Dear Diary Ch. 04


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I realized her parents really had gotten everything they could think of as I pulled out what we needed for tacos. As I grabbed a knife to cut up the tomatoes, I saw Julie pour two boxes of Spanish rice mix into a pot and there were two empty cans of beans already on the counter.

"Bruce may eat enough for two, but it's just the three of us."

"I know, but I'm thinking about tomorrow. Bruce has his first practice on Thursday, you have to work that gallery setup this weekend, and I start work on Monday. Tomorrow may be the last free day all three of us have for a while, so I was thinking we could make burritos and go to the beach."

"Is that why you insisted on finding me a bikini today," I asked as I worked through the lettuce. "I'll admit I'm looking forward to visiting the beach, but we're going to need to buy sunscreen. My skin went from white to red in about twenty minutes back home, so I'm going to have to be careful here."

"I've got half a case of SPF 50 in the van," Bruce said, giving Julie and I and amused look. "Spending more time in the sun than you two doesn't make me immune. I've also got the umbrella and chairs we used to take to Lowell park because mom reminded me you would need them. It also sounds like congratulations are in order since Julie mentioned you're working this weekend, I'm guessing the interview went well?"

"If you could call it an interview," I snorted. "He spent about two minutes flipping through my sketchbook then pointed to a set of sculptures and asked me to design a display for them. Fifteen minutes later he looked at the partially complete drawing, handed me some paperwork to fill out, and asked if I could start this weekend."

"That's good to hear, unfortunately, my news for today isn't nearly as good. I did most of the unpacking last night while you took Julie's parents to the airport, so it only took an hour to finish up this morning. The coaches told me someone was on site every day so I went in to hit the weights and see if I could talk to someone about my schedule. My question is the one they get most often from freshmen players," he sighed. "The defensive coordinator went over my daily schedule with me; between practice, training and classes, I'm looking at thirteen hours a day before homework and study time. The off-season isn't much better, as it only cuts an hour and a half off the team practice. My housing grant will cover the HOA fees here, but that's the only contribution I'm going to be able to make during the season. I'll be looking for a weekend job once the season ends, but it's going to be tight until then. The only good news is I won't be draining much of the household resources. We knew my scholarship covered my lunch plan, but apparently the athletic center provides dinner after practice as well."

"Don't worry about it, we were kind of expecting that. Our housing grants are smaller than yours, but they'll cover the utilities so our income just has to cover food, gas, and our phones. Focus on your studies and making sure you don't get injured, we'll cover the rest." Julie caught my questioning look and shook her head. "It's not the same, and you know it. He's on an athletic scholarship, so his training regiment is his job."

Bruce looked between Julie and me. "What am I missing here?"

"We'll tell you all about it later," Julie told him. "The rice needs about fifteen minutes, so if you want to season the meat and let it simmer, it should be ready about the same time. That should give me and Tilly enough time to get her new clothes put away so we don't have to worry about it later."

He nodded and went to strain the meat as Julie and I gathered up all the bags. It only took ten minutes to get my clothes put away simply because most of it had to be hung up. Julie had been right, and we'd found a decent assortment of adult clothing in my size, but I didn't think I'd pass for more than fifteen even in the sexier pieces. I had to admit it was a huge step up from everyone assuming I was twelve though.

"We'll need to wash these before using them," Julie said, holding up the bag of toys. "The plugs and harness are in sealed packages, but everything else was just hanging there so people could feel the materials. I have no idea how many people touched them, and I'm not putting anything inside me until I'm sure it's clean. Unfortunately, I have no idea if soap and water will be enough to clean them."

I shrugged as I pulled out my phone and started typing. "Johnathan said they were all silicone, so it should be, but I can look it up... Antibacterial soap and water will work, but we can boil everything but the vibrator if we want to be extra cautious. Just get the water boiling and drop them in for three to four minutes."

She just nodded as she grabbed the bag and led me out of the bedroom. Bruce was already putting together tacos when she set the bag on the counter and pulled out a large pot. "The rice is done, so whatever that is won't be ready in time."

I smirked and pulled out one of the dildos as she started filling the pot. "We need to clean our sex toys. You wouldn't want is to get an infection, would you?"

Bruce chuckled. "Is that why you took so long shopping?"

"Partially," I replied as I started removing the plastic rings and hooks. Julie put the water on and grabbed the vibrator so she could wash it in the sink. "Can we at least tell him about the first part now?"

Julie rolled her eyes before she looked over at Bruce. "We get to have sex with a model tonight."

He looked over at me in surprise and I nodded. "I made two hundred dollars today for my first shoot, and I'm contracted for three more over the next three weeks. Apparently, there's a shortage of models in the very petite category. We can check the website after dinner and see if my pictures are up."

"So you went shopping, got a modeling job and decided to splurge on sex toys?"

"Something like that," I said as I laid the toys out on the counter and grabbed plates. "We can look at the pictures and talk about it later, but those tacos look too good to ignore any longer."

"I get the feeling you're not telling me something," he said as he took the plates from me and laid them out on the counter. Julie and I both looked surprised as he grabbed the rice off the stove and started setting up plates for all three of us. "What? I may not be much of a cook, but I can serve a meal. Time-wise my training schedule might be like a job, but you two will be supporting the household. If I can help out around the house a bit more to make your lives easier, then that's what I'll do. I even have a fair bit of experience doing dishes and cleaning bathrooms."

Julie nodded as we took our plates and moved to the table. "We should probably discuss the mundane part of living together. My parents had a cleaning service come in once a week to do the major cleaning, so my experience with domestic duties is pretty limited. I can do laundry, and I'm a fairly good cook, but the only cleaning I did was the kitchen after making a meal or vacuuming my room."

I rolled my eyes as I swallowed a mouthful of beans. "Who would have thought I'd be the domestic one? I already told you I'd deal with the laundry, but the daily stuff should be fairly easy as long as we keep up on it. We have a dishwasher, so if we rinse and load as we go, we can run it overnight and Bruce can unload it in the morning. Julie, you get the kitchen. As long as we remember to wipe up any spills as they happen, it will only take a few minutes to wipe the counters and stove, then run a broom over the floor."

"If everyone can follow the no shoes in the house rule, I'll deal with the beast," I said, glaring at my brother and tapping the hardwood floor that covered the lower level. "Even if we're taking our shoes off, it's best to run a dust-mop over it daily and mop it once a week. Weekly stuff shouldn't take more than an hour on Saturday or Sunday morning. Bruce volunteered to do the bathrooms, Julie can vacuum the floors upstairs and I'll mop the floors down here."

"I thought hardwood floors were supposed to be better than carpet because they were easier to take care of?"

I shook my head as I took another bite. "People think that because you can neglect a hardwood floor and it will still last twenty-five years compared to ten for carpets no matter how well they are cared for. If you actually take care of it, a hardwood floor can last over a hundred years. Your parents were kind enough to buy this place for us to use while we are going to school, the least we can do is properly take care of it for them."

"I appreciate that, but it seems like you're doing more of the housework."

"Not really, as you're doing the jobs that would take me longer to finish. I can't reach the top of the showers or mirrors in the bathrooms without climbing on something, and I need my step-stool to reach anything in the kitchen. Cleaning the floors would be a bit more time-consuming in general, but for me, it's the best option."

Julie just nodded, as her mouth was full, so I glanced over at Bruce.

"Don't look at me, I just clean what the women in my life tell me to." I rolled my eyes as I took a bite of my taco and Bruce laughed at the look on my face. "Those avocados are amazing, aren't they?"

I just crinkled my nose and glared at him before going to the fridge for the Tabasco sauce. Opening both tacos, I sprinkled some in before taking another bite. They were better than what we had at home, but I was never going to be a fan of them.

"You could just take them out and give them to me if you don't like them. My mom is addicted to them and got me hooked as well."

I swallowed and shook my head at Julie. "They're essential for my diet and he knows that. He also knows I can't stand the taste without Tabasco on them. You know I don't like to talk about my health issues, but I have a predisposition to heart problems."

"Heart-healthy is a keyword when your mom's a cardiologist," Julie smirked. "That freezer is full of lean beef, chicken, and fish. I'm a bit surprised you suggested the taco place if that's the case though."

Bruce smirked at me as I blushed and took another bite of my taco. "Our parents were really strict on her diet growing up, so we never had fast food until we were about sixteen. She's good about sticking to her diet, but every couple of months she would hit a fast food place and get herself a hamburger or pizza."

Julie nodded and looked at me. "No more fast food. If you're craving pizza or a burger, talk to me. We only cooked on the weekends at my house, but I learned to make heart-healthy burgers and pizza that will blow away anything you can find at a fast food place. Actually, pizza sounds really good, and we have everything we need to make it for dinner tomorrow."

She was watching me eat, waiting for a response, so I finally nodded. "Fine, it was always too greasy anyway. I just liked being able to eat like a normal person on occasion."

"Tilly, you held a 4.0 GPA through your senior year while auditing college-level classes on architectural design online. That's not normal, it's exceptional. Normal for our graduating class was applying for a Pell grant to attend CWI, not getting a dozen scholarship offers from the nations' top universities. Forget being normal, you're too amazing to be normal."

"She's right you know, normal is boring. The three of us didn't get here by striving to be normal," Bruce added. "Speaking of abnormal, there's a counter full of sex toys and a pot of boiling water in the kitchen. If you two don't want more, I can take care of those while I put away the leftovers."

I glanced over and realized he gone through four tacos and a huge pile of beans and rice already. My second taco was still untouched, and I'd be lucky to get through the small portions he'd given me to go with it so I just shook my head.

"I think I'm up for one more taco, if you don't mind," Julie replied. "The toys only need to boil for three or four minutes, and you should be able to fit all of them in at once."

He just nodded before he went into the kitchen and put the toys in the pot before putting together Julie's taco. As he brought it out and set it on her plate, he leaned down to kiss her. Coming around the table, he leaned down to kiss me as well.

"I'm happy we're not normal. A normal brother and sister wouldn't be crawling in bed together later tonight for a three-way with their girlfriend."

Julie snickered as I laughed. "Okay, maybe normal isn't all that great. I'm just so used to wishing I could be more like everyone else that it's kind of stuck in my head."

"We know, and we've noticed you're getting better about it. It takes time to change a thought pattern that you've built up over the years. We'll just have to keep reminding you that you're awesome until it sinks in. For now, eat, then we can get our chores done and go make your brother drool."

I grinned before taking another bite of my taco. Julie had insisted I had to get some lingerie, but bra shopping had been the only real disappointment today. They had functional bras in my size, but not much in the way of sexy. We finally found a charcoal gray bra and panty set that looked great on me, and the saleswoman had special ordered a couple more sets in red and black before making another suggestion I loved.

By the time I finished eating, Bruce and Julie had the kitchen cleaned so I put my plate in the dishwasher and started it. I grabbed the dust-mop, but Julie took it from me and held it out to my brother.

"We agreed on the no shoes in the house rule before we moved in. You're still wearing your shoes, tracking dirt through the house, so I think it's only fair that you clean it up."

"Fair enough," he said as he took the mop and looked at me. "You tend to let me slide on things like that, but Julie's right. We all need to do our parts to make this work, so remind me if I forget something or I'll never learn. While I finish cleaning, maybe you would like to freshen up and slip into something more comfortable?"

Julie and I shared a smile before grabbing the toys and heading up to the bedroom. We stashed them in the top drawer of the nightstand before moving over to the closet. Julie handed me my surprise and grabbed her bathrobe before heading into the bathroom.

"I'm assuming you want to surprise us both since you wouldn't even give me a hint what's in the bag, so I'm going to grab a quick shower and wait for you in bed." She tossed the bathrobe on the counter as she turned on the shower. "That is to make sure there's no doubt in your mind who your brother is drooling over when you come out."

I glanced in the bag as she showered and thought about my discussion with the saleswoman earlier. She hadn't been much bigger than I was in the chest department, and had pointed out that sexy wasn't necessarily about how much skin you showed, but how you showed it. It was pretty similar to what Johnathan had said. Sometimes leaving a bit to the imagination could be more arousing.

"Could you do me a favor," I asked once Julie had got out of the shower and dried off. "Could you and Bruce cuddle up in the chair and just watch when I come out? I'm pretty sure I want to do the live shows, and I'd like to try it out with the two of you. My surprise will play into the look really well."

"I'd love to watch you put on a sexy show for us," she said, leaning down to kiss me. "Are we just watching, or can we enjoy the show?"

"I want you to do whatever feels right at the moment. Ideally, I'd like to get you both so aroused that you need to cum, but I want you to get there just watching me. I guess part of me is worried I won't able to arouse anyone that much and I want to experiment a bit."

She smirked before she kissed me again. "Experiment all you want, but I doubt you'll have a hard time getting your lovers aroused."

Julie pulled her bathrobe on and slipped out of the bathroom as I stepped into the shower. I washed quickly, then bit my lip as I picked up the razor and contemplated the small patch of hair above my pussy. There wasn't much there, but I'd never shaved it because I'd thought it would make me look more immature. My conversation with Johnathan and my outfit for tonight made me realize something I hadn't thought about though, innocent worked for me.

Thinking back, I'd been doing it all along. My first moves to seduce my brother had played on that innocence. I even did it with Julie regularly, letting her lead our lovemaking to play out the idea she was seducing an innocent younger woman. Consciously I'd always fought against it, but subconsciously I'd been using my innocence as a tool to arouse my lovers. This was just me admitting it and accepting that part of myself.

A few swipes of the razor had me as smooth as a newborn babe before I could change my mind. Steeping out of the shower, I dried off before looking at myself in the full-length mirror on the door. That little patch of hair being gone completed the look. Opening the bag, I pulled out the light pink lace baby doll and stepped into it. It came down to mid-thigh but was translucent enough that my nipples stood out clearly and you could see a hint of my slit if you looked hard enough. I pulled on the matching stockings and panties before standing and looking myself over again. The only thing missing was the pink ribbons for my hair, but we could do that another day.

Screwing up my courage, I stepped out of the bathroom and smiled at the surprised exclamation from my brother. Julie smacked him and told him to be quiet and watch, but the way she was watching me made it clear she was enjoying my look as much as Bruce did. Moving to the bed, I bent over and adjusted the pillows while treating them to a view of the panties riding tight against my pussy lips and ass.

Sitting down, I kept my legs together, hiding my pussy from view as I reclined against the pillows. My hands trailed over my stomach, moving the fabric of my gown to offer flashes of my panties before moving up to my breasts. I traced around the slopes, avoiding my nipples as they swelled and grew more pronounced against the fabric. My quiet moans were echoed from across the room and I glanced over to see Julie's robe was open. Her hands were following the same slow pattern mine were and we both moaned loudly as her finger traced over her nipple as split-second after mine did.

I continued gently caressing my breasts, trailing my fingers around my areola. Once my nipples were hard and throbbing, I reached behind my neck and pulled on the tie. The straps of my gown slid down, finally exposing my rock hard nipples to my lovers' gaze. Remembering what it had been like when I first started playing with myself, I manipulated my nipples, rolling them around with my fingertips and gently pinching them. I spent several minutes working up the pressure until I was pinching and twisting them as I moaned in pleasure and my first climax washed over me.

I spread my legs a bit as one hand slipped down between my thighs. My panties were soaked as I started stroking my slit through them. A moan from my audience drew my attention and I glanced over to see Julie stroking Bruce's cock as he fingered her pussy, but their eyes were glued on the hand between my thighs.

Spreading my legs a bit more, I started pushing harder. The fabric bunched up between my lips, giving a hint of what of the panties were hiding without actually exposing it. I grabbed the cloth and pulled it up so it outlined my clit and heard them moan when they saw how swollen it was. Releasing the cloth, I dipped my fingers inside the leg holes and pulled the panties away from my body for a second, offering a flash of my pussy before they snapped back into place.

"God, this is torture. I just want to pull those panties to the side and bury myself in her. How long are we supposed to sit here watching?"