A Death in Smoking Paradise


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"Yes Ma'am."

Davina got on her hands and knees and looked under the bed and brought out a half empty pack of condoms and a clearly worn lacy pink thong. "Hmmm Chardonnay, were these your Sunday bests?" Davina asked out loud. "Bag them up Alice." She stated holding the worn thong on the end of her gloved index finger.


A red-faced Hannah panted a few paces behind the long-legged Dexter as he walked along "Sorry Dexter." Hannah called out, "Sorry could we stop for another water and err cigarette break?" she panted after taking deep breath as they reached another cove along the path. She stopped and put her hands on her knees started breathing deeply. "Christ it's certainly getting hot!" She again panted with her tongue out and then looked up at Dexter.

"Of course, we can stop; we are in no rush, are we? Exercise and fitness are good, especially with a smoking habit, but compared to exercise I do think smoking cigarettes is certainly more pleasurable!" He cheekily grinned as he pulled the pack out of his shorts pocket and offering it to Hannah who quickly extracted a cigarette.

Hannah then stood up and opened and gulped down some of her water. "I am just so bloody unfit!" She whinged, "I definitely need to do more exercise!" She smiled as she accepted the cigarette and placed it between her red-hot lips.

Dexter placed his own between his lips and then fished around in his pocket for the lighter and quickly lit both cigarettes. "But I agree it's getting hot! He smiled back at Hannah as he placed cigarette back between his lips and swiftly pulling his top off scrunching it up into ball in his spare hand.

Hannah paused for a microsecond and admired his chest before recovering. "It sounds silly" Hannah said before pausing and attempting to hide her eyes studying of Dexter's body to drag on her cigarette. "But I am looking forward to the swim!" She chuckled as her exhale drifted out her mouth as she bent down and with both hands pulled her sagging leggings slightly up thighs.

"Think that is why they the committee organise it, as it's so hot, even on windy days, you can still get up there swim safely without waves up at the plunge pool."

Hannah nodded as she pulled on her cigarette and exhaled slowly. "Thank you again for inviting me this morning, it's nice to have some company, yes I am out in paradise, but my sister in continuously working up at the hospital." She smiled and flicked her hair behind her ears "And coming out here to the island and sitting on your own isn't as much fun as I thought it was."

Dexter smiled, "No problem, glad you could make it, I know what you mean about sitting on your own." He again pulled on his cigarette between his lips. "Talking of fun shall we race to the large tree up there and then have our next inhale?" Dexter asked with his exhale pointing to the large dracaena tree about 200 yards up the path.

Hannah looked across at him with indignation and then placed the cigarette between her lips and her cheeks collapsed around it and her chest rose high as she inhaled. "Fun?" she questioned with a forced exhale, before thinking for a second and pulling again on her cigarette "Deal" she said with another forced pushed exhale drifting off in the wind before stretching her arms out and up in the air as if she was thinking about warming up properly.

"Ready, steady..." Dexter paused and teasingly smiled "...Go" and he slowly jogged on ahead as Hannah huffed and then followed on behind shaking her head.


"Mike, I didn't hear the truck; I'll get the door." Carrie-Ann called out and flicked her cigarette into her plastic cup as she made her way to the front door and opened it.

"Oh, it's you, hello" She stated blinking with surprize.

"Oh yes, it is me." A smiling but now slightly downhearted Arnold stated looking up and down taking in the fully dressed Carrie-Ann as he frowned.

"Oh, nice to see you Arnold, I was expecting the door to be the removal guys, come in, and mind yourself and the boxes."

"I was just trying to have the last opportunity to s..."

"...See my wife naked?" Mike suggested with wry smile as he walked down the hallway from the kitchen and put his arms supportively around her waist.

"What no, of course not, I don't know what you mean, it was the last opportunity to say goodbye!"

"Thank Arnold, we are expecting the removal van any second, so if you don't mind, we need to get, our selves sorted." Mike interjected releasing his hands her hips.

"Oh okay, we will say from both of us thanks for being great neighbours, we are slightly disappointed that you are leaving this lovely neighbourhood for your preferred hedonistic island. As a small gift, I have got a bottle of whiskey for you!" Arnold smiled and offered the sparkly bottle gift bag across.

Mike and Carrie-Ann smiled at each other. "Oh, so kind of you thank you Arnold, we will drink this on the island and think of you both. Right, we need to get on, if you can leave the door open on your way out. Bye-Bye" Carrie-Ann stated and waved as he reluctantly turned shuffled back out the door. With his back to her Carrie-Ann lifted her t-shirt giving the clueless Arnold and the quiet street flash of her red bra.


"Ry go on, park up further in the layby just in case the others need to get out." Alice leant forward and pointed with her wobbling long ash before she flicked it out the side of the buggy.

"Yes boss!" He replied, and he pulled out the gap between to buggies and drove a little further up, the buggy whined as he slowly moved it forward before pulling the break on. "Is that better?"

"Think so Ry." She smiled sweetly at the back of his head whilst he shook it.

"Right quick ciggy break, for me and then we can walk up?" Ryan suggested.

"Yeah, why not?" Alice agreed exhaling a plume from her current cigarette as Ryan was taking the pack from the dash and offering it to Davina, who refused and then to Alice who instantly took a cigarette and proceeded to chain light it, flicking the spent one on to the ground.

"Officers I am concerned that you must spend a lot of time having breaks?" Davina stated raising her immaculately plucked dark eyebrow.

Alice shook her head. "Err, no ma'am, we work very hard, don't we Ry." She almost sounded like she was grovelling as she stared for support.

"Totally, we are, err, very busy on this island." Ryan agreed.

"Umm, okay officers." She mused and opened a bottle of water from her bag and took a couple of gulps. "Ahh" she sighed after swallowing, which is better. It's a hot one again."

Alice nodded and dragged on her cigarette again "I'm looking forward to a swim!" she said mid exhale.

"We are working on an important case Alice?" Davina turned around and looked at her.

"Yes Ma'am, just a quick swim as its bloody hot today?" She almost begged as smoke drifted from her cigarette and nose towards Davina.

"Hmm, I agree it hot, but we shall see!" Davina stared blankly and then the corner of her lips almost formed smile.


Dexter smiled at Laura. "Well done, see you've managed got your heart pumping and your body moving!" He stated before swiftly dragging on his cigarette as Hannah groaned and fell forward putting her hands on her knees and looked at the ground as her whole frame rose and fell as she sucked oxygen in to her lungs, before lifting her frame and looking Dexter as her face was bright red and her lungs were still panting hard for oxygen.

Hannah shook her head and growled, "Dexter you fucker!" She panted hard between breaths as she slowly straightened up, "you fucking changed the bloody tree we were running too?" She wheezed and gnarled at him before taking a short drag on the remnants of her cigarette before dropping it to the floor and stubbing it out with her flip flop.

He smiled, "You agreed you were going to join me for exercise?" Dexter grinned as Hannah flapped her t-shirt up and down to get air circulating revealing her pink sunburnt podgy belly which was contrasting with the bottom of her yellow bikini cups. She then wiped her forehead of sweat with the hem of her t-shirt which when she dropped it back in to place which left the darkened sweat stain patches on across her belly.

"I did," she rasped, "but you kept running I was aiming for the other tree?" She grizzled pointing behind her whilst trying to get her breath back.

Dexter shrugged his shoulders with large smile. "Guilty, but you enjoyed it didn't you?" He replied with his hands on his hips.

"No!" She panted and shook her head, "I am maybe regretting swapping donuts for cigarettes!" Hannah puffed. "Donuts were sweeter!"

"Oh, come on Han, you are doing fine!" Dexter smiled. "Of course, thinking about it maybe the bakery has got donuts when get back down?" Dexter smiled.

"What? Oh wow, but err, okay, yes, maybe...but shall we get on, I am nearly out of water, running in this heat is not fun."

Dexter nodded, "I did suggest earlier start and if we didn't keep stopping for ciggy breaks..." he said and stuck his tongue out at her "anyway I believe Tanya will have supplies up at the plunge pool, she used to anyway, I am sure."

"That would be good!" Hannah stated and panted with her tongue out like a dog before taking a deep breath and sighing.

"But talking of breaks...so you want another cigarette before we go on?" Dexter asked as he put his hands in to his pockets.

"Err," Hannah looked around taking and flapped her top once more and smiled "I really shouldn't, but hell is the pope catholic?" She replied before sticking her tongue out Dexter before bending over putting her hands on her knees whilst Dexter dug out the pack of cigarettes from his pocket.


"I will say it again, it's so good that you could join us on this walk Mr and Mrs Outhwaite, can I offer you a glass of wine before your swim?" Tanya asked as she opened her rucksack and got the chilled bottle out of the silvery thermo bag.

"Well, we thought we should carry on, seeing as we can't get off any quicker." Thelma replied.

"But yes, Tanya a glass would be nice, it's a hot day and that walk, was short, but quiet steep." William stepped in.

"Great, chill, relax, undress, be as free as you want, please go swimming or climb up the side of the waterfall and jump in, it's up to you, just enjoy this time, I have as expected brought plenty of cigarettes and maybe an extra bottle of wine or so, so please just relax and unwind." Tanya stated with her cigarette dangled in the corner of her mouth as she poured the wine in to a glass and passed it to William, who passed it on to his wife, so Tanya then poured a second.

"Cheers Thelma!" William said and offered his plastic cup to clink hers.

"Cheers!" and they both smiled at each other.

"Oh Tanya, before you go, where are the toilets up here?" Thelma asked.

Tanya smiled "As with on St Trudy, I am afraid you just go wherever you feel comfortable," she winked, "enjoy your afternoon!"


"I am going for a dip and will serve up our sandwiches once we are all ready." Tanya spoke with her informative tone.

William sipped his wine and sighed "That's a nice white, you should try it hon."

"Ohh, yes I agree."

Tanya smiled at the couple, flicked her ash from her cigarette and turned and left them to it as she walked down the beach a bit to her bag, pulled down her shorts to expose her naked backside and with her cigarette still between her fingers waded out into the plunge pool taking intermittent drags as she went before flicking the cigarette away across the surface of the pool before taking a deep breath of air and swallow diving silently with minimal splash into the water.


"Where exactly we are going Alice?" Davina asked as she followed as Ryan led Alice and her along the path beside the river.

"You will see Ma'am, Tanya will be up here, she always is." Alice panted, took a deep breath, and attempted to skip and hop a couple of steps as she tried in vain to keep up with Ryan as he set a quick pace on the way up the path.

"It's not very far; it is just around this corner!" Ryan shouted back from his position in front of them all.

Alice reached the bend and paused to take a deep breath and to wipe her forehead of sweat with tissue from her pocket and take two deep breaths before following Ryan and Davina down the hill.

Within a few minutes they had come around the corner to the beach with several islander sunbathing is various stages of undress on the sandy beach with plunge pool and roaring waterfall in the corner.

Davina nodded "Okay, yes I can see why this is impressive!" As she watched on from the little elevated area they were standing on. "Anyway, can you take me to find Tanya?" Davina asked.

"Err, she will be here somewhere," Ryan stated looking around trying to find her, "oh look there she is- I can recognise her dark hair." Ryan pointed with a straight arm to the middle of the pool as she slowly did breaststroke across the pond.

"Is everyone naked?" Davina asked as she also looked around at the group of people sunbathing in front of her.

"Yes, more than likely." Alice replied as she finally joined them alongside her fingers hovered in front of her buttons on her shirt.

Davina tutted and raised her eyebrows and brought her hands together "Well let's get down there and talk to Tanya."

"Yes Ma'am"


"Have you been up here before?" Dexter asked as they turned away from the coast and walked her up the narrow path alongside the river.

Hannah laughed "No, last time we were out here on the island Mom, and I didn't get beyond a tour of the bars and the subsequent big bushes between the beach bar and the bar in town." She laughed as she continued flapping her t-shirt for air as they walked along.

"But that all good fun, in its own tipsy to rather pissed to drunken state?"

"Yeah, if you like being drunk and sunburnt and falling into a bush." Hannah replied thoughtfully.

"Don't you?" Dexter laughed.

Hannah thought for a second "Well...don't get me wrong the sun and several drinks and I have now very much learned that the associated cigarettes go rather well together as the day goes on, and the sun and warmth is just amazing here and yes I am a little sunburnt in places the sun doesn't normally see from yesterday." She blushed a little embarrassed and protectively held her belly.

Dexter laughed deeply "I hope you don't peel too much!" and grinned.

"Shouldn't do, Martha attacked me on the sofa last night and lagged me from head to toe in after sun!" She smiled sweetly back.

Dexter cheekily grinned and raised his eyebrows invitingly as the thoughts clearly went across his face "I wish I could have joined in, maybe I can do it this evening?" he asked as his eyes twinkled with flirtation.

"Oh, well now that does sound fun, I am sure I'd let you!" Hannah replied, smiling and grinning.

"Talking of fun and on another note have you encountered anything illegal drugs here on the island?" Dexter asked completely changing tack.

Hannah laughed, "To be honest," she laughed to herself "I have been a little too drunk to notice anything illegal on this island." She giggled flirtatiously almost as attempt to break the questioning and to get back to flirting.

"Cool, that's good to hear. So, no one has offered you anything?" Dexter nodded with appreciation.

"Plenty of cigarettes and alcohol!" She grinned.

Dexter chortled back, "Anyway, we are so nearly there." Dexter suggested as they crossed over the road by the parked-up buggies.

"Phew, I am a little hot!" She stuck her tongue out and flapped her sweaty t-shirt again. "But Dexter you didn't say that we so could have actually come in one of those." She almost growled as she pointed at the buggy.

"Yeah, but we would have had the pleasurable walk or the company!" He tried to charm her as she frowned.

"Oh okay, I will give you that." She shrugged her shoulders and twisted her mouth at him.

Dexter stopped and leaned against one of the white buggies and turned to look at Hannah. "As you have been good, and talking of people offering you things, before we head up that little hill, let me guess you would like another cigarette for the walk?" he asked.

Hannah grinned "Oh of course, but only if you are asking!" She chuckled to herself as she instantly without thinking accepted a cigarette from the half empty pack offered in Dexter's hand.


Davina stood on the edge of the beach inches from the green water's edge with her arms crossed over her chest as she watched as the island older inhabitants acted like children and had fun with their naked swimming, shrieking, and jumping in the plunge pool.

"Officers I am guessing for Tanya and most inhabitants on this island; she won't be too long before she needs to come back ashore for a cigarette?" She mused out loud as she turned and looked Ryan and Alice who were standing beside her.

Ryan nodded, "Yes, Ma'am, which is one thing you can guarantee, they haven't made them waterproof yet, look she is over there!" He pointed as the dark-haired blob moving up and down slowly across the green water. "And yes, Ma'am knowing Tanya, she won't go too long Ma'am especially after exercising."

"Good, good, I think we will wait for her." Davina mused out loud.

"If so, could we, whilst waiting, potentially have time for a quick swim too?" He asked, but as he finished talking Tanya appeared closer to them as swam over to the edge of the pool and started to slowly walk up the shallow beach rising her hair of the water which was dripping of her tiny frame as she made her way up. As she got closer Alice slowly re-did her shirt buttons up, but then extracted a cigarette from her pocket and quietly lit a cigarette as they waited for Tanya to head over to them.

She moved slowly and purposely watching her steps over the pebbles with her wet feet as moved towards them. "Oh, hello again officers, how can I help you?" The naked and dripping wet Tanya panted deep breaths as she got closer to them.

"Hi again Tanya, sorry to disturb you whilst you are working and exercising, we really only have one or two very quick questions!" Davina stated as Tanya sniffed, coughed, nodded, and then bent over putting her naked backside in the line of sight of Ryan whose eyes followed and then briefly smiled in appreciation before Tanya stood up after extracting a cigarette from the open pack on top of the bag as Alice leant over offered her a light.

"Oh, okay?" Tanya replied with her thick exhale, before wiping a drip off nose and then very quickly taking another drag.

"What can you tell me about Henry?" Davina asked as Tanya continued to drip water in front of her.

"Err okay, that's a random thing to ask, he is SPIL's, you know, our company hypnotist." Tanya replied sounding particularly confused.

Davina made appreciative noises "I gathered that from Alice and Ryan. How long does he stay on the island?"

"Err," Tanya paused and slowly ran her hand down her arm wiped some water off and then looked at her cigarette and inhaled again as she thought about the answer "Only whilst the boat gets sorted for the evening departure." She stated holding the cigarette close to lips as the water dripped off her nose; the cigarette was primed ready for the next drag as the smoke poured out her mouth and nose before bending down again and picking up her towel.

"So, he doesn't holiday on island, he returns straight away?" Davina asked as Tanya momentarily disappeared in a cloud of exhaled smoke.

"Yes, sorry, I don't think I have ever seen him on the island for more than a couple of hours. He may have stayed over at some point, but I don't remember." Tanya started rubbing her self-down with her towel.

Davina nodded as she listened "How well do you think he knows Chardonnay?" She asked again.

"Err, again I am not sure?" Tanya stated as the memory flashed in her head, and she shook her head as she flicked her ash beside her hip before rubbing her crotch with the towel. "Oh, yes he was asking after her on Sunday when I picked up the Outhwaites!" She remembered and pointed in the direction of the pensioner couple sitting topless on blanket further up the beach, which Davina spotted both with a cigarette lit in one hand a glass of wine in the other.
