Diary of a Small Town Doctor Ch. 01


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"I took Sally's virginity at the senior prom. Her mother knew and still we continued our affair. For one glorious summer, I was bedding the mother and her eighteen-year-old daughter, separately of course. I broke up with Sally in the second semester of my Freshmen year at college. It ended as well as can be expected. She married a local guy and now has two kids."

Hunter paused to look at Gia. Her face was inscrutable. He finished the tale,

"I know I will never be faithful to one woman. Also, I will never be satisfied with plain vanilla sex. But I need a wife and I want children. I am desperate to find a partner who understands me and can accept my baggage. Ideally it is because she wants the same thing – wedded bliss, a home with children and occasional bouts of outrageous sex with special friends."

He stopped and looked her in the eye. "You like sex. You like variety. Are you the adventuresome sexual partner/homemaker I am searching for?"

Gia was impressed with his self-knowledge and his honesty. Also what he was saying struck a chord with her. She was a kindred spirit. Perhaps she had found her soulmate. Gia led him over to a park bench and they sat under the old oak trees.

"That's quite a story. Not many guys lead with 'Don't expect fidelity from me',"

He started to speak. She placed a finger on her lips and said, "Let me tell you how I lost my virginity. Well, lost might not be the right word . . ."

"You know I had a scholarship for college, but it doesn't cover all expenses. I worked here and there to earn extra cash. One of my gigs was being a server for a catering company. The boss told me he had a special event coming up that would paid four times my normal wages. He said there would be nudity and sex. I was not expected to have sex with anyone, but I would have to be topless."

"I thought it over and when he assured me no one would touch me, I accepted. That's where I met Bob and Carol. I was a server at one of their sex parties. I worked a couple of their events. The people were nice and the tips were good. I became friends with Bob and Carol."

"One day I mentioned that I was a virgin. What a laugh we all had that there would be a twenty-one-year-old virgin at an orgy. Carol said, "What a great theme that would be for a party – deflowering a virgin." Bob teased me saying, "If you ever want to sell your virginity, let us know"."

"Two months later, I took them up on the offer. Mom was real sick. There was a treatment, but it was very expensive. I needed $5,000 fast. The medicine brought her some relief. She and I got to spend an extra six months together before she passed peacefully in her sleep."

Tears came to her eyes as she remembered that time. Hunter held her hands and said, "I'm sorry."

"No. Don't be sorry. I would do it again. And well, no one lives forever. Mom is in a better place. I am not ashamed that I sold my virginity. It opened up a whole new part of my life."

She explained, "As a Marshmallow girl, I have strong self-control. It has served me well. I stayed away from drugs while the lives of others in my neighborhood were being devastated. I did not have sex because I saw classmates dropping out of junior high to have babies. These girls were condemning themselves and their children to a life of misery and poverty."

"When I had sex, I was determined that it would be on my terms for better reasons than I was high or drunk or searching desperately for someone to care about me. Actually my first time was quite the event. Memorable for everyone there."

"Carol and I planned it. We went with a tropical deflowering virgin theme. I was naked and tied to a stone altar. The guests were dressed in native garb. Everyone, men and women, were invited to touch me, to see for themselves that my hymen was actually still intact. Up until then, I had been the only person to touched my sex and now I was being caressed, groped and felt up by twenty people. Many total strangers. It was surreal, but also exhilarating."

"Bob did the honors. He was the first man ever to penetrated me. He was considerate and gentle, but it still hurt and I did bleed. Afterward, Bob told me it had been years since he had come that hard. He filled me to overflowing with spunk. Carol was kind enough to clean up after her husband. She brought me to orgasm as she ate my sullied vagina."

"I had sex with a half dozen men that night. It was as everyone says, pleasurable once I was broken in. The next month I traded my anal virginity for a new car."

She stopped to see if she had shocked him. He did not appear disgusted, so she continued,

"I learned that I like sex, a lot. All kinds and with women as well as men. Bob and Carol's parties have been a good outlet for my sexual needs. I, like you, have been living a double life. At school and at work, I am a proper, chaste woman. With my wicked, hedonistic friends, I am a wanton slut."

Hunter smiled. He leaned in and kissed her. "The first time I saw you, when you were being drilled in the ass, I told myself 'That is the girl for me',"

Hunter stood and offered her his arm. Gia took it. She allowed him to take her back to his apartment.

Not a word needed to be said. They stripped off their clothes and fell into bed. Foreplay was minimal. He was fully hard and needy. She was wet and ready. His honesty and his acceptance of her story were all the stimulation she needed. He drove into her. They both gasped when he entered her.

The first time was quick and rough. She came on his cock and he filled her with his semen. Once they dealt with their need, they were able to take the time to explore each other's bodies. They liked what they found. He was fit, handsome and had a satisfactory appendage.

Hunter thought Gia was an attractive woman. She wasn't overly busty nor was she skinny and without curves. She had a toned body and a nice hourglass figure.

There was enough soft flesh, top, and bottom, to keep any man interested. Her nipples were large and dark and fun to chew. Her sex was covered by a thick pelt of soft, dark brown girl-fur. He felt her cloaked sex was deserving of further exploration.


August is not Philadelphia's best month. It is hot and humid, and everyone who could, would get out of town. Going "down to the shore" as the locals refer to vacationing at the beaches in New Jersey, is a popular option.

Gia and Hunter dated all summer in 1976. They grew close and realized they were meant to be together. Hunter proposed and Gia accepted. Since neither had any family to speak of, they planned an August wedding in Las Vegas after which they would move to New Sweden, PA and begin their married life.

Carol rang Gia. "Hey, gorgeous. How are you? Are you dying like the rest of us from the heat and humid? Philly can be so beastly in the summer. So what's new with you?"

"Well, Hunter and I are getting married."

"Get out! That's great news. Spill."

"We are going to Las Vegas, getting married and honeymooning there."

"What? In one of those tacky wedding chapels?"

"Yes, one of the cute drive through chapels. Something simple . . ."

Carol interrupted her. "Honey that sounds dreadful. A wedding should be a celebration. Haven't you dreamed your whole life about your wedding? You know I love you. Let me do this for you. We have a nice house at the shore. We could do a wedding on the beach."

"Oh no. We couldn't impose."

"You're not imposing. I offered. Actually I insist. You know Bob and I don't have any children. I'll never know the joy of planning my daughter's wedding. I am doing this as much for me as for you. You be the beautiful bride and let me be the proud mother."

"Thank you. That is a lovely offer. Let me talk it over with Hunter."


"Friends, we are gather here on this beautiful Jersey beach under this gorgeous blue sky to share with Hunter and Gia a very important moment in their lives. They have come to love one another and they have decided to live their lives as husband and wife."

The judge presiding over the marriage paused and smiled as he looked at the bride and groom. Then he said to the small group of barefooted people gathered on the sand,

"Love is patient, love is kind and is not jealous; love does not brag and is not arrogant, does not act unbecomingly; it does not seek its own, is not provoked, does not take into account a wrong suffered, does not rejoice in unrighteousness, but rejoices with the truth; bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things."

"Gia and Hunter, will you publicly proclaim before these honored guests that you want to be married? Will you love, comfort and cherish each other, for richer or poorer, in sickness and in health, so long as you both shall live?"

In unison they said, "I will."

The judge beamed and said, "Friends, the bride and groom have prepared their own vows."

Hunter looked so handsome in his tuxedo. He turned to Gia and took her hand. He said,

"From the moment I first saw you, I knew you were the one with whom I wanted to share my life. Your beauty and spirit intoxicate me. What I love most about you is that I can be my true self with you. I promise to love you, respect you, honoring you, and share my life with you. This is my solemn vow.

Gia was gorgeous in her white wedding gown. She lifted the veil off her face and addressed her soon-to-be husband,

"Hunter, I take you to be my lawfully wedded husband. Before these witnesses, I vow to love you and care for you as long as we both shall live. I take you with all your faults and your strengths as I offer myself to you with my faults and strengths. I will help you when you need help, and I will turn to you when I need help. I choose you as the person with whom I will spend my life."

The judge spoke. "By the power vested in me by the state of New Jersey, I declare you man and wife. You may kiss the bride."

Hunter and Gia melted together into a big kiss. When Hunter pulled away he said to those assembled, "And you may fuck the bride!"

Gia blushed as the crowd of their swinging friends cheered loudly.

The wedding party retired to Bob and Carol's house for the reception. Everyone changed into more comfortable attire. All the men showed up for the event wearing colorful boxer shorts. The women were naked as the day they were born. They all had high heels on their feet and a butt plug up their ass.

Carol, feeling like the proud parent of the couple, escorted the bride into the reception. Gia was dress similar to the other women except that she had on her white veil and a blue ribbon hung from her anal toy. The champagne drinking guest stopped their conversation and cheered as Gia entered the room. Carol signaled for quiet and address the dozen couples in the room.

"Hunter, please join us and stand beside your glowing bride." Hunter came forward. Unlike the other men, Hunter was completely naked. His dick was fully hard and the cock-ring he had on ensured that that would be the case for some time. Carol looked down and smiled at his staunch manhood. Then she looked at the guests and said,

"Bob and I are so pleased that we could host this event for two of our dearest friends. As stodgy old Anglo-Saxons . . . "

More than a few people chuckled when the nude swinger referred to herself as "stodgy". Carol talked over their laughter.

"We are following an ancient rhythm that instructs brides on what to wear on her wedding day. Something old, something new, something borrowed, something blue, a Sixpence in your shoe."

She held up a coin for all to see. Then she knelt and put it in one of Gia's shoes. She then stated,

"The coin is a symbol of good fortune and prosperity."

Carol grasped Gia about the waist and guided her to turn around. She waved the blue ribbon hanging out of her friend's butt and said,

"Something blue stands for purity, love and fidelity. Gia is guileless and pure of heart. Those of us who have been lucky enough to share her bed, can attested that this girl knows how to love. And fidelity, well fidelity is very over-rate in my book. Don't you agree?"

The Judge laughed very hard at that joke. Others joined in. Hoots and hollers filled the room.

Carol had Gia bent over at the waist and spread her ass cheeks so all could see the plug embedded in her anus. Then she said, "Something borrowed. That's Marcy's favorite spreader up there. The something borrowed symbolizes borrowed happiness."

Carol gently grabbed Hunter's erection and said, "Speaking of borrowing, ladies this is something Gia is allowing us all to borrow today. Take it from personal experience, it will bring you happiness. The cock-ring does not come off until he has fucked all of us. And gentleman, Hunter is being equally as gracious. He expects all of you to have sex with Gia."

The crowd cheered at that news.

Carol stood and said, "Something new represents optimism for the future. We hope you two look forward to the future with hope and anticipation of good things to come. Bill Johnson and his date, Ivana are our something new. This is their first time at one of our parties. Gia, I am confident you will enjoy his "Johnson". What girl doesn't enjoy a big dick? And Hunter, Jackie is a beautiful woman who just happens to be a former member of the Russian gymnastic team. Wait until you see the new and interesting positions that are possible if your partner is extremely flexible."

The other men applauded. Their imaginations began to run wild. They looked forward to spending a little quality time with Ivana.

"Then there is something old. The "old" stands for continuity. My husband Bob is the something old. And no, that is not a reference to his age. He was Gia's first lover. He introduced her to the joy of sex and we all know the importance of good sex."

The crowd murmured in agreement.

Carol called forward Bill Johnson and Ivana. They led the bride and groom off to one of the beds set up in the playroom. Gia grabbed Bill's huge dick and began giving him head. She looked forward to seeing it at full mast.

Hunter was relieved when Carol took off his cock-ring. She explained to those assembled.

"It wouldn't be fair not to allow Hunter to enjoy his new friend. Young man, you can fuck Ivana and come wherever you chose. Then I will nurse your cock back to life and reinstall the ring. You will then have sex with the rest of the women here without orgasming.

Hunter found the Russian to be a sensuous lover. It was astonishing the positions she was able to achieve. Visually it was very stimulating and he was able to deeply penetrate her. A bonus that he had not considered was her muscle control. That too made for amazing sex.

More lovers followed until the newlyweds had had sex with everyone in attendance.

Unfortunately for Hunter he never got a release except with his first partner. Gia came often. Every man fucked her pussy and then came inside her ass except for her new friend Bill. Gia thought of herself as an "Anal Queen", but even she was afraid to take his monster cock up her poop chute.

After a light meal and a brief rest, Hunter and Gia consummated their marriage surrounded by their friends. Hunter exploded inside her rather quickly. He released a torrent of cum build up over the hours he had spent with the other ladies. Gia didn't climax nor did she complain. She knew she had a lifetime to love and enjoy this man. And honestly, she was exhausted from the many pleasurable orgasms the group had given her that day.

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Stargazer5154Stargazer5154almost 2 years ago

Liked the story, tho Gia is a South Philly girl, why is she hanging out in Kensington? Kensington is Northeast Philly

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
That's a shame

That's a shame. Was wondering if there would be another part. Wanted to see where this was going. More if they ended up as siblings or something else. Was curious.

JJMemaw0623JJMemaw0623almost 7 years ago

Whew!! That was some storyline! I loved it! Please continue writing!

blackknight314blackknight314over 7 years ago
Oh boy...

Wow what a great story. A good back story to introduce the main characters, that are likeable, good looking , and sexy. This has the makings of a great story with a multitude of interesting, sexy... and loving stories.

I am looking forward to reading the following episodes that I am sure that you have planned. Although I have read and enjoyed other stories by this author, this story has caused me to select the story and the author to be part of my favorite collection; a seldom awarded prize from me.

Thanks regularguy 13!

Sucker4BoobiesSucker4Boobiesover 8 years ago
Interesting read

I stumbled onto this story and liked what I read. There were a few errors, noticeably when Ivana became Jackie, but it amused me, nonetheless.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 9 years ago

I am afraid I have to agree with other commentors. This isn't a love story. It isn't an erotic story. Their meeting at the hospital didn't go very well, and on their very first date they declared that they wanted several children but had no concept of fidelity. You know, if she wants children but is unfaithful, how are she (and her husband) going to know that he is the father? Their wedding night is an orgy? He doesn't even get the first fuck with her? When they finally do she is fucked out and doesn't even orgasm?They both want to swing outside the marriage, but live in a town of 1500 people, him be a respected Doctor who grew up there and she be his respected wife and nurse with several children between them that will eventually attend public school there in that small town? This is a total clusterfuck before they even get married. I go to Literotica to be entertained. If the story is based on true life that is fine. But if it is on here it should at least be interesting. And learn about punctuation, please.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 9 years ago
Terrible story

Please don't ever write here again.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 9 years ago
FYI, Punctuating Dialogue

Just as an FYI to help you improve your writing, when one paragraph ends with a quotation mark and the very next one starts with a mark, that indicates the character speaking has changed. If a paragraph doesn’t begin with a quotation mark, that indicates it’s narrative.


When one character is speaking and is not uninterrupted by narrative or another character talking, every paragraph starts with a mark, but only the last one has a closing mark.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 9 years ago

Creative and over-the-top nutty. It would be much better if the characters displayed some real human emotion. Also the whole thing would be better if it included laughs, because the plot is wacko.

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