Discovering Daddy Ch. 03


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I felt myself blush.

Caroline dragged herself back to the present. "Here baby," she whispered, reaching down between her legs. "You should have some." She slipped her fingers inside herself, gathering juices to feed me just like she had that first day. Only this time it was all different. This time Dad's sperm was all mixed in with her cum.

Her fingers made slurpy sounds in her wet pussy, and I could tell she was indulging in a little post-coital exploring. But I didn't mind, and I waited patiently. In fact I was jealous – her delicate fingers were getting to play with her dripping shaved pussy, and I wished that it was my mouth between her legs. I settled for stealing a handful of little bunny kisses from her lips. Finally she brought her fingers up to my mouth and I opened it, eager to taste. When she slid them into me I practically fainted. I couldn't believe how yummy it was – a delicacy for my soul; something that I had always wanted without even knowing it. I licked her fingers clean, savoring each gooey drop. Daddy's seeds were the perfect ingredient to add to Caroline's sweet juices – an exotic recipe born of incest and flavored with forbidden love.

Eyes closed in mute pleasure, I swallowed the warm goo.

"Is it good?" she whispered, her head back on my shoulder and her sticky hand massaging my tit. "Next time, we'll have to trade."


"Yeah. I shouldn't get to have all the fun. Next time I'll let him cum in my mouth, and you can get fucked. I swear, Katie, it's the most awesome feeling in the whole world."

I smiled. I hadn't exactly gotten around to thinking of next time just yet. Me? Fucked by Dad? For real? The thought of having that huge thing inside me was daunting. And something I wanted very much. Oh, God.

"I don't know…" I said.

"Oh definitely," Callie whispered, her breath warm on my lips. "Next time it's your turn."

"My turn?" I said.

"Yep. Your turn." Dad's deep voice startled both of us. His tone sounded both pleased and uncompromising, saying in no uncertain tones that my turn had indeed arrived and that the thought excited him too. Caroline and I both looked down past our feet to see him leaning in the open bathroom door. I don't know how long he had been watching – maybe he had seen Callie playing between her legs and feeding me incest juice. He was naked and masculine, the muscles in his stomach begging for a caress and his skin covered in a thin sheen of sweat that glistened in the morning light. His cock was once again at full attention, throbbing an angry pink and radiating angry need, and I'd never wanted anything so much in my whole life. I trembled a little bit in Caroline's arms.

I wasn't given an opportunity to say anything, not that I even know what I would have said. Before I could speak Daddy walked over, grabbed my ankles and pulled me out of Callie's arms and down towards the foot of the bed, which caused my new skirt to ride up my hips and expose my naked crotch and shaved slit. I wished I hadn't kicked off my panties in the hallway; now my own father could see how wicked and dirty I really was. I felt ashamed and scared and needy, all at the same time.

Dad noticed the play of emotions on my face. He said, "You don't think after you came in here all dressed up like that, kissing your sister and licking her and blowing your father that you weren't going to get laid too, did you?"

I covered my eyes with my hands. Oh, God. What was this going to feel like?

Dad chuckled to himself.

"Well, you get what you ask for, Katie," he said.

He took my foot in his hand and slipped off my new shoe, throwing it on the floor and quickly following it with the other one. Then, once again showing that effortless ease born of experience, he put his hands behind my nylon covered knees and pushed them hard towards me, spreading my legs wide and lifting my ass from the bed. My nylon covered feet rested on his muscular arms. I still had on all my clothes, except for my panties, but I'd never felt so naked, or so alive. I was exposed and positioned for fucking quicker than I would have thought possible. I looked between my legs and only inches away from my pussy was Daddy's erect cock, the hot blood in his veins causing it to pulse rhythmically.

Somehow it had seemed so much smaller when I was holding it in my hand, when it was inside Callie, when it was shooting blobs of sperm all over my lips. Now that I saw it next to my pussy, I just knew there was no way it was going to fit inside me. I wanted to say 'Wait!', to tell him to stop. I'd be split apart if he put that thing in me. How had Caroline managed? I wiggled, trying to put my feet on his chest so I could push him back, but Daddy had me pinned like a butterfly on balsa and I couldn't stop him.

He bent his hips back, lining the business end of that huge thing up on my tiny slit, and before I could gather my breath to object he shoved himself in.

I squealed like a girl.

It hurt like hell and it felt amazingly right, as if my whole life had been a prelude to having a cock in me. Daddy started to pull it back out, and for a fleeting moment I thought my squeal had convinced him to stop, to take away the pain, and I was grateful. I also felt unbearably sad, as if I had done something wrong and displeased my daddy. But he was only pulling it out so that he could push it back in. Harder. Deeper.

When it slid into me again my tummy fluttered, the muscles contracting in waves as my body tried to push the intruder back out and paradoxically tried to draw it further in at the same time. Dad began to thrust himself in and out of me relentlessly, heedless of the ambivalence of my body, fucking his little girl and turning her into his lover forever. It hurt, it felt wonderful. I felt as if I'd lost track of reality and I mewled mindlessly.

When Daddy had cum in my mouth, we'd hardly even touched him. His long time without sex with a girl had left him urgent and rudderless. But he was totally in control when he'd fucked Caroline. That time he'd had more restraint, making her cum in his mouth first and then fucking her deliberately from behind until he filled her with sperm.

This was all different.

This time he'd already cum twice, and he wasn't driven by the need to release pent-up hunger or to demonstrate his mastery of love-making. This time he was a freight train, pounding, determined to reach his destination; to spill the last of his sperm into his daughter as hard and fast as it could possibly be done.

I was so amazed. It was everything I'd dreamed getting fucked would be, and nothing like it at all.

I'd never imagined how noisy it would be - Daddy's cock making wet squishy sounds as he feverishly humped me. And in all the times I'd laid on my back with Mr. Paddington between my legs I'd never even thought to imagine the sexy feeling of having a pair of balls smacking my bare ass over and over.

It felt so good.

My breath turned ragged; little puffy breaths that were never deep enough to satisfy my need for air. It was all I could do to remember to breathe, my mind was so lost in the sensation between my legs. I squirmed under Daddy, trying in some way to do the impossible – draw him faster and deeper in to me.

The tiny part of my mind that wasn't lost between my legs saw Caroline straddle my face, facing Dad. She spread her thighs and lowered her cute little pussy towards my mouth, her bare inner lips pink and turgid and still oozing droplets of Daddy's sperm. I wrapped my arms around her, my hands grabbing her tiny ass like it was a lifeline. I hungrily buried my mouth between her legs, frantically lapping the heady droplets like a starving kitten trying to save itself from drowning in cream.

As my tongue slipped into her I heard Caroline moan, the sound muffled by her tanned legs around my ears and by Daddy's lips closing over hers. The sound of their kisses mixed in with the wet sounds of fucking and the blood rushing through my veins.

I started to cum.

I started gasping so hard I had to stop licking Caroline and drop my head onto the pillow – I had no mind left to continue. I bucked hard against Daddy's cock, my body mindlessly straining to make it touch every part of the inside of my pussy. As the frenzied waves of my cum rippled through my body I squealed, which emptied my lungs of air; air which I had no ability to replace while the orgasm raged between my legs.

I guess my cumming pushed Daddy over the edge, because he groaned loudly, a gruff animal moan of release as he arched his back so far it seemed he might break in two. This shoved his cock so far into me that it could go no further. He stayed buried in me, bucking us together, his face in a mixture of pleasure and pain as he splurted wave after wave of hot baby seed into me.

Finally the most intense part of the orgasm was over, and Daddy slid himself inside me a few more times as if he couldn't bear to actually stop. Slowly he settled down, random after-cums and the desire for more of me keeping him from pulling all the way out. My pussy was sore from the unused-to intrusion, my lips were wet with Caroline's cum and my whole body felt pale and weak like an old abused rag doll. It was amazing. Caroline settled her ass back down on the bed, her bent legs straddling my face. She leaned forward so she could caress and plant little bunny kisses on Dad's chest.

Finally, still panting, he pulled himself slowly from inside me. I watched between my legs as inch after inch of his cock reappeared from inside my pussy. How had that huge thing fit in there anyway? I didn't want it to leave more than anything, and at the same time it felt good for it to go. When it finally was all the way out, Dad flopped on the bed next to me and I gratefully put my legs back together. His efforts had exhausted him so thoroughly that his breathing turned from a pant to a yawn between one breath and the next.

After a few minutes of being part of an untidy heap, Caroline got up from the bed and took off her shoes and stockings, refastening her anklet above her bare foot. God, she was cute. Blonde and lithe, her innate class belied by her raw sexuality. Her body covered in a light sheen of sweat that added to her allure, her hair disheveled from Daddy's fingers and her time between my legs. Very lovingly, she bent over the bed and finished undressing me, taking off my nylons and helping me sit up so that she could peel me out of my vest, blouse and bra. She kissed me gently and laid me back down to snuggle against Daddy's side. Then she crawled into bed with us, tucking her feet up under the covers and pulled them up, cuddling against Dad's other side. She and I twined our fingers together on his chest, my charm bracelet twinkling in the morning light.

"Happy Valentine's Day, Daddy," I said.

"Yep," whispered Callie, a sleepy giggle in her voice as she echoed Mom's long-ago card word-for-word. "It'll always be easy for us to remember the anniversary of our first time - a girl couldn't have a better Valentine's Day!"

Dad hugged us tight. Just before I drifted off, the three of us all naked under the warm blanket, Daddy's voice rumbled from his chest, his voice faint with oncoming sleep.

"We're really going to have to talk about this."

* * *

And that's the story of how my sister and I gave our cherries to our own Daddy, both at the same time on Valentine's Day, the anniversary of the date that he and mom first slept together.

After a long wonderful nap we finally did give Dad his present. He scattered the black foil paper with red hearts all over the bed, and he thought his pipe was the neatest. But somehow I'd never pictured the scene like it happened – with Caroline and me parading around naked except for a couple of pieces of new jewelry so Daddy could drool over us. He said his new pipe made him feel all masculine and sexy and when he put it in his mouth to model it for us we had to agree. He never would tell us whether he liked the Rum and Honey or the Black Cherry tobacco better, but pretty soon he was keeping his pipe in his mouth even when he wasn't smoking.

Callie regretted having to go back to school the next day and leaving me with the bulk of the work in keeping Dad satisfied. She was quite jealous, but I didn't mind – not one bit. I spent almost every night in Daddy's bed, loving him and learning to be the perfect lover. The perfect secret lover, of course.

And after that first time Caroline started finding lots more reasons to visit home, coming down every time she had a hole in her schedule. Sometimes we'd all fool around together, sometimes Caroline would spend the night alone with Dad and sometimes with me.

It turned out that sleeping with Daddy was good for all three of us. Caroline got her urges out of her system, I learned all about sex and Dad relaxed his hold on us, encouraging us to find boys to date. "I can't keep up with you two, and you obviously don't need any protection from me. Just be careful." He's so sweet.

He also stopped obsessing about Mom so much, and I don't think he ever looked at the girls on his computer any more. He even went on a few dates. And a few months after we first started sleeping with him Dad hired a new secretary. Madelyn is very smart and really cute. It wasn't long before we realized that Dad had a crush, big time. Of course we had to kid him about it.

"You can't go out with her!" Caroline joked.

"Yep," I agreed. "She's just not right for you."

"Why not?" The surprised look on his face was priceless. Caroline and I looked at each other, drawing out the tease before we told him.

"She's not blonde!" we said together.

Anyway, Dad just fell head over heels for her and she returned the favor. We kidded him that it was just because she liked how he looked with his pipe in his mouth, and that we should get full credit for her falling for him. He finally asked Madelyn to marry him. She's really cool (even though she isn't blonde), and they're thinking of a June wedding.

I got accepted to Caroline's school, and we both decided to attend the summer session. Dad's time is increasingly spent on Madelyn, and Callie says there are lots of boys up there ripe for the taking. She even slept with one of them, and he has a brother. I can't wait.

Tomorrow is the first day of the term, and tonight is our first ever annual back-to-school tryst. I have to get upstairs to get my share – Caroline isn't at all ashamed to swallow a load of Daddy's sperm without me. And we all know there won't be as much to go around once Dad and Madelyn are married.

And Mr. Paddington? Of course I didn't forget him – he's like, my best friend in the whole world. But once I started spending so much time in Daddy's and Caroline's beds, he confessed that he missed the nights I used to wrap my bare legs around him and masturbate until I moaned in his ear and came. I explained to him that I still loved him but he didn't have a dick like Daddy or a warm wet pussy like Caroline, and he seemed to understand.

But it bothered me that he felt alone, so I borrowed Daddy's charge card and Mr. Paddington and I went shopping online. We found the perfect companion for him on Ebay – a big white girl bear with a soft fuzzy nose, a pink bow on the top of her head and the cutest little pads on the end of her paws. When she arrived Mr. Paddington told me that her name was Chloe. I've never seen him happier and I put them together on top of my bed, snuggled up like two bugs in a rug. They're so cute together! He whispered confidentially to me that he loved her as if she was his own daughter, and that he was going to fuck her silly.

I'm sure he will.


Thank you for reading – I hope you enjoyed it. Please do take a moment to vote and write a comment or feedback – that's the stuff we writers live for. If you liked this tale you might also like 'How My Daddy Made Me a Cumslut,' 'My Daughter's Garter Belt' or 'Daddy's Good Little Bad Girl,' which are similar stories. Treat yourself with a look, and let me know what you think.

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AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

The ending ruined the entire series. Don't speak of love, always, forever, unless you mean it.

Soshameless11Soshameless11almost 4 years ago

Never thought you could top "My Daughter's Garter Belt" but I think this tale is even better!

squareybobsquareybobalmost 5 years ago
Inner Thoughts

Incredible three-part story, with much more exciting buildup than i’d anticipated.

Best aspects are Katie’s inner musings, fantasies, and reflections. Realistic, sexy details. And what a Valentines Day present for them all.

Destined to be a classic. Great story, great writer!

DaddysgirlflDaddysgirlflabout 5 years ago

This was panties wet hot

JLCCJLCCover 8 years ago
I am only half way through this chapter

But I have to bow to your mastery. This is fucking awesome.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago

This story was great and I must admit will become a guilty pleasure of mine. greqt writing style i felt like I was there a fly on the wall.well done

AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago

Loved it! Just a great story with a light-hearted ending. Loved, for a change, that dad didn't turn into some whiny assed pussy when his daughters threw down the gauntlet like most dads do in these stories before they cave. This felt much more real and importantly, enjoyable! Three cheers!!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 10 years ago

I could rave like the others about how hot and naughty the series is but oddly what I liked best was the "after action" report. It didn't stop immediately when a lesser writer might ended the story. It's that attention to "story" that puts this series a cut above almost every other posting (and believe me I've read plenty of them!). Thank you!

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
A Beautiful Tale.......

The story is so well written, which is not really surprising.. A 'well written' story was in the making after the first few paragraphs...eventhough the results were obvious. That's the challenge. itself.

It is emotionally moving and touching, and the interplay between the sisters --while quite plausible and amusing. Typical big-sister/little sister comradery. This the kind of story that is hard to 'put down'. Interest is maintained throughout. Did I mention the word "SEXY'? Plenty of it ...throughout. An easy read, well worth your time.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 11 years ago

Great story, you did a great job

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 11 years ago

I just came 4 times.. Amazing! Beautifully written! Please write more!!

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago
Fuck lesbo

I skipped all the sister incest scene, this is called discovering daddy, not my bisexual urges, fuck you and fuck your sister/daughter too if you ever have one

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago

my god! i read the entire series and i don't think i've ever cum so hard or so much. i came 5 or 6 times.

Hot_SisterHot_Sisteralmost 12 years ago

Nice to see a professional piece of writing on Lit - there are so few of us who take the time and trouble to get the spelling, grammar, story and syntax right. A great piece of work, rockandroller. Ten out of ten, my friend.

fmhpfmhpover 12 years ago

I think it was all well written, but taking into account the series name, there isn't much about daddy !

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