossed her face, making her cheeks dimple and her eyes squint. "What's he like?"

Oh, boy. How to explain this...

"You ever hear of the expression 'never judge a book by its cover'?"

Julie's smile faltered a little. "Yeah?"

She took a deep breath. "He's about six and a half feet tall. Dark hair, strong jaw line. He's a great cook. A fabulous one, actually." She winked, hitting Julie's sweet spot with the mentioning of food.

"Seriously?" Her attitude had perked up again, elevated at the thought of having a partner in the kitchen.

"Yep. That man makes a mean jambalaya." She smiled, happy to see her friend excited for once.

Julie's features softened again, though this time it was out of relaxation and happiness. The girl was a cooking progeny, and with an equal partner beside her, Kara doubted that she would ever be depressed or unhappy, no matter how crappy of a place Hell was. Continuing to watch her as she put the finishing touches on her makeup, Kara though she looked almost peaceful. Hopeful, maybe. Good.

Her icy blue eyes met hers again. "What color are his eyes?"


"Uhhh..." She paused for a moment, considering her options on softening the blow. "He doesn't have any."

"What?" Her voice was soft again, filled with hints of uncertainty and fear.

"Yeah. He doesn't have any eyes. But he manages to make it around just fine. Go figure. Don't worry. He's the sweetest guy of the bunch, I promise. You'll love him."

She placed the tube of lipstick on the vanity and turned back to admire her work. This time, Julie's makeup was much more toned down and acceptable. The colors highlighted her features instead of exaggerating them. And she managed to keep all of the lines crisp and clean, something the ladies who had worked on Julie earlier couldn't seem to accomplish.

She noticed Julie's still-fearful look. "You still nervous?"

A quick nod and closing of eyes was all the answer she needed. She walked around to the back of the chair, leaning over and wrapping her arms around Julie's slim shoulders. Her fingers laced together, the crushed velvet of Julie's dress pressing softly into her palms. She closed her eyes, tilting her head so her cheek rested against her friend's temple.

"Want me to sing?"

Julie nodded vigorously. After years of being so close to her, Kara knew that singing to her was one of the few ways Julie could calm down. She tightened her arms around Julie's shoulders, pulling her into a warm, loving embrace that only a friend as close as a sister could give. Her mind switched into music mode and Sara Bareilles clicked into the CD slot of her thoughts.

"And we go, bluebird. Back to the sky on your own. Oh, let him go bluebird. Ready to fly, you and I. Here we go."

Julie's eyes closed, her breathing slowing and hear heartbeat claming down as she sunk into Kara's arms. Good, she was calming down. Just a few more minutes and the first part of this stupid rite of passage would be over.

"This pair of wings worn and rusted. From too many years by my side..."

She smiled as she watched her protégé collect herself. Memories of her own fear and uncertainty flooded her mind, enabling her to sympathize with the girl. Every one of the princesses had felt some fear and concern at this whole thing, she was sure. It was the way that they handled it and fought through that trepidation that allowed them to claim their place among the rulers of the underworld.

"They can carry me, swear to be sturdy and strong. But see turning them on still means goodbye."

A knock at the side door startled them both.

"My lady. You're up in two minutes." A deep voice, one of a carrier demon, resounded through the thick wood.

Smiling, Kara pulled away from Julie and stood back up. She placed and hand on her shoulder, giving the last bit of comfort she could offer. "Come on, bluebird. Better get this over with and move on."

Julie nodded, gripping the arms of the chain to push herself up. She trembled slightly, her nerves still getting the best of her. Wanting to catch her before she completely collapsed, Kara raced around the side of the chair and gripped her shoulders, steadying her.

"Easy. Come on, let's go." Gently, she ushered Julie to the curtain that separated them from the selection hall. She reached out with one hand and pulled back an edge of the curtain a few inches. "Here. Take a look."

Still hyperventilating, Julie leaned forward and peeked out through the opening. "There's so many."

"Don't worry about them. When you walk down the steps, just find one thing to look at and focus on it. Ignore everything around you and you'll be fine." She reached around and gave Julie an inverted hug. "I promise."

Julie continued to peer through the curtain. "Oh! I think I see him."


"Yeah. He's...Oh, he's not that bad. I suppose the eye thing is kinda weird, but- Ugh!"

Her head snapped up. "What?"

"What is that?" Using one finger, Julie pointed through the curtain at the table of princes. "That one there. Second to the left."

Curious now, Kara moved around her and peered through the opening.

Holy mother of shit.

Julie's reaction was completely understandable. The prince she had been pointing to was hideous. Green-black skin covered in sores and warts. Fiery orange eyes blazing out from under heavy scaled lids. A wide mouth overfilled with sharp teeth. Kara felt a shiver run down her own spine. Whoever or whatever that thing was, it certainly wasn't a choice pick for her delicate friend. After laying eyes upon that monstrosity, she was surprised Julie was even standing.

"I have no idea. I'm not sure I even want to know." She felt her own stomach turn a bit. "Maybe not the best choice for your first night."

"Absolutely not! Someone should have shot that thing years ago!" Julie grimaced, fear now fresh and ripe in her soul.

Fix this! Fix it now!

"Come here." She gripped Julie by her shoulders and spun her around to face her. Cobalt eyes bored into fearful icy blue. "Tell you what. Don't even look at him. Focus on Parthos, okay?"

She nodded quickly, relieved to no longer be staring at her less-than-appealing suitor.

Another knock at the door. "My lady. It's time."

"She's ready!" Kara called to the voice. She looked back at Julie. "You'll do great." Leaning forward, she kissed the top of Julie's head, a small parting gift to make up for everything that she'd been through.

"I hope so." She turned back to the curtain, straightening her dress. "Hey, KK?"


Slender arms wrapped around her waist. A warm cheek pressed against her chest. Startled for a moment, she smiled softly and returned the hug, stroking the free stands of Julie's long hair.

"Thanks for this. All of it." Her voice was soft, a whisper filled to the brim with love and admiration.

She kissed the top of her head. "No problem, sweetheart." Gently, she pushed the girl back in front of the curtain. "Now go. Show them all what you've got."

With one last thankful smile Julie turned, took a deep breath and stepped out onto the marble staircase. Moving quietly, Kara stepped to the edge of the curtain, leaning against the marble wall to peer out. She watched Julie as she made her way down the marble steps, taking them slowly so she wouldn't trip. Her face was serene, masking the fear roiling just beneath the surface. But she stood tall and strong, not letting anyone know just how freaked out she was.

Good girl. Just look straight ahead.

The soft creek of a door opening pulled her back into reality for an instant. One of the assistants coming back to deliver dinner, she assumed. God, she hated those people. They couldn't do makeup, the women were horrible maids, and all of them would be kicked out of Saks in a heartbeat if anyone had seen the choices they'd offered for Julie. And none of them could cook a decent roast. Idiots. She shrugged it off. They'd be in and out in five minutes. Neither of them would have to endure their presence for very long.

Hot breath tickled her ear and instant before strong arms wrapped around her waist, pulling her back against a strong chest. Her heart skipped a beat her muscles tensing for an instant. If that servant pulled her any closer, she'd knock his teeth out.

"How's she doing?" Darian's soft, melodic voice soothed her heightened nerves.

She sighed in relief. "About as good as she can do. She's more freaked out than I was."

"Well, yeah. The girl's missing her mother and she didn't have the formal training you got. Without you she'd be winging this."

"Yeah. Poor thing." She leaned back and settled into him, loving the heat emanating off his skin.

"You recommend Parthos?"

She nodded. "I tried to convince her he would be a good catch for her. She got a glimpse of him before she left. She didn't seem too worried." She dropped her head again, wondering if she'd done enough.

"Hey, stop looking so depressed. You did the best you could. The rest is up to her." He kissed her hair.

"I know. I just wish I could have had more time to prepare her for this. Two months isn't much notice to make someone a royal."

"Well, you did a damn good job with the time you had. She looks like a completely different person."

She continued watching from behind the curtain. "Not completely different. Her hair's a little shorter and she's not as jumpy, but she's still my Julie."

"Your Julie?" He nipped her neck, his mocking tone suddenly humorous.

She elbowed his ribs. "Yes, my Julie. I've know the girl since she was born, so I'd like to think I have some claim over her."

"Whatever you say. But you're still my Kara." He tightened his grip on her waist. "I don't care how many times Lyzander sleeps with you."

She smiled. Almost three years had passed and somehow she'd managed to keep her husband and all four or her lovers. None of them had bailed on her, solidifying the fact the she was desirable and cared for. And with her dealing out sex equally to all of them, she doubted that any of them would ever want to leave.

Besides, even if all of her men ditched her, her twin boys will always be there for her. Alexander and Marcus were growing into fine young princes. Alexander had his mother's hair and his father's gift of changing eye colors. Marcus also had the same ink black hair, but his eyes remained a warm emerald green. Both of them were wonderful children. They shared their mother's intelligence and their father's stubbornness. Her kin right down to the bones.

"Thinking about the boys?"

She smiled and nodded. "They're your sons, you know."

"Mine? It's your attitude they have. Besides, I don't recall being the one who forced them out."

She shook her head. "No, they're yours. Trust me."

His breath seared her throat. "I trust you on everything except this."

"Everything, huh? Even my advice on macramé and car parts."

He pinched her ass. "You're splitting hairs."

She rolled her eyes and giggled. "Forgive me, master. I meant no offense."

His lips locked against her neck. "Never. You've gone too far this time, girl. I'll have Ladrian whip you for you insolence."

She laughed. "Really? And will you be there to watch?"

"You can bet your ass."

She scoffed. Of course he would watch. Seeing her chained naked to a wall and blindfolded gave him one hell of a rush.

His hands slid to her hips, a gentle caress that warned the impending explosion to come. "Come on. She'll be fine."

She hesitated, still worried for her friend. She peeked out from behind the curtain again, watching Julie present herself. She'd already made her first selection, and by the smile on Parthos' face, she'd followed Kara's advice. Turning, Julie began to make her way back up the marble staircase, lifting her dress so she wouldn't trip over the hem.

Her eyes flicked up for an instant, locking with her own. She gave Kara a soft smile of joy and triumph. She'd passed the test with flying colors. Her eyes flicked to the side for an instant, seeing Darian. Looking back at Kara, she nodded and smiled wider. A go-ahead-I'll-be-alright smile. Kara smiled back, joy and pride swelling in her chest. Years -- or months - of practice had prepared them both enough to pass the test beautifully. She only hoped the Julie's ordeal would be much easier and evil bitch-free.

"See? She'll be fine." He nuzzled her neck.

She sighed happily. "I suppose so."

His hands slid up the smooth fabric of her blouse, gently cupping her breasts through the soft silk. "Anything particular you have want to try?"

A slight smile played on her lips. "Just one thing."


She turned in his arms to face him, reaching up to loop her arms around his neck. Looking into honey eyes and the sweetest sharp-toothed smile any man could muster. "I want a daughter of my own."

His eyes shifted from liquid amber to pale green. "Come on, then." Grinning, he picked her up and carried her through the door and down the hall. "Let's make one."

She threw her head back and laughed. "Just try not to bite so hard this time."

"Me? I'm just marking my territory."

"I don't want to have to explain my bite marks to the kids."

"Then don't show them."

"And if they catch us in the act like every child has at one time?" She cocked her head to the side, a soft smile on her lips.

"Then we'll tell them to leave."

She laughed and wrapped her arms around his neck, nuzzling her cheek against his chest. "You're an asshole."

He grinned. "Always."

* * *

And there you go. Kara's adventure ends happily, with one husband, four lovers and possibly three children. This is probably the longest story I've ever written, and I loved every minute of it. And I loved of the comments you've made over the chapters. Some of them were hilarious.

Also, thanks to everyone who helped move the story along by sending in votes for chapter six. Without those, I would have been lost for a bit.

Thanks so much you guys!

Also, the song I had Kara sing is "Bluebird" by Sara Bareilles. Just giving credit where it's due.

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AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

I agree. I would love to see branch off stories but you killed it when you said females are not really available which killed it. Great story though

AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago

Wishing there was a follow up story for the princesses, also thanks for these stories.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago

Uhh... I read your 3 stories in the wrong order (backwards) and I have to say that after reading Lucifer's love story first, he seems like such a wimp in this story. Where are his powers? Why is he not using magic? It's embarrassing that he's constantly being overpowered and chained up by small groups of lower demons. Even if I hadn't read the other stories, it's baffling that Lucifer is so weak. It's not a believable characterization of the ruler of hell.

90skjnk90skjnkover 6 years ago

I don't know I wasn't really satisfied that she married darian I kinda wished she just sent him home from the beginning to say he just bit her, no he freaking sexually assaulted her on their first night. In my opinion Ladrian was perfect for her. Lucifer I don't know I wasn't feeling him this whole story because of how weak he is. Like he really needs a 18 year old girl to save him. Pathetic. And just letting her push him around like that he's no alpha male at all.

Sammi9292Sammi9292over 7 years ago

Love this story! So sad it's completed!

Dont_miss_meDont_miss_meover 7 years ago
Second time thru it...

And it's just as good as the first.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 8 years ago

Decent story despite lack of editing/proofreading and some areas in the plot that needed much more thought. One thing though, I swear you overused the whole "ah! there she is!" line, shit that got annoying after about the 4th time. It seemed like it was half of Lucifer's dialog in the beginning, and even Emiline used it, just got old fast. Thanks for the story in any case.

jadewinchesterjadewinchesterover 8 years ago

Im grateful I came across this story after it was finished. I would have died waiting. You have talent.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 11 years ago
Ok ok you got me... And I loved it

I seriously thought with that cliffhanger where she didn't call on lucifer at the end of the chapter... Well, you got me. ;-) Fantastic. Unpredictable and wow! You should publish this on Amazon and make some money. It's that good!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 11 years ago

I loved all of your stories...more than any other story on this whole site! You should look into getting published..and I mean that seriously. I'd read whatever you'd pit out. Bravo

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 11 years ago

loved the series, but my only critique would be that there just needs to be some more saucy scenes, at the end where you mention when darian would have her whipped, you should have written that scene! but other than that, an amazing series! absolutly love!!

sweetsong5986sweetsong5986almost 11 years ago
Loved it =)

Loved the entire series! Very well written. With minor edits it would've been flawless. You should consider taking it offline, fleshing it out (more planning into the fights towards the end for sure), and getting published =)

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 11 years ago
This really reminds me of Harry Potter

The King's Cross scene? I dunno ._.





AnonymousAnonymousalmost 11 years ago

I liked the character and enjoyed the story. The plotline was on the thin side though, things were just odd. For example, the crazy bitch sends guards to capture Lucifer, he breaks out, she's surprised to see him in the throne hall and starts fighting. During the fight Lucifer is completely free to interfere with Malnos when he helps his mother but he doesn't do anything when he wants to kill the princes? The entire coup just seemed thin to me, no offence, but if you want to do something more with this story and setting, you'll have to beef up the storyline. Characterbuilding was nice, I like what you've with your people.

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago
i loved it

I totally love all of your series even though I read it backwards (Michelle-Kara's) I loved how the main characters were independent and witty. and I love your weird sense of humor!

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