Desperate Times

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Daniel and Kate re-unite to shelter in place.
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I didn't know which way to turn.

I just got back to the city from touring around the country and everything was upside down. Stores were closed, lineups just for food, and strangely everyone seemed to be stocking up on toilet paper like crazy -- but I couldn't figure out why -- unless this was an actual shitstorm that everyone was talking about.

If that wasn't bad enough, once I got home, there was a scary looking sign posted on the front door of my four-story apartment building warning there were people inside infected with the virus. So I knew I had to pack and go -- but where?

I had nowhere to go.

With my mother in Florida and my sister in Texas, knowing I couldn't really travel across the country now, I was on my own.

Fighting to stay calm, my hands shook as I rifled through my closet trying to decide what to take and what to leave, though I had no idea yet where I was going. Then, puzzled, I turned my head, when I heard my phone ringing in my purse, which was odd, since everyone I knew mostly texted to keep in touch.

But when I checked the screen display, I bit into my lip and smiled when I read, Daniel Ellis. Though we hadn't seen each other since we broke up last October, just before Halloween, we still kept in touch pretty often -- and I was so glad we did. I knew just hearing the sound of his voice would calm me.

"Hey, Daniel."

Not bothering to say hello, he just cut to the chase. "Kate, are you at home?"

Staring at the heap of clothes I'd piled on the bed, I blew out a breath. "For now I am, but it looks like I've got to leave. I've just been packing and trying to figure out where I'll go. There are people sick in my building, so everyone who can is trying to find somewhere else to stay."

"Well, I'm coming to get you. I'll be there in about an hour."

Oh, god, I didn't want to get him tangled up in my problems. "No, Daniel. The city's a mess. So, stay where you are. Please." His condo was out in the burbs, so I knew he'd be better off where he was.

"I don't care, I'm coming. I'll park right out in front, and I'll be waiting for you. Let me know when you're ready and I'll come get your stuff."

"But where will we go?"

"We'll go to my parent's summer place in the country. They're safe in Greece right now, and they told me to head there till this thing blows over. Remember, we were there last year. It's in the middle of nowhere, so we should be okay."

I winced as I asked, "But are you sure you want to shelter in place, for who knows how long, with me?"

"Yes. And I'll be there soon, so be ready."

He sounded so sure, which had happy little butterflies doing cartwheels in my stomach. For a moment after he hung up I just stared at the phone, thinking he wouldn't be coming to get me if he didn't still care.

Ever since we'd split up, I kept wondering if I'd made a mistake, replaying in my head how horrible it felt when he couldn't reason with me anymore, threw his hands in the air, and turned and walked away. Of course it wasn't his fault, it was me. Daniel was just so good, and we were perfect together. But the doubter in me wondered if what we had was too good to last. So I panicked when he proposed and told him I could never get married, because I knew even a love like ours was destined to fail.

But, how could I think anything else, when everyone I knew was divorced, or on the verge of splitting up?

Love fades. My own mother told me that, had actually ingrained it in my head from the time I was a kid -- probably around the time my father walked out and left us on our own, and her broken hearted.

Giving my head a shake and getting back to packing, I picked up my sexy red heels, about to toss them back in the closet, wondering why I'd need them, but then I shrugged and put them in my suitcase instead, along with my sexiest little black dress. Who knows, I grinned, I might just slip into some naughty undies, and have some fun with my ex, with me and heels and little else, and him about as hard as I could get him.

I could feel heat pooling between my thighs, and had to squeeze them together tight, just thinking about how incredible our love life had been. Daniel was such an amazing lover. Memories alone of what we'd done together, was enough to get me wet.

After locking up, I lugged my suitcases down to the front stoop of my building, sagging with relief when I saw Daniel bounding out of his car and rushing up to take them from me, like a white knight coming to my rescue. Though normally fiercely independent, this was one time I was more than glad that he was here for me.

He shook his head, when he saw my two heavy bags. "Kate, I could have got those for you. You didn't have to carry them down." But I figured it was enough he was looking out for me, without making him drag my stuff around, too.

Once he had my bags safely stowed in his big black S.U.V., his gaze met mine and I flashed him a grateful smile. But I noticed the sexy spark I'd always loved in those gorgeous hazel eyes of his had dimmed, wondering if I detected a flicker of sadness there now.

Normally he always tugged me into his arms and kissed me hello, but my heart sank a little when he just gave me a nod, and went around and opened the car door for me.

As I climbed in and he closed the door behind me, I should have expected him to be acting differently. We weren't a couple anymore, so why would he even want to touch me, never mind lay one of his mind-numbing kisses on me, that always had the power to almost burn me alive.

As we drove out of the city, I glanced over at his strong masculine hands on the steering wheel, making me realize how much I missed the feel of those hands on me. The Daniel I knew always found an excuse to touch me, even when he was driving. But I guess I had to accept that things had changed, and he just wasn't that into me anymore. I bit into my lip... unless... he was just being safe and practicing social distancing. Though I had a pretty strong feeling that wasn't it, and he just didn't want to get close to me anymore -- which made me wonder why he'd even called and offered to help protect me.

I noticed he had a bottle of hand sanitizer in one of the cup holders, so I used it on my hands then handed it to him. He nodded, and once we'd stopped at a red light, he squirted a dollop in his hands, too.

Then while he was focused on getting us onto the highway, I turned my head and looked him over. No other way to describe him, the man was utterly gorgeous; with thick, chestnut brown hair, long-lashed hazel eyes and the most perfectly shaped lips I'd ever seen, especially on such a powerfully built man.

My hand twitched in my lap, just itching to run a finger along his sexy stubbled jaw and brush my thumb across his full bottom lip. But I resisted, not entirely sure what he'd think, since I was the one that ended it, along with his dream of calling me his bride.

Still, if we were going to be sheltering in place together, there might be a chance we'd be able to rekindle what he had. I missed him so much sometimes that I wanted to kick myself for turning him down and ending everything, and putting us in the friend zone. But sadly marriage just wasn't in the cards for me, and probably just as well he knew it, too.

Just to reassure him, I said, "I feel fine by the way, and I've checked my temperature and its normal."

He nodded. "I'm good, too. Guess we got out just in time, huh?"

But then the conversation stopped.

I kept my gaze fixed on the passing scenery, as we drove along in silence, past freshly turned farmer's fields and a few quaint little towns as we got closer to the summer house. The only sound in the car was Bamboleo, a catchy Gypsy King's song playing on the radio. Daniel had such eclectic tastes in music, and in all things really, that I always wondered what he was into now. Tapping my feet, I couldn't help but get into the uber sexy guitar riffs. The lively Spanish rhythm had my fingers dancing on my thighs, and my butt wiggling in the seat, wishing I could dance to it.

When I really started shaking my booty as I got lost in the song, Daniel glanced over looking like he was trying not to smile. But all he said was, "Hey, if you're hungry or thirsty, I packed a cooler. It's in the back seat."

"No," I told him, as the song came to an end. "I'm fine, unless you want something?"

He shook his head, and turned his attention back to the road.

Normally seeing me jiggling in my seat would have at least got a chuckle of him. Confused at the change in him, I wondered if maybe once we got to the house he'd warm up -- at least I hoped. Otherwise it was going to be a really long couple of weeks, if this thing went on that long, with the two of us barely speaking.

The moment Daniel turned down the long tree-lined drive that led to his family's summer house, instantly a sense of calm washed over me. I'd been here twice before, both times when his parents were here, and I'd loved it. Especially being with his mom and dad, they were so warm and welcoming and so much in love, I could see why Daniel was a believer in happily-ever-afters.

Since my parents split up when I was only five -- when my father informed my mother that he wasn't cut out for married life or the responsibility of a family -- I never got to witness the warmth and love and sense of security he was raised with. Even in their late fifties, Daniel's parents were like honeymooners, and I just couldn't get over how they behaved with each other, always touching and kissing, and giving each other sly little grins, like they could hardly wait to be alone.

Of course Daniel was like that, too, so affectionate and always eager to show me how he felt about me, both in bed and out, at least until I'd told him we could never marry.

As we drew closer, my gaze landed on the sprawling two-story farm house. From the outside it looked kind of rustic; white stucco with black shutters, but inside was gorgeous, though keeping with the look of a country home, it was more homey than palatial, and I adored it from the moment I first stepped inside.

When we pulled up in front, I got the few bags of groceries that Daniel had brought, while he got all our suitcases. Once he unlocked the door, I went straight upstairs, to the big farmhouse style kitchen and worked at putting away the food, while he finished getting everything else inside.

After putting the last few things away in the fridge, I was at the sink, getting a glass of water, when Daniel came up behind me, boxing me in with his hands on the counter surrounding me. He was so close I actually trembled, feeling the heat of his body and the warmth of his breath on my neck. I closed my eyes and inhaled, overwhelmed at the masculine scent of him, along with the hint of his cologne that I'd always loved. And I wanted so much to touch him, I ached.

Turning to face him, I smiled up into his eyes, holding up the glass. "Just getting some water, you want some?"

He froze in place and stared as his gaze landed on my damp lips. Thrilled to see his reaction, just to test the waters, leaning in, I slowly lashed my tongue across my bottom lip, doing my best not to smile as his gaze darkened till I could see that he was tensing and clenching his hands at his sides, obviously fighting to hold back.

For the longest time we just stared spellbound into each other's eyes, and I knew then that he still wanted me. But now I had to decide what to do about it.

The spell was finally broken when he tore his gaze from my mouth, and shook his head, like he was trying to clear it. "No, I'm good," he muttered, clearing his throat. "Just thought I'd let you know, I put all your stuff in your room."

My room? I blinked, feeling a little shocked. I don't know why, I just assumed we'd be sharing a room, and of course a bed, but I guess that was another thing that wasn't going to happen. I tried not to show how disappointed I felt, but when I noticed a hint of amusement in those wicked hazel eyes, it got me wondering what he was playing at.

But what he might not know -- was that two could play at this game.


From the moment I picked her up at her apartment, I'd been dying to take her into my arms and kiss her silly. And right now, I needed to taste her more than I needed to breathe. Especially with how tempting she looked running her tongue over her lips like that. But until she let me know that we still had something worth keeping, I wasn't going to lay a finger on her, even if it killed me.

And seeing as it was gorgeous Kate I was denying myself, no joke, it just might.

Just seeing her tight little body standing at the sink, with all that long honey-blonde hair curling down her back, in body hugging jeans that perfectly caressed her ass and a snug red sweater that really showed off her perky twins, had me rolling my eyes. And just remembering how she loved it when I'd come up behind her, wrap her in my arms, caress her gorgeous breasts, and press a kiss to her neck while letting her have a feel of what she did to me, brushing my shaft up against her ass, was enough to get me hard.

Already I knew that sleeping alone, knowing that she was just down the hallway was going to be torture, but I didn't know what else to do.

When I asked her to marry me and she turned me down, I tried reasoning with her, told her how much I loved her, and that she was my life. Knowing she loved me, too, I'd promised I intended to live a lifetime with her. And I swore to her that from the moment I first met her, I'd never so much as looked at another woman, because she was the only one for me. Though I'd practically offered her my heart in my hand, none of it was enough. She was too scared, or maybe too scarred from her upbringing, to even consider us having a life together.

Though I'd never planned on having to bring her here to keep us safe, there was no way I could have left her to her own devices in the city, because if anything ever happened to her I'd never forgive myself.

So, it was either going to be a long frustrating couple of weeks, or possibly even months alone with her. Or, with any luck, in the time we're stranded here, she'll come to realize how good we are together, and what we've got is worth hanging on to.

And really hoping it happens soon, because being without her for six long months, I'm sure I've got to have the worst case of blue balls known to man.

Of course I could easily have hooked up with someone at work or some nameless woman I could have picked up in a bar, just to take the edge off, but I'd never do that to her. And besides, no lie, being with Kate has spoiled me for other women, and I just couldn't look at anyone else and feel the way I do about her. All she had to do was look into my eyes and wiggle her eyebrows, to let me know she wanted me and I'd get hard. No woman had ever done that to me before.

Not only am I still head over heels in love with her, but I want what we have to last forever, and far as I'm concerned, she's mine. And the sooner she figures it out, the sooner we can start enjoying our life together and put this break-up crap behind us.

Because despite what she might think, I never really thought of us as being split up, I just stepped away long enough for her to realize that she misses what we had, and now hopefully wants me back.

Kate drew my attention back to where I was, when she nodded at the fridge, looking confused. "You know when I was putting everything away I noticed there's quite a lot of food in there already. And there's even a really nice looking cake that someone baked. So somebody must have been here before us."

I stepped around her and took a look in the well-stocked fridge, pleased to see we'd be okay for at least a week or two. "Yeah, I called the couple who live just on the edge of the property in that white house we passed on our way in, to tell them we were coming. And they offered to get us enough groceries to keep us going for a while. They keep the place up and take care of things for my parents, since my folks are mostly only here in the summer months."

"That's handy, having help close by."

"Yeah, my mom and Mina are cousins, from the same little Island in Greece, which is where my parents are now. And lucky for them, where they're staying is so far virus free. My mom's brother who lives there year round, is a doctor, so I know he'll be there for them if they need him."

Nodding, Kate grinned and took a step closer. "You know, I almost forgot your mom was Greek, must be where you get your lush dark hair." Then she reached up and ran her fingers through my hair, sending a tingling sensation straight to my aching balls. It was all I could do to just stand there and let her tease me, without reaching out and trying to grab her. And I could tell from her little smirk that she knew just what she was doing, too. But it would take a lot more than her running her fingers through my hair for me to give in and kiss the hell out of her -- much as I wanted to.

I promised myself before I'd even touch her again that we needed to talk things over.

Because I knew if we got naked and hopped into bed together, though it would be amazing to get with her again, we'd have no reason to talk, since we'd be too busy driving each other crazy to care if we had a future together or not. Then when this whole thing was over, we'd be right back where we are now -- just friends with benefits -- who also still happened to be in love.

I stepped back. And when she dropped her hands, I had to fight not to laugh at how disappointed she looked, probably amazed that somehow I'd found the strength to resist her and keep my hands to myself.

With a quick look at my watch, I shrugged, like nothing had happened. "Well, guess I should probably get some dinner going."

She nodded, rolling her eyes. "Sure, and I'll help." Kate and I loved working in the kitchen together, often doing more kissing and groping than anything else, but it was always fun with her, much like everything else we did together.

Before we even got started, no surprise Kate flipped a switch on the tiled back splash and put on the sound system that ran throughout the house. I couldn't help but chuckle and shake my head as I watched her hips begin to sway to the sexy rhythm as she sang along with Aretha Franklin belting out the lyrics to Respect.

Amazed as always by Kate's voice, smiling as I took out a cutting board and reached for a knife, preparing to dice some vegetables, I know, at least for me, it was love at first sight.

Mutual friends of ours had coaxed me into going to see her perform. Kate was starring in a Gershwin musical comedy. And when she took center stage and began a very sexy rendition of the old classic, "Embraceable You," the moment I heard her voice, that was it, I was spellbound with a shiver running right through me. It was like she was singing only to me, especially when she grinned and sang, "Come to Mama, come to Mama, do." I could already imagine how good she'd feel in my arms. As I listened to her sultry voice sliding over me, I couldn't get over how amazing she sounded, or how beautiful she looked in a vintage off-white satin gown, that hugged every last one of her curves. Lucky me, my Kate's not only got a voice of an angel, but a face and body to match.

I remember that once she'd finished and everyone began to whistle and applaud, she flashed the most gorgeous smile I'd ever seen. And that was it, I was hooked. I had to meet her. And I just hoped she wasn't seeing anyone, because I already knew that I wanted to take her out and really get to know her.

Finally, remembering where we were, cooking together and still on a so-called break, I looked over at the object of my affection, and saw that she was grinning up at me and tempting me with a peace-offering in the form of a button mushroom. So, I opened up and let her pop it in. I smiled back at her, while I took my time and chewed. And watching her sway to the music I could feel myself getting painfully aroused. Normally, she'd have grabbed me and pulled me into her arms and we'd be dancing around the kitchen, laughing our asses off by now. But no way could I hold her close, knowing where that would lead -- at least until we'd talked.