Dilemmas of Love


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Lydia's mother was markedly different in appearance with respect to her daughter. Whereas her mom was generally light colored, with white skin, sandy blonde hair and blue eyes, Lydia had earth colored skin and raven black hair, both features carbon copied it would seem from her Greek father. But in a rare twist of genetic mixing, she had retained the grey-blue eyes from her American mother.

"Mom? I'm home!"

"Sweetie? Could you bring up two onions from the basement please?"

Lydia skipped down the stairs once more and returned to the kitchen with two onions in hand. Leaning against the door frame she had this huge smile on her face.

"How was your run? And what's with the big smile? Anything I should know?"

"Mom! I made it! I've been accepted by Yale!"

Her mother immediately straightened from the bubbling pot she was preoccupied with and rushed to hug her daughter.

"Oh Lydia! That's wonderful news! When did you learn?"

"Just a few minutes ago. They sent me an e-mail confirming my spot."

"Have you told your father?"

"Yes, over the phone. He mentioned something about going out to celebrate."

Her mom hugged her fiercely once more. Tears of happiness streaked down her cheeks.

"Oh Lydia...we're certainly going to miss you..."

"Mom! I haven't left just yet! It's another three months before September!"

"I know...you're right sweetheart...it's just...this was so good to hear!"

After a good solid hug, her mom relaxed her embrace and took a step back. Her eyes scanned Lydia intently.

"You know, I can't believe how beautiful and grown up you are. I remember as if it was yesterday when they brought this tiny little black-haired screaming bundle and put it on my chest..."

Lydia playfully rolled her eyes. Whenever her mom started out like that it meant that she was getting sentimental. Which probably meant more hugging and more crying.

"Oh, I almost forgot...Remember that student exchange program I had enrolled to?"

"You mean the one through which you went to the states last year, right?"

"Yep. Well, I've just been informed that I've been assigned a student...it's a "she" actually...Do you think we could use the guest room to accommodate her?"

"I'll ask your father but I don't see why not. I mean, it's only fair to do the same after you were hosted in the States last year..."

"Great! I do hope she gets to stay here. It'd be nice to have some company for the summer!"

"Have you made any plans yet?"

"Actually, no...probably some camping trips here and there...we'll see..."

"Have you spoken with the girl coming over? Because she might have volunteer work to do...If she's going to stay with us that would mean that you'll have to stay with her. Your father and I are going over to the States in August as you already know..."

"Oh...when did that happen?"

Lydia's mother smiled warmly and patted her daughter's head.

"Lydie...Lydie...always absentminded, always somewhere else...We've mentioned this trip at least three times before. We'll be leaving on the third of August and returning two weeks later. We'll be visiting my sister in L.A. and well...having a good time with your father..."

Her mother's eye twinkled with mischief as she delivered these last few words. Lydia put her hands up in mock protest. "TMI! TMI! I don't want to know!"

They both broke into hearty laughter. "What, you think the stork brought you over? We're only human you know!"

"Mooooooooom!! Yuck!!"

"Sex is for all ages honey...especially when you're still in love with your partner..."

"Moooooom!! Not the birds and the bees please!"

"All I'm saying sweetheart...I hope you find someone in your life to fill your heart with love just like your father did for me."

God...who wouldn't? Not all of us are us lucky as you are mom...Will I ever find something like that?

Lydia's mother immediately sensed the cloud cast over her daughter as only a parent can tell for her child.

"Lydie? Honey? What's with the long face? It's not Nikki again is it?"

"Mom! No! It's nothing like that! And I've told you a thousand times! I'm through with Nikki...I'm probably just tired from my run that's all..."

"Why don't you go upstairs and have a shower...then perhaps your father will be back and we can all go out and eat."

"Sounds like a plan."

And with that the fleet footed raven made her way to her room. Once there she unceremoniously collapsed on her bed, barely bothering to kick off her running shoes in the process.

What is it with mothers? How come they manage to hit the nail right on the spot every time?

Lydia closed her eyes. That's what she always did when she wanted to think.

You know...Screw Nikki, I'm not even spending a second feeling depressed because of her endless tantrums. I'm not! Summer is here, I've just graduated and a whole new chapter in my life is about to begin. I'm going to start over!

Ever impulsive, the raven haired girl bolted out of her bed like a spring. She closed her bedroom door and fired up her laptop. Opening her e-mail she reread the e-mail from her school's exchange program. From there, she started composing two e-mails. One went to her school informing them that she was accepting her role as Chloe's host. The other went directly to Chloe through the contact details provided.

Dear Chloe,

I'm Lydia and I've accepted being your host during your stay over here. I've already talked about it with my parents and it's quite likely that we shall be able to accommodate you in our house. This way you'll be able to avoid living in a dorm, plus I'm sure it's bound to be good fun too! Looking forward to meeting you!


P.S. I've also attached a photo, plus the link to my Facebook profile. This is my primary e-mail, I check it all the time, if you need anything just ask!

P.S.2 As soon as I have word from my parents I'll let you know ASAP!

Chapter 4 (Chloe)

The French kitchen knife gleamed in the sunbathed kitchen and under Chloe's masterful grasp it made fast work chopping an iceberg lettuce. Stoically awaiting their turn were ruby red cherry tomatoes, as the cheerful brunette hummed to a tune while she worked.

This barbecue was Chloe's first real break from the horrors of the exam period and for the brunette, this meant a giant exhale of relief that it was finally over. Her two lovely housemates had press-ganged her into the kitchen while they were supposedly busy outside grilling the meats.

Just as efficiently, Chloe sliced the tomatoes in half, added them in a wooden mixing bowl and proceeded to add salt to the mix when she frowned.

What did they tell me about the dressing again? Did they want lemon or vinegar to go with it? Aww heck...I'll just go outside and ask.

Right outside the kitchen was a modest staircase after which Chloe would have to navigate past one of the corners of the house to reach the back yard. With a spring in her stride she made short work of the distance, until something made her freeze mid-stride.

"Guys, is it lemon or..."

About forty feet ahead of her she could spot Abigail with her back against a tree holding Emma in her embrace. The redhead's neck was outstretched, resting on the blonde's shoulder as her red mane spilled over into the void. Emma had her eyes closed as Abigail feasted like a vampire on her delicate neck. The blonde's free hand had already made its way south of her lover's waistline. Buttons had been undone, zippers had been lowered and fingers had gone beneath panties.

Under any other circumstance, Chloe would have simply laughed to herself and backtracked. Today however a strange kind of beast had taken hold of her and she was like a deer caught in the headlights. It was quite a strange feeling for the brunette, one which she had never experienced before and it unconsciously made her gulp. Her whole skin broke into goosebumps as an intoxicating mix of shame, terror, adrenaline and arousal took hold of her body.

Meanwhile, the scene in front of her was unfolding fast. Emma had her eyes closed and was breathing heavily, as the blonde's hand expertly moved about down below. Guiltily, Chloe took a step back and hid herself behind the corner of the house. Her eyes were transfixed upon Abigail's swift-moving hand which must have been making short work of the redhead's clit. And in some strange sort of empathy, she could definitely feel the tell-tale signs of her own arousal as her pussy lips begun to press against the fabric of her thong.

Say again Houston? What the fuck am I doing? WHY am I ogling my two best friends?

These rational questions where rhetorical of course and the brunette received her answer when she felt the first signs of lubrication begin to seep on the fabric of her panties. Also, the fact that her heart felt as if it was in her throat did seem to imply that she was incredibly turned on by what she saw. Was it the thrill of her doing something naughty? Or was it that she was actually turned on by what she saw?

What is happening to me? My whole body seems like it's going to combust! Why? Well, never mind why, I sure as hell could use a helping hand, like, right fucking now and...

"See anything you like?"

Chloe felt her heart lose a couple of beats and thankfully had the reflexive instinct to place her hands over her mouth otherwise her yelp would have been heard two blocks away. In her terror, she back-tracked, stumbled and fell on the lawn. As she looked up, she could make out a tall, fully toned, slender girl with shoulder length hair bordering between light brown and sandy blonde. Chloe's eyes further informed her that the towering figure wore Adidas Superstars with black stripes, a figure hugging pair of denim cut-off shorts and a black spaghetti strap top.

...and fantastically shaped and toned legs...oh and apparently a pearly white smile...she's probably trying very hard not to explode into laughter right now!

"I'm so sorry...I really am...I'm just bad...here let me give you a hand."

Chloe stretched out her hand and felt a really strong pull as the visitor effortlessly pulled her to her feet. In the meantime a certain blonde came cautiously towards them followed by a certain redhead who lamely tried to hide behind her. Chloe felt herself blush profusely while the tall visitor could barely conceal her laughter.

"Did...did someone fall...we heard a noise and..."

The sandy blonde visitor's face broke into a wide, amusement filled grin.

"We...umm...we were turning the steaks over and ummm..."

"Oh...okay...riiiiight...Well...those steaks must certainly be a handful...I mean, you look like you've just run a marathon and hmmmm...they certainly are really nasty! Look at what they did to poor Emma's neck over there!"

Emma's face turned redder than her hair and Chloe lowered her head. Until the tall visitor could hold it no longer and burst into laughter. Her jovial attitude was infectious and soon they were all laughing together.

"Oh God...that was a good one. Errmm...I haven't introduced you. Chloe, this is my good friend Sandra...Sandra this is our housemate Chloe."

Sandra offered her hand and the brunette could feel the strength and warmth course through her palm. Lifting her eyes she saw that the blonde girl was staring intently towards her. The handshake lingered for perhaps a couple of seconds longer than what was necessary. What Chloe's eyes didn't catch, absorbed as she was with Sandra were the raised eyebrows shared between Abigail and Emma.

She's really pretty! And...and strong...and her smile is so warm! And Chloe Zimmerman! You've been staring at her like a love-sick child! And your hand is in hers!

Abigail's slight cough, brought everyone back to reality and sent Chloe's eyes to stare the ground.

"Errrr...yes...OH! I almost forgot? Abi? Was it salt or pepper that you wanted in the salad...I mean...lemon or vinegar?"

Another round of laughter followed this time at the brunette's expense.


"I should think that Abi probably meant lemon. Why don't I lend you a hand with the preparations while those two try not to burn everything?"

"Ughh...yeah, yeah, sure! Could use some help, not to mention some company!"

Chloe spun her heels and made her way back to the kitchen with Sandra in tow.

I've made a complete fool of myself! God only knows what she thinks of me! First she caught me ogling my housemates...with drool probably covering my gaping mouth! Then I stared at her like a lost puppy and THEN I mixed up my words! She probably thinks I'm a perverted retard! And in any case, what the fuck is wrong with me today?

"You seem a bit preoccupied? Is there any way I can help?"

"Naahhh! I'm fine...It's just that there are so many things to do and our guests will be arriving so soon and you must think I'm a total klutz!"

Chloe was in disarray, something which tended to happen when things where not going as planned or when she was nervous and right now both boxes were being ticked. This only lasted until Sandra placed her hands on her shoulders.

"Chloe...just calm down...calm down...I don't think you're a klutz, we've only just met. In fact, I must apologize: it was rude of me to drop in like that. I probably scared the bejesus out of you...and don't feel embarrassed about staring at those two. A) they do this all the time and B) I'd stare at them myself! So don't worry, I won't judge you...hell, I'd be the last person on earth to call judgment on you for something like that! Now...just tell me what it is that you need help with and we'll be done in no time!"

Sandra's gentle manner, the warmth of her hands on her shoulders and her caring, sweet smile immediately put Chloe at ease. And when the brunette was at ease she sometimes tended to fire her mouth incessantly.

"Thanks...you're right about those two...Not that I do that...I mean...I don't go about perving on people...I mean they're hotter than lava and Emma...well she's my friend and ex-roomie and..."

"Chloe?" said Sandra, using a soft, yet firm tone of voice.


"The salad dear. You also did mention something about other stuff needing to be done. Let's get these things out of the way and then I promise you I'll be all yours for the rest of the evening."

The brunette smiled widely at that. "Okay...we can do that!"

Why am I behaving like a sixth grader on a school crush? It's probably the lack of sex...or the lack of quality sex...or the fact that I find her hot! Am I a lesbian? Maybe all this damned exam anxiety has screwed with my mind...Christ...what am I talking about? I think I need a private chat with Emma, some advice would surely be nice here.

Chapter 5 (Sandra)

With Sandra's energetic help, the barbecue's preparations where once more on the right track. Salads were made, side dishes where placed in platters and beer and beverages where placed in a large plastic ice-tub to chill. Sandra was just about ready to wipe her hands on a kitchen towel when Abigail came rushing inside with a suspicious looking bottle in her hands.

Oh-oh! Is that what I think it is?

"You're not going to serve that with these juniors are you?"

"Shut up Sandra! You make it sound like we're fucking ancient! Where's your sense of adventure?"

"My sense of adventure is just fine thank you! But a friggin' half gallon of silver? Are you out of your mind?"

"And that's just the silver! Relax Sandra! Nobody's driving anyway...we haven't let our hair down for quite sοme time now. Having a shot of tequila once in a while isn't going to hurt anyone, is it? Now, hush and help me put those shot glasses in the freezer will you?"

"Aye, aye cap'n!"

"Oh and before I forget...what's your read on our young housemate?"

Aha! As if this was just to prepare the tequila!

"She's fine, actually. A bit confused...I caught the poor thing staring at you two as you were shamelessly savaging your girlfriend back there. Probably scared her shitless...She's a chatterbox, this one! Caught her giving me the once over a couple of times...she's cute, I'll grant you that...there's something there but she doesn't know what it is or how to express it...kitty will probably need some coaching to budge..."

"So you need that many words to tell me that you like her..."

"I'm using that many words to tell you that we shall see...like you said, there's no harm in having a chat, is there?"

At that point Emma's voice could be heard from the backyard.

"Well...that's my cue...I'm outta here! Oh and Sandra? I know perfectly well that she's in good hands, but please be gentle? She's had a bit of a rough ride the past month..."

"I hear you, don't you worry. Kiddy gloves are on!"

I hear you indeed...the question is, will anyone ever be gentle with me?

Dark and painful memories resurfaced from the recesses of her brain.

Nope...I'm not going there...NOT GOING THERE TODAY!!

Sandra neatly stacked the shot glasses in freezer while ostensibly keeping one aside. Unscrewing the tequila, she poured herself a shot.

Time to put our game mask on...

The sandy blonde downed the contents in one gulp. The cool liquid soon turned into fire as it coursed through her.

Haaagghh! This tastes like friggin' chlorine mixed with kerosene! It's just as vile as I remember it! Why-oh-why does this have to be included in every goddamned-feel-good party on this planet is beyond me! But...better this than being totally sober I guess...

Sandra quickly downed a second shot and almost choked.

"Are you alright?"

She quickly spun around in time to see a concerned Chloe looking towards her from the kitchen door.

"I'm fine...I...ummm..."

"You look a bit pale? Can I get you something? Some water? Do you want to sit down?"

"I'm fine Chloe...I was just sampling the tequila...probably not a good idea on an empty stomach. I'll be fine, really..."

"Tequila? Emma didn't mention anything about that..."

"Shit! Shouldn't have said that! Abigail probably kept it as a surprise for you guys. You know...graduation party and all..."

"Oh? A tequila party?"

"But you have to promise me to keep it a secret. At least that's the way Abigail would want it...I think..."

"Oh...okay! Well unlike yours, my lips are sealed!"

Chloe pulled an imaginary zipper over her mouth and pressed her lips tightly together. Sandra's eyes locked on the brunette with mischief.

"Sealed you said, huh? Well...there are lots of ways to make lips open up...like the petals of a rose..."

Careful there...not too aggressive...

"Such as?" The brunette gave Sandra a coy look.

Be it the tequila on an empty stomach or Chloe's playful innuendo, Sandra's pupils narrowed in on the brunette.

Ooohhh...you're asking for it now sweetie!

The blonde tentatively moved forward, testing the waters as she went, until they were but a breath away from each other. The brunette had visibly gulped once, but had not averted her eyes from the taller girl.

Here goes nothing...

Sandra lowered her neck, ever so slowly closing the gap between them. Chloe closed her eyes, lips slightly parted with her breathing having picked up a notch.


The brunette literally leaped off her feet, stumbled backwards and fell on the kitchen floor tiles at the sound of her name. Standing by the door frame was none other than Emma, apron tied around her waist and fireproof mittens in hand.

"Ooowwwieeee...ouch...Jesus Christ Em!! That makes it two for today!! You scared the living daylight out of me" said a whining Chloe, rubbing her backside.