Dead and Horny Ch. 03


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The smell of coffee, stress, and paper filled the air. She looked at a map to figure out where the best place to lay low would be. She settled on the research stacks in the basement, figuring it was too early in the semester to find too many people doing research down there.

Down in the basement, the air was flooded with the odor of dust and mold. Other than a couple of people who were buried deep in books of their own, there was nobody around, and she found somewhere quiet to sit. When she pulled out her laptop, she discovered that it no longer booted up. Her best guess was being tossed out a window didn't agree with it. She packed her computer up and left her spot long enough to grab a few books that looked interesting.

It was going to be a long wait.


The princess walked through the door on the arm of an older woman, followed by her entourage. The slaves she brought with her had been trained since birth to remain passive and indifferent, yet even they gazed in wonder at the mystical palace that had appeared overnight outside of their city.

"Do you like it?" The voice came from a man who had stepped around the throne. He was dressed in fine silk and carried a scepter adorned with enough gems to finance an army. "A beauty such as yourself deserves only the finest palace in the world."

The princess bowed her head in greeting. "Many of my people speak of your generosity, and my father thinks highly of you. Yet you have me at a disadvantage. My father wishes for me to be wed to you, yet I do not know your name."

The man removed his fine silk hat and tussled his hair. It had been hard for her to see past the nobility of his garments, but when he smiled, she recognized him as the man who had spied on her in the bath.

"Is that really you?" she asked, stepping away from the others.

"It is." He walked away from the throne and down the stairs so that he could stand before her. "I would hear you speak my name, that my ears may be blessed to hear it from your tongue."

Stunned, she placed her hand on his cheek to make certain he was real.


Lily stepped through the throng of onlookers, her tail whipping angrily behind her.

"Fuck you!" She stabbed at his face and was disappointed when her tail passed harmlessly through him. Her fingernails became claws, and she struggled to speak through the fangs that had erupted from her mouth. The fiery aura over her horns crackled with energy as she slashed at his face and roared in frustration, her voice echoing through the palace.

The scene played on while she raged, and several minutes later, Aladdin told the princess the plans for their wedding. He thanked his mother for escorting her from the sultan's palace, and then watched her go to her room with a smile on his face. By now, Lily had reverted mostly back to her human form, but kept her wings and tail out just in case.

The scene went black and white, then broke apart and turned to static, as if an old television was being tuned. When the static cleared again, the princess and Aladdin stood before a crowd of people on the front steps of his palace. Most of the locals were in attendance, as well as the sultan himself.

"What is this place?" She found that she could move freely through the vision, but couldn't affect it at all. When Cyrus had cast his banishing spell, she had disassociated. Typically when this happened, she would wake up somewhere else. However, it was as if she was trapped in a dream, which didn't make any sense, because she no longer had dreams of her own.

She stood next to Aladdin and watched in disgust as he smiled at his princess.

"The people love you," she told him with a smile. "Your generosity truly knows no bounds."

"No, it is you they love." He touched her cheek and gave her a kiss. A cheer broke out from the throng of revelers below. "It is my honor just to be in your presence."

The princess turned to look at the people below. "This will be your kingdom someday. With your riches, I see prosperity in our future."

Aladdin grinned and raised one hand and snapped his fingers. A handful of slaves near the bottom of the steps grabbed handfuls of gold coins and tossed them to the people in the crowd, who shrieked in delight.

"You are also very generous," she told him. "How is it that you have become so wealthy so quickly?"

His face darkened for a moment. It was subtle, and the princess didn't notice. He opened his mouth to respond.

"He has a fucking genie!" Lily hollered in the princess' face. "He has a magic lamp which gives him power over a genie and he makes bullshit wishes that will ruin your whole fucking life." She stabbed at Aladdin again, just on the off chance she could get him this time. "How long do I have to sit through this shit? I've already seen this!"

The world became static once again, and now it was night-time. She stood on the balcony of the castle tower, the entire kingdom laid out beneath. Celebratory fires had been lit, their flickering flames reflected by the river that ran through the city. She couldn't help but smile at the sight. The valley really had been a beautiful place. In modern day, the river was now both polluted and dammed up, and any area outside of the city was impoverished.

Behind her, a door opened, and Aladdin and the princess came inside.

"Oh, fuck me. Really?" It was the wedding night, and she let out a hiss of disapproval as Aladdin led his bride to their bed to formally consummate their marriage. Along the edges of the room, a select group of attendants watched as Aladdin removed the bridal gown and pushed her back on the bed.

Aladdin smiled at her. His dark eyes sparkled as he undid his belt and lowered his pants. The princess gazed in awe at the massive member that hung from between his legs.

"Do you like it?" he asked her.

"I...I don't know." The princess blushed now, and turned her head away. "I've never seen one before."

"I should hope not." He grinned and tugged at his cock. She looked back to see that it was now standing erect. "In a way, a man's cock is much like a magic wand. If you know how to handle it, even a woman can wield massive amounts of power."

"How so?"

His eyes gleamed in the light of the oil lamps and he moved toward her. "Let's just start with the basics. It is something you will learn about over time." He undid the ties around her skirt and opened it up to reveal that she was naked beneath. She held her breath and waited while he appraised her.

"You have the body of a goddess," he said, then touched her inner thigh. Startled, she nearly swatted his hand away, but placed her hand on his chest instead.

"That tickles," she said.

"Indeed." He leaned forward and put his face near her crotch and inhaled deeply through his nose. "Even this has the aroma of heaven."

She said nothing, and closed her eyes when he climbed on top of her.

"Are you nervous?" he asked.

"Yes," she responded.

"Then let's go slow." He clapped his hands and a servant brought him a vial of oil. He rubbed it through his fingers and then started stroking around her labia, his motions gentle. She gasped occasionally, and he teased her around the edge of her clitoral hood, moving his thumb in tiny circles.

"He wished for that dick, you know." Lily had resigned herself to being stuck inside her own head. Just like last night, she was trapped inside a weird Dreamscape of her own making, and she could only hope that it would pass like it had last time. It had to be a curse, or some kind of enchantment, and when she found out who had cast it, she'd rip out their spine and feed it to them. "Found that out one time when he got drunk. Not that you'll know any different."

The princess was now lifting her hips, pressing herself into his hands. He didn't penetrate her with his fingers. Instead, he liberally applied oil to the length of his shaft.

He took his time teasing her pussy with the head of his cock. The princess kept her eyes on his, and gasped quietly when he slowly pressed himself into her. Trepidation, pain, and pleasure all appeared on her face as he thrust himself into her, his hands caressing her face and shoulders.

Their lovemaking was slow at first, but picked up speed as the pain disappeared from the princess' face, and she tried to move with him. Inexperience was both an ally and a foe as she fought hard for an orgasm that kept disappearing before she could achieve it.

Aladdin, on the other hand, had no trouble. His thrusts became stronger, and the whole bed rocked every time he pushed himself into her. He let out sharp cries that ricocheted off the palace walls, and when he came, he grabbed the princess by the throat and squeezed.

Unable to move, she grabbed him by the wrist and held still, her mouth opening and closing like a fish as she gasped for air. None of the servants looked concerned, and just when she started to kick her legs, he let go of her and collapsed next to her on the bed.

"I'm sorry if I was too rough," he told her. "You excite me to levels of passion that are beyond my experience."

She was quiet for several minutes as she rubbed her throat. Scared but unharmed, she rolled on her side to contemplate the face of her husband. He smiled for her, and ran a finger across her cheek.

"This is new to me, my husband, but I would learn more from you," she said. "Do with my body what you will."

He laughed, then stood from the bed and snapped a finger. Immediately, a servant appeared with a small basket of flowers. Aladdin took one from the basket and laid back on the bed next to his bride.

"You've never looked more beautiful," he told her, then tucked the flower into her hair. It was a lily similar to the one he had given her on their first meeting, and she smiled up at him, eager to please.

"Can it again?" she asked, then grabbed his cock.

Lily couldn't bear to watch anymore. She looked away and ran toward the balcony, then spread her wings wide and leapt out into the night. A warm current carried her up, and then vanished. Beating her wings frantically, she tumbled toward the ground and put up her hands just before impact.

She didn't hit the ground. Instead, she crashed into metal and glass, caving in the roof of a small sedan in the parking lot of a Super Walmart. It was night time, and she rolled off the roof and landed with a smack on the concrete below.

Though it was nighttime, the parking lot was surprisingly busy, and she could hear curious people approaching. She hid her tail and wings, then turned into a petite teenager and rolled away from the car she had crashed into and underneath a minivan. She kept going past a few more cars, and then turned into a white and blonde college girl wearing an oversized sweatshirt, yoga pants and Uggs.

After she stood, she walked back toward the car she had hit and pretended to be a curious onlooker. She even pulled a phone out of her pocket and was taking video like a couple of other people.

"What the hell was that?" someone asked. The crowd was examining the car, and she saw that she had shattered the windshield upon landing.

"It looked like a giant bat," someone else said.

"Ew, what if it's on the ground and has rabies or something?" Lily added, and the crowd took a few steps back from the vehicle. She moved around the throng and toward the front of the store. Once inside, she gave her phone a mental flick. She could make her phone identical to any phone she could imagine with one exception; she couldn't actually make calls on it.

Now her phone had a giant crack on the screen and it didn't take long before she found a group of college boys who were willing to loan her a phone because hers was clearly broken. She dialed Dana's phone from memory and waited while it rang.

"Hello?" When Dana answered, Lily let out a sigh of relief.

"Hey, it's me." She shifted away from the boys and spoke in her normal voice. "You okay?"

"No, not really." Dana said something else, but she cut in and out.

"What was that?" Lily asked.

"...ception...shit down here."

"You at the library?"

", but..." the call broke off.

"Yeah, well, like come and pick me up already. Yeah, mine broke. Uh huh. Yeah. See you soon, babe." She pretended to hang up then handed the phone back. "Thanks, my boyfriend is coming to get me."

There was visible disappointment on their part at the mention of her boyfriend, and she left them to finish their shopping. She made a quick trip into the bathroom and stepped into a stall to transform again. When she emerged, she was a heavyset grandma, and she ambled her way to the front door. A police car had parked near the busted vehicle, and the small crowd had grown. That was likely to get the attention of the Order, and she knew they would be checking the cameras.

She crossed the street to another store, then found some shadows to change again. This time, she wore sweatpants and a sports bra, and was just an athletic woman out for a late-night jog. The library would be a quick flight, but the Fort Collins nightlife was well and alive, and she couldn't find anywhere good to spread her wings.

South of the Walmart was a natural area, and she took a brisk jog onto a hiking trail that led into a wetland area. Once she was safely away from prying eyes, she took to the sky to fly above the shining streetlights of the city. Dark leather covered every inch of her skin to camouflage her against the night as she flew into the heart of town.


"Master Cyrus?" The voice was concerned, and the scent of bitter oil reached into Cyrus' nose and ripped him back to consciousness. Brother Amida and his knight, Tasia, were at his side.

"Hold." He held up a hand for silence. His head was pounding from the banishment spell he had cast earlier. It had drained him of energy, physically and spiritually. "May I have some water?"

"Here, Master." Tasia handed him a glass of cool water, and he sipped it. The cool liquid felt wonderful going down his throat. "What happened with the succubus?"

Cyrus scowled, then let out a long sigh. "She escaped me, I'm afraid. Something was wrong with my sealing ward, and she was able to break free and knock me unconscious."

Tasia and Amida exchanged a look.

"How is that even possible?" Amida asked.

"It shouldn't be." Cyrus grinned weakly. "And that's exactly why I sent the two of you to dispatch her master. How did that go?"

They exchanged another look.

"Unexpectedly on our part, too." Tasia took a step back. "We're actually in their room right now."

"Oh?" He looked around. He had thought they were in his room, but now he saw that the window faced out in a different direction. "So, what happened?"

"We don't know." Amida pointed at a stain on the carpet. "Tasia dispatched her, or at least thought she did."

"Tasia?" He looked at the knight with interest.

Amida was considered a rising star, and Tasia was easily his equal with regards to the knights. Typically, members of the Order came from orphanages, scouted at a young age for their talents. Tasia was different in that her family was actually a long line of Knights of the Order, their lineage tracing back several generations. The young woman didn't have a single negative mark against her, and he was curious how she had screwed it up.

"I sliced her arm off at the shoulder," Tasia explained, then pointed at the stain in the carpet. "Then I stabbed her through the heart. Look." When she pushed on a spot in the stain, he saw that the carpet had a thin hole in it where the blade had penetrated. "Afterward, I checked her pulse to make sure she was dead. There was nothing."

"So where is she now?"

"No idea." Amida shook his head. "We locked the door behind us, and came back to see that her body and her belongings are gone. Do you think the succubus did it?"

"Not likely, but..." he thought back to the Dreamscape. The Enochian ritual was a last-ditch effort to blast the woman from his mind, leaving him in a vulnerable state. Who knows where she would have turned up? "She should have been banished from here for a while."

"We found you in the lobby. Everyone thought you were having a seizure, so we brought you up here under the guise of treating you." Amida opened a bottle of water and drank half of it in one go. "Even so, the succubus shouldn't have had time to steal her master's body."

"And she wouldn't. Once the master is dead, the succubus is free to do as she pleases." He winced, then pressed a hand to his head. He paused at the sensation of metal against flesh, then lowered his hand.

"What is this?" he asked, looking at the necklace in his hand.

"You had it when we found you," Amida explained. "You were holding onto it so tight, we thought it might be cursed."

"No, there's no curse. However..."

Was it possible that it belonged to the succubus? If so, why did she have it? The necklace was a simple pendant with foreign script around the edges. It was an ordinary bauble and would offer the demon no protection against anything. The succubus and her master had further deepened the mystery around both their arrival and their disappearance. It was possible that he could just let it go, but he already had the Counsel's blessing to hunt down the succubus with a hand-picked team.

What should have been an easy kill had somehow become complicated. Yet a grin broke across his face. It had been a while since he had felt a real challenge come his way, and the opportunity to teach the next generation was priceless.

"Let's get some food," he declared. "Once I'm feeling will officially be in session."


So many revelations, and so many new questions! Stay tuned until next time, because there's even more to come!

Hope you are all staying healthy and well!

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AnonymousAnonymous2 months ago

Cool characters, cool fight scenes, and a interesting look into Lilly's past. So she was princess Jasmine? Interesting.

mrlurkmrlurk4 months ago

Cyrus seems pretty badass in this chapter.

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

Really hoping to see more erotic cock draining done by Lily. The things Lily does to these boys to kill them makes me so horny.

Argonaut_1975Argonaut_19759 months ago

So, Lily is Princess Jasmine?


Procurator9Procurator910 months ago

🤔I wonder human is dreaming....

AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

I wanna make your asshole gape wide open Miss Annabelle, I really do......

TexlanderTexlanderover 1 year ago

does Dizney know the true back story of Aladdin?

madcrimsonmadcrimsonover 1 year ago

I'm assuming that Aladdin is Amir. Which means that he didn't just catch Lily but made her.

I love to learn more about her 😊

Ravey19Ravey19over 1 year ago

Cyrus, oh dear Lily might be up against it this time but I'm sure she'll get away but when does the Order turn up at Mike's home in HFHM.

Hearthfire223Hearthfire223almost 2 years ago

Strong side adventure, with critical implications and reveals of the wider world beyond the Radley house.

I concur with other commenters: probably better to read "Last of Her Kind" right away-gives important background on characters encountered here, and it's just amazing.

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