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Jean slowly just walked around him, and he did stand still, but his cock twitched and she saw that and smiled at him as he told her, "Involuntary muscle action."

"A nice one too, thank you." Her next slow lap around him was with her fingers lightly trailing around his torso and arms and then lower until she teased his belly with feather light touches. "I like this Jean."

"You know, I do too," and her next pass brought her hand around where it landed on his cock and she paused.

"The center of it all for you hon," and she almost timidly touched his erection and trailed her light touch back to where it joined his pubic area. "Very trimmed hair, is that your idea?"

"I've kept it trimmed for years."

"Nice, I like the neat look." She stopped, and standing in front of him she kissed him delicately before she said, "Thank you hon, and I mean that. I'll still stare at you, but I think I'm going to make it through the evening now. Not without some unhealthy thoughts that I'll share with Molly in a few days though."

Owen just moved his hands enough to touch her at her waist before he kissed her again and softly told her, "You really do look great naked."

Smiling she said, "You don't know that though."

"It doesn't take a lot to picture your body. Your top fits just right and your slacks can't possibly be hiding a lot of cosmetic issues. No, I'm comfortable with my belief.

"Maybe one day you'll know for sure."

"If you'd like, go back the way we came I'll join you in a minute."

"Thank you Owen, for a very interesting and entertaining break from the party. Go be naked with your family. In fact, stay naked and that's the reason you were back here. I was just out getting some fresh air."

"Thank you Jean, for things that I'll be happy to explain later," and he watched her exit the bedroom through the French doors and disappear around the corner. Then Owen sauntered out and was met with a couple of his cousins smiling at him and didn't even ask where he had been.

Chapter Two Hundred Sixty One

Seeing her new husband, undressed, Molly went over, smiled as she scanned his nakedness and asked him, "Where were you hiding hon?"

"Oh, I just stripped in the bedroom and took a minute to enjoy the quiet and to think about us. Did I miss anything in that short time?"

"Not a thing as far as I know. When do I get my gift?"

He kissed her and smiled as he told her, "It will be awhile yet hon."

"I'm getting anxious."

"Good. Do I get mine soon?"

She looked at her watch and then told him, "Maybe fifteen minutes."

"Great, I'm eager too baby. I'm eager to have you in bed too, but I'm going to have to wait quite awhile for that."

"Yes you are, and maybe not until tomorrow."


"Well I mean all of this could run quite late."

"Oh, right."

"Perry was looking for you, so I'll go mingle and you find him. Oh, and I still want to hear the juicy details about Karen's huge clit tomorrow," and she kissed him and patted his naked ass. He didn't get far before Eva intercepted him and put her arms around him.

"Damn it, this isn't fair. I should be in your bed. I can't be, but seeing you naked again takes me back to our wonderful time together."

"You better whisper, because your daughter Ginger is coming."

"Great," and she kissed him and walked away as Ginger joined him. "Did I scare Mom away?"

"No, she's just mingling. Are you doing okay?"

"I'm fine, and I'm eager to see Molly get her gift."

"I am too."

"Still working on the journal?"

"Not as much as I should or would like, but yes. Perry's coming and he's been looking for me."

"Well we have the rest of tonight and some of tomorrow, so I'll talk to you later," and Perry replaced her.

"Something I was going to say scare her away?"

"No we were just teasing each other."

"I've been kept hard a good part of this afternoon, and I love it, even though I can't really do anything with what I'm seeing."

"But you will, or have you changed your mind?"

"Oh hell no, I'll be ready, but the question is, will you change your mind at the last minute?"

"Not a chance."

"Owen," Molly said as she joined them, "It's time for your special gift."

"Great," he said as he smiled and glanced around.

"Go to our bedroom."

"And then?"

"That's all you have to do, but remember, this gift can only be given once, but you'll love it."

"Aren't you coming?"

"I'll be there soon. Now go baby, and you better remember that I love you so very much."

"I love you to hon," and he went back down the hall and into the bedroom. He didn't make it far before he stared and she said, "Hi."

Owen was smiling, but also almost staring until he managed to say, "But Kathy, I thought I saw you in the living room with Mom."

Walking into each other's arms she told him, "You did, but I slipped in here."

"And Perry...he knows?"

"He knows honey, and I'm sure you want to know how this can be. Let's just say we negotiated."

"That's pretty damn trusting and giving of him."

"Well you and I know the same has to be said for you."

"Are we on a time restriction?"

"Only if family and friends invade our lovemaking. For now this is our bedroom."

Within minutes Owen was on his belly between her legs and teasing her with his tongue, and as she watched him, he looked up at her and smiled. "When we made love after our bondage adventure, it was so intense and fast that I didn't take the time to explore you, and the other night our lovemaking was so fast. This time it's different baby. This time we don't have to rush and I love your clit. Not large, but a nice very firm pink bud that I just have to worship."

"I'm glad you like it...oh yes, I'm really glad."

Despite the fact that they had time, they were both eager to make love again, and before he entered her, Kathy said, "I have to find a perfect way to thank Molly," and she felt his hardness touch her lips and then slip into her. Almost whispering into his ear as he hovered just above her, she told him, "Yes honey, yes. I love my Perry, but I love you too baby, and I want more and more of you."

Kathy saw her without looking toward the doorway, but she kept her attention on her lover and their lovemaking as Owen took her slowly at first. He stopped to kiss her lips and then her nipples before he told her," I want this to last for us, and I need hours alone together hon."

"You're doing great honey, and we do need more alone time." He was holding himself above her until she pulled him down to her, kissed him and whispered very softly, "Don't look and spoil this baby, but Lori and Ginger are in the doorway. Take me hard now honey before others crowd our world and spoil our time together."

For a moment Kathy worried that their audience would keep her orgasm away, but she focused on her lover and the outside world disappeared as he pounded into her faster and then faster still until her hips bounced up and down and she tore through her long climax. Owen had a fleeting notion that he would hold his orgasm, but moments later he lost control and gave his sweet lover his creamy cum, and then Kathy pulled him down onto her and kissed him tenderly. "Don't move for a minute honey, I want to feel you inside of me as you slowly go soft. I don't want this to stop and I'm going to beg Molly for another chance for us."

"I'll beg too. We'll overwhelm her with nice words and promises."

Nothing more could be said, because first Lori joined them by lying next to Kathy, and then Ginger crowded into bed close to and almost over Kathy's right side. Kathy's arm ended up around Ginger, and Lori's hand rested on Kathy's chest and touching her breasts as she said, "That was so sweet and so hot." Touching Kathy's glowing cheek, she added, "You were really into your man girl, and you were so sexy the way you looked at him."

"Our Owen is a wonderful lover."

"We know, and we agree."

Owen sat up and rested on his haunches as he smiled down at Kathy as he said, "Damn, look at this. Three, count them, three very sexy and naked women that I love in bed with me."

"There is one more though Owen baby," Ginger said, "Your new and loving wife and my hubby are taking pictures of us with your fancy camera."

Owen had to turn his head far to the right, and there stood smiling Molly. "Love you baby," she said, grabbing another shot.

Lori got up onto her knees then and kissed Owen before she told him, "Now lie close to Kathy, because Ginger and I have to get you ready for what's coming next."

Molly had to trust the camera to do it's part, because she could only concentrate on doing her best for Owen as the women went to work on her new hubby. Ginger lay on her side next to Kathy, and Owen watched as Ginger slowly and obviously timidly, caressed Kathy's breasts while Lori went to work on his Kathy slickened cock. Though Molly told herself it was all just a tease, she was surprised when Lori swallowed Owen's soft cock to his balls and washed him free of Kathy's juices. Now that Owen knew she was right there, she was free to move around the bedroom and keep the camera busy.

Owen's eyes were busy watching Lori, and then Ginger as she kissed and put Kathy's right nipple between her lips. All for the camera, but Kathy didn't have to act as she closed her eyes for a moment before she looked over at Owen as she felt a delicate hand move to her mound. Ginger touched Kathy's ear with her lips as she whispered, "Molly is getting pictures, but let me know if you want me to stop," and Kathy pulled her eyes to Ginger to silently tell her, "Don't stop."

Molly was busy and doing her best to focus on her plan, but watching Lori with Owen, and Ginger with Kathy, caused a frightening thought to race through her mind. She wanted to be where Kathy was. She wanted to experience making love to Owen but also to feel a woman's touch, even if it was a staged and insincere, and she felt disappointed when Lori stopped and lay next to Owen to tell him, "I think you're ready now cousin," but Ginger ignored those words and that gave Lori a couple of minutes to watch her sister tease and even kiss Kathy.

Ginger finally stopped though, and with one hand still resting on Kathy's nearest breast, she whispered, "I enjoyed doing that for you very much."

"You were dangerously good Ginger," Kathy whispered back.

Molly set the camera on the dresser as Owen joined her and they shared a long kiss before he said, "I love you so very much, and thank you for allowing that wonderful experience."

"I love you too honey, and that was a very powerful thing to watch."

"Are you ready for your gift?"

"Yes, I'm ready."

"Tell Mom it's time and go with her to the kitchen. I'll come get you as soon as I can. Honey, remember, I love you totally. You may see something that will worry you, but it will be perfect for you, and you have to believe that."

"I'm very curious, but a little worried."

"Don't be, okay?"

"I trust you honey."

"After tonight our life is going to settle down so much it will almost be boring."

"I'll be ready for boring for awhile."

Chapter Two Hundred Sixty Two

Molly just smiled when Owen, with June by his side joined her and Sandy in the kitchen. After kissing her, he said, June was at the door just as I walked by," and the two women shared a sweet hug and a kiss, before June said, "I'm sorry I couldn't get here sooner, but I had to be here to say congratulations."

"Thank you, but I didn't think you could even make it, so this is great."

"I talked to Owen for a few minutes, and he did his best to explain things to me."

"Honey, June arrived just in time, because it's time to see about your gift."

When she looked at Owen's mother, Sally said, "You go ahead, and Cliff and I are going to go see if Char is feeling better."

Holding his new wife close to him, they joined the whole group in the great room, but Molly stopped and looked up at Owen. "Honey, I can't do that. I'm afraid I'd just go crazy with..."

"I do know that Molly honey, but it isn't quite what you think. I would never push you into what you're thinking this is, and I'll be with you every second."

"But the's just like Tom and Karen's."

"But I'll be with you, not Tom, and I'd protect you with my life."

Owen's plan was to closely parallel Karen and Tom's creation, but not to the point of taking Molly too far. With Molly still wearing her silk wedding blouse and her slacks and heels, she was comfortably positioned on her belly on the table, and Owen, resting his hand on her back, whispered to her, "Everybody here is going to help me give you your gift."

Without Molly seeing it, Owen, standing close to Molly's right side gestured, and Molly was instantly surrounded with friends and family. Jean stood to Molly's left and slowly caressed her shoulders and back, while many hands slowly and very gently explored Molly from shoulders to feet. The soothing and loving gestures were more than that to Molly though, because she'd seen the video, and she was just sure she knew exactly what was to come, and she both feared and lived for it at the same time.

"Molly, I love you," Jean whispered to her best friend.

Just as it had been under Tom's direction, Molly was turned to her back and hands again explored her with Owen and Jean caressing her breasts and shoulders, and other hands touched and teased every inch of her with a couple of hands doing their best to tease her between her legs. "Oh God," Molly muttered, and first Owen whispered to her, "I love you baby," and then Jean tenderly kissed Molly as her unreal gift continued to unfold.

Owen would watch Jean to see how well she was coping with the new and almost certainly stressful situation continued, and their eyes would almost lock onto each other for a couple of seconds before he and Molly would gaze at each other again.

When they helped Molly to her feet, and undressed her she looked at her husband and whispered, "Owen?", and once again he softly told her, "Trust me honey."

"But I'm almost floating and I'm getting so..."

"I'm so envious of you," Jean softly told her.

As soon as a dozen warm and gentle hands touched her she moaned and again Jean softly kissed her before she said, "This is so incredible."

"Oh God Jean, I want to cum so much."

Dan and Alana supported Molly's legs and the bottom of the table was put aside. Fingers teased her vulva and touched her moist lips as Jean bent over and suckled Molly's left breast while Owen kissed her again and lightly pinched her right nipple. "Oh fuck," Molly whispered almost between Jean's lips.

Molly felt a tongue divide her lips and quickly looking down saw Eva tenderly smile up at her before she put her lips to Molly's mound again for just a moment as Molly quickly looked up at Owen as though to ask him, did Eva really just taste my pussy?

It felt like new hands touched her again, and looking down between her breasts, she saw Perry smile up at her as he silently told her he loved her. Molly stared and held her breath as she watched him, and then felt his cock touch her. "Oh God Owen honey..."

"Perry is going to make love to you honey," and then stretching the truth, Owen asked her, "Perry asked for this honor, but do you approve of him making love to you?"

"Yes, yes honey," but by then, with Molly almost oozing her juice, Perry slipped into her and within a minute, as hands explored her and Perry made love to her, she launched into a climax, and after a pause, she looked down afraid she was going to be taken by a string of men that weren't even there, she saw Perry still with her and taking her on yet another sexual journey.

The whole group watched Perry as he reached his point of no return and gave his best to Molly, and as soon as he could trust his legs, he moved back as Molly stared at him, disappointed that her lover was gone. But Owen was right there to take Perry's place and smoothly slid his hardness into her as Molly quickly looked up and saw Jean and Lori smiling down at her.

"Oh yes, My Owen is fucking me," she said without even thinking that the others could hear her.

Owen moved slowly and Alana, holding Molly's left leg high managed to get close enough to Owen that they could share a deep kiss as he slid in and out of his wife. Putting his right arm around Alana's trim waist, they kissed again as he moved his hips faster and Alana whispered, "I want you so much I'm trembling."

"I want you too baby, and one day..." but he couldn't finish because he just had to take his new wife harder and faster.

"Yes...God yes honey, I love you," he heard from Molly and then she shot into her second orgasm, but Owen wasn't done with her until she had her third smaller climax, but she was done and just rode along as Owen pumped hard and fast as Kathy moved under Molly and close to Owen, because they had one last kinky thing to do with Molly. Kathy caught Owen's second orgasm of the day, and holding in her mouth, and more for the benefit of the gathered group, she kissed Molly and shared her load of spunk with the bride.

Owen moved up to her side as Molly's legs were lowered, and many hands supported her as she stood on very shaky legs and put her arms around him. "I love you Owen."

"I love you too baby," and he helped her to the nearest settee and sat close to her. They shared small smiles and then he asked her, "Are you okay?"

"I'm so totally used up, but I'm wonderful. I can't believe it, I've never had three orgasms before."

Jean joined them, and bending over, she and Molly shared a brief kiss before Jean also asked her, "Are you doing okay?"

"Oh God Jean, I'm still floating, but I'm fantastic. I've just gone to places I've never been before."

Jean leaned past her friend, and as Molly watched, she and Owen shared a tender kiss before she said, "That was Owen's a reward for working so hard to make that happen for you."

"Girlfriend, you and I have so much to talk about. In fact you're staying here tonight."

"You don't have anymore beds or I'd do just that."

"You're going to sleep with us," Owen said as he smiled, and then told her, "We're all just too used up to get into any trouble now."


"Yes, sleep with us."

"Then yes, I will," and she and Owen again traded a quick smile.

It was almost one before everybody was on their way to bed, and with Molly lying in bed she smiled as still very naked but very soft Owen hugged Jean and kissed her tenderly before he reached for her top. "Owen, your bride is right behind you honey."

"Molly, may I undress your best friend?"

"If Jean says you can, I certainly don't care, but I know where my money is."

"Jean, is this the time? It's just you, me and Molly now."

"Owen Destin, did you have this whole evening orchestrated?"

"Absolutely not, but this is perfect." Looking down at his defeated manhood, he said, "You can't be safer from me."

"Honey, your tool may be resting, but that does not mean you're safe. You still have your smooth words and your wandering hands."

"I'll bathe you with words, but not my hands. I'll bathe you with my hands tomorrow."

"Now you're just too clever. Molly. You're man is propositioning me."

"Owen, now don't scare Jean away before you two can even get to know each other."

"Okay, I'm sorry hon. The three of us will bathe together in the morning, now that's a nice compromise," and he continued to undress her.

Jean was smiling and watching Molly's new husband as he undressed her, and she said, "Molly, you told me about him repeatedly, but I didn't take you seriously enough."

Owen kissed her mound and helped her step out of her slacks and panties, and then they crawled into bed, and Owen now had a special woman on each side of him. "I hope you ladies realize that I love both of you."
