Depravity's Daughter


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She didn't realize it yet, but she was something along the lines of a minor princess.

I growled to the thoughts that gave me, stroking myself harder while she fed, and I could feel the exact moment when she was satisfied. "That's enough for now. I know the thirst feels like it's never quite satisfied, but you've been filled as much as you'll be able to. Lick the marks neatly closed." She did, her tongue a light flutter against the twin puncture marks, and then she looked up at me from her knees, her eyes... calmer. Depravity had been telling me the truth. She needed him. "Open your mouth." Again, she obeyed and watched me, desire in her gaze as I jacked myself off above her.

When the pleasure became too much, I pulled her to my tip and tilted her head back. "Open wider and stick your tongue out." The command made her arch and the sight undid me, so that I grunted, pumping myself while cum spritzed into her mouth. She couldn't nearly fit me inside, but she took what I gave her with a whine and lifted as if she wished she could. "Good girl," I gasped out.

She swallowed in answer and sighed in a form of satisfaction even while Depravity went still in an interestingly subdued state. "Thank you. So much. I can think more clearly now, and focus." She shivered.

Fuck me, but of course she could. I could feed her hungers, but she had been born of a demon with a specific nature. Of course she would need his attentions as well. "I owe you an apology, little one. It was arrogant for me to think you wouldn't need what the second Sire could give you."

She looked up at me and her eyes were still not completely sane, but they were much more calm, much more stable. "Will you explain what you mean to me? What is he, exactly? I can see him and he's not you, although I know you're a vampire."

I nodded and stood to dress before I beckoned her and took her hand in mine, thinking my answer through even while I thought of other possibilities. It made a twisted sense that she turned less human and less coherent if she didn't have Depravity's attentions or feel his sin. It made her vulnerable and open, made her seek that sin out until she couldn't think of anything else. It seemed much the same way that anyone might become consumed with painful desire when they've been edged and had no relief for a long time, except I thought, perhaps, for her case she might never calm down unless she had relief.

The more I talked, the more it seemed exactly the case. I told her of demons, told her what I knew and how they were different from vampires. And she asked questions, her mind seeming clearer now that she wasn't insane for that other attention. Even so, she would still look away every now and again and get this wicked little grin, telling me, "The fairies dance far more prettily over there where more blood was shed."

And she still didn't notice that she was naked.



I quickly started to understand a few things about my existence. I learned that there was a large difference between the sensation of hunger and the sensation of thirst. I thought that maybe I could live without satisfying the thirst longer, of the two. The hunger had felt so painful, so horribly unending, while the thirst only left my mouth dry, so that I had to work my lips and tongue just to speak.

I also learned that my mind wouldn't work on anything if Master didn't hurt me somehow or tell me what to do or scold me or... Oh, God. I didn't know what criteria the need followed, but just thinking about those things made me go weak in the knees, and the way the demon in his blood rose to the surface to say, "Daddy wants to take care of you"? Delicious. But if I had those moments, then I wasn't lost in a shattered world. It was like my mind became trapped in a terrible mirror maze and I couldn't see anything except dark fairy lights. It was like I was lost to one incredibly vast desire and that emotion was all that fueled me. It turned me into nothing until he shattered the mirrors and satisfied that craving. And I wasn't sure, but I thought he was the only who could do that.

We spoke of all these things during the daytime hours where he would sit in a chair by the fire and I took to sitting at his feet and staring up at him. He considered all of my theories thoughtfully, attentive to every word I said while we both tried to figure out my existence. "I do not think it is necessarily I who has to calm that desire. I think it is Depravity who does, so if anything were to happen to him, you would be lost forever in that insanity. You would become what he is. From what I've seen of darker creatures and their evolutionary tendencies, it would be a way to ensure he has procreated, so that his kind and form is always a force in the world, should anything happen to him."

I shivered at that. "I don't want to be lost like that."

In answer, he chuckled wryly. "I can assure you, little one, that it will be a minute or two before something will hurt the demon I hold. Even if I died, I think he would just return to his own realm and your body would eventually try to reach hell with him."

"That's not any better!" I stared up at him from his cozy hearth, panic rising in me at the thought. "I don't want-!"

"Peace." He was by my side with the speed of our kind and I looked up at him with wide eyes while he reached down and stroked my hair. His palm was cool on my forehead and some sense of vast serenity opened to me. "That's it. Borrow some of my security."

I did, my breaths coming calmer while I took from that vast river with wonder. It felt like an endless well for my newly born vampire wildness, a pit that came from all of his experiences and his age. "You are much older than I," I finally whispered.

He laughed. "You could say that. I'm older than Christianity, actually."

I smiled, a little bit of dark insanity covering my mind again, so that my look turned sensuous and adoring. "You're a god, a deity all your own, and you were kind enough to make me." I nuzzled his thigh at that place where he had let me drink from.

His touch was gentle when he pushed me away and his voice was patient, a guiding light in the midst of the mirrors inside my mind. "Think, Mira. Focus and come back to me."

I learned those words, too, and how to obey them. I would breathe and focus my attention back on our conversation so that the maze of mirrors fell away, at least for a time. "Thank you, Master. It feels like it gets harder each time and it makes me scared for when I won't be able to come back like that."

He inclined his head. "Don't be afraid. When that happens, then we take care of you until you're sated again. It's just like when you're hungry, how I'll fuck you again." He touched my nose, with amusement in his gaze, while I grinned. "I can promise that I won't complain too much with either occurrence. Also, my name is Lucius, baby. You're allowed to use it when you wish."

"The name of a god," I whispered, mind wandering before I could get it in check, but then I made myself say it, where I still gazed up at him. "Lucius."

He nodded and stroked my hair. "Are you ready to talk some more?" At my nod, he went on, pacing to the fireplace. "The symbols you see on the wall interest me quite a bit. Will you do me a favor, little one? Take this sketchbook for me and start to draw them?"

I took the book and pencil he gave me and smiled. "I wouldn't deny you anything, Master, but it will take a while. There's all kinds and they all glitter and shimmer in and out sometimes."

"That's alright. Just do what you can for me and start in this room. We'll work our way together. I want to see if I can find matches for any of them and what they do."

I took the book and went to the wall obediently, while he started music in the background, a soothing kind that made me smile to hear the lyrics. Rape, Murder, yeah. It's just a shot away. It's just a shot away. While I drew, he waited for a bit and then took the first few drawings as I finished them. When I turned around, he had gotten books from the huge library room he had and he had them spread across the table while he held my drawings up to them thoughtfully, trying to compare images. I kept drawing, happy and content to be working with him while the music played and I found I loved his music.

I set out running, but I'll take my time. A friend of the devil is a friend of mine.

"Well, blasts. This one looks dead on this symbol, but this is for demon containment and what the bloody hell would that be doing here as protection in unhallowed ground?"

I turned without even thinking of the answer because I just knew it. I didn't know how or why, but I did. "Well, with the amount of bloodshed in certain places, it would have attracted demonic presences and once they figured out how to encase the presence in a body, without killing themselves in the process, they'd want it to stay there, so they'd protect and ward for it."

He blinked at me while the song changed again. "Right, yeah, why wouldn't I think of that? It's only a demon presence that rapidly increases a human's mortality rate. Of course they want that trapped in them." Catch the wind, see us spin, sail away, leave today, way up high in the sky. I giggled at his matter-of-fact tones. My Master, I quickly realized, had an amazing wisdom that came with his age. Even though he had never seen a creature like me before, he had logical thoughts on how my hungers might act, on how I might work as a species. He guessed things that I didn't even know about myself.

These moments only served to make me adore him all the more. I had known him for a short time compared to his life, but I was infatuated with him, loved listening to every word he spoke. In the quiet of the daytime hours, he sometimes spoke to me softly and told me of his life, holding me in his bed while he pet my hair. He had this lilt to his voice that was something exotic, something that I thought was uniquely him. I didn't know anything about other creatures or people or vampires for comparison, but the cadence in his speech struck me as something created from 2,500 years' worth of experiences.

It was when we were speaking one day that I suddenly took a shocked breath. The feeling that crossed me was not nearly as terrible as the feeling of endless hunger from before, but it was stunning. It demanded my attention, although it was tolerable too. I could survive it if it came over me when I was busy walking with him or doing something else.

But the other problem was that the walls of mirrors quite suddenly shot up before I could fight or anticipate them and I felt lost, swept in a whirlwind of that madness. Master turned me over to face him with a speculative look and I tilted my head with a wicked little smile. He chuckled. "So I receive warning and you don't seem to. Your scent grows more intense until it's impossible to ignore, little one."

"I should hate to be ignored by my god and Master." Smoke left my lips, a visible spark of it in the air and behind his face danced those black pinwheels of fairy protection. They loved him, like they should, and danced around his short hair like a crown fitting a deity.

"Your worship of me might go to my head and annoy other vampires one day, little one. Let's see. First, let's make sure you mind your manners, even in this state." He stood while he talked and I extended my fangs just to feel them, liking how they made me feel like a kitten baring its claws. "Ask me for what you need. Be polite and civil about it."

Civil? That was no fun of him. I pouted my lips, but obeyed. "Will you please feed me, Master?"

"Good girl." He cooed it, a smile turning his lips upwards while he undressed. "Now, roll over with your face down and your ass up." I grinned when the smoke left his mouth and formed chains around my arms and legs. It was wondrous to watch because I felt no substance against my limbs and yet, they moved at his command until I was on my hands and knees with my ass to him, lifted up in offering while my pussy turned wetter by the second. "Such an obedient little succubus. Open up for me."

My body followed that command in two ways while I moaned with ecstasy. My legs spread wide for him, but so did my sex. I tilted my head so I could watch as the smoke of Compulsion filled me between my legs. I could feel my pussy quiver, then widen, expanding to take him until it gaped open, and I moaned with the sensation. I felt his hands grip my waist, his thumbs on my ass, and I turned my gaze to his face to see him staring down at whatever it looked like, his eyes dark with fiery excitement. That other creature inside of him swirled hungrily and I shivered, dying for the magic they both held.

He slapped my ass and I soared into a dark place. "Oh, yes, Master!" He slapped again at the sound of my cry and stroked his fingers up my pussy, pulling them away drenched. His smile was satisfied and I curved my body to let him see more, knowing it would entice him to fill me and feed me. He growled in response and fell on me, though like last time he went slowly, torturously so. He pressed inside while breathing deep, even breaths of control and I felt myself widened even more, felt him have to fight to press his way inside of me. "Please! Oh, please!" I struggled for more but he held me still, cooing over me again.

His words came out thick with the other creature inside of him, made him into even more of the god I loved. "Nice and easy, little girl. Daddy knows what you need and you were a good girl to tell him." I arched with a cry, with that feeling from when he spanked me before. It was a strange sensation of being lashed with a flogger or a whip of sharp pleasure. My pussy pulsed around him and I shook all over, as if falling into an abyss where the madness dissipated just a little.

"Yes, Master! Please more, Master, please."

But there was no more to take. He was finally as far as he could go and I let out an endless cry when my body contracted around him, holding us together while he leaned forward to hold me down with a hand on the back of my neck. The hunger went away almost instantly and the sensation of being flooded with energy and power filled me as full as he did. It was wonderful, so intense that I merely existed on a wave of delight for a moment while he hummed above me, and I was grateful to him. And then there was the exact moment when I could take no more magic and my body relaxed, soothed around him. I took shaky breaths of his scent with my face to his blankets, whimpering with satisfaction.

"Good girl." He pumped into me and I gasped, loving the sensation of being used, of taking him when he was so big that it was cruel. "Such a good girl and with such polite submission. But you need something else too, don't you?" I moaned helplessly and he chuckled, that black creature rolling through his voice. "You need a little bit of something... depraved, don't you?" He drew the word out while his nails scored down my back, leaving the most delicious trails as they opened my flesh, and it healed back instantly. "Maybe you would like this." I opened my eyes and tilted my head to watch him suck two fingers into his mouth, lubricating them, and then he lowered them back-

And I shouted in bliss when he pressed them to my asshole. My back stiffened with the shock when he speared into me, laughing darkly behind me. "Oh, please! Oh, yes, more!"

"More? Oh, but can't you tell, baby? I can't give you more. You're all stuffed full with my thick cock inside you and a couple of fingers in your asshole. There's no room left."

Every profane word satisfied some need in me and it felt like the madness was being beaten into submission. I clawed at the blankets like a wild thing.

"The only place with room left is that mouth of yours. Maybe you should fill it with your own fingers, since you're so desperate. Daddy shouldn't have to do all the work."

Oh, yes! Mindlessly, I obeyed, sucking three fingers between my lips and moaning when he thrust his cock inside of me, working his fingers out of my asshole only to drive them back in. He growled with heat while he watched and I answered in the language of animals, with a submissive whine around my fingers. I lifted and fucked myself back on him in need even though I couldn't make him go harder. His other hand wrapped around me and he stroked a finger across my clit and I screamed around my fingers, going off with hot bliss.

He moaned and rode out his own climax, pumping me full of his seed with soft pants of pleasure.

When he fell away beside me, he rolled me into his arms to meet my gaze, studying it. "There we are. Don't get me wrong, I enjoy the fun little crazy antics, but I rather like the coherent conversations more. There's more of your personality in them."

I grinned and nuzzled close. I was rather glad he seemed to like my personality, whatever it was becoming.



For a few nights, I kept her sheltered and under the care of my home. When we went out together, it was only across the acres I owned. She would play happily, barefoot and naked while I watched. And then sometimes she would turn to look at me and get a shy, wicked look in her eyes. And when she made sure she had my attention, she would lay back on the dead ground and finger herself. I learned to use and take advantage of those playful moments. I would stand up and approach her while she watched with wide, excited eyes and I would study where she fingered herself open so eagerly. Her every expression opened up to playing with the demon and I smiled, nudging her legs with my feet. "Come on. Show me more and gape yourself open for me." Depravity would whimper with that sound like I wounded him each time. He begged for every second and craved for more.

And of course we spoke. A lot. I told her parts of my life, the lighter parts. I told her where I had wandered and showed her online pictures of varying places. I showed her theologies and books from my library with different magic forms from different parts of the world. During one of these moments, she turned and made her way over to one of my paintings, still sitting on an easel, and stroked her hand over the air in front of it. "This is yours and his work," she said softly, in that lighter voice that she would get when trying to fight the insanity of demonism.

"It is." I smiled. "How can you tell?"

She giggled. "That's a trick question, Master. I'd recognize that smoke anywhere at all."

Now, if I were a younger vampire I would assume that was useless rambling. But the joke was on younger vampires because I had seen enough insane moments to know there was often something to be read in a psyche that had no filter. The smoke she spoke of, for instance, seemed to be something that was unique to Depravity. I thought that maybe she was rather sensitive to his direct touch on anything, but also considered that she might be able to see any demon's touch. And that was useful. "Of course you could. Do you think you would notice another demon's smoke as well?"

She considered it, sanity warring to stay prominent in her eyes. "I don't know that I could notice them specifically but I would notice in general, I think, if they left smoke. Yours is special though. You're my god."

Her calling me that with those worshipful eyes was really going to get to my psyche and make me incorrigible one day, but for the time being I nodded along to what she said. "I could see that." And then I would guide the conversation along a gentle continuum back to something more psychologically encouraging for her. Things like history or teaching her magic both seemed to be safe havens for her mind. She was an intelligently quick learn so long as I could keep her attention. I started with small, light little types of magic, things like seasoning tarot cards and the power of different herbs on an aura. With a little focus, she seemed to be able to notice changes in these auras, which gave me great pleasure.
