Dean's Daughter Ch. 02

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Sophomore girl tricks freshman boy into fucking her.
9.6k words

Part 2 of the 2 part series

Updated 06/11/2023
Created 04/26/2022
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A few days after marinating some chicken with her piss and getting Ethan to eat it, Penelope starts to feel a little more adventurous. She wants to do something even dirtier or more messed up than what she already did. The sophomore still hasn't managed to work out an exact plan to steal him from Clarissa but she knows that one will occur to her soon, given how smart she is. Right now she just wants to have fun first. She already masturbated with and squirted all over Ethan's toothbrush. Now she is looking for the next moment of fun with him. The girl racks her brain for ideas, thinking about what she can do today.

Unfortunately for her, Ethan and Clarissa are going very strong. There is no weak chain in their relationship that she can take advantage of at all. So that means she will have to do something to create tension and make them turn against each other. Even though Ethan wouldn't cheat on Clarissa, which she knows for a fact after seeing him turn down an offer of a one night stand, she could still engineer a situation where it would seem like he did, or at least raise reasonable suspicion in Clarissa's mind about her boyfriend's faithfulness. That is exactly what she needs.

She has to find a way to make Clarissa think that Ethan might have cheated as the first part of her plan, before she can launch the second. Neither can work that well without the other. There must be something she can do to get the other girl to begin suspecting that something is going on between him and someone else. But what? What can she possibly do to invite that? It will have to provide circumstantial evidence as a minimum requirement.

Suddenly, a brilliant beyond brilliant idea occurs to her. Penelope smirks as she realises what she must do. She will have to be extra careful when doing it though, in order to avoid getting busted and failing. If she is caught then it'd be damn near impossible to get a second chance with something of this nature. Penelope puts on a jacket over her baggy T-shirt and then leaves her dorm room, taking a walk towards Ethan's dorm, with which the girl is now fairly well acquainted. It's to be expected, since she's been following Ethan around enough times over the past few days.

Once she gets there, she finds only Sam and not Ethan. Penelope takes a deep, calming breath before saying "Hi, Sam! Nice to see you." Sam returns the greeting with a cordial grin. He is an extremely handsome guy, with a taut weightlifter's body to boot, but Penelope is not interested at all. She has eyes only for Ethan, who is not in the room. "So, do you know where Ethan is right now?" Penelope really hopes that she did not sound too horny when she said Ethan's name. Thankfully, Sam doesn't seem to have noticed anything suspicious in her tone.

Sam does actually think that Penelope has a crush on Ethan but he isn't sure of it and doesn't pay much mind to the issue. After all, it isn't really in his place to say anything. He and Ethan might be getting along well but they have only known each other for little more than a week. "I'm not sure. I'm about to leave myself. Maybe he is over at Clarissa's room. He goes there very often, whenever she gets horny and calls him for a fuck." Penelope has to remind herself not to growl in anger as that would tip Sam off and lead to some unnecessary troubles.

She tells herself to remain calm and puts on a fake smile. Looking at the boy in front of her, Penelope says "Well that is just too sad. I was really looking forward to meeting him and discussing his coursework." Sam looks at her in a perplexed way. "I might be a second year now but I can still remember what I had to study in my first year. I gave him my word that I will help him and his girlfriend out with assignments." This part is actually true. She did offer them her assistance, but it isn't out of the goodness of her heart as she has them believe.

Sam gives her a smile that would turn any girl on. But not Penelope. Her cunt can only get wet for Ethan now. If only Sam knew how obsessed she is with his roommate, he wouldn't bother trying. Not when every second, every breath and every waking moment, Penelope is fixated on how she can get Ethan's cock inside her mouth. "Well, I can show you a little good time first, if you'd like. A lot of girls left my room satisfied," Sam tells Penelope with a suggestive smirk.

Penelope conceals her disgust very well and politely shakes her head with a smile. She has gone to all this trouble just to hook up with some other guy. The only one she wants is Ethan. His roommate should know that but she is not ready to tell anyone yet. "No thanks but I want to wait here for him to come back," she says. Penelope looks at him, noting that he only appears to be a bit disappointed. He does have a bunch of other people he can fuck, after all. She might have said no but he can still easily get laid with someone else.

Penelope watches Sam shrug and put on his socks and shoes. "Okay then," he says. "Make yourself at home." He then leaves the room. Penelope walks inside it and shuts the door behind her. She quickly heads over to Ethan's bag. The girl knows that this one is his because he told her himself and she saw him taking stuff out of it several times. With trembling hand, she unzips it and then gets a few objects out, making it easier to rummage through his organized pile of clothes. It is remarkably tidy for something belonging to a first year university boy.

She finds what she is looking for and holds it up. Penelope smiles as she looks at one of Ethan's boxers. Yes, she is now officially an underwear thief. The girl then finds one of his shirts and takes it as well, quickly stuffing them in her bag. Taking one more look around the room, Penelope leaves it as quickly as she came, going outside and starting to walk away from the dorm as fast as possible. It wouldn't be good for her if someone stops her for a conversation. She needs to get back to her room before anyone spots her.

As soon as she arrives back at her room she gets inside and finds, to her relief, that Cassie isn't there. She slides her shorts and panties down her thick, stockinged legs. Penelope then touched her vagina with her right hand, rubbing it gently. Her left slowly lifts Ethan's underwear up to her face. She presses it against her nose. Penelope is sniffing the boy's underwear, inhaling the musky scent from his boxers. She could smell Ethan's genitals on the unwashed boxer. It turns her on so much and she can feel a lot of her juices gushing out of the hole.

She moans as she fingers herself harder and brings the boxers down to her loins in one swift movement. Penelope uses it to rub against herself, pressing it on her cunt. Rubbing it all over her clit, she exhales loudly as she masturbates with Ethan's boxers. It just feels so damn good! Penelope keeps using the stolen underwear to stimulate herself, grinding against the fabric and sliding it all around her crotch, leaking her sticky nectar out all over the boxers. This isn't the main purpose that she took the boxers for, since she also has another hidden agenda on her mind, but it's some fun she can have with it first.

Pretty soon she orgasms, squirting onto the boxers. With a satisfied smile on her face, she puts the boxers under her pillow and then gets her underwear and shorts back on. The girl relaxes for a moment on her bed. It makes Penelope proud that she's taken an important step in her plan to get Ethan for herself. Not the masturbating part but the part where she stole a pair of his boxers. It is going to be very useful for her the next day. Right now she needs to go for a work out though, in order to stay in shape.

She puts on her shoes and sneakers after getting enough rest. Then she heads off to the tennis court for an hour of some exercise. She never competed but has been told she is talented enough to. It helps her channel all the tension still in her after her climax and release it. The girl is going to need to keep a clear mind as she continue with her plotting. Penelope easily beats her partner and heads for a shower afterwards, cleaning herself up to make sure she smell nice.

During her class that day, she could barely focus, thinking about Ethan. She still can't believe she managed to steal his underwear so easily. It is going to be so fun when she get to use it as a part of her plan. Thinking about it is getting her wet again and she almost couldn't stop herself from rubbing one out right there in the lecture hall. Almost. Penelope is still a good student, after all, who wouldn't do something like that.

Once she is done, the girl leaves and heads to her mother's office. She is now starting to think about the way she can take advantage of being the dean's daughter in pursuit of Ethan. Being the daughter of his instructor gives her power over him and it is that power which she plans to exercise soon. The fact that her plan is unethical doesn't really bother her. "Hi, mom!" she greets her when she gets there, walking in and hugging her mother. "I really want to talk about something with you. Are you busy right now?" She takes a look around the room, noticing that her mother has added to her vast collection, with even more Shakespearean plays lining the shelves.

Margaret Salotto is a reasonably attractive woman of 50. She smiles and gestures for her daughter to take a seat on the couch. "No, I'm not busy right now," she says before going over to a coffee machine in the corner and making herself some black coffee. The professor also makes another for her daughter as well. Bringing the cups over to the couch, she sits down next to Penelope. "So tell me, darling. What's bothering you? It must be quite important."

This is the really important part. Penelope puts on a good act of being completely earnest. "I've made some new friends, you see. They are all freshmen," she informs her kindly mother. "I also promised them I'd help with the course. So I was wondering if you are planning to give them the same assignments that you gave me last year." This is the most important part of her scheme. She is going to have to get the vital information from her mother to know if what she is planning is going to work or not.

Professor Salotto is surprised to be asked about this all of a sudden. But then she recalls how her daughter has always been a role model who always helped teach younger students. It's one of the many reasons she is so proud of her, so she gives Penelope a warm smile. "Of course, sweetie. The syllabus is also the same," she says. "But don't let them copy anything you wrote though. Even if it was just a draft you made but didn't submit, they'd still be guilty of plagiarism and the paper would be marked zero." She doesn't notice the tiny smile flitting across Penelope's face.

One month later

Ethan is feeling exasperated right now. He is sitting in his dorm room with Sam, who has been trying to get him to sleep around for half an hour now. The player bragged about his numerous 'conquests', objectifying them in the most nauseating ways. "I'm telling you, my man. This is what university is for. You should be out there, getting some pussy. Smash some ass too. Clarissa is nice enough, but let's face it, her ass is fucking flat." If Ethan's a violent guy, he would have slammed a right hook in Sam's jaw, but he isn't, so he just glares at the much bigger boy in a surprisingly intimidating way.

"For goodness' sake, Sam, you can go sow your wild oats as much as you want to but don't drag me into it. You know I prefer a relationship to hookups. Heck, I've never even had a one night stand before," Ethan tells him, rubbing his temples. If Clarissa could hear what his roomie is telling him right now, he is fairly certain she will kick his nuts. Unlike him, his girlfriend is not above using violence and has actually slapped another girl before. She alleges that the victim was eye-fucking him and wouldn't apologise until he threatened not to have sex with her for a month.

Suddenly, the girl turns up. Clarissa enters the dorm room without knocking, having grown accustomed to doing so. Both boys immediately clam up. "Hey, guys! What were you two up to?" she asks them. It doesn't take more than a few seconds to realise that they are trying to appear nonchalant, as if hiding something from her. "Were you two talking about me before I came in?" Clarissa asks suspicious. "You were, weren't you? Never gamble, Ethan. You have a very shitty poker face. You'll end up losing all your money." It's true. Ethan does suck at poker and all the other card games. Not because he isn't smart enough but because he can't hide his feelings.

"Not really, honey. Sam here was telling me to get laid," he says and Sam shivers from the icy stare Clarissa sends his way. "But of course, I said no, because you are the perfect girlfriend and I love and will never cheat on you." Then he kisses Clarissa on the cheek, calming her down. If he didn't, then Sam could be suffering grievous bodily harm right now. "Would you like to go get some ice cream together? I could do with some cookies and cream right now. My treat, of course."

"That sounds really great, honey!" Clarissa says, her frown now gone. Sam breaths a sigh of relief as he leaves the room to go to the gym for a session of powerlifting. "But I don't think I can. I haven't even started working on the paper Professor Salotto set yet and we only have three days left. I know you already wrote most of it. Could you maybe stay here with me while I start writing mine?" She gives him puppy dog eyes which are very cute but unnecessary, since he never said no to her, except for that time when she started fucking him bareback in his sleep, of course.

"Sure, baby! In fact, I should also get back to working on mine too," he says, bringing out his laptop and then getting her to sit down with him on his bed. She shows him her plan, which consists of a mind-map and several bullet-points, listing all the relevant quotes from 'The Winter's Tale' and detailed annotations. "This actually looks pretty good, baby! You've made many clear annotations that are backed up with thorough analysis, supported by contextual knowledge. I'm sure your paper is going to be very good!" And he means it too. He's always believed in his smart girlfriend.

Clarissa sighs. "That's easy for you to say. You nearly finished yours and it looks very good too," she says to him. She knows that she is as smart as Ethan but she is lazier than him and this is reflected in her current situation, not having started while he is nearly done. "Oh I know! Penelope just told me earlier that she'd be more than willing to help me out if I face any difficulties with the course. I'm going over to her room to ask her to help me out." She has zero idea that what she is suggesting is walking into a trap set for her. Her hand wanders to his thigh and unconsciously slides up towards his groin. It's a force of habit which compels Clarissa to grope Ethan constantly, not being able to stop herself from doing it.

"Sounds good!" Ethan says with an adorable smile on her face, and Clarissa has to fight off the urge to rape him right there. She doubts he'd be too happy if she did it twice. It's just so hard to resist the urge when he is sitting there looking so adorable! "Clarissa, you're eye-fucking me again," he teases, recognising the look in her eyes. "It's okay. If you can write a good thesis in the next thirty minutes, I'll let you screw my brains out." With that said, she grabs her hand and places it on his ass, holding it there for the next few seconds and letting her cop a feel of it.

Clarissa has never typed so fast in her entire life. Pretty soon, she is done. Her boyfriend reads the thesis, nodding. "You like it?" she asks and he answers in the affirmative. "Yes! That means I get to fuck you now." Ethan nods again and she tackles him, making him lie down as she quickly rips his clothes off, revealing his naked body to her. She plays with his nipples, making him gasp. The girl smirks wickedly. She knows how sensitive her beloved's nipples are and enjoys playing with them, rolling them around between her fingers.

With a grin on her face, she begins taking off her own clothes, starting with the cardigan and the bra. Her breasts are medium sized and soft, and he touches them gently, sucking her tits. "Hmm, you taste so good, darling," he tells her, alternating his attention between each of her boobs. He looks so freaking cute as he sucks her tits that it makes her internally swoon. Ethan keeps on sucking and sucking until she decides to she is getting impatient now. As much as she loves it when he sucks her boobs, there is something else she likes more, so much more.

The girl removes her pants and thong, lying down on the mattress. She touches her shaved pussy with her fingers, dipping them into the pool of her clear, sticky juices. "Eat me out now," she orders. Ever the obedient boyfriend, he complies, burying his face between her legs. Ethan has long since learned that his relationship is easy to navigate. Whenever his girlfriend gets horny, it is his duty to put out. His feelings doesn't matter. Heck, she even raped him once. He was angry that time though and made sure she took the plan b pill.

Right now though, he is anything but angry. In fact, Ethan is greatly enjoying himself by eating her out. His lips press onto her vagina, kissing Clarissa's genitals tenderly. The boy licks her vulva, flicking the tip of his tongue against the little nub. The contact with her clitoris makes her moan, tossing her head back in pleasure. "I love eating your pussy, baby," he tells her, nearly making her cum with his words.

She locks her legs around his head, pressing his face against her crotch. Grinding against him, she rubs her clitoris all over his nose. It feels wonderful to have him swallowing her clit and then sucking her pussy. The suction is incredible. Clarissa face fucks him for a few more seconds before she squirts all over the boy's face. "Thank you so much for that, baby," she tells him. "Now start fucking me. You know you want my pussy."

The shy boy nods and climbs on top of her, lining his prick up with the entrance. He gently inserts it into her, penetrating the warm hole. Ethan sighs as he buries his shaft inside his girlfriend. After taking a few, deep breaths the boy starts moving. He thrusts slowly, driving his cock in and out of her. The way her wet pussy clings to him as he pokes inside her feels so wonderful as her soft flesh caresses his hard tool. "You feel so good, baby. I love your pussy so much. I love you," he breathes.

She smiles at him. "I love you too, Ethan," Clarissa whispers as she buckles her hips, lifting her ass off the bed and thrusting up to meet him, increasing the blissful friction. The girl could sense that he is close now. After fucking so many times, they could tell that about each other with ease. Giving him a smirk, she says "I want you to finish on my slutty face." Clarissa is delighted when she feels him pulsate inside her and quickly withdraws the shaft from her cunt.

Getting on her knees, she has him stand up and jerk off, using her pussy juices as lubrication. His fist rapidly slide up and down his pole and he aims it at her face, before cumming. Ethan blasts her pretty face with his hot cum, jizzing all over Clarissa's face. Within seconds, her entire face is glazed, covered in his cum. Without saying another word, Ethan bends down and kisses Clarissa's face, licking away his own cum before the two of them lie down on the bed together.


Half an hour later, Clarissa gets up. She remembers how Penelope said she can go over to her for help with any assignments, including the one she is struggling with right now. The girl sighs and extricates herself from her beloved boyfriend's arms. Then she starts the walk over to the older girl's dorm, thinking about how kind the sophomore is to be willing to help her. Most of the older students wouldn't be caught dead with a freshman like her. She sighs, already missing the warm comfort of Ethan's embrace, wishing she could just stay in his arms all day long. Soon, she arrives at Penelope's room and knocks on the door.