Daughters of the Moon Pt. 05

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Carla is presented to the court.
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Part 5 of the 14 part series

Updated 03/17/2024
Created 10/21/2022
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Carla stared at herself in the mirror. For the first time, she was disappointed that the old story about vampires not appearing in mirrors was just a myth. She had to admit she looked good, there was no denying that. Her hair was up in some complicated style that had taken a hairdresser almost half an hour and a lot of pins and binding spray. Her dress was tailored for her perfectly and showed off her figure in a way she usually didn't bother with. She didn't need makeup, of course, there was nothing to conceal on her, but somehow the hair and the clothes made her skin extra luminous. The problem was that the dress was in the house colors, with the Mircalla crescent moon embroidered on the cuffs and hem like manacles and over her heart like a brand. Gwen had produced jewelry from somewhere, ruby earrings and a ruby necklace also in the shape of crescent moons. The entire getup was meant to display her and tell everyone who saw her who she belonged to now.

"You look beautiful," said Gwen from behind her.

Gwen looked uncertain for a moment and Carla felt a moment of confusion before she realized the problem.

"Thanks, you look beautiful too," said Carla.

She really did too. Her hair was also up in an elaborate bun and the hairdresser had brought out the highlights in her hair. She was also dressed to the nines, but she was at least allowed to wear pale gray and green; colors that showed off her hair and eyes. She had no need to declare her allegiance.

She had apparently hesitated for too long, because Gwen's uncertainty didn't fade, "Yeah?"

"Yes. You really do," said Carla. Then leaned down and gave Gwen a lingering kiss.

"I'm sorry, I'm just upset," continued Carla, "You know I've been avoiding it for as long as I could."

"I know. It's not really my idea of a good time either."

"You two are ridiculous," said Elaine, "You get to dress up and go to a fancy party with the most beautiful, powerful people in the country."

"Who are all murderous bloodsuckers," said Carla.

"First of all, as evidenced from our little get together last night you two are also bloodsuckers, and possibly murderous."

"I'm not murderous," said Carla.

"Only occasionally," said Gwen.

"Second, everyone who has ever gone to a party in the throne room has been a murderous bloodsucker in one way or another," said Elaine.

"This isn't making me feel better at all," said Carla.

Gwen sighed, "Look, honey, you need to be presented to the court in order to officially be recognized as part of the house. Grandma has let it slide for a couple months because a lot of fledglings take time to adjust, but she can't let it go forever. And if you irritate Sophia she might declare you an outcaste. I mean, grandma probably wouldn't do that..."

"I wouldn't assume that. Carla is very good at irritating her bosses," Said Elaine


"Exactly," said Gwen, "So it's probably best to get your house membership on record before anything goes wrong."

"Also, I have my first house concert in two weeks and you can't go unless you've been presented to the court," said Elaine.

"I know!" said Carla. She really didn't appreciate how they were ganging up on her. She was going, after all. She had gotten dressed up and everything.

Gwen touched Carla's face gently, "I know this is hard for you. I really appreciate you doing it for me," she said, and leaned over to kiss her.

Elaine walked over, "And me," She said, and gave her a quick peck.

Carla looked at Elaine. She was so excited and happy it was almost oozing out of her pores. She looked good too in her own beautiful blue dress. There was more to it than just a dress though. A month under Gwen's patronage had done wonders for her. A month of good eating had filled her out a little and banished her hollow cheekbones and bony arms. She had colored her hair again and even had her teeth whitened and her skin cleared. Beyond the cosmetic improvements, there was a confidence to her that Carla had never seen before, even in the old days, an ease that came from having care and support. Elaine had never looked so beautiful and so happy and Carla felt a surge of joy that she was responsible for helping Elaine flourish. She admitted to herself she owed the house for that as well.

Carla smiled and shook her head. Her low burning anger temporarily guttered in the face of Elaine's happiness and the love and affection of the two women with her, "You two are too much."

Elaine gave her a triumphant smile.


As they waited at the doorway to the throne room Carla thought about how grateful she was her introduction was the last piece of business on the schedule. This way she wouldn't have to see Sophia lording it over everyone for any longer than necessary. After her introduction there was officially a social event that lasted a few hours but often went until dawn. Carla knew she was expected to mingle afterwards and mentally braced herself for the ordeal.

Gwen was standing nest to her. She turned, "Remember, all you have to do is say the words. That's it."

"'I thank my sire for granting me the gift of blood. I humbly request the honor of joining your house. I vow to serve my sire, my house and your highness faithfully until the end of days,'" said Carla. She made the words slightly singsong and simpering.


"I won't say them that way up there."

Gwen gave her a nervous look, "Okay. Most people give a short speech but its not required."

"Yeah, no speeches, thanks."

Then the doors opened and they started walking into the throne room. The court was much as she remembered it last time; the clusters of vampires mostly sticking to their own houses but with some intermingling. The only difference was she was one of them now. As she stared at them she realized how few of them she actually knew. She had spent most of her time holed up in the basement or alone with Gwen. The faces in front of her were neighbors she didn't talk to and people she passed on the street, even though they were bound by unbreakable ties of blood and magic. On the throne, Sophia lounged as before, the confident master of all she surveyed.

The master of ceremonies announced Gwen, the same as before, "Ser Gwendolyn Sophia Mircalla."

Carla once again wasn't announced since she wasn't officially part of the house.

As they walked down the aisle, Carla's eyes drifted and picked out a few faces she knew. She saw Caroline, who she had met briefly through Elaine when she was playing at the Dorian. They had talked briefly and enthusiastically about some of the acts they had seen, but once again she had the feeling her uncertain status was a barrier between them. Then she saw Matej, glaring at her with the dead eyes of a hungry shark. She stumbled a little in the face of his malice, but Gwen reached out and steadied her. Near Matej was Nikola, whose eyes were just as dead although if there was malice there it was completely hidden. Carla reluctantly admitted to herself maybe Elaine and Gwen had a point, being presented to Sophia might be a good idea if she valued her life.

Then she and Gwen were before the throne. Sophia locked eyes with her and Carla was proud she wasn't overwhelmed by the awe her gaze had struck her with the last time she was in this room.

Next to her, Gwen went down on one knee, "Your highness, I present to you my childe. She has partaken of my blood and been exalted by it. I humbly request you acknowledge her and welcome her into our house."

Carla felt every eye on her. The weight of them made kneeling feel even easier. She tried to speak the words but suddenly her throat seized up. She knew she had to do it but the idea of just meekly submitting to the woman who forced this new life upon her without her consent filled her with loathing. The silence stretched just long enough for a few skirts to rustle when she finally found a way to do what she had to do.

"I thank my sire for granting me the gift of blood. I humbly request the honor of joining your house. I vow to serve my sire and my house faithfully until the end of days."

There were a few mutters among the onlookers who caught the exemption. Carla sincerely hoped Sophia would allow this small defiance to slide.

She heard gasps and peeked up. Sophia had risen from her throne. Carla started to stand but Gwen grabbed her arm and she strained to remain kneeling. She heard Sophia's footsteps come closer until she was standing right in front of her. Carla still didn't look up, not until Sophia reached down and put a finger under her chin. She applied only the smallest amount of pressure but Carla felt like she was being dragged to her feet by a hook. She rose until she was face to face with Sophia, staring into her eyes. This close she felt that terrible awe again. Sophia's eyes were like deep pools into the darkest depths of the ocean. She felt insignificant, a worm that could be crushed any moment by the terrible pressures contained in that gaze.

Sophia held her gaze and kept her finger under her chin, nail digging into the skin just slightly, as she said the formal words of acceptance, "We welcome this new blood into our house. We accept her fealty, and charge her to support and defend the house with all the strength and courage our blood has granted her."

Then Sophia smiled and dropped her hand, "And we welcome our newest granddaughter, blood of our most beloved, into our family." and then Sophia kissed her on both cheeks. The impression of her lips burned like hot irons.

There was a smattering of applause as Sophia smiled at her one more time, her fangs showing slightly. Then she turned to the assembled court, "This concludes our business for the night. Please refresh yourselves. Blood and drink will be provided."

With that, a string quartet started playing and everyone started talking. The crowd was loud and excited after the formality of the court proceedings.

Next to her Gwen rose awkwardly and leaned over to her, "Let's get a drink."

"Yeah, that sounds like an awesome idea,'' said Carla. Still shaky from staring into the eyes of her grandmother.

They quickly sought out one of the many servants carrying drinks and each grabbed a goblet of blood wine, which was made from grapes grown from soil infused with vampire blood. It had the sharp bite of wine with the warm filling feeling of blood. Carla took a big swallow and immediately felt more relaxed. She knew she should pace herself but it was really hard at the moment.

When Carla finished her first big pull of wine, she lowered her cup to find a dark haired vampire in front of her. She was tall and slender with perfect curves. Everything about her features were sharp; a sharp chin, sharp cheekbones, sharp eyes. She gave Carla and Gwen a sharp smile as she approached, then looked at Gwen expectantly.

Gwen looked confused for a second, then started, remembering her manners. "Oh, Carla, this is Evelyn, one of the best young blademasters in the house."

Evelyn bowed graciously, "That's kind of you to say. Though I have many decades before I could count myself your equal."

Then she took Carla's hands in hers. "It's wonderful to finally welcome you into the house. I was delighted when I heard one so accomplished had joined our ranks. Gwen waited so long before choosing to pass on her blood. But I see now she was just waiting for someone as worthy as you."

Carla couldn't tell if Evelyn was being deliberately insulting or if she was just obtuse. Then Carla felt a pressure behind her eyes and scrunched them shut. When she opened them, a shock ran through her. Evelyn and Gwen were surrounded by an aura of shifting colors. This had to be the Oracle gift Gwen had told her about. She had seen a few Shrouded vampires since her first night at the Dorian where she had seen Will, but this was the first time she had seen anything like this. She blinked rapidly, trying to get a handle on what she was seeing. Evelyn's aura was dark green with hints of brown that Carla knew instinctively was a sign of bitter envy. Gwen's aura was gray and was jittered like flakes in a snowstorm, which Carla was less certain about but it was easy to see Evelyn's words had hurt Gwen.

Carla took Gwen's hand and gave it a squeeze, "Thank you. It's been hard adjusting, but Gwen has made things so much easier. She's taught me so much. She's already made me quite the swordswoman, actually," Carla did her best fake smile, "I might even be able to give you a run for your money," then she did a nice fake laugh. Evelyn laughed back.

The effect of her words in the vampires' auras was dramatic. Gwen's aura shifted from gray to a shifting pattern of lighter and darker blues.

Evelyn's aura turned an even darker green with hints of orange, "We shall have to spar then."

"I'd like that, it would be good to get practice against someone other than Gwen. She says I'm a natural but it would be good to test myself against someone closer to my level."

Evelyn smiled and her fangs were the slightest bit extended. The orange spots in her aura began to grow.

Carla looked to the left and saw Will, the Savon from the Dorian, surrounded by the silvery haze of a shroud, drinking wine. When she looked back at Gwen and Evelyn their auras had vanished.

"Excuse me, I see someone I need to talk to. Coming, Gwen?

"Sure," said Gwen, she sounded uncertain, the stress seeping back into her voice.

"It was nice to meet you, Evelyn. I look forward to seeing if you live up to your reputation."

Evelyn smiled graciously, but her fangs were even longer. "Yes, I look forward to showing you."

Carla started walking away from Evelyn, and Gwen followed her.

"Are you okay?" asked Carla.

"I'm fine... Evelyn can just be oblivious sometimes."

"She wasn't being oblivious. She's insanely jealous that you're better with the sword than she is and she's trying to cut you down in the only way she can."

"What? No, that's not true."

"Trust me. She's scared you've already taught me to be better than her."

"Not yet, said Gwen absently. "Maybe in a few months,"

Carla felt a surge of pride at the idea she could equal one of the house's blademasters in just a few months.

"You really think she's like that because she's jealous?" asked Gwen.


"Wait, where are we going?"

Carla walked up to Will. When they got inside the shimmer Gwen jumped and so did Will, spilling his drink a little.

"What are you doing here?" asked Carla.

Will pointed to his drink.

"Then why are you shrouded?"

"So no one will talk to me."

"Oh, sorry."

"No, it's fine. You're not who I'm trying to avoid. I feel like there are probably better people for you to talk to, though."

"I wanted to know where I stand with the Savons now that I've been officially recognized."

"Oh, that makes sense. I mean you're good with Nikola. He was happy as soon as he got his town for you."

Carla blinked, confusion throwing her, "Then why did he support Matej's challenge?"

"To get the town," said Will, sounding like he was explaining something to a child, "Look, the Savons got pretty screwed when Sophia was handing out land grants. Nikola saw your little drama as a good way to even the score. The taxes from that town will support four or five new Savons. As far as he's concerned the debt has been paid."

"Then why did he threaten to turn and torture me after?"

"Oh the torture part was just to make Matej happy. Nikola has to act like a hardass every once in a while to appease the conservatives but if he had gotten you for the house he wouldn't have actually tortured you. We don't have a lot of good practitioners, so getting his hands on you would have been quite a coup. You would have been treated well." Will tilted his head, "Although now that I think about it, if it ended up you had lost your magic after we turned you, Nikola might have given you to Matej as a gift... So you probably dodged a bullet there. But long story short, you're square with Nikola."

"What about Matej?"

"Oh, he'll still murder the hell out of you if he thinks he can get away with it. But odds are he won't risk it. He's an asshole but he's not stupid. Even if he somehow gets past Gwen to get you, now that you've been recognized, Nikola would have to give that town back and more if Matej killed you. And he would be really mad if he had to give that town back. Like decades-of-torment mad."

"So, I'm mostly off the hook, but keep watching my back."

"Pretty much. Maybe watch your back about half as hard as you were before. Which you really should be doing anyways. Half the blooded in this town are complete lunatics."

With that, Will finished his drink in one big gulp, "Anyone need a refill?"

"No, we're good."

Will shrugged and wandered away, when he got a few feet away they left the area around his shroud and he vanished.

Carla and Gwen looked at each other.

"I can't tell how reassured I should be by that," said Carla.

"I wouldn't worry. If any Savons come after you they're going to be losing limbs."

Carla felt a surge of affection for Gwen. She really loved it when Gwen talked tough.

Carla smiled and touched her shoulder, "I feel safer already."

Gwen smiled back.

Carla looked around. She realized she was the guest at the party that didn't know anyone there except her partner. But she knew if she just talked to Gwen, everyone would judge her. Her eyes fell on a small group of four vampires and she started. They didn't look like any vampires she'd seen before. They were dressed in well made buckskin clothes with elaborate whirls sewn into their shirts and vests. They all had a vitality most vampires lacked. They were less pale than most other vampires and moved more like humans. They never seemed to freeze in place as other vampires did on occasion. One of them looked around and laughed and Carla saw his eyes were yellow. Vampires didn't need to bathe very often but all of them definitely looked like they needed one. They had the look of hunters or woodsmen.

"Who are they?"

Gwen followed Carla's eyes, "Oh, those are Gevudan, the fourth house. They usually don't come to court or even into the city. Sophia gave them the king's forests and they mostly stay there."

"I can see that. They look interesting."

"Oh yeah, they're a lot of fun as long as you have a strong stomach and are willing to let your manners slide."

"Should we go talk to them?"

"I don't know, I'm terrible at these things. It might be better to talk to another member of our house first? This is your official coming out and you don't know a lot of us yet. How about Caroline? You at least talked to her before and she knows everyone."

"Good idea."

They found Caroline talking animatedly to another Mircalla. As they approached Carla was struck by their similarity. They were both tall, a couple inches taller than Carla, with heart shaped faces and big, dark eyes that shined when they light caught them. Caroline was dressed more unconventionally than the other Mircallas at court. In a short dress that stopped just above the knees. The other Mircalla was dressed in the same type of dress Gwen had given Carla the night she was turned, the house colors with the crest embroidered down the sleeves. Carla had come to understand that was a sort of house uniform and indicated a more conservative attitude. She also had a sword belted around her waist. Though her time practicing with Gwen taught her a sword with a hilt that elaborate was more for show.

"Carla!" said Caroline, "I was just telling Felicity about that mav-main act that headlined at the Dorian the other day."

"Oh yeah, they were interesting. I like how they incorporated a lot of traditional Celadorean ballads into their act, but adding in the amalgamator and speeding up the tempo really gave it a new edge."