Demon Child Ch. 03


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Harnum smiled and nodded, "Ha."

Gently he pulled her to him and stroked her arm, pointing at the angry red burn on her arm and then pointed to a similar scar, old and faded on his shoulder. "Bak'Tai Twisted Dagger."

He kept her close, his hand still stroking her arm. Neekah had been distracted by the language lesson, but once again became aware that the other four men were standing close around her. Her eyes flashed around the faces, seeing the tension and anticipation on them. A shudder of nervousness ran through her. Harnum hissed at them to move back and taking her other hand in his he gently urged her away from the archery range. Leading her toward the tents he continued to speak in a soft reassuring voice, but Neekah was no longer listening.

She had seen the faces of the men. She knew that they would take what they wanted from her. A wave of sadness swept over her. She realized that after the kindness of their treatment during her first day with them, she had somehow hoped that everything would be different here with these tall dark men. She clenched her teeth. She swallowed down the disappointment. She knew she could do this. She did not feel anger or fear from them; maybe they would not hurt her so much.

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Harnum could sense the sadness and the resigned determination of the girl. He did not expect her to welcome their attentions, especially after her rape the night before. As long as she was not terrified, he would be satisfied with her cooperation. He was confident he could build from that. He led her past the tents to a small clearing. Several of the men had grabbed bedding as they passed the tents and they spread out skins and blankets on the ground.

Harnum pulled her close to his chest began to run his hands over her back and arms, careful to avoid the burn on her arm. His hands strong and soothing, he rubbed deep into her muscles. Neekah tried to pull away, to lie down on the skins, but he held her up and pressed her face against his chest. Reaching down he pulled the shift up over her head and handed it to one of the other men. She kept her face hidden in his chest. He continued to run his hands over her skin.

Neekah was confused, why was he doing this, why hadn't he just pushed her down like all the times before. A long shudder of nervous tension ran through her body. Gently he moved her to face away from him, leaning her back up against his chest. Neekah kept her eyes closed, still fearful of the lust in the eyes of the men surrounding her. He stroked down her chest and belly, his hands gently tracing the edges of her ribs and then cupping her breasts, rubbing his calloused palms across the hardened nubs. She gasped as a soft shock of pleasure spun through her. Leaning down he rubbed his face along her shoulder and the back of her neck, his breath hot against her skin. He softly nibbled and made a soft rumbling nickering sound. Neekah let out a soft sound in response. Harnum slowly stroked his hand lower on her belly, gently stroking the soft fur over her mound, and dipping lower feeling the moisture and heat of her venya. Neekah's hips jerked and she moaned softly.

Harnum picked her up and gently lay her down on the skins and pulled off his loincloth, his jhambar bobbing up. He pulled her to sit up and with a soft direction ordered one of the other men to sit behind her and support her as she leaned back. The man behind her began to softly stroked his hands along her sides and then to softly run his finger tips across her breasts and nipples. She felt his teeth gently nipping at her shoulders. Harnum returned to his gentle touches, running his fingers up and down the cleft of her venya, spreading and opening the folds of the flesh. Moistening his fingers with his spit, he slowly dipped them into her opening, slowly probing deeper, never forcing. Neekah was panting and twisting in the arms of the man holding her, soft pleading whimpers rising from her chest.

Harnum leaned down, his face near her venya. He inhaled a deep noisy breath of the rich scent of her arousal. He nipped her along the inside of her shaking thighs, a deep rumbling nicker in his throat. Neekah squealed, her hips surging toward him, her legs spreading wide. He gently pressed the tip of his jhambar against her heated opening, slowly sinking into her depths. Neekah let out a deep groaning sound of satisfaction. Her hands reached down and pulled at his hips, wanting more, to be filled up more. Her mind spinning with the lust of the men kneeling around her, her hips rocked and surged against him. Harnum began to move back and forth, his fingers still softly stroking her cleft.

Neekah arched her back, tipping her head back towards the man holding her, her legs lifting around Harnum's back, a loud vibrating moan broke from her lips, Harnum pressed deep and shuddered as he left his offering within her. She heard the voices of the men around her softly chant, "panshasham."

Harnum pulled away and moved to replace the man holding her from behind, his arms warm and strong around her. Another moved to kneel between her legs; strong hands lifted her knees wide and high. Neekah became aware that the hands of all the men were on her, touching and stroking. Soft bites on her legs and shoulders sent electric shocks of pleasure through her as the feeling of the hard maleness thrust deep into her over and over. Fingers from three different hands wormed their way through her slippery folds. Mouths were on each of her breasts, pulling and nipping at her nipples.

Neekah began to convulse with pleasure, her cries growing louder. She was only dimly aware as each man finished and was replaced with another, the sensations of their hands, mouths, and the endless rhythmic warmth and pressure of the flesh filling her had taken over her whole world. There did not seem to be a beginning or end to each crest of pleasure. Her mind slowly dissolved away as she abandoned herself to the waves of ecstasy.

It could have been hours or even days later when she finally came back to herself. Harnum was gently stroking her face, smiling, saying something she could not understand in a soft low voice. He gently pulled her to her feet, she staggered, her legs wobbling. He gently held her steady and urged her to follow him. Together all six of them moved down to the creek and they gently led her out into the water and washed her legs and venya, rubbing the cool water over her arms and shoulders. They led her out and helped her pull her shift down over her wet skin.

All five men seemed reluctant to leave her side, their hands straying to touch her arm or waist, gently leading and urging her to move along with them. Neekah was still dazed and pliant from the amazing waves of pleasure she had experienced.

All six arrived back at the camp. Harnum gently urged her to sit and brought her some water to drink. She gratefully drank it down, her hands softly trembling.

Several of men were whispering with each other. As a group the approached Harnum and spoke softly with him. The old warrior shrugged and nodded. Standing he went into his tent and came back with a piece of dark blue cloth. All five men put a hand on the cloth and then Harnum took the cloth and wrapped it around her head and shoulders. He pointed at the cloth and then to her.

Neekah had never been given a gift before. She clutched the cloth around her, stroking the soft fabric. She opened her mouth to say something but no words came from her mouth. The skin of her face colored red and she hid her face in the cloth.

Finally Harnum walked to Jhardron and had a quiet conversation with him.

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Jhardron had followed the group of warriors and the ha'akh, watching until he was satisfied that she would not be mistreated. The act of mating was not particularly private matter among the Bak. He knew that Harnum had chosen a more isolated area to avoid the normal taunts and teasing that sometimes would be directed at man with a ha'akh. He walked away, telling himself that he had more important things to do than watch this wild-color girl as she lay with these men. He forced his mind away from the image of the red lips of her venya.

Now he watched as the small group of satisfied men gently guiding the girl back to the camp. He felt a shudder of lust as he took in the lazy sway of her hips. She had a shocked dreamy eyed expression and easy smile on her face.

Harnum approached him, "A piece of advice, watch this one closely. She is very sweet to fuck. It would be easy for any of the men to become too emotionally attached to her. Hell, I feel half in love myself. It could easily lead to conflict between the men."

Jhardron realized that he was staring at the girl. He shifted his eyes to the older warrior. "Thank you, do me a favor. Make sure that the men brag a little about how they brought her pleasure, how the goddess blessed them. Let them strut a little about their prowess."

He had seen the looks on the faces of the men as they had come back with her. He would have to structure her time with the men, make sure she did not spend more time with any one of them. He stood and walked over and took hold of the rope around her neck. He led her to sit in front of his tent. The message was clear, their time with her was over. She was not to be approached.

The girl sat quietly in front of his tent, hugging the soft blue cloth around herself, her eyes soft and sleepy. Soon her head was nodding heavily on her neck. He knew she had little sleep the night before and had a long day. Jhardron pointed into the tent and gestured for her to go in. Neekah found a small sleeping mat at the back of the tent. She carefully folded the blue cloth and curled up and was almost instantly asleep. He dropped the rope tied to her neck in a loose pile beside her sleeping form and walked out to do one last inspection of the camp before turning in.

Her stealthy movement woke him in the night. The girl was silently stepping over him and moving noiselessly, she slipped out the opening of the tent. He waited a brief second and was up and after her moving like a shadow in the night. He swore a quick curse, she was moving quickly, a quiet white ghost moving through the night. He ran after her a silent shadow in the darkness.

He followed her silently, watching her as she padded quickly out of the camp. She stopped and crouched down, scraping a shallow depression in the dirt. Jhardron could smell the stink of her shit as she relieved herself. Smiling to himself, he wondered how long she had been waiting to find some privacy. She stood and scraped dirt over her waste. Almost ghost like she moved back down toward the tents. He was impressed with her ability to move so silently. If she had not been wearing such a light colored dress he would have had difficulty following her. He crept silently behind her, his black skin invisible in the night.

She was at the opening of the tent when he touched her arm. She gasped and froze. He pulled out his knife and pulled her close, raising it to her neck. With a quick slice he cut the rope from her neck. With a soft whimper, she staggered and fell against his him. His arms caught her and pulled her to his chest. She melted against him, long tremors shaking her body. Jhardron felt his whole body tense with need to take this woman. To crush her to him, to tear off her dress and... Jhardron shook his head and pushed her away. He pushed her towards the opening of the tent. He could feel her body shaking under his hands.

Jhardron did not trust himself to follow her into the tent. He left to go find out who should have been on guard that she managed to walk out of camp without a challenge. He patrolled the perimeter of the camp, moving on silent feet. The guard on the far side did a fine job, coming behind him and laying a dagger against his back before he sensed the approach from behind. Softly he laughed and whispered his approval and asked who else was on guard. This was a game that had been played out many times, a careful cat and mouse game of him testing his stealth against their vigilance. He did not worry about his safety; they all could recognize each other by their smell and breathing in the dark. It kept them on their toes as they waited here, waiting to hear from his superiors as to what their next objective would be.

Jhardron moved on around the camp, managing to sneak up on one guard. Softly he chastised him to be more alert. When he got to the far side where the girl had managed to blithely walk through an area that should have been guarded, he crouched and waited, his eyes alert for any movement. He did not wait long, as a dark shadow moved in and took up its post. He moved on silent feet, and laid his dagger at the throat of the guard. "I have been here for many thousand heartbeats. You have neglected your duty. A guard on watch may never leave his post. It would be an embarrassment to you to learn that the ha'akh came and shit almost on your guard post without your knowledge. I cannot help but wonder if you have the qualities I seek for my regiment." His voice dripped with disdain.

Klektor stood statue still. "Kill me then, for the Twisted Dagger is my only home. If I cannot serve, I would choose death."

Jhardron knew the young warrior was serious; he came from many generations of warriors. Perhaps you should tell me what would induce a Bak'Tai warrior to leave his post?"

"There was a cough of a leopard and the horse herd was restless, I patrolled out and around the grazing field."

"Leopard hunting when you should be attending your post... I think you should assist old Kwal'kek in teaching the boys for a few weeks. Perhaps teaching discipline will help you find your own." Every regiment had a squad of five or six first year warriors that attended to the chores of camp and trained in their warrior skills. Kwal'kek, a veteran warrior nearing retirement, was in charge of their training.

Jhardron knew that is was a step down in status to teach the boys. It was a job reserved for older warriors past their prime. The first year warriors were never allowed on the first waves of battle. To stay back with the boys would mean Klektor would not be allowed to fight with his fellow warriors. It was a fitting punishment for the misconduct of leaving a guard post.

Jhardron hated this waiting. Only just a few days of idleness could wreak havoc on the discipline of a regiment used to action in battle. He knew that Klektor would have never taken such a risk if there had been any threat to the camp itself, but the possible excitement of killing a leopard had lured him away. He cursed the orders that had them wait here after taking out the Ramaldi village.

As Jhardron returned to his sleeping mat, he could sense that the girl turning restlessly. He turned his back to the girl and forced his mind to thoughts of the regiment. It took a long time for sleep to take him.

<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3

Thank you for taking the time to read my story.

This story I one I have been working on for a while. It contains many words from the language of the Bak culture that I have created. The meaning of most of these words is easily inferred from their context. A ha'akh is the lowest rank of female slave assigned to serve a regiment of warriors. Tet is come, Ha is yes, Abak is no, venya is a woman's sexual organ, jhambar is a man's.

Please do me the kindness of rating and leaving me feedback. Constructive and/or critical, public or private, raving or troll; I love to hear from you.

To those who leave anonymous feedback, I regret I cannot respond to you individually. Please accept my appreciation in advance.


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star_cursedstar_cursedalmost 9 years ago
just getting started

I have read the last few chapters and rated them but this is the frist comment I have left. So far I am enjoying this, I love that the story is not to wordy, it doesn't stay in one place for too long; Neither does it rush to the sex. Interested to see where the plot goes and of course how the main Characters pair up ;-)

AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago

above average quality - well done - thanks for your time and talent.

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago
Good Work

to lazy to sign in to m account just for feedback, but i love it, i appreciate that the story is not entirely sex, yet at the same time it is, if that makes sense. the sex scenes are very good and i look forward to reading more

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago
Dry opinion

I don't like reading from the point of the victim. Also the life of a slave brings no excitement. I'll try two more chapters to find something inspiring.

mchuchamchuchaabout 14 years ago

I'm enjoying myself so far. Now moving on to Ch. 04.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 16 years ago

I want more it keep you hanging for more .Please continue the series is verrrryyyyy good.Don't stop in chapter 3 i want to know what happen to her.Keep writing

Zodia195Zodia195almost 16 years ago
Nicely done

You can tell that these people are honorable despite their warlike nature. I love the contrasts. Can't wait to see what happens next and to see when they discover she's a demon herself. Great job overall. I love the language thing.

DragonDreamerDragonDreameralmost 16 years ago

And thank you! You've got another good one here. I'll be eagerly awaiting the next chapter. I appreciate your sharing your gift with us.

Mistress_DeziMistress_Dezialmost 16 years ago
Loved It

I love this story please do not stop this story... it's definitely one of my faviortes

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 16 years ago
Superb Creation indeed!

And you are so great at creating stuff! Super indeed! Great~!


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