Diamonds In The Rough Ch. 09


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"Wonderful, I can't wait to see our grandson." Lynn replied then looked at his princess one more time. "My daughter," he said with ladylike charm, "you are the most beautiful bride this family has ever seen, and that is final." Lynn blew his little girl a kiss, and left to go sit with his son and his family.

"Are you ready?" Sam asked.

"Yes, I am," Hope replied as she got up and took a deep breath.

Sam adjusted her daughter's veil, and led her to the narthex. Sam and Hope waited nervously as the prelude wound down. For a brief moment there was silence, then the bridal march began. The rear doors opened, and Sam escorted her daughter down the aisle. Hope had her head down as the walk began. She slowly looked up and saw Ken beaming at her. At the sight, she knew her life would forever be filled with love. Once they reached the altar, Sam kissed her daughter, and presented her arm to Ken. Sam turned and sat down next to Lynn. He reached out and grabbed her hand. Their eyes misted, as they quietly reflected on their twenty-six years together.

Lynn leaned over, and whispered, "Hope had some 'Major' issues earlier. Is she okay?"

"She's fine," Sam replied understanding perfectly what Lynn meant. Then she patted Lynn's hand and said, "As soon as she saw Ken, I could feel her relax.

"And by the way doesn't Ken look handsome too?" Sam asked her Queen.

"Of course my King; anyone named after my favorite wine has to be handsome," he deadpanned as he leaned even closer to his handsome woman.

Sam sniffed the air, "Lynn you put on Calvin! You little minx!" She not too quietly whispered, and playfully swatted his leg.

Jake looked at his 'Dad' and gave her a good-humored shush. Sam smiled mischievously and raised her eyebrow at her son. Lynn chuckled at the monkey business then gave Sam a quick peck, and turned to listen as Pastor Nelson began the ceremony.

"Dearly beloved we are gathered here today..."

*** *** ***

"Before I pronounce sentence," Pastor Nelson joked as the congregation laughed, "I am going to take a trip down memory lane.

"Three years ago, God so graciously saw fit to return Jacob Weatherly to us, unscathed by the perils of serving two tours in the Middle-East. I stood on this pulpit and had the honor of joining this decorated Marine and his lovely bride Madelyn in holy matrimony. One year later, I baptized their son Samuel.

"Well, I guess I am going to show my age by telling you this." he said with a chuckle, "Twenty-six years ago in 2004, I had the honor of marrying Jacob and Hope's parents, Lynn, and Sam Weatherly. Theirs was one of my first, and probably the most unique wedding I ever had the honor to officiate. In all the intervening years, I have never seen a more devoted couple than Sam, and Lynn. I called them my 'Diamonds in the Rough.' Well look what happened to those diamonds," he said with pride, as Sam hugged her Queen.

"I am going to conclude the ceremony for Hope and Ken the same way I finished that ceremony twenty-six years ago. So bear with me."

Pastor Nelson took a deep breath, and looked at Hope and Ken with love, "Through the love of parents, friends, and each other, these once raw diamonds are now finely polished gems, and ready to embark together on that wondrous journey of love and happiness. The sparkling stones on their fingers symbolize the shining inner diamond that this merger lovingly represents. These two are united as one under God for the entire world to behold.

"Joined together by hope, faith and love, I am honored, humbled, and proud that it is my privileged duty in front of God and all His witnesses here, to present for the first time as a married couple:

"Hope Fayanna Diamante and her spouse Kendall Janelle Diamante.

"Ken, you may kiss your bride," Pastor Nelson said with a smile.

"Hello Ms. Diamante," Hope beamed.

"Hello yourself Ms. Diamante," Ken replied, as she brought Hope's lips to hers and with true love they kissed their first as a married couple.

The congregation stood and applauded the couple as they walked down the aisle and stepped into the narthex to form the receiving line.

Sam and Lynn snuck out to get the birdseed when Sam froze in her tracks. Lynn felt his King's sudden stop; he looked up and gave a slight gasp. Both recognized the tall woman standing across from the church. Sam stared at her former lover; it had been twenty-five years since she came to their door. Alexis was dressed much more conservatively. She wore a pale green dress that came just above her knees, her hair was still golden but much shorter now — she held a bouquet of yellow roses. Before either could move, the woman laid the flowers on the ground, and walked swiftly away.

"Are you okay my King?" Lynn asked as he rubbed the small of her back.

"Perfectly fine my Queen," she said as her mind reflected on the past.

"You're thinking about something my love, what?" Lynn asked as he moved his hands up to her neck and gently massaged the tense strong muscles.

Sam took a breath, "Remember when she came to our place on the chance of getting back together with me?"

"Of course, that was a long time ago."

"It was after that visit..." Sam felt her loins moisten, "later that night we had the best sex. It was so scrumptious," she purred.

"Oh, yes it was my King, that night is one of my all time favorites. I was so glad my parents could take the babies on such short notice." He grinned, as he felt his penis tent his tuxedo.

Sam gave his cock a rub, "You realize that was a nasty thing you did when you handed her that box filled with the items she forgot," she scolded teasingly. "But I have to admit it was 'très intelligent'.

"Do you think she liked those coarsely chopped pieces of plastic that you so creatively gift-wrapped for her, 'ma villaine petite fille?'" chuckled Sam.

"Well my King, I don't think 'red' is her favorite color anymore," he laughed with a very womanly voice.

Sam chuckled and gave her Queen a hug and a tender kiss on his lips. She walked over to the bouquet picked it up and threw it in the trash.

"You know, after seeing Alexis, we need to make some landscaping changes to our home?"

"Oh, what sort of changes?"

"I would love to plant some yellow rose bushes along the back fence. I believe it has become my new favorite color," she said with a smile.

Lynn's eyes brightened with his King's statement, "Certainly, that is an 'excellente idée, et grand plan mon roi.'"

The happy parents of the bride tossed wild bird seed on Hope and Ken as they came out of the church and quickly entered the limo that would whisk them to Gigi's. The King, with her arm around her Queen, watched with love as their son Jacob, and his wife Maddie, carefully strapped Samuel into his car seat before they too left for the reception. Lynn's eyes watered briefly, and then he gazed into his handsome woman's eyes, and purred. Sam heard the purr, and grabbed her lover's of twenty-six years ass. He squealed at her touch.

"Let's head to the reception my beautiful man, get a beer and drink to yellow roses and another twenty-six years together."

"You drink the beer, and I'll have a glass of Kendall-Jackson Chardonnay, okay my King?"

Sam laughed and replied, "Of course, I wouldn't have it any other way." She stuck her tongue in his mouth, and as she kissed him passionately Sam deeply inhaled his Calvin.

When she released her grip, Sam cooed, "When we get home tonight, I'm going to suck you dry and you're going to lick my pussy 'till dawn. Then when the sun crests the horizon, I am putting on my strap-on, and I am going to fuck you silly. What do you think about that my Queen?"

"I love it, and we will still have the afternoon — I know a few very good places to stick my dick," he giggled as he rubbed his hardening cock along her leg.

"You're incorrigible you know, incorrigible! But that's why I love you."

"I know my King, I know," he seductively replied as they got into her Sierra and drove to the reception.

*** *** ***

Two months later Hope was humming "If the Love Fits" as she drove home from work. When she pulled into the driveway, she saw a shape on the front porch of the home she and Ken shared. She slowed down and gasped. It looked like a black dog. She slowly got out of her car. She couldn't believe her eyes. It was a black German shepherd shivering on their porch.

She cautiously walked up to the frightened animal and saw no collar or tags. The dog looked up at the young woman, and frightened chestnut eyes called to Hope. She squatted in front of the dog to get a closer look. The dog was a female. Cautiously Hope reached down and stroked her ears.

"Hi girl, what brings you here?" she asked in a soothing voice while she continued to pet the animal.

The dog gave her hand a gentle lick and Hope's heart melted. She leaned down for a closer look and cried in anguish when she saw the deep cut on the beautiful dog's right front leg. The blood oozed down the brown black fur onto the porch. Carefully Hope examined the dog's injury. She took a tissue out of her purse and tentatively dabbed the weeping wound. The injured dog whimpered at Hope's gentle touch and licked her hand again and again. Hope stunned at the dog's familiar mannerisms stared into the soulful chestnut eyes, and gasped, "Major?"

The dog didn't respond. Hope shook as she grasped the pendant on her neck and rolled her fingers along the edges. She thought back to when she got the special necklace twelve years before. It was a few weeks after that horrible night. Her beloved Major had been cremated, and the family decided to spread his ashes underneath the Maple tree he loved so much. As each family member took their turn, Hope looked at her parents and with hesitation asked, "Do we have to spread all of him here? I want to keep a part of Major with me always. He is my guardian. Can I Mom? Can I Dad? Please?"

"Honey, I understand your feelings. We will keep a small portion of his ashes for now, and decide what to do with them later, okay?" Lynn gently told his daughter as Sam nodded in agreement. Both remembered what the therapist in charge of Hope's recovery had explained to them:

"Don't be shocked if your daughter asks for his ashes. Major was her protector, and savior. It isn't unusual in these cases for the victim to want to keep their protector close to them, as a security blanket. Normally a picture or a lock of hair will suffice, but I would suspect in Hope's case with the severe trauma, and the finality of what happened to Major, that she will ask for his ashes. In the long run it will help speed her recovery."

Lynn and Sam had a pendant made for Hope. The pendant was actually a small vial that contained a small portion of Major's ashes. Major's name was embossed in gold with small diamond flecks that sparkled in the sun. When they presented it to her on her fourteenth birthday, they feared they made a mistake. Hope took the necklace and ran into her room crying. Ten minutes later she came out and her face beamed. She was wearing the necklace.

"This is absolutely the most wonderful present I have ever received. I will wear it forever!" Hope said through tears of sadness and of joy. Then she ran to her Mother and Father and tightly hugged them both. Sam and Lynn, in a sign of devotion gently interlocked their fingers around their wonderful girl. Hope never went anywhere without Major. The only time the necklace came off was when she took a shower or went to bed. He would be with her always.

*** *** ***

Ken came home ten minutes later, and parked on the street. She saw the scene on the porch, and wondered what was going on. She walked up to Hope, and gently touched her shoulder.

Hope grasped Ken's hand as she continued to caress her pendant and said, "Ken we have to do something — she's hurt. She doesn't have a collar or dog tags — but we need to get her to a vet."

Ken, seeing the connection that Hope had with the dog, nodded in agreement. She leaned down and looked at the black dog's injured leg, and patted the dog's head. She noticed the dog's gentle manner and sensed the aura of great strength the dog gave off.

Ken softly said, "Hope, I'll get a rope from the garage. I can make a loop for a collar, and use it as a leash too. We will see what the vet says, and if no one comes forward, umm — would you like to adopt her?"

Hope stuttered, "We, we...we...can adopt her?" she gazed up at her woman, "Oh honey that would be perfect! But what will we call her?"

"Well, if no one claims her, how about Shadow, Ebony, Inky or Rav..."

"Ken, those are nice, but she reminds me so much of Major. She needs a special name that would honor him. Oh-My-God! I got it; let's call her 'Captain.'"

The black German shepherd perked up and chuffed when she heard the word Captain.

"See Ken! She likes the name," Hope said, as she scratched the dogs' ears.

"Hope, it's a female dog, you can't name her 'Captain'," Ken scoffed.

"My mom's name is Sam, my dad's name is Lynn, and your name is Ken. You want to bet I can't name her Captain?" Hope said defiantly.

"Okay okay, Captain it is." Ken laughed.

Ken got the rope and shortly thereafter eased Captain into the Yukon as Hope climbed into the backseat with the dog. Hope wanted to use Major's doctor. Ken quickly found the address and they drove to Dr. Gladden's veterinary clinic.

"Her leg looked worse than it really was. All I needed to do was clean up her injury, and apply wound sealer. Within two days you won't even know she was hurt. It surprised me that she didn't have a micro chip; without a chip I can't do an ownership trace. I checked the database and there is no active search that matches her description within a fifty-mile radius.

"Based on the condition of her paws and the fact that she's about 15 pounds underweight, my guess is she's been on the road a long while." With a big smile, Dr. Gladden declared, "Captain is in need of a good home, which I know you'll provide. She's a handsome dog, just like Major." His eyes misted at the memory.

"Thank you so much Dr. Gladden, we most certainly will," Hope said as she gently patted her Captain, and smiled at Ken.

"I assumed you would, so I did a complete blood screen and inoculated her." Dr. Gladden smiled and shook his head, "When I screened Major, the results took a week. Now I get them in three minutes. Technology!"

All three had a good laugh, and soon the new family was driving home when Hope suddenly exclaimed, "Ken! Let's take Captain to my parent's house. I want to show them our new addition."

Startled by Hope's outburst, Ken regrouped and said, "Sure honey, go ahead and give them a call." Then she looked at the GPS screen and called out a few commands. The Yukon changed its course.
Hope anxiously called her parent's home, "Hi Mom. Can Ken and I come over, we have something to show you. Great! See you in a few."

"Oh, my God, would you look at that Sam!" Lynn squealed as he saw the beautiful dog. "Hope, he's gorgeous where did you get him?"

"Well,'she' found us Mom," Hope beamed, "And her name is Captain!"

Sam, slightly in awe of the dog said, "'Captain', how nice, and she is such a sweet looking dog. A Black German shepherd! Would you look at those brown streaks on her legs. She is so handsome. You two are very lucky," Sam finished, as she gently stroked the dog's ears.

The two families headed into the house and after drinks were served, Hope began to tell her parents the story. After a short time, Captain began to whine at the back door. As they let her out, all four kept an eye on her because it was a strange yard. Captain wandered around the yard, and put her nose to the ground and began to sniff. Once she reached the maple tree, she laid down underneath the tall tree. The foursome watched the scene, and were stunned. Hope quietly walked through the door, and sat with Captain under the tree. The dog looked up at her with sad eyes.

Gently Hope stroked her head, "His name was Major, girl," she said, "He was a hero and saved my life. I'm telling you this because if you want to be a part of this family you're going to have very large paws to fill. Do you understand me?"

Captain rose to her full height and licked Hope's face, then laid down again and put her head on Hope's lap. The young woman wept quietly as she hugged Captain. Ken moved behind her woman and gently massaged her shoulders. Hope looked up smiled and kissed her hand.

Jake, Madelyn, and Samuel came over right away when they heard the news. They stopped and greeted Sam and Lynn when Samuel suddenly broke away from Jake's grasp and with a big giggle, immediately ran into the back yard towards the dog. Captain quickly got up and trotted over to Samuel. Everyone watched intently as the big dog licked the laughing young boy and gently herded him back to his father. Jake was taken aback by Captain's actions as he lifted Samuel into his arms. He had seen many military dogs in action and what this dog did was astonishing. He looked on as Captain made her way back to Hope and plopped down on her lap.

Jake saw the smile on his sister's face grow. A smile the likes of which he hadn't seen in over twelve years. He felt tears of joy as his sister grinned happily at him. Together they looked at their parents standing just inside the door wall. Together they mouthed the words, 'I love you'.

Lynn saw the words as tears of happy contentment streamed down his face; he looked at his handsome woman and saw her face was wet with love too. Lynn put his arm around his King, and in his feminine voice softly said,

"My King, 'Notre royaume est ensemble une fois de plus.'"

"Yes my Queen, our kingdom is whole once again."


I wish to thank Iread2relax for the encouraging words as I began this journey. A very, very special thank you to MaddieKim, and nakdsub for their great help with all the chapters, and for this chapter Persephone9906.
To have friends is a blessing; to have great friends is an honor. Your ideas and words were a tremendous asset. Thank you so much!!!
And of course without a great editor it is just a jumble. Thank you to SoCalOvid the best editor a fledgling writer can have, because he doesn't just edit, he teaches, and he cares. Thank you my friend.
To my readers:
Thank you for reading my 'Diamonds In The Rough©' I hope you enjoyed my quirky romance!
Finally please, please, please leave me a comment, and/or feedback, and vote too!!!
I look forward to hearing from you.
Thank you,

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DanabooksDanabooksover 4 years ago
Wow. So well done.

Having known and know many people with different sexual orientation I have come to believe that the only important part of any relationship is love. Thank you.

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago

Thanks for the Great story was a great read hope you do many more all 5's

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
loved it , a wonderful story

i had a few problems with the start of chapter one .

i found the overly Descriptive start to the story very,very,hard going

i fully understand the intent , as it did work to really sucker punch the reader in regards to sam's sex . ..

from the last few paragraphs of Ch01. all the way to the end of this ch.09 i found the story to have a delightful pace , and found it engaging , interesting & entertaining.


a worthy 5 stars for each and every chapter .

looking forward to new tales from the author.

bonne chance mon ami.



Mostera1Mostera1over 8 years agoAuthor

Thanks for following up!


AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
Your Right

Especially when I looked at the middle name and the pronouns in reference to her'

Mostera1Mostera1almost 9 years agoAuthor
Regarding Gender


Reread the wedding scene and look carefully at the pronouns.

Your answer is there.

Thank you,


AnonymousAnonymousalmost 9 years ago
one question..

Although it doesn't matter, only the true love in there hearts does, am I the only one trying to figure out if Kendall is a girl or a guy. Just putting it out there feel free to answer. Personally I think it's a guy but correct me for I am wrong.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago

Title say's it all.

gatorhermitgatorhermitover 9 years ago
Intriguing and Interesting Series

M1 did a nice job with this series. Clever gender bender. I think the portrayal of coming to terms with a different gender orientation for both Sam and Lynn was really well done.

SultrychocolatesistaSultrychocolatesistaover 9 years ago

Quirky and heart warming.

BaraktrelBaraktrelover 9 years ago
great story

Loved the story well done

dylan954dylan954over 9 years ago

Wonderful story, read it all in one go, the Author really managed to stir emotional involvement with the characters. Thank you for a great read and a happy/sad ending. Would love to read more, hope you publish here again.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 10 years ago

Amazing story, couldn't stop reading it till the end..

Shadowreader7Shadowreader7about 10 years ago
Better every time

4th time I've read this story and I like it more each time. One of the only stories that gets me close to crying with what happened to major

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago
the compete story

Thank you for one of the best stories I've ever read. You have a talent and, yes a great editor, that helps bring out your best. Quirky, mmmmm,, different viewpoint and

delightfully so. Your "open your mind unlock your heart" on the first chapter was unusual and so sweeet a warning to what was to come. Labels are helpful on jars and cans but so often unnecessary to everything else. To his king and her queen may there be many more. Thank you.Quite an emotional rollercoaster to enjoy.


PolyLvrPolyLvrabout 10 years ago

Terrific tail.

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago

What a ride!!!!!! Loved it, loved it,loved it!!!!!!!

The characters were so well developed, and so very believable. So heartwrenching at times yet so full of love too.

Congratulations, and thank you.

92honeyalmond9292honeyalmond92over 10 years ago

I love this story...

kuroukiphoenyxkuroukiphoenyxover 10 years ago

This story....found at 7pm and finished at one am....crying and heart over against all labels...that is what is should be....

dairetodairetoalmost 11 years ago
Oh Major

I cried when Major died and when Captain came into their lives.

Lovely story

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