Death Falls: Jane Doe


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"Nooo, but you just did. What decided you?"

"Don't look so smug! He made me a good offer."

"Jewels and furs?"

"And an apartment of my own to which he would hold a key."

"My! And you turned him down?"

"You bugger! I would if it didn't mean giving up the kids."

"And putting up with his tube of KY jelly." They both collapse on the bed laughing.

In the morning shortly after breakfast Mike loads their stuff in the car. He asks Nina if he can keep a few of the gifts to remember his son and she says for him to take whatever he wants. He keeps the rifle for Richard and small medallions mixed in an intricate pattern with beads to form a small wampum. This is for his medicine bag. Since there are two he takes the other for Richard. Nina gives him a picture of Michael taken only a few days before he died and Mike takes one strand of white beads to go with it. The rest he takes in for Nina. Jeff looks at the mask and feathered headdress with contempt. Nina is reluctant to see him go but he can tell she is happy that Marlene is going with him. They wave and depart on the journey to Nancy's.

Marlene remarks, "I think they are closer this morning than they have been in years. I wish them well."

Following Highway 403 they again approach Brantford and head down into Mt. Pleasant. At Nancy's place they carry in two suitcases only since they plan on two more days, then home. Nancy puts them in the bedroom recently vacated by Caitlin and Grant. Right away Marlene goes to the kitchen to help Nancy.

As they prepare lunch Nancy says, "Caitlin and I have discussed the new name Terry has endowed your son with and we agree that for once he has come up with a decent name. The final decision now rests with you, Marlene. Do you consider Stout Willow an appropriate name for Richard?"

Marlene looks surprised and says, "I suppose that's up to Rick. I, uh, I don't really know enough about the process of granting names and such."

"It's the women's place in our tribe to honor the children with names by which they will be recognized by the clan. He would be known as Stout Willow of the Wolf Clan, since his lineage is through She Who Waits. You, as his mother, have the final say but you are expected to consult with the other women of the clan."

"I should speak of this to my husband."

"He will expect you to make this decision with us. It is the way of the Iroquois. Women hold their place in our society and guard our rights most rigidly. Think on it and we will speak again later."

"Is there a ceremony or something."

"It can be as simple as you presenting him with his feathers and the name or it can be elaborate in council. We will speak of this again. Are those potatoes ready to go on?"

They finish preparing lunch while Mike joins a game in progress between Terry and Richard. It's a board game with stones and wampum. There's much horseplay and laughing as Terry seems to change the rules after every move and he seems to always end up the winner. Finally Richard and Mike gang up on him and beat him in a few rounds. When it seems the game is becoming too rowdy, the women announce that lunch is on.

In the afternoon the men go to visit around the community, and when they get back a few of the women of the community who have dropped in, depart.

After supper Marlene makes an announcement. "While all are here I would like to take this opportunity to officially grant my son his name in the Wolf Clan. Richard, you are growing into manhood and should have a name in the clan to be recognized by. Your uncle has come up with a most appropriate one for you and after consulting with the other women of this clan; I have decided that you shall henceforth be known as Stout Willow of the Wolf Clan. My son, here are your feathers. Wear them with pride." She presents him with two eagle feathers tied with wampum.

Nancy's face beams as she whispers to Marlene, "Well done."

Mike looks with new pride on his wife and son. Terry laughs and says, "Stout Willow it is." He pats Richard on the back. Richard studies his feathers and says, "It's official now? I have an Indian name?"

Mike speaks, "It sure is, son. The women have spoken." He goes on, "Too bad they have not chosen to name Terry. I think Tall Talker would suit him to a tee." They all laugh.

Nancy says, "Terry has a name given him by our mother. Tell them, Terry."

Mike says, "Yes, tell us. How come I never heard your clan name?"

Terry glares at Nancy, "I do not speak of it. It is a silly name. Ask no more."

Nancy again speaks, "It was given by She who Waits and cannot be a silly name. It has meaning in your life if you would but accept it, nameless one."

Marlene says, "What is it? Tell us, Terry, please do."

Terry looks from narrowed eyes at the assembly and says, "For you I will tell it one time. It is Handsome Mountain." He looks around to catch anyone with a smile or smirk but all appear interested and no fun is poked at him. "I said its Handsome Mountain! Isn't that a silly name to saddle a man to all his life."

Marlene says, "I like it. It suits you. You are handsome and you're pretty big, too."

Mike says, "How would you like to be stuck with Silver Heels?" But he says it in a proud way. He puts an arm around Marlene and says with a grin, "And this is Silver Heels' Moccasin where he rests his silver heels at night." They all laugh then.

Nancy mutters, "Bah! Men!" Which brings more laughter.

Next day as they prepare in the evening to leave early the next morning, Mike asks his son if he has enjoyed his visit.

"I think I have enjoyed my time with Handsome Mountain the most. The reason for our visit is the saddest part. I have learned a lot and I'm happy I came."

"Well said and well thought out, my son. Life is a learning experience. You will never stop learning if you leave yourself open to new things. When we get home I will take you to learn to shoot your new rifle. We will go hunting together this fall."

"Thanks again for the remembrance of Michael you brought me for my medicine bag. It means a lot to me."

"You're most welcome, my son, Stout Willow."

Nancy and Marlene talk in low voices inside the kitchen door. "We will keep in touch. I will try to write or at least call once in a while. I have a lot of time at home alone when Mike is on the road. I will write."

"Her husband is out of your life?"

"Yes. He insulted my husband and son; exposing to me a side of him I had never seen before. He is out of my life."

"You realize she never will be as long as the children are alive. The children are a permanent bond between her and your husband."

"Ha! There are more on the way."

"I thought as much. She is pregnant by him?" Marlene nods. Nancy shakes her head. "Please do write. I promise to answer your letters."

"You should know as it will come out in my letters. He has chosen a second wife, a mistress if you like. She is bearing his child and due next month. Her name is Trudy."

"A younger woman?"

Marlene nods, "Twenty two."

"Can you abide her?"

Marlene smiles. "Like a sister."

"It is the old way. Perhaps it is good."

Chapter 3:

July 2

At the airport they surrender their car to the Hertz people and settle up with them. They get their baggage checked and pay a little extra for the added weight. Marlene dashes around the shops in the terminal looking for more souvenirs for the folks at home while Mike and Richard relax with cokes on a bench in the main concourse. Mike glances at his watch and the readout terminal over the counter. "Better see if you can locate your mother. It's only twenty five minutes to boarding time."

Richard runs off to check the shops. Marlene comes back shortly after he leaves. "Where's Richard? You better go find him before we're late. We only have twenty minutes."

"He'll be right back. I sent him to find you."

They chat for a while and Mike looks at his watch again. Ten minutes to boarding time. The announcement is heard throughout the terminal. Mike looks all around but no Richard. Finally he says, "I better round him up. I'll be right back." Just then he sees his son coming towards them between the people in the terminal rushing to and fro. He waves at him to hurry, then notices he has his arm around a laughing bleach blond of about his age.

He comes up to them and says, "Mom, Dad, this is Melody. Her and her folks are on the same flight with us to Vancouver. We better get on board. You should be in the lineup already."

Mike grins, "Hi Melody, are your folks on the plane already?"

"Yeah. I told them I'd board with Rickie. C'mon Rick." She pulls his arm and he follows along beside her. Marlene shakes her head.

"I don't like that one, either." They get in the lineup and check their carry on luggage, then board the plane. As in the flight out, they seldom see Richard during the trip back to the West Coast.

As they disembark at the Abbotsford Airport, Rich joins them and says, "What an awesome flight! I think flying is the best way to travel. You meet some of the most interesting people this way. I think I'll be a pilot when I grow up."

Marlene says, "Where's your little playmate?"

"Melody? They are flying on to Vancouver and to Australia tomorrow. She's from Toronto and they're going to visit her aunt."

"Hmmm, how interesting."

Mike says, "Do you suppose you'll ever see her again?"

"Nah! She said we were like two ships that bump in the night. Was she ever wild!" He grins from ear to ear.

Marlene rolls her eyes and says, "Let's get this luggage sorted out, you lechers."

They pile their belongings outside the terminal door, then Mike gets the car and they load it. "Should I give Trudy a call?"

"Let's surprise her."

They drive home and pull in by her Sprint. The kids are out of school now, so the girls come spilling out of the house with Trudy right behind them. Mike spins Crystal around and tosses Jan up in the air. Shelly hugs her mother and waits for a hug from her father. Trudy chats a mile a minute with Marlene, then rushes to get a big hug and kiss from Mike. Mike stands her back and looks her up and down.

She laughs, "It won't be long now. I figure about next week. You ready, coach?"

"As ready as I'll ever be. You still think it's going to be a boy?"

"Either that or a female rugby player. He's been kicking my ribs out. You make damn rough kids, lover."

Everyone except Trudy carries something in the house. The car is unpacked in one trip. Trudy insists that Richard has grown an inch in the last week and confides to Marlene that he has gained a new maturity he didn't have when they left. They go off into the living room and chatter away about all that has happened on the trip and at home. Richard hauls his belongings up to his room. The girls hound him to see what all he's got so he takes time to tell them all about the trip.

Mike is left in the kitchen so he gets coffee and settles down to enjoy it with yesterday's paper. About an hour later Trudy comes to the kitchen and beckons him. "Come with me." He follows her downstairs towards the office but she steps back up on the bottom step and says, "Kiss me, my love."

He circles her oversize waist with his arms and gives her a real kiss, long and full of meaning. She whispers, "Don't ever leave me again, my darling. I've missed you so very much." Her lips seek his again.

Marlene comes down the stairs behind her and says, "Come on, you love birds. I have to get though here to put clothes into the washing machine." Trudy just waves her hand at her as she continues to kiss Mike's lips. Mike breaks with a laugh and says they had better get caught up on the security business. They go into the office and Marlene slips quietly behind them. She closes the door then goes to the laundry with a smile. She thinks, "It's good to be home again."

Trudy tries to sit on the edge of Mike's desk but can't get up that high. She comes around lifting her skirt at the back and perches in his lap instead. "We have business to take care of first before you go getting into that security stuff." She wiggles in his lap and turns so she can kiss him again.

"You better be careful wiggling around like that. You'll shake the poor little fellow loose and he'll fall out."

"I guess you better plug the hole then." She smiles coquettishly up at him.

"Oh Trudy, not now. I'll come down and spend the night or I'll have a run and we can go together."

She pouts, "Haven't you missed me?" She snaps, "That damn Nina has worn you out! I knew she'd be waiting to pounce on you! You spent every night with her, didn't you?" Mike shakes his head. "Who then? Marlene would be with Jeff, I'm sure. You've found someone else! Damn you!"

"Marlene has broken it off with Jeff."

"She has? Oh no! Now she'll want you all to herself!"

"She's the one who closed the door when we came down here."

"Yeah, she did. So why don't you take the hint." She wiggles her bottom some more.

"Because I don't feel like it right now. I've just buried my son and reacquainted myself with my family. Also I have just come from a long flight and I'm tired. I love you dearly but this is not the time for sex. Okay?"

"I guess I'll go home then." She starts to slide out of his lap and he stops her long enough to kiss her one more time.

"How about going over the security business with me. Please."

She laughs lightly and says, "I guess that's why we're down here." They dive into a pile of paperwork and she explains the activities of Chuck, Jack and Lily over the last week. Jack and Lily are working on a fraud case in Mission. Mike knows the owners of the florist shop that is involved in an arson investigation. He explains he had better stay clear of that one for fear of a conflict of interests. Chuck is working on a suspected mail fraud case in Vancouver and Abbotsford involving a local mail order business. It has international implications as the mail order company is marketing through American publications as well as Canadian.

Mike studies the case and says he finds it interesting. Trudy says if he wants to do something he can go on stakeout with her tomorrow checking out a suspected Workmen's Compensation fraud. He says he would rather replace her. She shouldn't be out on stake out in her condition. She says that's fine with her. She has a lot of people to find who have skipped out on paying their bills. She prides herself on her record as a skip tracer.

When they have gone over everything he tells her he will see her in the morning before he goes on stake out in Chilliwack. She gathers up Crystal and they head for home. Before they leave Marlene gives each of them the gifts and souvenirs she has picked up in Ontario for them.

Later that night Mike tells her as they crawl into bed, "I couldn't have anything to do with her today. I'm going on stake out in Chilliwack tomorrow so I'm getting up early. I'll be leaving about four."

"You better get your rest tonight, then."

"I don't need that much rest." He grins as he kisses her.

Next morning at ten to five he taps on Trudy's sliding glass doors to her bedroom in Chilliwack. She throws the covers as she realizes who is there and comes hurrying to the door. She pushes them open and pulls him inside. "Oh Mike, I've been dreaming about you and here you are." He quickly strips and lays his naked body next to hers. By the lamplight he studies her stomach and the line that runs from her navel to her crotch.

"What is it? I can't see down there."

"I was just looking at how dark the line is from your belly button to your snatch. Was it always so dark?"

"It's gotten progressively darker as my time has gotten shorter. Is it quite dark now?"

"Quite dark.

"I know the time is near. I've been having heartburn and shortness of breath the last few days. That's a sign we've been waiting for. It means there isn't much more room in there for him to grow."

"Have you been doing your pelvic exercises?"

"I'll clamp down on you when you get inside there, and you tell me." She giggles.

"Good girl. Want some massage?"

"Just put your hands anywhere on my body and I'll be happy."

Mike starts by working on her back along the spine and as she relaxes he flops her over to work both sides of her stomach, then under her stomach. She almost goes to sleep before he is done. She jumps up and goes to pee.

She comes back and lays down with her back to him. She moves herself back, until she is spooned against him. Wiggling her bum she feels him stiffen. She grabs his hand and inserts it between her legs. She murmurs, "O.K. lover, you take it from here."

He toys with his fingers up and down inside her thighs and she lifts one leg to give him better access. He feels her fluids puddle on the inside of her lower thigh and knows she is more than ready. For good measure he plays with her clitoris and she moans softly, "Oh Mike, I love that. You're making me dizzy with lust." He enters her carefully so as not to disturb her burden and keeps his fingers working on her clit. When the bubble bursts and she squeals with delight he makes sure he is partially withdrawn so she won't absentmindedly push too hard against him.

Then he settles down to a long drawn out rhythm that in time brings them both to a climax together. She rolls over quickly and smothers him with kisses. "Let's do it again. Please. I love it so much when you come with me. All those stars and pinwheels are going in your head at the same time as they are in mine. Can we do it again?"

"Give me a moment, my love."

She smothers him with kisses some more and murmurs, "I knew you'd say yes. There's no one like you. I love you so much!"

Before long they are moving as one again and this time she comes three times before he ejaculates within her. Exhausted they fall asleep holding each other.

They wake around noon and Trudy exclaims, "Oh no! Someone must have noticed we aren't up yet." She pushes Mike's naked body over and sits up. "A note from Crystal. It was on your pillow. 'Mom, I've gone over to Lynn's. See you later. P.S. Hee Hee, I can see you and Mike now but you can't see me.' And it's signed, Crystal. Oh Mike, she saw us all tangled up together with nothing on."

"She's plenty smart. I imagine she knows what's going on in this bedroom. She knows how you got this way."

"I suppose, but it's not a very good example to show her."

"It's life. The birds do it. The bees do it. Why wouldn't we, my love."

"Oh get out of bed, you lazy oaf. You're supposed to be on a stake out."

They shower together and scrub each other down. When they leave the bedroom Carol asks if they want breakfast or lunch.

"Anything! I'm famished!" They both answer together. Crystal comes in and joins them for lunch. She doesn't mention the note and neither does Trudy.

After lunch Trudy asks, "Would you like to go out to the nudist park this weekend. The kids are out of school now and I'm looking forward to some cool relaxation out by the pool."

"Sounds good to me. I was going to ask you if you'd like to join us for the day tomorrow, and we'll go for a picnic out to Cascade Falls, up behind Mission. I don't think you've been there. It's a beautiful setting for a picnic."

"O.K. Let's do both. We should get a trailer to take out to Sunny Meadows. Then we wouldn't have to rent a cabin every time we go out for the weekend. We could leave it out there for the summer." Sunny Meadows is a nudist park on Harrison Bay near Harrison Mills, just a short drive off the Lougheed Highway.

"We'd have to get a trailer that sleeps three adults, four kids and a baby, never mind that one of the kids is a boy and would have to sleep separate. That would be some trailer."

"I've lined up a trailer with two bedrooms and a couch in the front that makes a double bed for the girls. The baby will have to sleep in with us. Wait till you see it!"
