Devil's Dandruff


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"I told her to Cathy. I knew you had been doing drugs." I stated plainly.

She turned and rounded on me with a look I had never EVER seen on her face. She was shocked, annoyed and pissed off all at once. It was an almost 'how dare you meddle in my life' look. She didn't need to say the words but it was plain from the expression on her face.

"And what fucking business is it of yours asshole." she said turning on me. "I'm a big girl and you should stay out of my business." Cathy shouted at me. I was wondering if we should have confronted her in the early morning when she was straight. I never thought of that till now and I was having my doubts about this intervention thing.

"Cathy you are my wife and that makes it my business!" I stated to her not backing down. I could feel her parents looking on trying to give me moral support but they didn't interrupt.

"Listen I don't need your permission to do anything, beside I just use a little when I want, I can stop using it at any time!" She said trying to convince herself more than me I thought.

"So now you are going to gang up on me with my parents. You are a real shit aren't you Bobby? Bringing them into this." she exclaimed back.

"Well tell you what. You won't have to worry about me again, EVER! If this is what I can expect every time I come home, I don't need all the hassles." she stated to me with real anger in her voice.

"Cathy you are being rude to Bobby, he is only trying to help you." Cathy's father said to her.

"Shut the fuck up Dad! What are you going to do send me away again to get rid of your little problem?" she said sarcastically. "I am going to Rod and Emma's house right now. They don't tell me how to live my life and I don't want all of you guys to tell me how to live it either." Cathy stated to everyone in the room.

"Well before you go, I want you to look at something." I told her as I held up my cell phone. I picked the one picture where she was just sucking off Rod and he was cumming in her mouth in the back seat of the car. She couldn't explain away this piece of evidence.

"So now you are spying on me are you? Well eat shit and die you asshole. I don't need a nosey husband around ruining my fun. Just fuck off you loser!" she told me with anger in her voice.

With that she grabbed her purse and the envelope of cocaine and never looked back as she left the front door of the house with a slam. I could see the surprised looks on her parents' faces and Barbara started to cry and it took Tom about another half hour to get her to just calm down.

I was also in shock. That didn't go anything like I thought it would. They say words don't hurt, well that is bullshit! I just saw my wife that I loved, basically tell me to fuck off and get out of her life for good. I was sort of numb inside. Sometimes you say things you can never take back. This was one of those moments.

Well that didn't go anything like I expected it to. If I had known more about substance abuse, I would have known better than to confront her when she was really high. She had the classic denial syndrome. It may have been the drugs talking but they came out of Cathy's mouth and that hurt me more than her cheating on me at the park. I knew my marriage just walked out the door with Cathy.

I said good night finally to her parents and they were still apologizing for Cathy's actions.

"Stop right there! Cathy is the one with the problem. You didn't make her say or do the things she did, she said them herself. I just want to thank you for trying at least to help me. Tomorrow I am taking legal action for a divorce. I can't live with someone I love who doesn't love me. And don't tell me it's the drugs talking. Remember the old expression 'what is said when drunk has been thought out beforehand'. Well it goes with hard drugs also.

We said a sad goodnight to each other and I went to bed alone. I knew it would not be for the last time. Right then I got a mental picture of Rod belittling me and then him fucking my wife up the ass as he dangled cocaine in front of her face. I didn't know how much I hated him until just that moment.

I went to work the next day just to have something to do. I was feeling pretty lost that morning. I still had a hard time getting my head around all the crap Cathy said to me last night. It got worse when I got to my office and started to go through my email. There was an email from someone I didn't recognize. I opened the email and this is what it said.


You are a big asshole like Cathy said you were. Just leave her alone and she will be much happier than with an uptight jerk like you. So that you know she is all done with you, I have attached a few pictures of Cathy from last night's party. After you chased her out of the house, Emma and I had a big party to cheer her up. It didn't take her long to forget a loser like you. Just stay out of our lives and everyone will be better off. I hope you enjoy the pictures.

Oh by the way, she is sucking me off right now as I am sending you this email. I am going to fuck her in the ass if I don't blow my load all over her pretty face first. I plan on letting my friends fuck her gang bang style at lunch time too. I'll send you some more pictures of Cathy covered in cum. LOL. Just thought you would like to know!


I opened the attached pictures and ran to the bathroom loosing what breakfast I had. I composed myself and went back to my office. Reluctantly I started to go through the 30 or so pictures Rod sent me. Cathy was having sex with four men not including Rod. I could see Emma in the back ground also getting fucked by a fifth guy on their couch. My wife's face was pure pleasure. She was taking a cock in every hole and jerking off the fourth guy. I assumed Rod was the camera man.

One shot was of Cathy bent over arm of the couch with her feet on the floor. She was giving some guy head as he sat back on the couch with his eyes closed. He had a good handful of her hair so he could control the blowjob. Rod was fucking my wife in the ass standing behind her. You could just tell by the angle and Cathy's expression. Rod was smiling looking right at the camera giving me the finger with both hands. You could see his smug smile. The series showed her finally riding the guy on the couch and Rod blowing his load on her face and tits in a close up shot.

She was being Rod's fuck toy for him and his friends. I had pictures of Cathy I thought I would never see. She was another man's whore and it made me very sad.

The last was of Cathy kneeling on the floor covered with cum and she had a big smile on her face. She looked totally out of it but didn't look like she cared about anything but the sex. All six guys were aiming their cocks at her face with cum still dripping from some of them.

I saved the email and the pictures. I knew my lawyer would want to see them for my divorce. Then I just sat there for hours staring at the blank computer screen that just held the images of my wife being a coke whore. I didn't want to admit it but that is what she had become. She gave up sex for drugs, pure and simple. That didn't make it any easier for me though.

My line one suddenly rang and I picked it up not really paying any attention to what I was doing. I didn't even connect the voice on the phone as being my wife's until she kept calling my name and asking me if I was there.

"Hello?" was all I could come up with. I was still numb from looking at the pictures of my wife and reliving the past 24 hours.

"Bobby I am really sorry for last night and I would like to talk to you some..." she started to say. I cut her right off in mid-sentence.

"Cathy I tried to talk last night and you literally told me to fuck off and mind my own business. You were rude to me and you crushed your parents' feelings, not for the first time from what I found out. We have nothing really to talk about." I stated flatly.

"Bobby I want to explain ..." she started again but I cut her off once more.

"Cathy if you keep up your current lifestyle you will be dead or in prison within two years maybe sooner. All your so called friends are going to leave you when the drugs disappear. You are also going to get in some bad situations you might not get out of. You need to get clean and you need your family; not the losers you hang out with now!" I informed her of her future.

"Well I called to apologize but I don't think I will now. You are always going to take their side and not mine. You are the perfect son in law aren't you?" she said sarcastically ending the conversation by hanging up right after that. I just sat in my office until the phone rang about an hour later. It was my lawyer asking if I still wanted to file the divorce papers in court.

"Yes please" was all I could say. I didn't want to be rude but my head was in another galaxy then. I don't even remember hanging up on him. I called back my lawyer just a while after that and apologized telling him what had happened this morning with Rod's email and Cathy's call. I told him he called at a bad time and he was very nice about it. I think he has heard this story before.

I went to lunch telling my secretary I would be out the rest of the week. I got a funny look but she didn't pry into the reasons. The look on my face must have said it all.

I called her parents and told them of Cathy's short call but not of Rod's email. I thought I should save them the embarrassment of that. They said I could call or stop by if I need someone to talk to, anytime. I thanked them but told them I would be taking the rest of the week off from work to get away for a while. Really I was just going to sit at home and be a vegetable for a while and not think or feel anything. That was the lie I told myself because all I did when I got home was think about Cathy and me as well as feeling sorry for myself.

Finally I got quiet inside later that day. I don't know how to describe it but I felt something snap inside me mentally. I was resolved to accept the situation and take care of it once and for all. I remember what Rod said about 'Staying out of their lives' in his email. He would regret the day he stepped into mine!

I rented a car and started to follow Rod around very carefully for the rest of that week and the next. I had to take some extra vacation time off from work. I saw Cathy coming and going and it took all my will power not to rush out of my rented car and confront her. I knew deep down the time for that was over.

Drugs or no drugs, Cathy had disrespected me, her parents, and the wedding vows she took. She had sided with her druggie friends and not me. It would never be the same again and soon it would be payback time.

The funny thing about drug dealers is if you fall in love with your inventory, your mind and good sense soon become corrupted. He freely went to certain houses and apartment complexes. I took the addresses and car license plate numbers of everyone he was in contact with. I left Cathy and Emma alone. It was Rod I needed to deal with right now. I was thinking in the back of my mind if I could get rid of the bad influence, I could get rid of my problem and maybe get Cathy back.

All the info I obtained I put in a notebook. I could see a pattern and knew when Rod was scoring some drugs and when his house was open for business. He seemed to be a mid- high level dealer.

I knew if I walked in on the parties at night I would find Cathy and Emma fucking and sucking who knows who. There was a ton of traffic coming and going from Rod's house. Many of the cars would stay overnight. He seemed to be a major dealer and had connections to the million dollar homes over on the east side of town. I couldn't even afford the taxes much less the houses.

I knew who the big guy was now because Cathy and Emma were dressed to the nines one night, looking very hot in little skimpy black dresses and come fuck me heels. That was Saturday night and my vacation was up the following Monday. Her beauty was still there but she now looked ugly somehow to me, like I never really saw her before tonight.

They went right to the expensive house Rod went to every third day or so. I think the girls were a party treat for the big guy with connections. I waited for a half hour and started to go around the side of the house to see if I could see anything.

The bushes around the house hid the house from outside eyes. I could see inside once I got past them by the large picture window. Emma was sucking some guy's cock as he sat in the chair fully dressed in a suit. Cathy looked sad but her mood changed when they offered her a mirror full of coke. It was a huge pile and everyone was sucking it up their noses like Hoover vacuum cleaners. Rod then got behind Cathy and unzipped her black dress letting it fall to the floor. She had nothing on underneath it and was only wearing her heels. Rod pushed her from the back so she was now bending over in front of him like she was doing toe touches. He dropped his pants and shoved his cock right my wife's pussy with no problem.

Cathy had a funny look on her face as he started to fuck her standing up. She was looking right at me but the window reflection and darkness outside hid me. The other rich asshole pushed Emma off his cock and stood up. He went right to my wife and shoved his cock into her mouth. She just accepted it and started to suck him off. Emma went behind the rich guy rubbing his stomach from behind and started taking off his jacket, shirt and tie. She helped him off with his pants, underwear, socks and shoes while Cathy just sucked away at his cock. They never stopped or missed a beat. Emma did the same thing to Rod and got him undressed also.

Soon they were all in a big orgy with the girls being almost party favors like I thought. I looked like Rod loved cocaine more than he loved Emma. She was just a slut to be used by his big supplier. Cathy was also going along for the ride. She had really started to sink lower than I could have imagined.

I took some cell phone pictures. Not to capture my wife having sex, I knew all about that. I wanted a picture of the rich asshole with the big pile of coke.

I had enough pictures and I had enough of the whole situation. I turned to leave and I heard a growl from near the bushes. I think the guard dog had finally noticed me. I was only standing there about 15 minutes when he surprised me. He went to bite me but I pulled out a long knife I had in my pants belt incase Rod or Rod's friends caught me spying on them. He jumped at me the same time I went for the knife. I won and the dog lost. I didn't kill him, just cut his nose and he just ran off yelping into the back yard.

After a fast exit I made my way home and made a call I knew I needed to make. I had friends all over town and this one was an old buddy from way back. He was now the head of the C.I.D. (Criminal Investigation Division) of the local police department. He was surprised at my late call but was glad to hear form me. He heard a rumor about Cathy and me but didn't know quite how to ask me about it. Finally he did and I told him that is what I needed to see him about. I set up an appointment to meet him the next day down at the station.

My dreams that night were all nightmares and I couldn't wait for all the drama and crap to be over so I could get on with my life or what was left of it. I felt lost without Cathy with me by my side. I still loved her dearly and knew that those feeling wouldn't disappear overnight.

Rod was still sending me some pictures or video clips every now and then to my work email account. He always sent some nasty wise ass note to accompany the pictures and videos. The videos looked pretty bad from my stand point. Cathy was a willing slut and she looked more out of it as the pictures Rod sent progressed. Emma was just as bad as Cathy.

The next day I visited the station after a few hours sleep. It was a Sunday but it sure was busy for a weekend. I guess crime never sleeps.

Bill Tooley my detective friend brought me in his office and closed the door. I told him all the painful details of Cathy's recent actions and left out nothing. He listened and then I got around to the part about the cocaine and Rod's involvement. He nodded at the right parts and finally started talking when I was finished. He looked concerned but not judgmental. We had been friends for a long time so he didn't treat me like some jilted husband or dumb informant.

"Bobby I am sorry for your problems and for Cathy. This guy, the "rich asshole" as you call him has been on our radar for a while. I think if we can turn over Rod, we might be able to nail them all. He has big connections downtown as well as statewide. You're right though, I know him and he is an asshole." Bill told me with honesty.

"Cathy might get caught up in this mess also. That could mean some jail time and a prison record. I will see what I can do about that. If I could get her to help us it would bolster our case having a good inside informant." Bill hinted to me.

"Bill, Cathy told me to fuck off and sided with that dick Rod and his whore wife. I don't think she would help you even if you had the 'goods on her' as you police guys say." I finished up to his request.

Bill started to laugh and said "You watch too many cop shows, but I will concentrate on your friend Rod for now. I still may lean on Cathy for her help. Prison and no drugs can be a powerful motivator. Let's just see what happens, but I won't promise you anything. Your notebook will save us a few months of investigation though."

"Just do what you can for Cathy, if you can Bill." I countered back.

I thanked him and left my notebook with him for safe keeping. I had taken an extra week of vacation for a family emergency excuse but I was ready to get back to work and a normal life. I put the wheels in motion to take care of Rod and his friends. I tried to put Cathy out of my mind by keeping busy at work the next Monday. After my first day I knew I would be alright but I sure missed Cathy still and probably always would.

Cathy never contacted me or even tried to as far as I know. Once a week I would call Barb and Tom to check on them and see if they had any news of Cathy. They told me she called one night really out of it and crying. They told me she sounded like she was at a party but finally hung up when they heard another male voice on the line. She never called back. That was the last time they heard from her. She never tried to call me back after her last call the day Rod sent me the first email. I just wanted to hear her voice.

Well things went on like that for over two months. I worked hard and didn't try dating. I wasn't ready for that yet. Finally my divorce court date arrived. Cathy never showed up for court and I was looking forward to talking to her before all this stuff was final. From what my lawyer showed the judge and her non-appearance in court, Cathy didn't fare to well. I didn't have to pay her anything, got the divorce, and even got to keep the house. I was willing to sell and split the profits but in hindsight the extra money would have gone up her nose in a week.

Fate is a funny thing because later that very day I got a call on the cell phone. Bill Tooley told me to watch the local evening news. He made me promise to just stay at home until after 6:00pm. He thought I might try to help Cathy get out from the police sting. He was reading my thoughts though, because that was exactly what I was thinking. I told him he was the boss and I would stay out of it but I asked for just one thing.

"Please try and help Cathy if you can, where you can and I know, no promises!" I added to the end as Bill gave a little chuckle.

"I'll see what I can do, and yes no promises." Bill ended as he hung up.

Later that night the news was all a buzz about a big drug bust and a cocaine kingpin from the eastside. I knew they got the asshole and saw him, Rod, Emma, and some others being walked into police headquarters with all the TV news cameras watching. I put the clipping on my refrigerator from the next days' newspaper. It had a great picture of Rod in handcuffs being lead to jail.