Dianna's Awakening Ch. 02

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Dianna dives in head first. Her first swingers encounter.
8.4k words

Part 2 of the 7 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 08/10/2021
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I spent the day Wednesday fending off the butterflies in the pit of my stomach. At about 5:00 P.M., I started getting ready, curling my hair, and applying modest makeup. I had already made up my mind that I would dress conservatively, and chose a lovely pink blouse that buttons all the way up and a pair of black slacks that hug my hips nicely. I was ready and wondered if Paul would arrive home before I left to meet Jerry.

He finally pulled into the driveway at 6:15. "I got tied up at work and didn't leave until after 5:00; traffic was brutal on the drive home," Paul said as he walked into the kitchen.

"I was worried that you wouldn't get here before I left," I said.

Paul didn't react; I assumed he had hoped that I'd get cold feet and back out of my planned meeting with Jerry.

"How do I look?" I asked.

"Like you're going to a PTA meeting, why wouldn't you wear a skirt and show off your best feature," he said.

"I didn't want to look too sexy for our first meeting," I replied.

He laughed, "Dianna you're meeting a man who you want to fuck, I think a little sexy is called for, unbutton the top three buttons on your blouse and give him something to look at. Paul suggested.

As I did what he suggested, I spun around on the balls of my feet, "How's that?" I asked.

"Better, your ass looks great in those slacks." He said.

I glanced at the clock; it was 6:25, I guess I should get going," I said.

"Okay," was his one-word reply.

I thought about kissing him but since I was leaving to meet another man I decided better of that idea. I just smiled and asked, "Are you going to wait up for me?"

"I doubt it," Paul said.

I left without saying anything else. As I drove the family minivan to O'Neil's, those butterflies grew even more significant, and when I parked in the lot across the street, my hands were trembling. I sat there for a few minutes, gathering my thoughts. Be yourself Dianna; let your personality shine and hope that Jerry would say the words to make you feel comfortable. I walked slowly across the street then pulled the door open, stepping inside to scan the assembled men at the bar. O' Neil's has an oval-shaped bar with an area at the back where there are tables for couples. Since I was the only unaccompanied woman in the place, the six men seated at the bar all turned and checked me out. I spotted Jerry sitting along the backside of the oval. A huge smile appeared on my lips as I lifted my hand and waved at him. Jerry raised his hand and waved back, flashing his brilliant white smile at me.

As I made my way to the end and started walking toward him, I noticed that the other five men were watching me. I was happy that I'd taken Paul's advice and unbuttoned the top three buttons of my blouse, turning it from a PTA meeting outfit to a more seductive check me out look.

As I approached him, Jerry slipped off his barstool and extended his arms. I flowed into him, and he gave me a friendly hug and a short kiss on one cheek. He is about six inches taller than me and leaned down to whisper in my ear, "You look gorgeous,"

I smiled at him and looked up into his crystal-clear blue eyes, "Thank you so much," I said.

"Do you want to sit here or get a table?" Jerry asked.

"This is fine," I replied, knowing that if things went well, touching would be easier seated at the bar. Jerry pulled a stool back, and I slipped up onto it.

As he sat down beside me, Jerry offered, "Would you like a drink?"

"I'll have a wine spritzer, please," I answered.

After ordering drinks, Jerry turned sideways on his stool. He smiled and said, "My first concern has been allayed; you're prettier than I could have imagined."

I felt the warmth of a blush on my cheeks, and the butterflies that haunted me all day vanished instantly, never to return while I was in the company of this pleasant man.

I smiled at him.

"Ha made ya blush," he said as he noticed my reaction to his compliment.

"You did a whole lot more than make me blush," I answered, which made him flash that brilliant white smile at me.

Jerry took a drink of his beer then placed the glass back on the cork coaster in front of him. His hand moved toward me, and he brushed my hair back to uncover my face a little more. His fingertip touch sent a chill down my spine.

I turned a little toward him and tilted my head back so my hair would fall behind my shoulders, but the real reason was to invite his touch.

"Tell me about your life up until tonight," I asked a rather broad sweeping question.

He told me where he'd attended college, and about his two wives and the subsequent divorces. He's never had children but regretted that fact.

"When did you get into the lifestyle?" I asked, wanting to explore more about his previous women.

"My first experience was about three years ago. I met a woman at the grocery store of all places. She was wearing an injury boot on one foot and limping noticeably as she struggled to carry her grocery bags and use a cane to keep her weight off her injured foot." He explained.

I smiled, wanting him to continue without any input from me.

"I offered to help her and took the bags in my hand. She explained that she had stubbed her little toe three days before and broken two bones. After putting her grocery bags in her car, she thanked me and asked if I'd like to have coffee. She was a beautiful woman, about ten years younger than me. Oh, course I accepted her invitation and asked her which coffee shop she wanted to go to. I remember how surprised I was when she said, mine."

I had to say it, "Did she offer coffee, tea, or me?"

"Not in those words exactly; but I can tell you this Dianna, her foot injury didn't affect the rest of her body, by the time I left her place I was spent and had a gallon of melted ice cream in the back of my car," Jerry said laughing.

"So how did this grocery trip end up getting you involved in the lifestyle?" I asked.

"I had given her my phone number in case she wanted a return engagement, but didn't hear from her for a very long time, then one day out of the blue she called me and asked if I'd like to attend a private party with her. Of course, I agreed, thinking the private part would be just the two of us. You can imagine my surprise when we arrived at the party; we walked into a very upscale house outside of town, and there were couples, groups, and women having sex everywhere."

"It was a swinger's party?" I asked.

"It sure was, my date took my hand and walked me through the maze of naked people and into a small bathroom, she stripped my clothes off and proceeded to give me one of the best blow jobs I'd ever had. After I came in her mouth, she got up and said, I'm gonna find another rock-hard cock to suck off, feel free to fuck anything you like out there. I fucked four women that night and also crossed an item off my sexual fantasy list." He explained.

Jerry's story was making me hotter and hotter with every word. "What item did you cross off?"

He smiled at me and leaned very close, his lips almost touching my ear. "I sucked my first cock that night," he whispered.

I was flabbergasted; this incredible man that I was looking at as a possible lover had just told me that he enjoys sucking cock.

"Wow, that was quite an introduction to the lifestyle," I said.

"I've been hooked ever since," Jerry admitted.

During his entire story, Jerry kept touching me, his hand would brush against my arm, or he'd place his fingertips on my shoulder at one point he slid his fingers between mine as he related his introduction to the lifestyle.

I had to know, "So do you enjoy women or men better?"

He laughed at my question, "If I enjoyed men more, do you think I'd be sitting here with you, Dianna?"

I had my answer. I believe it was at that exact moment that I knew before the night was complete. Jerry and I would be lovers; it was a moment that excited me totally.

I turned more toward him, my knee sliding between his legs. "I should explain how I've come to be sitting here with you."

"I'm all ears," He replied as he finished his lager and ordered another round of drinks.

I placed my hand palm down on top of his thigh and began, "I met my husband Paul in our junior year of college and was immediately attracted to him. We dated for nearly six months without any sexual contact other than necking. Not once during the entire time did he try to seduce me. I was worried that he didn't find me sexually attractive, but I still fell deeply in love with him. I remember that first time as if it happened yesterday; we were swimming at a friend's pool late one hot humid night. We went from playfully splashing to heavy petting and necking. My friend and her boyfriend had long before gone inside and were fucking on her parent's family room sofa. I saw them and said to Paul, look, they're fucking. Then I whispered to him; I want you to fuck me like that."

"Dianna, that is so hot," Jerry commented.

I continued my story; "He removed my suit and began touching me unlike he'd never touched me before and in places, I'd dreamed about for months. I pulled his trunks off and placed my hand on his cock. It was so hard, and I knew he wanted me. Paul took my virginity that night, and, in the weeks and months that followed, we fucked every chance we got. I fell deeper and deeper in love with him; he was kind, gentle, and always had my needs in mind. But there was always something missing something that went unfulfilled."

I moved my hand further up his thigh. If I'd slid it between his legs, my hand would have touched his cock.

Jerry leaned forward his head beside mine as he whispered, "You can touch me if you want."

I continued my story, "After we graduated Paul asked me to marry him. I said yes, hoping that our deep, undying love would compensate for the feelings I had been having.

I slowly slid my hand inward and touched Jerry's erect cock. His eyes closed as I began.

"You see Jerry; what was missing, what gave me the feeling of being unfulfilled is exactly what my hand is touching right now, Paul's cock is only three inches when completely erect."

Jerry's eyes opened instantly, "You must have loved him so much," He said.

"Yes, with all my heart and soul," I answered.

"The months turned into years. We were blessed with two children, and I was resigned to living my life without ever knowing the feeling of being completely satisfied without ever experiencing the sensation of having my pussy filled completely with a big hard cock."

As my hand slowly began sliding up and down his rock-hard cock, I looked up into his crystal-clear blue eyes and said, "That's what brought me to you tonight Jerry, I want you to be the man who satisfies me, fills my pussy completely and finally makes me happy."

"I will," Jerry said just before he kissed me deeply on the mouth.

The bartender had been watching us for some time and approached while Jerry and I were kissing. "Excuse me," He said, forcing us to break our passionate kiss. "I think you two should get a room."

Jerry turned his head toward the bartender and said, "I was just thinking the same thing. I smiled at the barkeep and then turned to Jerry, "Fuck me," I said just to let him know that the room wouldn't be wasted.

Jerry slipped off his stool then helped me off mine, and together we walked toward the door, his arm around my waist, his hand resting on my hip. Every man in the placed watched, knowing that later that night, we would be making passionate love.

As we walked across the street, I glanced toward my minivan; Paul's car was parked beside mine, his shoulders and head silhouetted by the light behind. He's spying on me, I thought, sitting out here in the dark to see me leave with my new lover. I decided to give him something to remember. Jerry's car was parked two rows in front of Paul's, and as we reached the passenger door, I turned and leaned against the side. "Kiss me again," I said.

Jerry placed his hands against the top of the door and leaned down, kissing me gently on the mouth. I slid my hand along his thigh and inward to his loins. His cock was still fully erect, and I slowly started stroking it. Up and down, my hand moved to show my spying husband just how big my lover's cock is. Jerry moved one hand to my chest and began caressing my breast through the fabric of my blouse and the cotton bra beneath.

We continued our sensual foreplay for a full five minutes. Paul had seen enough; his car started, and for a moment before he pulled out, turning his vehicle, my lover and I were exposed by the harsh light from his headlights.

Paul sped off, and I slid my hand from his cock, "Where," I asked,

Jerry instantly replied, "My place is ten minutes from here."

I just smiled, and after he'd opened the door slipped into the passenger seat. As Jerry got behind the wheel, I turned toward him so that I could study his face in the dim dashboard lights.

As he drove home, I wanted to touch his cock again but resisted the urge not wanting to break his concentration on the task at hand. While we were stopped for a red-light, Jerry looked toward me. I smiled, knowing that his glance was only to remind him of the passion I'd exhibited at O'Neil's.

Fortunately, I only had to keep my hands to myself for a few more minutes. We arrived at Jerry's place and pulled to a stop in front of a small one-car garage. "My condo is on the second floor." He said as he pulled his keys from the ignition.

He opened the foyer door and held it as I walked inside. Straight ahead, there was a door to number 18-1. An open stairway of metal and concrete led to the second floor. "I'm up there," Jerry said as he pointed up the stairs.

He followed me as we climbed the stairs; I hoped that he was studying my ass as I stepped as seductively as possible. When we reached the landing at the top, Jerry said, "Great ass." I smiled and thought, mission accomplished.

I walked toward the door marked 18-2; Jerry followed and touched what he had just complimented me about; his flat hand was pressing into my ass cheek.

He opened the door, and I stepped into his living room, a spartanly furnished apartment with a sofa, matching chair, and end table with one lamp and a small coffee table in front. There was a large screen television positioned in front of the couch. His living room lacked a woman's touch, but I wasn't there to critique his decorating talents, I was there to fulfill a craving I've had for years.

As I stood there surveying his home, I heard the door close and the dead bold turn. We were alone; finally, no invasive eyes watching as we touched and talked at O'Neil's, no spying husband wanting to catch a glimpse of his wife with another man. Finally, my new lover and I were alone; my brain released a flood of endorphins, and my loins became wet, preparing for the inevitable.

I turned toward him and searched deeply into his blue eyes. Jerry was standing with his back to the door as I approached from a few feet away.

"I want to taste you; I want to feel you inside my mouth," I said as I placed my hands on his waist.

He smiled at me and withdrew my hand, "Dianna, have you ever sucked an uncut cock?"

I was somewhat surprised at his question, "No, Paul was circumcised at birth," I answered.

He held my hand in his as he explained, "An uncircumcised man has a distinct taste; the buildup of smegma beneath the foreskin can cause what I've been told is a cheesy taste. I can wash up if you think you might find the taste unappealing. I pressed my body against his and kissed him deeply on the mouth, our tongues intertwining in a sensual dance of passion. I pulled my hand from his and again stroked his erect cock; breaking our passionate kiss, I said, "I want to taste you, not a bar of soap."

I wanted to touch him; no, I needed to feel his beautiful curved cock, and as I used my thumb and index finger to lower his zipper, I bent and crouched before his loins. His crystal blue eyes stared down at me as my fingers slipped through the opening of his slacks, finding his rock-hard cock once again. Turning my hand down, I stretched my fingers out and slid the tips down over his scrotum, feeling the twin orbs of his testicles. "Oh, God!" Jerry exclaimed as I paused there to gently caress his balls through the cotton fabric of his jockey's. My fingers began upward following the bulge of his urethra until I reached the head. I used the tip of one nail to trace the outline of his corona, causing him to shudder as I caressed his sensitive flesh.

Both hands moved up to undo his belt, the loose ends dangled from the first loops around his waist. One quick twist of my fingers opened the clasp that held his slacks snuggly around his waist; as the fabric opened, I got my first look at the size of his erection. From the base of his scrotum up to the head, which pressed against the elastic waistband of his jockeys, Jerry's cock was at least nine inches in length. I needed to see its girth; I needed to see first-hand the outline of his cock head covered with the thin flesh of his foreskin. My hands moved up and lifted his slacks off his hips then slowly moved down, sliding his pants to the floor; as I dropped his pants, Jerry quickly unbuttoned his shirt and ripped it from his body.

I looked up over his naked chest, the muscles of his abs more defined than I imagined. The wedge shape of his upper chest enticed me, and before I uncovered his cock, I reached up, extending my arms fully and slowly scratched down over his hard body, his erect nipples, and the washboard of his abs. I didn't linger on his body, wanting to reach my ultimate goal of his jockeys as soon as possible.

As I neared the elastic waistband, Jerry said, "Dear God, please, take it out."

My fingers trembled as I began slowly peeling his under ware from his loins, exposing what I craved most. His cock head appeared first; the very tip was poking out through the thin foreskin that concealed the rest. Inch by glorious inch, more of his cock came under my acute visual stare; the flaring corona distinctly outline through his flesh, the blood-engorged veins throbbing in anticipation of my touch. His jockeys finally slipped from between his thighs and quickly joined his slacks pooled around his feet.

I placed my hands on my knees and let them slide up my thighs as I changed from a crouched position to kneel before him. I didn't reach out to touch it; instead, I let my eyes capture the moving image of his cock. The photo he had sent me was a snapshot in time, a frozen image of his rock-hard erection. But kneeling before him, I was enthralled by the way it surged the tip touching his abdomen as his muscles contracted, the pulsing of his veins; every tiny nuance instantly embedded in my memory forever.

My eyes moved up to his as I said, "It's more beautiful than I'd imagined.

Jerry smiled, knowing that I had studied his erection so carefully, but he wanted more, and as I lifted one hand toward his cock, he said, "Touch it."

My delicate fingers wrapped around the shaft just above his balls; I drew it toward me as I straightened up a little inhaling deeply to draw the piquant aroma of his cock into my sinuses.

"You're driving me insane!" Jerry exclaimed as my hand slowly rose along the rock-hard shaft.

I stopped when my index finger and thumb got to his corona, then tightened my grip and slowly moved my hand down. His foreskin pulled down, exposing the glans of his cock head, then the smooth flaring flesh of his corona, and finally the top part of his cock shaft. I felt as if I was unwrapping an exotic gift. The glans were dotted with tiny globules of a milky white substance, and just below his corona, a distinct line of the same substance circled his cock shaft. It was the smegma that Jerry had told me to expect. I inhaled again to savor the more pungent aroma of his exposed cock head.