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Desiree discovers her sexuality.
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The weather was cold. Very cold, but, the air was dry. The snow on the ground days old. Desiree walked up to her front door, inserted the key and walked into her tiny apartment. Thinking to herself, she wondered if this is all that there was. That her life had become a series of sameness days. Day after day. Day after day. She was the manager of a local coffee shop, her degree in chemistry all but useless, and her love life nonexistent. For God;s sake she didn't even have a cat, she thought to herself.

She tossed her keys into the small glass bowl on the side table just steps from the kitchen entrance on the right. This just as she entered her tiny box of an apartment. Next Desi went across the small living room to her computer desk and turned on her laptop, just to the left of the short hallway to her bedroom. Mostly she just drifted into various websites, no real plan in mind, just passing the time. She thought of watching some TV but in truth she just did not feel like it. The small TV centered on the left wall on top of a very old TV stand in the same room. She was deciding exactly what she might do for the evening, when there was an unexpected knock at her door.

She looked through the small four panel window and was greeted by the back of the head of a dark haired woman. She was turned away from Desi, looking into the street. The street in front of Desiree's small apartment building. A converted shop with just two apartments. She turned her head back towards the door. Desi reached down for the door handle. For a moment she hesitated. Surprised. She was in a word, beautiful. As beautiful a woman as she had ever seen. Stark bluish green eyes, almost aquamarine. Her nose was narrow and perfect, her lips fulls and sensual, her chin was fragile, narrow, which just added to her beauty. Her hair darkest midnight. Shaking her head, clearing her thoughts, she opened the door to the woman.

"May I help you, uh..., miss?" Her smile was something out of the movies. She was not just pretty, but something about her was magnetic. Desiree was not a Lesbian, she liked guys, but she could not help but be attracted to this woman in some way she did not understand.

"Oh..., hello. I am Gina, I am your new neighbor." She pointed up to the apartment above hers that was entered from the outdoor stairs on the side of the building. It was bigger than hers, and Desi had imagined someday making enough money to afford it. It was a three bedroom, and had been remodeled more recently then her downstairs apartment. "I just thought I would say hello... My, aren't you a pretty one." Desi knew she was blushing. She considered herself perhaps barely prettier than average, but nothing spectacular. Nothing about her displayed a beauty anything like this woman. Desi was surprised at the comment. Never good at taking compliments, from this beautiful woman is was even more disconcerting. "Oh, quit your blushing." She sort of laughed., "Your name, miss...?"

"Desiree, but everyone calls me Desi."

"Oh, that's cute. I am Gina and well..., sorry for being forward..., but are you going to invite me


"Oh..., certainly. Come in." Desiree was still dressed in her work clothes. Dark jeans and a dark blouse, nothing that flattered the figure. But, for some reason, Desiree thought this woman was checking her out. Desiree had never been into women, but some how this flattered her. Not only that, but she felt herself getting warm around her face and neck. "S-sorry," she stammered. "The place is not much, but it is home. Uhm..., would, would you like something to drink. I have diet soda..., or water. I, I can make coffee?" She did not know why, but this beautiful woman really made her nervous.

"No, no. Nothing. What I came over here for, the reason I knocked on your door was to ask you if you play cards. We, me and my husband moved in here a couple of weeks ago and we saw your comings and goings. We play various card games. Our friend John usually plays with us, but it turns out he is busy this Friday. We sure could use a third. Interested?"

It was so weird. So out of place, so sudden. Her neighbors had never even spoken to Desi, this woman Gina and her husband, and suddenly she was being invited to their place to play, of all things, cards. "I have not played any cards since, well..., since I was a kid. I mean..."

"Oh," Gina interrupted, "We can teach you. We play a few different card games, just need another body. And..., well, we have noticed you don't get out much." It was true. Desi rarely got out. She had a few friends, but most of them had married or moved away. The last couple of years she had not even been out to see a movie. She hesitated, unsure of what to say. But, before she could respond Gina continued. "Please...," placing on her hand on her arm as they moved across the room. Desi motioned for her to sit on her small couch and Desiree sat next to her. "Come on over... Friday, say about seven..., unless you work?"

"I manage a coffee place..., I work days. Choose my own schedule."

"Well, then great. Come on over." She said this as she stood up, obviously ready to leave. Not even waiting for a response, she continued. "See you then, we'll feed you too, just bring yourself." She smiled as she headed to her door. "I'll let myself out..., see you then."

A few minutes later she stood in front of her dresser at the end of her bed in her very small bedroom. Above that dresser was a small mirror with a small crack up in the left hand corner. The dresser and the mirror, along with the bed, had come with the apartment. The walls of the room were paneling that must have been very pretty at some point. But, the brown, years old wall covering had seen better days. It gave the room a sort of..., oldness.

Looking at herself in the mirror she saw less then what Gina had said about her. Maybe slightly pretty, eyes brown and round. Her nose was nice, maybe her best facial feature. She undressed, taking off her bra she looked at her trim waist, and the bush that hid the slit between her legs. She usually kept it trim so she decided that night to cut it back to a V that she found more attractive. Not that anyone had seen it in years. Desi had nice legs, long for a woman that was not quite five feet six inches tall. Her ass was shapely and it was this feature that garnered her the most attention. She felt her arms too slim, and had planned on starting a regimen of exercises and perhaps some light weight lifting to build a little definition. It was her lips that bothered her. Thin, barely there. She also suddenly noticed she was wet. Her vagina was wet. Thoughts of Gina?

It was following Monday and Desi was unsure whether she was even going to go to her neighbors' house that following Friday. For some reason, all week, it was the number one thing on her mind. She kept seeing Gina's..., were they blue? Were they green? Were they a combination, a blend of both? Her eyes. She could not get her eyes out of her mind.

"Desi? Mind elsewhere?" It was one of her better workers, Diane. Desi had come back to the storage closet looking for..., something.

" I, I came back her for something." A small laugh. "And I can't remember what."

"Blond Roast, supposed Boss..., dang. Where is your mind at?"

It was true. The entire week she was distracted. At every turn she made mistakes and finally decided on that Wednesday to take Thursday and Friday off. She called in sick and as she had always been very reliable so no one questioned her not coming in. It would give her a four day weekend and she figured she could use the break.

That Thursday morning she woke up early and decided to walk down to the corner restaurant simply known as The Place. It was a mom and pop sort of dive, and she knew everyone there and loved not just the food, but the atmosphere.

Today she was not sociable, though. She ate her light breakfast and was walking home, a cup of take-out coffee that just could not compare to the coffee she served five days a week. But it was not horrible. She was sipping it when she was startled. "Hello there Desi."

It was Gina and once again she thought to herself how beautiful she was. "Oh..., hi Gina." She had been walking towards her from their apartment building. She turned and walked with Desi as she headed back to her own apartment. "A hooky day, love?"

Desiree thought to herself, how the hell does she know my schedule? She had only been in the apartment above her for like two weeks, so how did she know. "Uhm, yes. But how did you know?"

"Oh..., I guess I am nosy. I was at your coffee shop the other day and was talking to a couple of your worker bees. And well..., they told me you have weekends off."

She did not know why, but she felt... Not violated, but, stalked? Just a little anyway. "Oh, still, ya know?"

"Oh, sweetie. I am just curious. Can we go to your apartment and talk again?"

Desiree, twenty-five and very alone could not think of a good reason to tell her no. But alarm bells were going off in her head. "Uh..., sure, I guess."

Directly to the right of the front door was an opening to the kitchen just beyond a small table with a bowl she always dropped her keys into. After entering it was a turn directly left to enter the very small kitchen with no where near the cabinet space needed. A small stove was on the left, and counter across in the windowless space. Half the counter was taken up by a small sink. At the end directly centered was the Refrigerator with a small cupboard above it, and two small counters to either side. Very small.

To the left as one entered the apartment was a small living room and then a short hallway with the bath to the left and the bedroom straight ahead from the front door. In the center of the small living room she had a small couch across from a chair she had picked up at some flea market. Between the two was an old beat up coffee table that she covered with a small cloth to hide it's wear. The only windows were in the front next to the door and in the bedrooms back wall. It was dark, in the living room, because of the false overhang at the front of the building. Even with the front window wide opened. She turned on the standing light at the end of the couch and motioned for her to sit on it while she took the chair across. "Would you like anything? I have tea, or I could make a pot of coffee, maybe a soda?

"Oh. Tea would be wonderful."

"Okay, be right back. Let me put the kettle on." Desi went to the sink and filled the kettle and sat it on the back left burner, lighting it with a match as the starter had been broken for months. She had told the landlord but getting repairs done on this old place was difficult.

"You know you are very pretty, young lady."

Desi was startled as Gina had walked into the kitchen behind her and stood leaning on the frame of the opening to the small kitchen. The young woman, surprised that Gina had entered, brought her hand to her chest, "You startled me." A blush on her face not just at being startled, but at the comment.

"Oh..., sorry dear. I did not mean to frighten you."

"It's okay..., I will be fine."

"I am sure you will." As she said this she came into the kitchen and stood very close to her. She then leaned away, her body against the counter. Her eyes bore into her and Desi had to look down, a bit taken aback by the beautiful woman.

"Oh, please Desi. You have to know I am attracted to you."

Desi knew her blush was even deeper now and she felt a heat at her nether region that she had never felt in the presence of a woman before. She looked down at her hands, not sure what to say. She finally looked up to see a very seductive smile on Gina's face. "I.., I.." Before she could finish her thought Gina moved very close. Her body against her she leaned around her and turned off the kettle.

She then turned her eyes to her and Gina brought her mouth to hers, kissing her passionately.

Desi did not stop her, she closed her eyes and luxuriated in this woman's wonderful mouth. Her tongue found hers and then the taller woman pulled her close. Gina's arms around her, the two kissed even deeper. Desi could feel Gina's breasts heave against her and it excited her. As they finally broke the kiss Gina took her hand as Desi said, "I..., I have never... I have never been with. With a woman."

"It's okay..., "Gina said. "I have. I want you so bad. Are you ready for this?"

Desi thought for a moment that maybe she was not. She stood only five feet five and a half inches tall, dirty blond hair with what she thought of as average features. She knew she did have a nice ass, guys liked looking at it and her legs were shapely and long for her height. Her breasts smallish, she wore a B cup, but her green eyes she felt were her best feature other than her narrow nose. She could not believe it, but she was going to say yes. "Yes. Yes Gina." Her words were breathless as her desire for this woman was so obvious. "Yes, the room. M-my bedroom..., is in the back."

Her hand still in Gina's she pulled it to her lips and kissed it. Her tongue then tracing the gaps of Desi's fingers as they stood in the kitchen. Dropping her hands Gina grabbed Desi's blouse at the waist and lifted it off of her revealing her black lace bra. Gina moaned looking at her and said, "Let's go." Her blouse, Desi's blouse, in Gina's hand.

The bedroom very spartan. A Queen sized bed took up two thirds of the room the head of the bed against the left wall. Across the room from the door they had entered, was the big bay window covered with ugly curtains she had meant to replace for over a year. The closet was on the right wall, a dresser next to it in the back right corner. There was a small gap next to the bed underneath the window. On the right side of the when facing from the good of the bed, sat a small side table, underneath the bay window. A small lamp, not lit, sat on that table.

The spread was a dark maroon. Gina had taken her hand and walked her into the small bedroom. Quickly she pulled it back exposing the clean blankets and sheets, turning down one corner. Looking at her Gina climbed on the bed and sat back leaning on a pillow she pushed up so she could slide back into a sitting position. "Undress for me sweetie. Show me that gorgeous body of yours." Desi had never felt like this before. She stood before this woman, an older, more experienced, and beautiful woman. Desi knew she was blushing like a virgin. Which she was not. "Oh, come on Desi. Show me your breasts." Her bra hooked in front so it was an easy think to unhook it and pull it back and off of her arms. Her nipples were hard. As hard as stone as Gina stared at her. "Nice. Perky, nice. I want to suck them. We will see. But first, take off the rest of your clothes young lady."

It was the tone of her voice. She was in charge and Desi new it. It felt..., exciting. Right. Without further thought, she slipped out of her shoes and socks. Sliding her pants down, slipping out of her underwear, she stood before Gina naked. "What..., what do you want me to do?"

"Oh..., you are learning. Come here and undress me." It was so erotic, she was naked, Gina had come to the end of the bed and stood before her. She was about five feet eight inches tall, perhaps three inches taller then Desi. As she nervously unbuttoned her blouse, Gina began to run her fingers through Desiree's blond locks. "You are so pretty. You are going to service me, okay?"

She could not respond, she was so nervous. As her hands shook unhooking her beautiful soft linen blouse, she shook her head yes. Finally her blouse dropped to the floor, Gina grasped her chin and brought her lips to Desiree's lips once again. Gina kissed her, kissed her with pure desire. Desi removed her bra and dropped her pants to her ankles. She had been wearing flats and and she quickly stepped out of her pants and shoes. She then leaned down and took off her ankle stockings. Spreading her legs slightly, stepping back from the bed she said, "My pussy. Eat it... You must learn."

God, I am so turned on, Desi thought to herself. Dropping to her knees she could not help but smell that Gina was aroused. Suddenly Gina grabbed her hair with her right hand and drove her face into her pussy. It was soaking, her nose was against her pubis so she clumsily tried to find her slit with her tongue. Gina pushed her down just a little bit, her nose now against her clit, her tongue in a better position. "Taste me. Yes, probe my pussy." Gina rotated her face rubbing her nose against her clit as Desi began to stick her tongue in and out of her pussy like a small cock. "Mmmm, yes. Yes baby. You are a quick learner. Fuck, let me get on the bed." Gina leaned her had back, moaning now as Desi did her best to please this woman who so excited her. The young woman licked Gina's slit, probing it, her nose jammed against her clit so Desi could barely breath, Desi was so aroused. So wet.

Gina quickly moved back and said to Desi as she lay back on the bed spreading her legs wide, "More baby, more." She said her hand on her clit. "Come fuck me baby." Motioning towards her to come into her arms she lay on the bed next to her. "Your hand, your fingers, Desi. Fuck me while we kiss."

Laying next to her, in her arms, the first woman she had ever been with she said, "Yes Gina, what ever you want." Smiling she pulled her towards her, kissing Desi as her hand went down to her nether region. "Mmm, yes, p-play with me. Suck my tit, baby. But. From now on I am Mistress..., okay?"

"Yes Mistress." Was all she said as she brought her mouth to her left breast. Her fingers, two of them found her very wet slit and she gently pushed them into her pussy, slowly fucking her new lover.

"No, fuck me. Fuck me hard baby. Yes, fuck that pussy. Put, put y-your thumb on my clit as you fuck me. Y-yes, like that. Fuck me Desi. Oh yes baby."

Desi found herself wanting to please this woman. At work she was in charge, and this felt so right, being ordered to service this woman. Her Mistress grabbed her hair and pulled her mouth off of her left nipple that she was sucking. Just before kissing her she said, "Baby, I...I am going to cum. Yes. Fuck me baby." With that Desi slipped a third finger into her pussy and began to fuck her even faster. She was not practiced at this and so her thumb slipped off of her clit as she pumped her hand in and out of her wanton pussy. Gina, her Mistress, did not seem to mind as she yelled, "Fuuuuck, fuck yes. Oh yes baby." Their mouths separated as she came and Desi looked down as she pushed her pussy up against her hand, her orgasm strong, her pussy muscles clenching her stabbing fingers. Gina arched her back as she released her need. Cum actually squirting around Desi's fingers to fall onto the sheets and the blanket of Desi's bed.

Desi was so hot. She so needed to cum herself. She watched as her new Mistress slowly came down from the peak of her orgasm, Desi's hand still in her pussy. Pumping slower now, her own heavy breathing slowing. "Did I do good Mistress?"

"Yes baby. I knew you would too. You want me Desi?"

" Yes Mistress. I..., I did not know I would. But yes."

Moving now, Desi's hands slipping from inside her body Gina reached down and grabbed her wrist. She brought Desi's hand up to her mouth and began to suck her fingers. Licking off her own juices, her own cum. "Mmm, lovely. You will do" She said as she brought her fingers to Desi's mouth, still some of her cum on them. Desi's licked her fingers clean. Mistress pulled her to her, into her arm and had her lay her head upon her shoulder.

The noon sun began to peak through the gaps around the curtains on her bedroom window as Gina, her Mistress, held her in her arms. "You have been with men, right?"

Nodding her head against her shoulder she replied. "A couple, not for along time."