Dirty Old Man


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"Oh my, it saddens me to hear such a sexy lady talk about herself that way. I am very angry with John for the way he has neglected you. I always thought a great deal of John, but his behavior of late has given me pause."

Helen turned to search James's face, "James, something has happened in the last month or so. John has changed, he just seems to be distracted all the time. I've tried to interest him in ... you know, but he barely responds. It is very frustrating."

James looked at his friend. He could see a few tears on her cheeks. He knew she was suffering and he knew why John was ignoring her. He wanted to be loyal to his friend, but cheaters don't deserve loyalty!

"Helen, the other day you said you had planned to put on a show for me, but why me? I mean, I'm almost old enough to be your father and I've been with Anna, so ..."

Helen giggled a bit, "Please don't be mad, but it's because of what my mother said about you, and what I saw the two of you doing on this very lounge chair. I have been so lonely, and so frustrated, I began to fantasize about being with you. You are still a trim, handsome man and I find you extremely attractive."

"Helen, I think I know the reason John has been so distracted. I accidentally overheard something the other day which leads me to believe John may have focused his attentions elsewhere."

"Elsewhere? You mean another woman?"

"I'm sorry Helen, you deserve better."

"That bastard! All this time I thought it was me! I thought I had lost all my sex appeal and that's why he'd grown bored with me."

"I know you're angry with him and you should be, but you've been together for a long time. Do you think you can live with what he's done? Statistically, those things don't last long, do you think you can just wait it out?"

Helen sighed, "Of course I still love him, but it's just so unfair what he's done to me. Hell, he is no better than my father! I can't believe he's cheating on me!"

"I know how you're feeling. My Ex cheated on me and nearly destroyed me. I hate cheaters! I really loved my Ex with all my heart, but I just couldn't get past what she'd done. I'm sorry to say this, but John and I are done as friends. If you two stay together, I will always be polite, but my friendship with him is over."

"I understand, It is too soon for me to say what I will do. Thank you for letting me know what he has been up to. My life is a complete mess now."

"Anna explained her situation to me before we got involved. She is a lovely lady and I think she enjoys her life with Charles, even with his proclivities. She has come up with a way to stay married and still take care of her own needs. Maybe you could do that."

Helen sat back in her chair. She seemed a bit shocked by James's suggestion. She thought about what her mother had told her and had to admit she was intrigued by her lifestyle. Anna was still married to Charles. They seemed to get along well at all of the family and social events. Most folks had no idea they had an open marriage. Could she be happy living that way with John? Maybe, If James was correct, it might just be a temporary arrangement and once the affair was over, John would revert to his old self.

NO! God damn it! She had begged him to tell her what was going on between them and he lied to her. His refusal to talk to her, to put any effort into fixing their problems, had led her to believe SHE was the problem. That selfish bastard was out having fun and just left her to twist in the wind! She needed to make him pay for his selfishness.

James watched Helen as she worked things out in her head. He was conflicted. He wanted to help Helen save her marriage, but the idea of having Helen in his bed made his dick start to rise. He forced himself to think of her welfare and made a suggestion.

"Helen, perhaps you should have a frank discussion with John and share all your feelings with him. Maybe the two of you can come up with an agreement that will preserve your marriage."

"That's exactly what I was thinking. I will make him a nice supper and then we can sort out our lives, like mature adults. I won't allow him to continue to ignore me. He will come to his senses and dump the bitch, or I will kick him out. I'm tired of him taking advantage of me."

James smiled at her, "I think that is a very reasonable approach. I just want you to be happy, you deserve to be happy."

Helen seemed more settled now that she had a plan. "James, you are a good friend. Once this is sorted, I will have to think of a way to repay you for your kindness."

James wiggled his eyebrows at her, "I can think of a way!"

Helen burst out laughing, "You really are a dirty old man, aren't you!"

That evening Helen had John join her on the couch. She reached over and grasped his hand. "John, are you happy in our marriage? Are you happy with me?"

John sputtered, "What, er, why would you ask me that?"

"John, relax. I don't want to fight with you, I just want to know where we are, as a couple. I think you got bored with our sex life and found a way to add some excitement to your life, am I wrong?"

John's first reaction was to lie and deny everything, but then he saw the calm concern on his wife's face. "Helen, I love you and want to spend the rest of my life with you. We've done well together, making a home, raising two fine daughters, it's been everything I had dreamed of."

"But..." Helen responded and motioned for him to go on.

"But, yes I have found someone who adds a little more excitement to my life. I'm sorry, I hoped you'd never find out. I have been selfish, I didn't want to hurt you."

"You're right, you have been selfish. While you were finding some new excitement, you ignored my needs and left me wondering if there was something wrong with me. Why didn't you come to me and tell me how you felt? Did it ever occur to you that I might feel the same way?"

John's mouth hung open, "Really? I, I, I guess I just assumed you'd divorce me if I said I was bored and wanted to stray. I never dreamed you might be feeling the same way!"

"That was selfish, John, and I'm very angry with you for treating me that way. I deserve better, I have been a good wife to you."

John hung his head, "You're right, I've been an ass. You have been a great wife and I don't want to lose you." John slumped, "I will break things off with her and never see her again. I'll do whatever you ask to try to make it up to you. It will be just like it was before."


John gaped at his wife, "No? But don't you want to fix this, go back to how it was?"

"Eventually I may want to do that, but right now I need a little payback. You had your fun while I suffered. You were fucking some bitch and ignoring me while I was going nuts trying to resurrect our sex life! Now it's my turn to have some fun."

"WHAT? Are you saying you want to fuck other men? You can't be serious! That's not you, why would you want that? Is this just to punish me?"

Helen shook her head. She gave her husband a disappointed look. "John, you stepped away from our marriage, found a plaything, and ignored me. You left me frustrated and unfulfilled, blaming myself for the decline in our love life. Well, now you get to suffer while I try to find a little excitement of my own."

John is not a stupid man, he knew Helen was not demanding anything he had not already taken for himself. He knew the definition of hypocrite and saw his face plastered with that word.

"So this is it, from now on you want an open marriage? It will never be as it was. I have destroyed us forever?"

She shook her head and gave him an evil smile. "You don't get it. There will be no "open marriage" for you! You will call that bitch and tell her it's over. You will never see her, or any other bimbo, ever again. You will be completely faithful to me, or I will destroy you and your whore!"

"But, you don't need to go elsewhere. I'll do everything you've asked. I'll make it up to you and we can just go on with our lives and grow old together."

"That's good, you stick with that plan and we may have a chance, but for the next few months, I will be exploring other options. When I think we are even, I'll stop and recommit myself to you. However, if you so much as wink at another woman, it's over!"

John obviously didn't like this plan. He absolutely did not want to allow Helen to be out looking for adventure. She is a very attractive woman and finding a guy to fool around with would take her about 10 seconds! No, this is definitely NOT what he wanted, but he knew it was in an indefensible position.

John also knew, if he wanted to stay married to Helen, this was the best he could hope for. "Okay, I agree, but I won't be able to stand this very long. You get your revenge, but do it quickly and then we need to work together to rebuild our marriage"

Helen leaned in and kissed him. She still loved the selfish bastard, but he had to learn his lesson. She stood and took his hand and led him toward their bedroom. She put everything she had into giving him the fuck of his life and, for a change, he did too.

Afterward, John lay panting for breath. "Wow, that was spectacular! I was a fool to ever look elsewhere for excitement."

Helen patted his cheek. "I just wanted you to know what others will be enjoying while you're sitting home alone over the next few months. Just remember, that is what you have to look forward to if you can keep your word."

She knew her words would hurt him, but she was still angry.

The next day, James was all smiles when she strutted into his backyard. "My god, I had forgotten just how tiny that thing is!" He exclaimed when she dropped her cover-up in front of him.

History repeated itself as James massaged her firm butt cheeks with lotion. Helen moaned and squirmed a bit as James worked. When she reached back and pulled her tie, James knew what was coming when she flipped over. He eagerly rubbed the lotion across her boobs and tweaked her nipples, eliciting louder moans from Helen.

Helen"s hand had drifted to his leg and she worked it up his thigh. She slid her hand into his trunks and grasped his now hard cock. "Oh my, I think you really do like my naughty suit."

"Why don't we go inside and get you out of this naughty suit and let me show you why everyone calls me a Dirty Old Man."

"Ooh, I think that's a fine idea. I've been looking forward to seeing a lot more of My Dirty Old Man.

Helen visited James about three times a week for nearly two months. James was a practiced lover and always made sure Helen was satisfied. Near the end of the two months, Helen knew she would soon need to make a decision about John. While she enjoyed her time with James, she missed her husband. John had been true to his word, but she knew she had pushed him to his limit.

Helen had not ignored John the way he had her. They still slept in the same bed and had sex at least once a week. Helen didn't hold back, she was passionate with her husband, wanting him to know she still loved him.

For his part, John was suffering. Helen had not tried to hide her activities. John knew she was getting laid elsewhere, (he'd seen the evidence in her panties in their hamper) but never complained to her. She didn't rub it in his face, and at first, it pleased her to see his pain, but lately, she had begun to feel bad about what she was doing.

"James, my mother called, she is coming to visit next week and plans to stay a couple of weeks," Helen said this as she rested her head on his heaving chest. "I think this should be our last time together, I'm going to forgive John and recommit to my marriage."

James sighed, "Well, I can't say I'm happy about that, but I knew this couldn't last forever. Helen, you are a spectacular lover, I will miss having you in my bed."

Helen smiled, "Thank you, James, but I'm sure my mother will make sure you don't suffer too much," she said with a chuckle. She kissed him again and held him close and then he surprised her by giving her one last farewell fuck.

That evening, John sat her down on the couch. "Helen, I love you, but I just can't do this. The pain of knowing you're with someone else has just become too much for me. After having to live with this pain, I can't tell you how sorry I am to have inflicted that kind of hurt on you. I know I brought this all on to myself, but if you can't forgive me, I don't think we should continue being married."

"I have forgiven you, John. I want us to be together, exclusively, and work to restore our marriage. I'm sorry for the pain I've caused you, but now we both know how hurtful cheating is and will never want to feel that pain again. So, is it too late, or can you forgive me and join me in putting our marriage back together?"

"Oh my god, YES! A thousand times yes! I love you Helen and I want you back.


Two weeks later Anna came for her visit. Helen and John had been fucking like rabbits and rekindling their love lives. Having Anna in the house slowed them a bit, but she was soon staying overnight with James more often than not. One evening the two couples had been swimming when Anna climbed out of the pool and plopped herself down on James's lap.

"After that swim, I can barely catch my breath," Anna said, huffing and puffing.

"No worries, my love. Take your time. Just squirm about a bit and then we'll talk about the first thing that pops up," James said and wiggled his eyebrows.

Everyone laughed and John leaned into Helen's ear, "You were right, he really is a Dirty Old Man!"

Helen smiled and half-whispered to herself, "You have no idea." Then more loudly, "Yes he is a Dirty Old Man and I'm sure my mother is damn glad he is!"

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AnonymousAnonymous2 months ago

I guess I’m a hypocrite. I can see me cheating (never have) but would be devastated if she did. Divorce guaranteed, Glad I’ve stayed faithful. 5 stars ⭐️ Well done.

Bill S.

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

Inconsistent, dirty old man hates a cheater, then helps a young wife to do exactly that, it might be revenge sex but it's still cheating.

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

Probably your worst story. You attempted to portray them as sympathetic people, but all they are is selfish cheating narcissists.

TonyspencerTonyspencer5 months ago

That was interesting. John can have no complaints, he caused his problem with Helen and she has found a way to punish him fairly and relatively conveniently. James said he was cheated on in the past and therefore is more than happy to redress that imbalance and reap the benefits of two still-loving wives who have been cheated on and need to restore their own checks and balances through the benefit of a dirty old catalyst that helps facilitate those rebalances. Win-win all round and 5* for me. As for Anna and James, well we all know regular mother-daughter visits are good for the heart and, if it is good for the "dirty old pussy" as well as the dirty old man, well, so be it, rock on grandpa!

AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

That cunt is a hypocrite. Old man sits on his high horse but fucks anything in a skirt at any opportunity. John cheated but so did Helen, men and women cheating is not the same with a woman cheating its far worse. Men can sleep with someone else and feel nothing, women cant they have replaced parts about their feelings of their husband onto their lover, studies have shown this time and time again. John needs to divorce the cunt and beat the shit of old man handsy.

AllNigherAllNigher10 months ago

Why would she want him back. And vise versa. I guess they deserve each other. And the neighbor was so hurt his wife cheated but happy to help his neighbor do the same. Won't be friends with the guy anymore but ok with both women doing it.

Not a fan of anyone in this story.... we'll written though, just didn't like the story itself.

AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

Well done older man, however can't help thinking that this collection of cheats deserve each other.

AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

Good story, older men know the word, communication, younger men clearly don't, older men get the girl, younger men get the bill, such is life.

AnonymousAnonymous12 months ago

Well that just sucked. Her cheating on him for 3 times a week for two months while payback, doesn't fix anything. They should both just get a divorce. And shame on James just screwing everybody.

oldtwitoldtwitabout 1 year ago

A nice story, little bit different than most, I liked that you made everyone feel real, the only thing I have trouble with is that you keep putting an Epilogue to your story’s.

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