Dex and the Twins at College Ch. 23


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After breakfast and tearful goodbyes by all, we hit the road. I drove the whole way. I didn't want to test whichever sister wasn't driving and I wasn't sure what our sexual relationship was anymore. They were taking Mom's instructions to heart as they gave me a lot of room. Too much room for my liking.

I could see myself with Mandy forever but I was seeing myself with Mandy along with the twins and Mom and I had no idea whether that would work for Mandy. She seemed to be turned on by the new relationship with her sister Jacky, but I had no clue whether that relationship had built any further after I left that morning. Mandy had said nothing about it. For now, I'd bite the bullet and work our relationship without the complexities of adding in the family. I mashed all these thoughts around in my brain while I drove.

June was in the front seat turned slightly toward me with her head against the headrest, sleeping. She had taken her coat off and held it in her lap. It was a fitful sleep as she moaned occasionally. She was wearing a cotton tee shirt that was a size too small for her and her braless nipples pressed hard against the material. I wondered about the nature of the dream she was in. My dick was on the move as I glanced over at her perfectly formed boobs. I reached into my pants to pull my dick off my inner left thigh before it was too late.

From out of the blue, Julie spoke from the back seat, "Is this girlfriend that Mom says you are serious about, Mandy?" I glanced in the rear-view mirror and nodded. "Our Mandy?" I nodded again. "When did that start. I was aware that you knew her, but not all that well."

I smiled at Julie in the mirror and reminisced about my history with Mandy. It wasn't a long history. I decided to tell Julie the whole story. It wasn't a long story. "Our paths crossed on the Lacrosse field when I came down to watch you two practice or play, I'm not sure which. I was invited to a Birthday party for her at Molly's house. Molly's Coach Vivian was the instigator and Molly's mom, Linda, was the host. It was a wild party. I just saw her in passing until the Halloween party. I kind of remember having sex with her and others but not one on one." I chuckled as a memory flashed through my mind and continued, "I remember her and Dad fucking in the Coffin at the top of the stairs." Julie giggled at that thought. We had our first real date a few weeks before the Christmas break. I guess she really maneuvered me into asking her out." I put my concentration on the road as I passed several cars. I was going well over the speed limit. I was anxious to get home.

I told Julie all about the date and how it progressed once we were back at her house. My story was getting Julie hot as she started pinching her erect nipples through her silk blouse. Julie liked wearing silk over her braless breasts. She always commented on the erotic sensation. Julie knew about me going to dinner at Mandy's house with her sister, Jacky. She and June had teased me about Jacky's obvious intentions. Dinner had worked out as the twins had predicted and the sex was fantastic but I grew even closer to Mandy that night. We just clicked and I had a strong feeling that she felt the same. Julie was anxious to hear the intimate details of our sex but I drew the line there and any further descriptions were intentionally vague.

Julie pulled herself to the edge of the backseat and looked between the front seats. She giggled and said, "This conversation is making you just as horny as me, huh?" I chuckled and nodded as I laid a hand on my lap to feel my cock pushing under my belt. My knob was already past my navel.

Then came the million-dollar question, "What do you think of Mom's new rule to give you space to deal with your feelings for Mandy?" She was still leaning between the front seats, talking softly so she wouldn't wake up June. I thought about Julie's question for several moments as I split my concentration between the road and Julie's eyes in the mirror. She patiently waited for me to respond.

I finally said, "Frankly, while I understand Mom's intent and I love her for it, I think it sucks."

June had apparently been listening and she raised her face to look at me and said, "Actually, it doesn't suck, which sucks." Julie and I were well versed in June's quick-minded but flippant comments and we both got June's meaning and laughed. June went on, "We've never interfered with you having sex with other women. You can have your relationship with her separate from ours."

I thought for a moment and said, "Yes. That's true if your brain can deal with the deception. Mom thinks that I won't be able to do that. Eventually, they have to come together or destroy one or both. I'm hopeful that they can come together." Julie sat back in her seat contemplating what I'd said. June said nothing more.

We ordered a delivery pizza for dinner. No one had the energy to cook. We started out in our own beds that night but around midnight, June and Julie pushed under my covers to take their usual positions. I waited for them to start on my cock but they never did. My erection, borne of anticipation, softened to its home position and I fell back to sleep.

Neither of them touched my morning woody either so I jerked off in the bathroom after they left. It was Saturday and classes started again on Monday. We made our own breakfasts and I went to soak in the hot tub while I called Mandy to see how her Doctor's appointment had gone. Before I could press the send button to place the call, my cell phone rang in my hand as I settled down in the hot water to my neck. I looked at the screen to see who it was, with the full intent of sending the caller to voicemail. It was Mandy and I answered immediately. Before I could ask her about her appointment she said, "You have to come over." Her voice and the tenor of her words screamed the urgency of her request.

I said, "I'm on my way." I practically leaped from the hot tub and headed for the house while I was pulling my robe on. It was cold but I paid no attention to it. I dressed quickly and yelled that I was going out when I hit the foyer. The five words that Mandy had spoken resonated in my mind as I drove the twenty minutes to her house. I was thinking about all sorts of horrible diseases, like cancer or MS or God knows what. She was standing in the picture window in her pajamas when I drove into the driveway.

She threw herself into my arms as soon as I came through the door. She burst out crying, which only helped to solidify my worst fears. I kissed her and she kissed me back harder. She let herself down to her feet and stepped back. Her eyes flashed back and forth between my eyes. She wiped her eyes with the back of her hand and gathered her resolve. I braced for the worst. She took my hand and led me to the living room and we sat half-turned to each other on the sofa. I said, "What did the Doctor say? It must be terrible."

Mandy wiped her eyes again and gave me a half-smile, which gave me hope. She said, "Depending on your point of view, it could be terrible." I was now thoroughly confused. She took my hand in hers as she scooched over closer to me. She hesitated for several moments as now my eyes scanned hers back and forth looking for some kind of a tell. Then she started in by saying, "First of all, the doctor took some blood to confirm his prognosis." She gave me that half-smile again like she was excited to tell me and terrified at the same time. She clenched her jaw for a moment and her eyes look down at our hands and then back to my eyes like she couldn't decide if she wanted to witness my initial reaction or not. Then she took a big breath and made her decision to look at me and said, "Ummm ... He's certain that I'm pregnant." A smile flashed on her face but disappeared quickly as she scanned my face for some kind of reaction.

I was thunderstruck. The word 'pregnant' reverberating in my brain, like a bell. It's amazing how fast the brain can process some event and all the implications instantly for an initial response, which in my case was a smile. Her lips curled upward in a grin. I hadn't said a word, but my smile told her all she wanted to know. She threw herself into my arms again and pecked her lips all over my face. I held her tight to me as I looked over her shoulder at nothing in particular and took longer than that initial moment to process the news. There were pros, that had populated my initial thoughts and cons that I was dwelling on now. Mandy seemed ecstatic with the news and I was happy about that. I could see how my life was about to be turned upside down and frankly, I was liking my life.

A baby was a certainty, assuming the blood tests confirmed the Doctor's assessment. Mandy's excitement meant that abortion was out of the question. These days, marriage wasn't a certainty; but I had been raised otherwise. Living together was an option. Either way, I could finish my senior year and get my degree. Some of the guys in my class were married and they were doing fine, but none of them had kids. I concluded that none of this was insurmountable.

I had struggled with the L-word and what it actually meant. I guess that struggle is what Mom was trying to help me with by taking the complications of familial love out of the equation. How could I tell if I was in love with Mandy? I observed Mom and Dad's relationship and concluded that they were really in love with each other. I used that as a gauge as I assessed our relationship as best I could. Mandy and I hadn't survived a test of time like Mom and Dad but they were where Mandy and I are, way back then and their relationship grew over the twenty-plus years to what they enjoyed today. One thing was easy: If not wanting to ever be apart was love, then that was one check-mark in the column for being in love.

Mandy pulled back from her crushing hug and looked to see if the smile was still on my face. It was still there. She grinned again and said, "I love you Dex. I think I have since we met. I don't just want a baby because my clock is ticking. I want YOUR baby and I want YOU." The moment of truth had arrived and I kissed her and said, "I love you too."

I could have asked her if she was sure the baby was mine. I knew the answer because I was sure that I knew her. Asking such a question would only do harm. I would never ask it, although I was certain that Mom or Dad or the twins would ask me that question as soon as they found out. I was sure that one or more of them would be concerned that my life had just skewed off course. I understood the concern. They loved me and wanted my life to be just what I wanted it to be. 'Skew off course' was not how I'd describe it. It was more of a choice to take a different path to a much broader and more defined destination than I had previously considered.

I guess many twenty-year-olds have no clue what path they are on or any vision of what they want their lives to be. Inevitably, most people, including me, envision a wife or husband and even an undefined quantity of kids. The details are blurry of course. Many of us wander through college or menial jobs or backpack their way through Europe with friends in search of themselves and the path that will lead them to a destination, any destination. I had never been a searcher of a destination. I knew what I wanted my life to be. I used my dad as a framework. I didn't want to be him, just kind of like him. He had always been a great dad to the twins and me. I wanted to be a good dad too, and a good man. I wanted a good-paying career, but I didn't want to dedicate my life to it. The previously vague vision of a wife and children had just become very clear and I liked it.

We talked it out for the rest of the afternoon. Neither of us held any thoughts or concerns back except for my relationship with my mother and sisters and Mandy wasn't even aware that June and Julie, who played for her Lacrosse team, were my sisters. We had been careful to keep that from everyone. We were just house-mates to Mandy, or so I thought.

Mandy ran off to the bathroom and I could hear her retching in the toilet. I felt bad for her. When she came back, I asked her how far along she was. She said, "The Doctor said six-weeks but the blood test would confirm that."

I chuckled and said, "That would be our first date." I grinned as I remembered that night. The sex was awesome.

Mandy seemed to answer the question that I wasn't about to ask, when she said, "I hadn't been on a date for months before our first date and I hadn't had sex with anyone since my Birthday party at Molly's house. She grinned at me because the sex at her party was with me. She was telling me that she had only had sex with me since the beginning of the school year, but I remembered that she had sex with my dad at the Halloween party. That was a month before six weeks ago.

Mandy sat beside me and took my hands in hers and looked into my eyes as she said, "We've talked about everything imaginable except the elephants in the room. She could read the confused look on my face. I knew what I thought the elephants were but I didn't know what she considered them to be. She smirked at me and said, "How about your house-mates, June and Julie, who are more accurately known as your sisters." I knew immediately that the look on my face gave me away. I started to object and then realized who was objecting to.

I said, "Umm .. How long have you known?"

She smiled and said, "I suspected when I saw you with them. I knew for sure at the Halloween party and the Red Queen was your mother. Linda hasn't stopped talking about her since. She's a stunningly beautiful woman. I see where the twins get their looks from." She giggled at the stunned look on my face that she had also connected the Red Queen to me. She went on, "You don't look anything like your Dad, the Mad Hatter, or your mother. Are you sure you weren't adopted?" She giggled at that.

I smiled and felt duty-bound to give her a little something back and I said, "I guess you don't remember having sex with my Dad, in of all places, the coffin at the top of the stairs." The color drained from her face as the grin disappeared.

She wheezed out, "Oh my God. You're kidding me. I was pretty drunk but I sort of remember the coffin. She had a horrified look on her face as she processed this information. Then she said, "Oh shit. Maybe your dad is the baby daddy." She paused to watch me process that thought and I grinned at her as a smile burst onto her face. She said, "Just teasing you."

To get back to the conversation, I said, "Okay, June and Julie are my sisters and the Red Queen is my mother. Where are the elephants?"

Mandy smiled and said, "Linda told me all about the sex you had with the Red Queen and it's not a stretch too far to assume that if you are having sex with your mother, that with them living with you that you are having sex with them too. You do have your reputation after all."

The jig was up and I confessed to all of it to see where Mandy was going to go with the knowledge. I was actually holding my breath in anticipation. Mandy smiled and said, "I can't blame you. The twins and your mother are incredibly gorgeous women. Since Linda was engaged in sex with you, your mother, and your father, he must be in on it too." I nodded. She smiled and took my hand in hers and said, "I get it. I discovered the joy of sex with Jacky the last time we were together. It was amazing. She had always been interested but I never knew. You know I like girl sex and apparently, your sisters and mother do too. I'm hoping that I can be included in your family sex when we get together. I don't want to raise our child in that atmosphere though.

Aunt Mary and her daughters came to mind. Jennifer and Jillian had discovered their mother's incestuous relationship with her brother, my dad. They had been having sex together since they were teenagers and they continued to secretly do so when the two families got together. Jillian and Jennifer had not grown up in that atmosphere and neither had the twins and me. I guess it was gravity that pulled us all together. Over the past six months, my life's vision had morphed to include my sisters and mother and to a lesser extent, Aunt Mary and her daughters in my sex life.

My dream had come true. I gripped Mandy's fingers and smiled at her and said, "Seriously? That was a major concern? When do you want to start? My mother has squelched the family sex for the past few weeks in anticipation of our relationship being serious. They will all be deliriously happy to welcome you to our family."

She giggled and said, "Whoa. Slow down. We still have things to work out. Stay the night?" I quickly nodded and she kissed me hard with a passion.

She excitedly said, "Do we live together or get married? Either is fine with me." Then her eyes darkened for a moment. I was certain that she was contemplating a third option that we just go our separate ways. She didn't pose the question that I guessed was in her mind but I wanted to rid her mind of any such thoughts.

I thought about her question and quickly responded, "Let's get married." She grinned at my answer and kissed me again.

She pulled back and looked into my eyes and smiled as she said, "That was the worst proposal of marriage I've ever heard of." She laughed and I turned red with embarrassment. I slid off the sofa to one knee and took her hands in mine. She was grinning like a Cheshire cat as I said, "Mandy. I love you. Will you marry me?" It wasn't very original as proposals went, but Mandy quickly nodded as tears literally burst from her eyes. She slid off the sofa into my arms and kissed me hard.

When she broke our embrace, a look appeared on Mandy's face. Her sultry eyes sparkled. "I've always heard that pregnancy makes a woman horny. Now that I'm pregnant, I know the rumors are true. I'm tired of getting myself off. Take me to bed and let's stop talking about all this." Now she was talking my language.

It was late afternoon and it was already dark. Mandy had collected several candles and was carrying them to her bedroom. When I came into the room, the candles were lit and the lights were off. The flickering candlelight played ever-shifting shadows across her beautiful face. We kissed with passion as she ran her hands up under my pullover knit shirt and dragged her fingernails from my pectorals, along my obliques to my six-pack abs to my belt. She unfastened it and pulled it open.

Mandy was still wearing her satin pajamas, which smoothed the way for my fingers running down over her shoulder blades to her slender waist and up the slope to her ass. She shuddered as my hands rested on her butt-cheeks and pulled her to me. She moaned when I nibbled on the lobe of her right ear. She was more than aroused and she pulled my shirt over my head and kissed my left nipple and then my right. I unbuttoned her satin top and ran my hands up from her hips to her waist. She trembled as I moved my hands to cup her breasts. She moaned and pushed her pelvis to me. My cock was unbelievably hard and still trapped in my pants.

I lowered myself to kiss her and then continued down to kiss each of her nipples while I caressed the rest of her breasts with my hands. She trembled again and tossed her head back as she groaned. Her arms encircled my head to hold me there. I pulled free and moved lower. She knew where I was going and she rolled her hips around. I kissed her navel and flicked my tongue in it. She giggled as she shrugged her satin pajama top off her shoulders. She pressed her hands to her breasts as I moved lower. I kissed my way through her neatly trimmed pubic hair and flicked my tongue across her erect clitoris, just once. She threw her head back on her shoulders again and groaned as she pushed her hips forward.

I was on my knees and I straightened so I could kiss her baby-belly. It was firm and flat at the moment. I pressed my ear to her belly and she held me there. I was sure that I wouldn't hear anything and I didn't. A picture, taken at that moment, would have been cliché and later on, I would wish that I had that picture.